MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3873 0 birds facing the phoenix

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Zhang Ruochen did not enter the center of the formation to disturb Prajna Enlightenment, but sat down beside a silver tree of Sutuohuan on the edge of the ten thousand Buddha formation.

The Buddha's light fell like rain, making the dead black soil at the top of Yinshan come to life, and white spiritual flowers grew out of the gaps in the soil.

Zhang Ruochen took out the broken Shen Yuan ancient sword.

This sword, like the blood-dropping sword in Chi Yao's hand, is made of good fortune iron.

But the attributes of the two swords are diametrically opposite.

Shen Yuan's ancient sword is a "sword of life", it can eat the soldiers of the world, improve its rank, and become stronger and stronger.

The blood-dropping sword is the sword of death, which can absorb the blood of all living beings to grow continuously.

The divine iron of good fortune is naturally the material for the refining of the heaven and earth, otherwise Erjian would not have such a remarkable growth attribute.

However, the swordsmiths who refine the two swords are not very clever, which makes it difficult for them to cross the threshold of the artifact.

Now, Zhang Ruochen's mental power has reached the ninth level. He has tried refining tools before, and he soon entered the hall. Naturally, he has the idea of ​​recasting Shen Yuan.

Zhang Ruochen was going to make Shen Yuan into a divine sword directly, so he didn't start rashly.

Casting a divine sword is by no means an overnight success, and there are too many uncertain factors.

Xu Tian spent his whole life preparing the materials for making swords, and after finishing his sword twenty-three, he began to cast swords. It took ten thousand years of work, and the sword has not yet been completed.

Only by casting a sword by yourself, integrating the spirit and spirit, and outlining the kendo perception, is the most suitable for you, so as to exert the strongest combat power.

Zhang Ruochen used to hold Shen Yuan and receive the soldiers of the world, which was also the process of casting and raising swords.

With the absorption properties of the divine iron, if Zhang Ruochen wants to cast a sword, it will naturally not take that long.

Over the years, he has captured countless weapons of all kinds, many of which are supreme sacred and divine weapons, which can be said to be well-prepared.

However, there is one thing that he is still undecided about.

Will the Anti-God Stele be refined into Shen Yuan?

The substance of the Anti-God Stele can eliminate all inscription patterns and rules in the world.

Even the rules of heaven and earth.

Refining the Anti-God Stele into Shen Yuan coincides with the characteristics of "creating pig iron" that swallows the soldiers of the world, and can strengthen each other.

However, this also means that inscription patterns cannot be carved on the inside of Shen Yuan's ancient sword.

How powerful is the forged sword? Can it be called a sword? Will it fail?

Suddenly thinking of something, Zhang Ruochen took out Tian Ding, Di Ding, Hong Ding, and Wu Ding one after another, and stared at them carefully.

Wu Ding, also known as Jade Emperor Ding, was once sacrificed and refined by Da Zun Fumingwang, so there are deep refining inscriptions inside.

However, the Tianding, Diding, and Hongding all have no inscriptions inside. Even if there is an inscription pattern on the surface, it was added by later monks.

There is no inscription pattern, maybe it is the reason why other monks can't urge them.

Zhang Ruochen felt a sense of enlightenment and no longer hesitated.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Zhang Ruochen immediately put away the fragments of Si Ding and Shen Yuan's ancient sword and looked up. I saw that Zen Master Yan Shi, wearing a big red cassock, came on foot.

"Haha! Ming Ye, Ming Ye, you still dare to deceive the poor monk, isn't that Di Chen?"

Ming Ye Shenzun couldn't stop Zen Master Yansu, and hurriedly walked to Zhang Ruochen to apologize, saying: "Zen Master Yanshu said that he has learned from Xuetu that Lord Di Chen has come to the ghost town of impermanence, and he must see you, the deity. Can't stop."

"It's okay, Zen Master Yanshu is not an outsider, you don't have to blame yourself for this, just step back! By the way, I heard that there are black and white yin and yang flames in the impermanent ghost town. You should take them out of the ghost town, right?" Zhang Ruochen said.

Ming Ye Shenzun was afraid that Zhang Ruochen had nothing to ask for, and when he heard this, he was overjoyed: "When the evacuation, the fire source did bring out the ghost town, and it is currently stored in the Bai Wuchang Temple. If Di Chen wants to use it, the deity will go. Pick."

"Don't worry! When I will pass Zen Master Yanshu, I will go to Bai Wuchang Temple with you in person." Zhang Ruochen said.

He does not mean that. Ming Ye Shenzun nodded, his eyes gradually deepened and firm, and said: "This deity will go ahead and arrange properly, and Di Chen will be satisfied.".

Ming Ye Shenzun strode away and disappeared into the night fog, giving people a feeling of resolute and unrepentant.

Zen Master Yan Su glanced at the back of Ming Ye Shenzun and said, "The poor monk heard that the source of fire of the black and white Yin Yang divine flames is the treasure of the impermanent ghost town. Taking Yin and Yang, it can refine all things, and Di Chen took this treasure by force. , it will provoke cause and effect, why bother?"

Although he was born in the Ming clan, but Zen Master Yanshu cultivated Buddhism, so he was not used to bullying.

Zhang Ruochen stretched out his hand, motioned Zen Master Yanshu to sit down, and said with a smile, "There is no grievance or enmity, Ruochen will never do anything by force. Ming Ye Shenzun must have misunderstood, I just want to borrow the black and white Yin Yang Shenyan. The fire source casts the sword, that's all."

"It turns out that the poor monk misunderstood Di Chen! Amitabha!"

Zen Master Yanzu folded his hands in eleven bows, and immediately sat down opposite Zhang Ruochen without any hesitation.

Zhang Ruochen didn't have the habit of spying on other people's hearts at any time, and he didn't bother to pay attention to what Ming Ye Shenzun was thinking, so he got straight to the point and said, "I understand the pressure the Angry Sky Shenzun is under, but if you want to take away the cover and destroy it for your own use, then you can't let it go. Gai Mie's cultivation has returned to the Heavenly Venerate level. Suppressing it at the peak of immortality is already the limit."

Zen Master Yanzu said: "That donor Zhang believes that Tianmu has reached the half-ancestral realm, which is enough to suppress Gai Mo. Moreover, even if Gai Mo is restored to the level of Tianzun, he will not master much of the profound meaning, and is suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth, and his combat power It will definitely not reach the level of Heavenly Venerate."

Zhang Ruochen said: "This is the most terrifying thing! Because I can't reach the level of Heavenly Venerate, because I am not reconciled, I will try all means to make up for the defect. Then, anything can be done. The God of Angry Heaven can use the devil of the Great Demon God. Heart, let Gai Mo do things for him."

"However, Baal, the Nine Dead Emperors, and Gu Yanluo may also come up with more attractive conditions to make Gai Destruction defect."

"There are two secrets that God Venerable Wrath may not know yet. First, Gu Yanluo is the body of the remnant soul of the Great Demon God. Second, the ghostly dungeon in the Kunlun Realm emits a lot of demonic energy. The Great Demon God may Not dead!"

Zen Master Yan Su's face changed drastically, realizing the seriousness of the situation, and said: "I thought that the birth of the half ancestor would be enough to suppress Gai Mie and dare not give birth to a different mind, but now it seems that it is hard to say. However, Gai Mie has come with the poor monk. , I'm afraid I won't easily return to the abyss of darkness."

Zhang Ruochen said: "I have seen him, and he is now in the ghost town of impermanence."

"What should I do now? Gai Mie swallowed the barren moon, which can absorb the blood in the impermanent ghost town, and the cultivation base will recover quickly. Is it too late to stop it now?" said Zen Master Yan lost.

Zhang Ruochen said: "Unless Tianmu comes in person, or if you stop him, the impermanence ghost city will be destroyed in a battle."

"No, absolutely not."

Zen Master Yan Shu said: "The reason why the donor Zhang agreed to let Gai Mie solve the impermanence ghost town is because he knew that the situation here was critical. Once the strange blood springs poured into the Santu River, it will be poured down with the river water. Entering the nether purgatory, the entire underworld will be destroyed!"

The Nether Purgatory, left by the ancestors, is located at the downstream end of the Santu River Basin, and is connected to the Star Territory where the Ming Clan is located. It is composed of eighteen great worlds.

The monks of the middle three clans have the opportunity to escape into the underworld clan only by entering the nether purgatory.

The monks of the middle three clans cannot reproduce, but the Ming clan can.

This is the place where life and death are reversed!

Of course, the Ming family is not a living creature, but it is no longer a undead. It is an alternative race born together because of the ancestors of the underworld, not born from heaven and earth.

The significance of the Netherworld Purgatory to the Underworld is equivalent to the significance of the Sea of ​​Souls of Asura to the Asura.

Zhang Ruochen said: "The Zen master doesn't need to be so panic, I will solve the strange blood springs in Gai Mo and the impermanent ghost town."

Zen Master Yan Su calmed down a bit, and naturally knew that the man in front of him was already standing at the top of the universe, but he was still a little worried, and said, "The Emperor Huang Quan is eyeing tigers, don't act rashly and let him sit and reap profits. In addition, the corpse ancestor It is also accumulating strength, so it is inevitable.”

"I understand! The wind and water in the Santu River Basin are high, and the Zen master should return to the dark abyss as soon as possible!"

Zhang Ruochen took out a Tianyuan Wuque hiding amulet that he had condensed himself, handed it over, and said, "The world is not peaceful, just in case."

Zen Master Yanshu naturally would not be polite to Zhang Ruochen, accepted the talisman, and said, "If you have time, visit the empty underworld, forget it, don't come, so as not to increase your troubles."

Obviously this is not referring to Zhang Ruochen adding to his troubles.

In Zhang Ruochen's mind, the figure of the wonderful Zen woman first appeared, and then he thought of Feng Xi who followed the wonderful Zen woman's practice, and said, "When this matter is over, I will go to the empty underworld."

The empty underworld led to the abyss of darkness, replacing the temple of darkness and resisting the ancient creatures.

The Blood Queen and Hades are both in the tent of the God of Wrath.

How could Zhang Ruochen not go?

As for the mani beads, Zhang Ruochen was worried about handing it over to Zen Master Yanxu to carry it back to the empty underworld, worried that it would harm him.

Zen Master Yanzu got up, patted the dust on his body, as if he had remembered something, and said, "Do you know that the old man from the Zhang family in Kunlun Realm went to the empty underworld not long ago?"


Zhang Ruochen showed surprise, but Chi Yao really flickered Jietian into the abyss of darkness.

Zhang Ruochen said, "Nothing happened, right?"

"The two donors Zhang had a big fight, and no one dared to approach. The poor monk only heard faintly that Jietian mentioned the matter of ancestor worship and Kong Fanning. In the end, he was kicked out by the donor Zhang from my family. Underworld.

Zen Master Yan Su always called Nutian God Zun "Zhang Shizhu". Among them, there is not only dissatisfaction with Wutian God, but also understanding of Fudo Mingwang Dazun.

After all, Zen Master Yanshu was closer to the Sixth Patriarch and believed in cause and effect, and his grievance against the Zhang family in the Kunlun Realm was not too strong.

Before Zen Master Yanshu left, he mentioned another matter to Zhang Ruochen. Many ancient creatures have broken through the defense line of the **** world and have sneaked into the Yellow Spring Galaxy.

When Mu Lingxi arrived, hundreds of different birds flew in unison outside the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation, chirping with joy, like a hundred birds facing a phoenix.

The soul of a hundred birds flew out of hundreds of divine sources.

Among them, the most central one is an Ice Phoenix with bright feathers and high spirits.

Zhang Ruochen was sitting in the center of Hundred Birds, stared at her from a distance, and praised with a smile: "Senior Sister Duanmu has become more heroic, quite the demeanor of the lord of the first palace."

Mu Lingxi Lake's green robe was dragged on the ground full of small white flowers, with his hands behind his back, his fingers twisted, and his chin was raised to look at the spirits of birds flying around.

"Who's talking nonsense? I'm the lord of the first palace, I'm just helping Fengtian with some chores!"

Immediately afterwards, she cleared her voice and said, "What is Di Chen doing with such a big battle and releasing so much divine source and divine soul?"

"Do you like it?" Zhang Ruochen asked.

Mu Lingxi said: "I like it, but I like it, what does it have to do with me?"

Zhang Ruochen got up, walked over, and said, "This is the Hundred Birds Chaofeng Divine Formation, which was taken from the hands of Xie Tianyi, the deputy palace master of the Array Extermination Palace, and then restored and refined by me. The so-called Bainiao Chaofeng is the natural It's the most beautiful little phoenix!"

Mu Lingxi was as sweet as stealing honey, but she deliberately pretended not to understand, and exclaimed, "Are you talking about Fengtian?"

"She is the Great Phoenix."

Zhang Ruochen had come to Mu Lingxi, his eyes were very aggressive, and he didn't give her a chance to look away, and said, "I didn't have a choice before, and I was worried that I couldn't protect you, but now I think I have supported you. A piece of strength. Come with me!"

Mu Lingxi was half a head shorter than Zhang Ruochen, staring at him madly, and said, "But Master..."

"On Fengtian's side, I will tell her."

Zhang Ruochen had the confidence to force Fengtian to release him.

It was not only Mu Lingxi, but also Emperor Ming.

Mu Lingxi is naturally a thousand willing, nodded lightly, and said: "However, Master has no hostility towards you, me, or Senior Qitian. If you have anything, you can discuss it with her."

Zhang Ruochen said, "Are you here to be a lobbyist for her?"

Mu Lingxi immediately shook his head and said: "I'm worried that there is a misunderstanding between you and others. The current situation in the Santu River Basin requires you and the master to work together to deal with it, and there must be no quarrel with each other. There is a question, I don't know if I should ask."

Zhang Ruochen sighed in his heart, knowing that because of the perfection of the sky, all the cultivators had subtle changes in their mentality when facing him.

It's a must!

Zhang Ruochen grabbed Mu Lingxi's hand and said softly, "Lingxi, no matter how the world changes, you can speak freely with me here."

Mu Lingxi is the most emotional, hearing this, her eyes are already misty.

After a long time, she regained her inner peace and told the reason why Feng Tian detained Emperor Ming.

Although it was just her guess, she and Feng Tian once had a body, and there was a subtle feeling between them. Mu Lingxi believes that she knows Feng Tian very well, and Feng Tian is not a person who likes to hide his heart.

"The old ghost is really so shameless?"

Zhang Ruochen had heard some rumors for a long time, but he didn't think it was true.

Unexpectedly, Xutian actually dug such a big hole for him in front of the gods.

Exchange the "Book of Fate" in Fengtian's hand for the hand of the immortal?

"Old ghost, wait."

Zhang Ruochen felt that this matter was strange for a long time, and now, it can be regarded as solving the case!

Mu Lingxi said: "Master said, "The Book of Fate" was originally retrieved by you, and it is understandable that you use it to trade with Xutian. But Qitian is a traitor of the Temple of Fate, who has let go of the island owner of the **** of death, and many temples of fate. The monk who died in that battle must be dealt with in accordance with the laws and regulations in the Book of Fate, otherwise, it will not be able to convince the public. Everything is business!"

"How about... go to Fengtian to explain a thing or two?"

Zhang Ruochen shook his head: "What is Fengtian's character, you still don't know? Even if she explained it clearly, she would not let him go. Once he let him go, it would be like telling others that she misunderstood me and she did something wrong! Do you think that , Fengtian is a person who can admit mistakes? She will only respond with a stronger attitude and tell me again that she is businesslike. It will be even more difficult to let people go!"

"Then what should we do?" Mu Lingxi said.

Zhang Ruochen said: "Then it's official business! Anyway, I am the master of the sword world, not the gods in the **** world. What is the matter with me about the impermanent ghost city?"

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