MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3828 Vena Picture

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, Update the Eternal God Emperor as soon as possible! "boom!"

Divine strength is suffocating, and the force is like a broken bamboo, like Fatian being shot to pieces.

The strange thing is that after his fleshly body shattered, it turned into a blood-red mud block, and a black strange gas escaped, which was extremely corrosive.

Zhang Ruochen cultivated the inextinguishable Dharma body, and his body was full of radiance, blocking the erosion of black gas.


He easily penetrated the Dao Fa of Xiangfatian, reached into the black mist, and grabbed his Divine Sea and Divine Source.

After completing this step, Zhang Ruochen did not collect the shattered blood-mud body and Asura's soul of Xiang Fatian, and left immediately.

After all, this is the Asura Battle Soul Sea!

Luo Xunluo was obviously angry when someone broke into the Asura Battle Soul Sea and severely injured his generals. The sharp long whistling turned into a circle of sound waves, attacking Zhang Ruochen from all directions.

In the violent thunder and lightning, Luo Xunluo's water and gas dharma reappeared again, and he hit Zhang Ruochen with one finger.

"Asura's Soul Relief!"

Zhang Ruochen felt the infinite meaning of the Asura Heavenly Dao contained in this finger.

Obviously, Luo Qiluo had already captured the profound meaning of the Shura Temple, and he did not know how many of them, perhaps more than 50%.

Zhang Ruochen wanted to repeat his old tricks, so he broke through the air and moved away, but the space around him was as solid as a cage and could not be broken open.

It's too late to use Yuding to break the sky.

Zhang Ruochen looked at the finger that fell from the sky, the blood in the body was running wildly, pinching the sword fingers with both hands, one finger to the sky, one finger to the ground, the surging ancestor rules and ancestor spirit gushed out from the Xuan Fei, rushed to the arms, gushing out the fingers tip.


Nine-colored sword energy pierced through the Asura Battle Soul Sea and rushed into the universe for hundreds of millions of miles in both directions.

Zhang Ruochen escaped from the sea of ​​souls of Shura before Luo Luo's soul-suppressing finger fell.

Luo Qiluo's Dharma image, hit the second blow.

In the universe, forty-five stars appeared out of thin air, exactly the same as the arrangement of the nine palaces in the "Luo Shu".

These forty-five stars have a very mysterious connection with each other, superimposed on each other, and their power is infinite, which will trap Zhang Ruochen to death.

Zhang Ruochen felt strange in his heart, looked back and saw that the five stars in the palace in "Luo Shu" were actually located in the body of Luo Qiluo's water qi law, with raised eyes, hands, and feet between the eyebrows.

He couldn't bear to think too much, the voices of Afuya and the Ice Emperor resounded in the void.

"Northern Kun!"

Zhang Ruochen understood, and immediately called out Yu Ding, arousing the power of space, and countless spatial veins appeared with Yu Ding as the center, hitting the star in Beikun.

There is only one star in the position of Beikun, which is the weakest position in Luo Qiluo's Taoism.

Outside, Afuya and the Ice Emperor shot together, shaking Bei Kun's position.

In order to cooperate with each other, Zhang Ruochen escaped from the Beikun seat and reunited with Afuya and the Ice Emperor.

Yu Ding was suspended between them and the Asura Battle Soul Sea, blocking the space, as if forming an invisible wall in the starry sky.

Luo Luo did not make another move, and said: "When this seat is completely integrated with the Asura Battle Soul Sea, you will not be so lucky!"

The Asura Battle Soul Sea receded like the tide and disappeared into the shattered space.

Zhang Ruochen watched her leave and said, "As expected of the first ancestor, Taoism is so powerful! First queen, did you really reach the ancestor realm back then?" "If I merge the ancestor's body, I will never lose to her. You were too rash just now. , Luo Qiluo obviously has mastered the profound meaning of the Asura Heavenly Dao in the Asura Temple, and the combat power is no small matter. Once you fall into the sea of ​​Asura battle souls, you can even control the Emperor Talisman.

Might not be able to escape. Fortunately, she hadn't fully merged with the Asura Battle Soul Sea, and she couldn't even condense her real body. "Aviya said.

Zhang Ruochen looked at the Ice Emperor and said, "What is the origin of Luo Yuluo? He is clearly Shura, how come he has such a profound knowledge of Taoism?"

The Ice Emperor shook his head gently and said, "The ancestor of the Shura tribe, the gods of the Shura tribe know best."

Master Yixuan came over and said, "You suspect that Luo Luo was born in the early days of civilization, right? She has three eyes, and she proves the Tao with the "Luo Shu", there are indeed many sages of the Shura tribe, guessing that she is from the early days of civilization. ancestors."

"There are also speculations that Luo Yuluo was the founder of the "Luo Shu". Later, by coincidence, he was picked up by the ancestors of the Tianchu civilization in the divine river in the void world." Avya knew the relationship between Zhang Ruochen and the Tianchu civilization. , said: "Actually, it doesn't matter whether she was born in the early days of civilization or not! The important thing is that the way she cultivates will definitely be of great help to you. If you refine her,

Absorbing her cultivation insights, her cultivation will be able to advance by leaps and bounds. "

Master Yixuan looked sideways and said, "It is said that the first queen cultivated light and life, but she didn't expect her style to be more like Shura."

"Humans, in themselves, become enlightened with one thought, and Shura with one thought." Afuya said.

The appearance of Luo Yuluo actually gave Zhang Ruochen an unexpected harvest.

Before, when he cultivated in the middle palace, he gathered Xiaoyan's five groups of Daomang outside his body.

However, the five groups of Daomang in Luo Qiluo's middle palace were cultivated in the body.

Maybe this is the right way!

Zhang Ruochen didn't plan to try it now. After all, there were five groups of Daomang in his body. If he failed, he might blow up the immortal body, or even vanish into ashes.

The journey of cultivation, especially the creation of the Fa by oneself, is inherently dangerous.

Zhang Ruochen took out the divine sea and divine source like Fatian, held them in the palm of his hand, and began to search for his soul.

The reason why he ventured into the Asura Battle Soul Sea was to capture Xiang Fatian and to find out the situation of the Sword God Temple through soul searching.

Most of the divine souls like Fatian are in the divine source.

When Zhang Ruochen opened his eyes again, Afuya asked, "How is it? Did you find out?" Zhang Ruochen nodded solemnly, and said, "It's Luo Luo and the eerie messengers of darkness, in Sword Soul Taipa, smashed He took the body of Xiang Fatian, turned it into blood mud, and borrowed the power of darkness to reshape a mud body for him.

Baptized in the sea of ​​war souls of Shura and turned into Shura. "

"What is the dark and eerie messenger?" the Ice Emperor asked.

Zhang Ruochen said: "In the Sword God Temple, I only saw a pair of his evil eyes like a pool, and the rest were covered by darkness."

"What's the situation in Sword God Temple now?" Afuya asked. Zhang Ruochen said: "Jianyuan Shenshu and Jianyin have fallen into the control of the dark and strange messengers. In Xiangfatian's sea of ​​consciousness, I saw Jiutian and the four masters enter the Sword Soul Taipa, but they were soon caught. Darkness engulfs, silently

, life and death do not know. In the sea of ​​his consciousness, he did not see the Xinghai fisherman. "

"The only good news is that they haven't found the sword world yet."

After being silent for a moment, the Ice Emperor said, "The Shura Clan is located in the most important position of the starry sky defense line, and it must not be controlled by Luo Yuluo. The variables are too great!"

Afuya said: "Killing her is equivalent to destroying the Asura Battle Soul Sea, and it is also like destroying the Asura Clan. The monks of the Asura Clan will never agree." Using the Asura Heavenly Dao, Luo can gather the power of all the Asura monks. Who can kill her? Who can bear the responsibility of destroying the Asura?

How much will it cost you? The entire **** world is afraid that it will fall apart because of this battle. "

"I think Luo Yuluo left in such a hurry and returned to the Asura Star Pillar Realm because he was afraid of the Heavenly Venerate in the Hell Realm, or other powerful people taking this opportunity to kill her."

Zhang Ruochen said: "Everyone has missed one person, the Qinglu God King. If Luo Yuluo can capture the Shura Temple and control the Shura Clan, the Qinglu God King must be secretly supporting. Compared with Luo Yuluo, I am more afraid of this person. Master Xuan Bei was very emotional, and said coldly: "That's right! The mysterious master who attacked the temple master must be the Qinglu God King, this old guy is too sinister! Without his support, the 24th temple of the Asura tribe would have no way to do it. God, will not surrender

so fast. "

"Is the master of the Shura Temple still alive?" Zhang Ruochen asked.

Master Yixuan shook his head and said, "Everything happened too fast, too suddenly, the ancestors just sent a message to let me leave the Asura Star Pillar Realm, and the temple changed dramatically." Pushing Luo Luo to the bright side, attracting the attention of all parties, at the same time kidnapping the entire Shura clan. The heavens of the **** world, if they want to deal with him, they have to deal with the entire Shura clan. Now this

In such a situation, I am afraid that no one dares to do this easily! "

"Unless within the Shura tribe, there is a third force rising to check and balance them. If you want to destroy them, I'm afraid you can't do it for the time being."

Master Xuanbei shook his head and said sadly: "The ancestors have fallen, and within the Shura tribe, there is no force that can compete with them."

Fengchenjian Shendao said: "Who said no? I think Xiuchen Tianshen can take over the position of the patriarch of the God-respected Yixuan. In addition, with the support of the Yixuan family, within the Shura clan, he will definitely be able to join forces with Luo Yuluo and Qinglu. The king of gods stands on three feet."

"The next three clans have the same spirit, if outside, the undead blood clan and Luo Next page! Current page 1/total 2 pages

The clan supports Xiuchen Her status is even more stable! "

"Now, Tianmu has broken through the semi-ancestral realm. As long as Luo Qiluo and Qinglu God King are not forced to a desperate situation, they will definitely not dare to act rashly."

"If Xiao Yanxuan God Venerable, you can take out another copy of the old patriarch's will to pass on the throne to the Xiuchen Heavenly God, and then the name will be changed!" Three forces, Luo Qiluo and Qinglu God King want to take away the Asura Star Pillar Realm, or unite the entire Asura monks to launch power, they will be constrained

. When the situation stabilizes in the future, it will not be too late to clean up them. Fengchen Jian Shendao said, "The cultivation environment in the Asura Star Pillar Realm is unique to Luo Qiluo and Qinglu God King, and they will never leave." And the Asura Star Pillar Realm can't be hidden in the universe at all. Once they take it away, Tianzun and Tianzun will

Grandma doesn't have any scruples anymore, and the heavens in the entire **** world don't need to worry about anything anymore, they will definitely make a move together. Even if the Shura tribe is destroyed, they must be killed. "

All eyes were on Zhang Ruochen.

After all, everyone knows that God Xiuchen is now his person.

Zhang Ruochen smiled and said, "So, Xiuchen Tianshen is going to be the patriarch? She may not be willing or dare to go."

The Ice Emperor said: "Since it is a major event involving the entire **** world, how could she be allowed to take the risk alone? Moreover, the sundial must not be lost."

"The old man and Bai Cangxing, join her in the Asura Star Pillar Realm. The Asura Clan's affairs are the affairs of the lower three clans. The undead blood clan can use all their strengths and take all risks." The voice of the corpse buried. Zhang Ruochen saw the hatred in Master Xuanbei's eyes, and the worry of the Ice Emperor, and said, "Okay! Go back to the Temple of the Undead to settle the specific situation. I'll take care of it for Xiuchen."

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