MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3872 remind

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Fengdu Ghost Town, Oriental Ghost Emperor's Mansion.

When Shentu Ghost Emperor was alive, the Eastern Ghost Emperor Mansion was the leader of the five parties, but due to the exposure of Liang Zun's identity, the entire Ghost Emperor Mansion was purged, and now it has become the weakest mansion.

Stepping into the immeasurable Suzaku Huowu, he temporarily manages the Eastern Ghost Emperor's Mansion.

The reason why she failed to become the new Eastern Ghost Emperor was because the Great Emperor Fengdu had not yet returned.

Only the Great Emperor Fengdu could confer the title of Ghost Emperor.

However, today's Dongfang Ghost Emperor's Mansion has become Fengtian's palace, and a large number of monks from the Shrine of Death are stationed there.

The sky above the Ghost Emperor's Mansion is covered with dark clouds all year round, accompanied by bursts of thunder.

From time to time, there are lightning flashes that pierce the world.

In the battle of Wuding Shenhai, Fengtian captured the ancestor realm left by the ancestor of the Thunder Clan, "Tian Gong". Over the years, he has been absorbing the ancestor's legacy in the ancestor realm and comprehending the ancestor Dao Yun.

The blood-leaf phoenix tree is rooted in the Thunder Sea in the ancestors of the Thunder Clan. It is like a pillar of heaven and earth.

Zen Master Yan Su stood in the hall, looking at the ancestors of the Thunder Clan in the chaos, and said: "The meaning of the donor Zhang in Baiyigu is to use Gai Mo to eliminate the hidden dangers of impermanent ghost towns. If he can help Fengtian together, we can eliminate the Drop Emperor Huangquan, Three Ways

The situation in the river basin has stabilized, which is naturally better. "

In the realm of the ancestors of the Thunder Clan, under the blood-leaf phoenix tree, Feng Tian's figure is looming, and his voice is vast: "We are using him, so why is he not using us to restore his cultivation? When he reaches the level of Tianzun, I am afraid that he will become a Another Barr."

Zen Master Yan Su said: "Now the army of the **** world is under enormous pressure in the dark abyss, and the recovery of Gai Mo's cultivation can form a restraint on the ancient creatures. In the hands of the donor Zhang, there is something that Gai Mo's heart desires, even if Gai Mo recovers. to the Heavenly Venerate

, can also exchange benefits. "

"You're talking about the monster Yin Xuetian took from the Nine Dead Emperor, right?" Feng Tian said.

Master Yanzu nodded.

After a long while, Feng Tian said: "How can the Tianzun level be so easy to control? Gai Mo belongs to the monks of the devil's way. He restores his cultivation. What is squeezed is Tianmu's control over the devil's way. You should ask Tianma first."

"Have you ever thought about it, it is entirely possible to join forces with Barr to deal with Tianmu?"

Zen Master Yanzu nodded lightly and said, "This is indeed a big hidden danger! However, if Qingtian does not take action, how to resolve the big danger in the impermanent ghost town?"

Sitting in the temple, Mu Lingxi was wearing a lake green coat, with a hosta on her head, and the vivid phoenix imprint on her brows. She was holding a bronze pen and writing and sketching on the letter book.

On the table beside him, there were light messengers and letterheads sent from all over the world.

Today, the size of the Shrine of Death is decided by her.

Only important decisions involving immeasurable levels will be handed over to Feng Tian.

Suddenly, she stopped writing, stared at Zen Master Yansu, and said, "Junior has a proposal! Since Gaimie has arrived in the ghost town of impermanence, instead of cooperating with him, it angered him. Why don't you try his first? Sincerity."

"How to try?" Master Yan lost asked.

Mu Lingxi squinted like a crescent moon, and smiled: "Help us deal with Emperor Huangquan first, and then he will refine and absorb the strange blood springs in the impermanent ghost town, and we will never interfere."

Master Yan Su looked towards the Thunder Clan Ancestor Realm in the chaotic space.

Feng Tian's voice came out: "This proposal is fine! As long as the Emperor Huang Quan is removed, then even if he has different intentions, he will not fall into the dangerous situation of dealing with Emperor Huang Quan and him at the same time today."

The voice of Xuetu came from outside the hall: "Xuetu pays respects to the master."

"come in!"

Entering the blood slaughter of the temple, passed by Zen Master Yanshu, and then knelt down to the ancestors of the Thunder Clan: "Report to Master, with the strong persuasion of the disciple, Di Chen has come to the Santu River Basin. He is worried. The situation of impermanent ghost towns has been one step ahead

to view. "

When Zen Master Yanzu, who was at the gate of the hall, heard this, his eyes lit up slightly, and he sped away.

Mu Lingxi, who was sitting at the desk, immediately showed a happy expression, no longer as serious and focused as before.

In the realm of the ancestors of the Thunder Clan, Feng Tian let out a cold snort: "I came to the Santu River Valley, but I didn't come to see Ben Tian first. Now I'm getting more and more arrogant!"

In the words, Feng Tian had already crossed the extreme wall of the world, and flew out of the Thunder Clan ancestor realm like a translation, with long hair like an electric shuttle, and his aura surged into the sky.

Thunder sounded over the entire ghost town.

Emotions provoke celestial phenomena.

Xuetu immediately lowered his head, his body was cold, and he didn't dare to say a word.

He secretly rejoiced in his heart, but fortunately, he did not follow the instructions of his brother, otherwise, the anger of the master would fall on him first.

Mu Lingxi immediately got up, bowed and said, "The disciple is willing to replace the master and go to the ghost city of impermanence."

"What are you going to do?" Feng Tian asked.

Mu Lingxi said: "The disciple thinks that there may be some misunderstanding between Master and Di Chen..."

"There is no misunderstanding, everything is business. You go, since he intends to help repair the formation of the impermanent ghost city, he will express his gratitude on behalf of the **** world. Hmph, there is no shortage of heaven..."

Feng Tian's figure was looming, and in the end, he disappeared.

Xuetu let out a long sigh and almost collapsed to the ground, feeling that he was going to suffer.

When the brother learned that Qitian was detained by Fengtian, he immediately rushed to the ghost town of Fengdu.

But under the World Tree, he avoided Fengtian and did not see him. Obviously, he wanted to play with Fengtian. How could he take the initiative to repair the formation of the impermanent ghost town?

Once his lie just now is pierced, the consequences can be imagined.

Xuetu knew that the reason why Master Feng Tian was so angry was because of the private transaction between Zhang Ruochen and Xu Tian thirty years ago.

That transaction, which was later spread out, caused a big blow to Feng Tian's majesty, and there were many unbearable comments.

In the end, after many monks were punished by death, no one dared to talk about it.

The second is because Qingtian is playing a game with Fengtian about the impermanent ghost town, so as to force Fengtian to compromise and promise to release the second adult from prison. If the senior brother also used the ghost city of impermanence to force Fengtian to hand over the abandoned sky, he would undoubtedly have hit the muzzle of the gun. Fengtian will definitely

The anger towards Qingtian will be vented on him.

The more Xuetu thought about it, the more afraid he became, so he immediately caught up with Mu Lingxi and rushed to the ghost town of impermanence with her.

On the black soil wilderness south of the impermanent ghost city, a large number of monks in the **** world gathered, many of which were gods.

Many gods have their own shrines, which are located on the plains, full of lanterns, and patrolling with bones.

Standing on the Yinshan Mountain, the temple spread to the end of the sky, and there are often formation beams rising into the sky. It is the formation master who is studying the formation inscription pattern.

On the other side, the wide Santu River became even brighter.

Zhang Ruochen and Gong Nanfeng walked in tandem along the mountain road to the Temple of Black Impermanence at the top of Yinshan Mountain.


The low sound of thunder came from the starry sky.

Zhang Ruochen stopped, looked at the Fengdu ghost town where the electric light flickered at the top of the World Tree, and said, "If Feng Tian wants to sit in the Budu ghost town to prevent Emperor Huang Quan from taking advantage of the emptiness to seize the Ancestor Realm, wouldn't he be unable to come here? ?"

"It was originally! So, I suggest that we are now the ghost town of Fengdu." Gong Nanfeng said.

Zhang Ruochen said: "The real body can't come, you can clone."

"..." Gong Nanfeng said.

When I came outside the Hei Wuchang Temple, I saw Ming Ye Shenzun waiting there.

After seeing the two of them, Ming Ye Shenzun immediately stepped forward to greet them, saluted respectfully, and said, "Di Chen went to the ghost town?"

Gong Nanfeng's face was a little weird, and he said, "God is like a god."

"If you can't see through this matter, wouldn't this deity have been practicing for so many years in vain?"

Ming Ye Shenzun then said: "What is the situation in the city now, is there anyone sneaking into it?"

"Why does the goddess ask this question?" Zhang Ruochen said.

Ming Ye Shenzun said: "I have checked the cracks on the city wall, and they don't seem to be corroded by blood springs. Di Chen is smarter than the deity, and he must be able to see more flaws. Di Chen carried the Tianshu needle and entered the city to investigate. This made the deity even more sure of this. Go

,Please come in! "

Walking into the hall, the **** Ming Ye said: "The one who wants to destroy the impermanent ghost city the most must be Emperor Huangquan."

Zhang Ruochen, who had been silent all the time, suddenly said, "Divine Venerable didn't tell outsiders the news of my coming?"

Ming Ye Shenzun smiled and said, "How dare I speak out about the things that Emperor Chen deliberately ordered?"

"Including Heqing God?" Zhang Ruochen said.

Ming Ye Shenzun was surprised and said, "Why did Di Chen suddenly mention her?"

"It's nothing, I just think you are close, and there should be information exchange at any time." Zhang Ruochen said.

"Don't worry, Di Chen, without your permission, this deity will not tell anyone about you."

"Okay, that's it!"

Zhang Ruochen walked towards the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation, secretly thinking in his heart, he can only remind you to come here!

Ming Ye Shenzun showed a thoughtful look and looked at Gong Nanfeng, who was still in the temple.

Gong Nanfeng sat in a chair, eating the sacred fruit wine that Ming Ye Shenzun prepared to give to Zhang Ruochen, and said, "What does the goddess see me doing? If you want to please Di Chen and get Di Chen's advice, you have to prescribe the right medicine. Just the few fruits you offered,

Did you take a look at Di Chen? Not uncommon at all. "

Ming Ye Shenzun's cultivation realm has been stagnant at the limitless peak of Qiankun for many years. How can he let go of Zhang Ruochen when he finally encountered a legendary figure?

According to legend, UU reading www.uukanshu. com Zhang Ruochen's first-grade Shinto can not only help cultivators refine their bodies, but also help them realize the Tao.

And the sundial and the cauldron, the treasures that help with cultivation, are even more famous in the universe.

Suzaku Huowu, who is also a ghost clan, with the help of Zhang Ruochen, not only broke through the boundless realm, but also improved by leaps and bounds.

After finally meeting Zhang Ruochen, how could Ming Ye Shenzun not want to seize this opportunity?

Ming Ye Shenzun sat on the chair next to Gong Nanfeng, lowered his posture, and said with a smile, "Young Master Gong has a good relationship with Di Chen, and he should know him very well. Can you give me some pointers?"

"I still need my guidance? It's a matter that everyone in the world knows, and I think back to what Di Chen said just now, and realize it."

Gong Nanfeng picked up a piece of fruit, took a bite, and said, "If you don't break the great freedom, is Ming Ye Shenzun confident that he will survive the next dimension of disaster? Be a human being, be generous, and have a willingness to be rewarded."

Ming Ye Shenzun's face suddenly changed, his eyelids shrank, and then his eyes changed again, and the five fingers on the table were tightly screwed together.

Gong Nanfeng nodded secretly, and you can only help here!

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