MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3857 dark and spooky

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Remember [New] for a second,! These ancient palace masters are all overlords in history, even if the remnant souls return, they are not weak, and they can fight against the gods and gods of the world.

However, after just a few breaths, the skeletons of dozens of ancient palace masters were removed by Zhang Ruochen.

The ground was full of broken bones, and the smell of death and corpse permeated everywhere.

Zhang Ruochen's spiritual power was surging and vast, suppressing the land at the entrance of Sword Soul Taipa.

In the blood fog, the soul thoughts of these ancient temple masters, while resisting the Dao Soul Platform's pull on the soul, shouted forcefully: "Zhang Ruochen, you are dying, this is the Sword God Temple!"

There is a soul, and a translucent body condenses, and bows to the sword and soul: "The great dark lord, please send down the eternal immortal power to kill this evil species in front of you."

There are also soul thoughts, asking for help from the two evil eyes of the secluded pool above, and chanting the ancient sacrificial language.

Zhang Ruochen's mental power turned into thunder and lightning, and all these soul thoughts returned to the fog state.

There were screams and curses.

He drew a circle with his right hand, and his sleeve was full of heaven and earth, and contained the universe. He put all the broken bones, blood fog, soul fog, and spirit of God in this area into his sleeve and forcibly suppressed it.

It is comparable to suppressing the powerhouses of the **** world with his own power. This is Zhang Ruochen's current strength.

The Dao Soul Platform is mainly a defensive artifact, and the speed of collecting the soul is too slow.

After cleaning up those ancient palace masters who escaped, then slowly break the way, look for the source of the gods of the sea, and refine them to kill them one by one.

Although the number of ancient palace masters is large, it is precisely because there are too many, so no one wants to be the first to explode the source of the gods.

If they really see death one by one and have a firm mental will, Zhang Ruochen can't handle it even if the sky is perfect.

There were only ten or so masters of the ancient palace who escaped. They were horrified, restrained their breath, and hid in various places of the Sword God Temple.

Ben had one or two, planning to escape from the Sword God Temple.

However, the entire temple is shrouded in the four images of Tai Chi. The gate of the hall was blocked by the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation, and it was impossible to get out at all.


Zhang Ruochen noticed the strange aura, narrowed his eyes, and looked at the dark and deep Sword Soul Taipa.

In Sword Soul Taipa, there is a thick black cloud floating, blocking the view.

However, Zhang Ruochen's eyes could see extremely far away. Inside, it seems to be a world of its own, and it seems to be in a different time and space.

Five figures of different sizes appeared in the depths of the darkness and walked out step by step.

The one on the far left, with long hair scattered and a wine gourd hanging around his waist, is a human being.

From left to right, the second is a giant with a chicken head, more than 100 feet high. The bright red cockscomb and the darkness and gloom of the body seem out of place. Two chains are carried on the shoulders, dragging out the sound of clattering.

The third one was an ancient corpse with six arms, each holding a soldier of high rank. Two of them are artifacts.

The fourth is a turtle the size of a mountain, but its head is like a liger, with a monstrous aura. On the turtle's back is a sacred furnace hundreds of feet high, and the flames in the furnace are flickering.

The fifth is an alien creature, flying in the air like a piece of white skin.

"The old drunkard, the **** of war of Xu Kun, the great emperor Shivara, the ancestor of Xuanwu, the ancestor of Baiyun."

Zhang Ruochen had seen them in Xiang Fatian's memory.

These five masters once entered the Sword Soul Taipa, but they were swallowed by the darkness, sinking into the sea, and never came out again.

Seeing them, Zhang Ruochen's face was not happy.

The five masters are all first-class powerhouses with strong aura. Among them, the God of War Xu Kun and Emperor Shivara even briefly became the heavens of heaven and hell.

At this moment, they were filled with a dark and strange aura, and their flesh turned into a figure.

Zhang Ruochen tried to use his mental power to communicate with the old drunkard, but not only did he not get a response, but he was attacked by the old drunkard's mental power.

Dengdengdeng, Zhang Ruochen took three steps back, and his brain tingled. Given's heart's voice resounded in Zhaoshen Lotus: "They have been stained with darkness and weirdness, and they must be controlled. It's terrible, Brother Chen, we have to leave the Temple of Sword God immediately. There must be taboos in the depths of Sword Soul Taipa, not us. response

. "

Even the ancestors, the heavens, and the heavens are all controlled. How terrifying is this?

Zhang Ruochen is very confident in the old drunkard, and he is unwilling to believe that with his spiritual will, he will become a shadow of darkness.


The sense of crisis became stronger and stronger, and Zhang Ruochen rushed out of the Sword Temple decisively.

Seeing that he was about to jump into the Ten Thousand Buddha Forest, he looked back and saw that the God of War Xu Kun and Emperor Shivara were following closely behind.

Black alien flames were burning on the two of them, and they each played tactics and hit Zhang Ruochen.

The two artifacts in the hands of Lord Shivara, one like a hook and the other like a fork, both radiate dazzling light beams, bursting out the divine energy that destroys the sky and destroys the earth.

The artifact shot by the God of War Xu Kun is a metal ball, extremely heavy, as if it was cast from a big world. Once it is hit, the immortal body will not feel good.

Zhang Ruochen threw out the Demon Ancestor Meridian and the Bagua Compass, knocking Lord Shivara and the metal ball upside down.

Lord Shivara quickly settled down, let out a corpse whistle, and attacked again.

The God of War Xu Kun has a very strange movement, avoiding the gossip compass, and has broken into Zhang Ruochen's eighty-zhang, his steel chicken-claws-like palms falling heavily.

Holding the spear of eternity, Zhang Ruochen hit the palm of the **** of war Xu Kun, and beat him to the point where he vomited blood and burst out.

The palms became bloody.

"It's amazing. Their combat power is close to immortality. Could it be that the dark and strange aura has made them stronger?"

Zhang Ruochen couldn't bear to think, but he saw that the old alcoholic appeared in the sky above Wan Folin, blocking his escape route.

The old drunkard spread his arms and released his mental power, which was actually eradicating Zhang Ruochen's mental power thoughts left in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation, and wanted to seize control of the formation.

"Old guy, are you drunk? Recover your sanity, or I'll hit you hard!"

Before Zhang Ruochen could finish speaking, the old drunk spit out a cloud of clouds, which turned into a colorful nebula and rushed towards Zhang Ruochen.

The five-color nebula is an artifact of spiritual power, like a gauze and a net, trapping Zhang Ruochen inside, and he can't escape even if he moves in space.

The movement space was limited, and the **** of war, the **** of war, Shivara the Great, the ancestor of Baiyun, and the **** of Xuanwu appeared in Zhang Ruochen's four directions, or played artifacts, or used magical powers, so Zhang Ruochen could only passively defend.

After the first wave of attacks, Zhang Ruochen was enraged, shouted loudly, and shot Tianding and Diding.

The cauldron flew upward, and the cauldron flew downward, turning into a piece of sky and a piece of earth.

The spiritual artifact in the form of a colorful nebula is constantly being stretched.


In the sound of explosions, this spiritual artifact was torn into pieces by Tianding and Diding.

Artifacts are not invulnerable, their strength is strong enough to shatter them.

After rushing out, Zhang Ruochen punched Zhongxu Kun God of War on the chest. The black flame on the God of War Xu Kun was extinguished, and a strange black scaly substance appeared on his chest. He flew upside down and slammed into the Sword God Temple, but he actually resisted Zhang Ruochen's fierce punch,

Immediately flew over again.

"Could it be that the dark and strange have really awakened and given them the so-called immortal power?"

Zhang Ruochen's heart kept sinking, and he immediately informed Yan Renhuan of the matter.

"Get out of here quickly."

Yan Renhuan formed the big mudra of Yama, smashed the left eye of Youtan's evil eye to pieces, glanced at the mani bead in his hand, his eyes were absolutely firm, and said: "Take the mani bead away, and then give it to me. !"

"Today, no one can leave!"

Yan Jun's tattered demon body rushed out of the light and shadow of the World Tree, his body was as majestic as a mountain, holding the human ancestor flag, and slashing straight at Yan Renhuan.

Yan Renhuan quickly put away the Mani Bead, snorted, rushed out like a beam of light, and collided with the Renzu Banner.

"Bang bang!"

One punch after another, bombarded Yan Jun, all of them went all out, containing 50% of the profound meaning of Yan Luo Tiandao.

In an instant, Yan Jun's demon body was beaten to pieces and was extremely tragic.

However, the left eye of Youtan's evil eye, which was smashed before, has been re-condensed, releasing a more terrifying power to capture the soul, preventing Yan Renhuan from chasing and killing Yan Jun's remnant.

The old drunk has a big favor to Zhang Ruochen, how could Zhang Ruochen abandon him?

What's more, Zhang Ruochen has mastered the means of refining and absorbing the dark and strange, which can help him restore his sanity.

But he has to be suppressed first!

Zhang Ruochen rode the four tripods and inflicted heavy damage on the Ruin Kun War God, Shivara the Great, Baiyun God Ancestor, and Xuanwu God Ancestor, all of them flew out, and then rushed straight to the Sword God Temple.

"what are you going to do?"

Yan Renhuan noticed Zhang Ruochen's abnormal behavior.

"The light of the Sword Origin Divine Tree can suppress the dark and strange aura. I'm going to unlock the seal on the Divine Tree."

Just as Zhang Ruochen rushed into the Sword God Temple, he found that it was different from before! The black cloud in Sword Soul Taipa has poured out and filled the temple.

The ancient temple masters who were originally hidden in various parts of the temple all came out, knelt down on the ground, and bowed to the sword and soul, muttering words.

Their eyes became cloudy and dazed, as if they had lost their energy.

Suddenly, a steady stream of black clouds poured into the body of one of the ancient temple masters.

The ancient palace master, whose back was covered with thorns, trembled suddenly, with a heart-piercing scream from his mouth: "No, I don't want this power, give me back my sanity... ah..."

The body of the ancient temple master was burst open, turning into a dark beast several dozen feet long, with blood-red eyes, and his breath reached an immeasurable level.

The dark beast rushed towards the Sword Origin Divine and attacked Zhang Ruochen.

The rest of the ancient palace masters who were kneeling on the ground and worshipping were all struggling and wanted to get up and escape, but their mental consciousness was out of control, and their knees could not leave the ground.

Where has Zhang Ruochen ever seen such a strange sight?

To actually create an immortal and immeasurable statue out of thin air, I am afraid that the first ancestor had such a heaven-defying means?

Of course, this method will definitely pay a price.

It is estimated that all ancient palace masters who have turned into dark beasts will not survive for long.

If he didn't want to save the old drunkard, Zhang Ruochen could not wait to escape the Sword Temple immediately.

But the Sword Origin Sacred Tree is so close at hand, how can you give up at this time?

It can only be hoped that the seal of the Sword Origin Divine Tree is not too strong, otherwise it will be blocked in the Sword God Temple and will not be able to escape. Just as all kinds of thoughts flashed in Zhang Ruochen's mind, Xutian's excited voice sounded outside the Sword God Temple: "Zhang Ruochen, don't grab it, you hurry to step aside, you have already promised this day, the Sword Origin Divine Tree is mine. Yes, both

mine. Ha ha! "Xu Tian happily rushed into the Sword God Temple, for fear of being a step slower.

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