MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3887 Desperate

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Zhang Ruochen can't believe that the 72-pin lotus can block the invisible power of Vientiane with only one avatar to control the kingdom of the underworld.

As she said, the darkness and weirdness are only a small part, and the strength has reached the point of surpassing the half-ancestor.

And the black hand is also a small part of the dark and weird

Is this the hand of supreme darkness?

The seventy-two rank lotus eyes flickered with brilliance, and it was obvious that the inner fluctuations were strong.

Her multicolored clay hand pointed out to the void, Taoism scattered outside, rules intertwined

Suddenly, a sinuous and bright river of time manifested, avoiding the black hand, and entangled in the lock of the gods.

She saw that Zhang Ruochen was using the **** lock to control the black hand

Since he couldn't stop the power of the black hand, he attacked the Tianshen lock to disrupt Zhang Ruochen's control of the black hand.

Swish! At Zhang Ruochen's feet, the talisman light was like a sea, and his figure shifted, and in an instant, he appeared in front of the seventy-two rank lotus.

Spiritual power is fully mobilized and combined with Emperor Fu

He was strong and fierce, the blood in his body was like a rainbow, and he punched out. The time barrier placed in front of the seventy-two rank lotus was pierced, and the fist fell heavily on her.

The seventy-two rank lotus flew out like a cannonball, the light on the body was dim, the body completely turned into a colorful clay figurine, and many cracks appeared.

Zhang Ruochen did not fight with her. After breaking the long river of time wrapped around the lock of the gods, he shouted: hurry up and get out of here, the real body of the 72-pin lotus will arrive soon

Zhang Ruochen and Fengtian rendezvous, with the ancestors of the Thunder Clan and the invisible seal of Vientiane, they broke the kingdom of the underworld, turned into two beams, and flew out.

As soon as they flew out of the kingdom of the underworld, the two felt a stronger breath

Looking at the starry sky, I saw a light and shadow of the ancestors of the underworld as large as the universe. Standing in the sea of ​​​​stars, there is the holiness of the Buddha and the hideousness of the devil.

All the stars, even those with a diameter of millions of miles, are like little sparkling gems in front of the light and shadow of the ancestors.

In addition to the light and shadow of the ancestors of the underworld, there is also a majestic underworld city suspended above their heads.

The dark city, the breath of death permeates

Behind them, there is a river of Styx that flows north and south across the universe, as wide as the Santu River, flowing with various rules and orders.

At this moment, Zhang Ruochen finally understood why Fengtian had broken into the kingdom of the underworld before, because this star field had already been destroyed by the 72nd rank lotus.


There is no difference between outside the underworld and inside the underworld

Zhang Ruochen's mental power spread in all directions, and he quickly found the true body of the seventy-two-pin lotus

She stands on the top of the city of underworld, with her feet on the lotus pedestal, and a Buddha ring on her back.

In a tone that was almost reproachful, she said: Feng'er, you shouldn't be so close to the men of the Zhang family, practice the way of death, but you are emotional, you are destined to never enter the extreme state of the avenue in your life! Surprisingly, Feng Tian did not refute, and said contemptuously at the sky: "I will choose the way in the future, and I don't need anyone to interfere.

Come with me, your future should belong to the higher sky, the seventy-two-pin lotus path

Feng Tiandao: When you speak of the higher sky, is it dark and eerie? Or, is it another way you used me? Zhang Ruochen looked at Feng Tian in amazement, she had completely torn her face with the seventy-two rank lotus, and there was no room for relaxation.

And the situation in front of me makes it clear that the 72nd rank lotus can only survive by entrusting the snake.

Feng Tian is really Feng Tian, ​​he goes straight ahead, never moves forward, and never leaves a way out for himself.

After a long silence, the seventy-two rank lotus said: You are still so strong! But you should know that even if you

Joining forces to break the heavy world here, there is still less than a 10% chance

Fight to the death whenever you have the chance

Feng Tian's bright and firm eyes glanced at Zhang Ruochen

Without needing any words, Zhang Ruochen understood, his mind burned directly, his spiritual power became extremely active, and then the emperor talisman was activated even brighter, and all the runes appeared a layer of fire.

Feng Tian also burned the divine blood in his body, and his breath continued to rise.

If Feng Tian didn't hand over the door of death to Zhang Ruochen, the two of them did still have the strength to fight for the less than 10% chance.

But now, Feng Tian's combat power is far inferior to his peak period.

to get death

Zhang Ruochen of the door only used it as a hidden means to fight against the house grab, and he couldn't use much of it at all.

If the door of death is returned to Fengtian now, this process is full of danger, and it will definitely be taken advantage of by the seventy-two rank lotus.

It's a dead end

It can be said that in the current state of Zhang Ruochen and Feng Tian, ​​fighting against the seventy-two rank lotus is a ten-year death and no life, and it is impossible to break the heavy world she built.

Therefore, the two of them can only deter the seventy-two rank lotus by burning their spiritual power and blood, and showing their determination to see death as home.

Because the seventy-two rank lotus can keep them and kill them, but they will never have full confidence, and at the same time prevent the two from detonating their divine source and divine heart.

Zhang Ruochen's eyes were burning with flames, and said: "Seventy-two rank lotus, you should also know that we both have an unyielding heart. If we want to kill us, we will die together."

Fenger, we are buried here with her today

Feng Tian rolled his eyes, protected his body from the ancestors of the Thunder Clan, held Lei Gong's hammer, and fired a lightning bolt that was dozens of miles thick. He took the lead in attacking the Underworld City in the sky.

Even if I burn the blood of God, I can only play less than the power of the peak period of ten strokes.

After ten strokes, she will definitely see the clue

Before that, we must let her see our desperate determination and force her to retreat

Feng Tian transmits voice to Zhang Ruochen

Zhang Ruochen said: If she didn't retreat within ten moves? Buried here with her, as you said

That will be our only option! The mortal heart is not played for her, but must have

A pair of dazzling phoenix wings unfolded on Feng Tian's back, each feather was like a world of flames, soaring towards the Underworld

Facing the divine electricity that Feng Tian split out with all his strength, the seventy-two rank lotus appeared calm and calm, with her white sleeves waving lightly, forming a sea of ​​​​time light.

Shendian rushed into the sea of ​​​​time light, the speed became slower and slower, and it was constantly eroded by time

On the other end, Zhang Ruochen made the invisible seal of Vientiane, which shook the starry sky, but was blocked by the light and shadow of Mingzu.

The light and shadow of the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty, which is as high as the universe, is the figurative manifestation of the Taoist method of the "Book of the Underworld" in the 72-pin lotus, full of the power of order.

Zhang Ruochen only felt that Tianshensuo, Yu Ding, and Black Hand seemed to be swallowed up by Mingzu's light and shadow, and their bodies were pulled uncontrollably toward the inner space of light and shadow.

The sun disillusioned the sea of ​​​​stars being released, all the stars in the sea of ​​​​stars were burning, and countless space rules and light rules flowed rapidly, flocking to the Yu Ding on the back of the black hand.

In the roar, the light and shadow of Mingzu was shattered, and Zhang Ruochen also successfully broke free from the Taoist method of the 72-pin lotus.

It's too strong. The strongest force that Feng Tian and I exerted with all our strength did little damage to Mingcheng and Mingzu's light and shadow.

"Zhang Ruochen seriously doubted that neither he nor Feng Tian could survive the ten moves at all.

Because, the seventy-two tier lotus practitioners have eight volumes of the Book of Ming

And the eight volumes of "Book of the Underworld" are only a corner of her power.

Seventy-two Pin Lian stood calmly on the top of the Underworld City, and said: Do you think that with your spiritual power and soul strength, you can fight to the death in front of the Heavenly Venerate? Take it for granted! Great mercy and compassion! The Buddha's light on her body was several times brighter. She raised her left hand, pinched the magic seal with her long fingers and waved it down, hitting the void.

Boom! This handprint only hits the position between Zhang Ruochen and Feng Tian, ​​and has not hit their real bodies yet, but they all feel that their bodies are about to be torn into pieces.

At the same time, he vomited blood, and his body flew out at the speed of light.

Dark Light Curse! The seventy-two rank lotus did not give them a chance to breathe, and in the red lips, read these three words

Circles of dark light released from her pupils

Zhang Ruochen quickly fixed his body from the remaining strength of the great compassion and compassion, and noticed that the power of the curse was surrounding him, and the mist and light came from all directions, blocking his vision and swallowing his perception.

He is proficient in the Underworld Light Mantra himself, and he knows that once he is bound by the Underworld Light, it will be difficult to break free, and it will be difficult to hurt the seventy-two rank lotus.

This may be the only curse that threatens him the most! Because the curse only surrounds the body and does not invade the body, it is a trapping spell

"Broken!" Zhang Ruochen drew a circle with both hands, holding up the four images of Tai Chi, constantly absorbing the coming mist and light

To the Promise Shinto

A collection of ten thousand Taoist laws, fusion and absorption of the power of the curse

This is the law of all rivers! Zhang Ruochen unlocked part of the black hand's seal

"Crash!" The black hand wrapped around the lock of the gods circled around Zhang Ruochen's body

Yu Ding, which was embedded in the back of his hand, actually absorbed a trace of blood from the black hand and intertwined it into a net on the Ding.

The radiance of Yu Ding was brilliant, shaking the world, causing the spatial veins in the entire star field to appear.

With Zhang Ruochen's roar, the violent space power surged out from the invisible seal in the palm of the black hand, hitting the 72-pin lotus on the top of the city.

The seventy-two rank lotus frowned slightly, her hands were imprinted at the same time, and thousands of hand shadows appeared behind her, making lotus handprints.

The Vientiane Intangible Seal and the lotus handprint collide in the void, and the ripples formed make the city of underworld, the light and shadow of the ancestors, the river of the underworld, and the kingdom of the underworld shake violently.

Zhang Ruochen trembled, his bones exploded, as if he was about to be overwhelmed by the space force he evoked.

The seventy-two rank lotus looked at this and lost the other. On the other end, Feng Tian manifested the true body of a phoenix, with wings spread out, it was thousands of miles long, penetrating the light of darkness.

Curse of Suppression

Every piece of artifact, under her control, collided with the city of underworld

"Bang bang!" A roar sounded one after another over the underworld city

"Di Chen, Fengtian, we're here!" The sound of Sanskrit is loud, the Buddhist text is soaring to the sky, and a dazzling silver Buddha light rises from the bottom of the Styx River.

A silver Buddha and a silver tree the size of a mountain formed a vast array of gods, running at high speed, and collided with the Styx River.

In the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation, Venerable Yu’s Spiritual Soul Formation Spirit and Prajna stood under the ruler. Mu Lingxi, Xueye Wutong, Yanju, Qitian, and other gods of the Death Palace stood at every node in the formation, and did their best to help them. Going to release the spirit to activate the formation

The seventy-two rank lotus has already blocked the entire star field, and naturally locked them inside.

"This emperor is here!" Xiao Hei, who had already woken up and pretended to be dead on the stone flag ship, couldn't hold it any longer. He immediately rushed into the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation with Cang Jue and joined the camp that urged the formation.

Xiao Hei is not as unreliable as usual. He is a **** of spiritual power.

Seventy-two Pin Lian glanced at the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation lightly, and said, "The Land of Ultimate Bliss, I have long wanted to take it.

"The seventy-two-petal lotus appeared under her feet, crystal clear and radiant, and then turned into seventy-two petal worlds, breaking the space suppression of Yuding and Vientiane's invisible seal.

As the seventy-two worlds of the seventy-two-pin lotus spread outward, Zhang Ruochen and Fengtian were shaken back again.

This time, Zhang Ruochen was seriously injured, more than ten bones were broken, his internal organs were shattered, including his heart became bloody.

Just unlocking part of the seal of the black hand, urging Yu Ding and Vientiane Invisible Seal, has already suffered a backlash

At the same time, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array was hit by the River Styx and fell straight towards the kingdom of the underworld.

All the monks in the formation were badly injured and fell to the ground

Fortunately, with the defense of Elysium, they did not fall

"Then burn all the jades and stones!" Zhang Ruochen took out the mani beads and used the ninth-order spiritual power to arouse the six human desires in the beads, releasing Brahma fire to prevent the seventy-two tier lotus from casting a curse again

His eyes became red, his long hair danced wildly, and he stared at the seventy-two rank lotus with murderous intent, which completely inspired his determination to see death as home, and no longer had the fluke mentality like before

If there is really no other choice, death will also take away the seventy-two rank lotus

"Manizhu! Very good, I have cleaned up you today and captured what you have, I will have the power to compete with Banzu.

"The 72nd Pin Lian finally became a little serious, her spiritual sense locked on Zhang Ruochen, her eyes became sharp and cold, and her real body flew out of the underworld.

This is a close-quarters fight to end the fight quickly

Zhang Ruochen's pressure has doubled, and he can clearly feel that hundreds of millions of orders are intertwined around him. Invisibly, time and curses continue to impact his defense.

He can clearly perceive the rapid loss of life essence, even if he is the time controller himself, he can't resist the time attack of the seventy-two rank lotus.

Change it to other immeasurables, and in an instant, you will be killed

Or die of old age, or be cursed to death

However, at the moment when the seventy-two rank lotus flew out of the underworld, the relationship between these order and time

The power, the power of the curse, has become disorderly and chaotic

Seventy-two Pin Lian's always indifferent and peaceful face showed a look of pain, the green lotus mark between the eyebrows became dim, and her figure was unstable.

"She is Zhang Ruochen who doesn't know what happened, but she knows that this is the perfect opportunity to get out.

With a swipe, the endless runes of the emperor's rune turned into a dazzling torrent, hitting the seventy-two rank lotus.

The seventy-two-petal lotus world derived from the seventy-two rank lotus was washed away by the runes.

She slumped back, her face was as pale as death

I raised my arm and took a look, the skin was actually withering

This made her eyes change dramatically. Ever since she took the 72nd rank lotus and abandoned Kong Fanning's body, she has never happened again.

What the **** is going on now? Zhang Ruochen chased after the victory, and with the blessing of the emperor's talisman, unleashed his immovable Ming Wangquan.

One after another, the fist marks blasted out, smashing all the defensive measures arranged by the seventy-two rank Liancang.

"Pfft!" Zhang Ruochen hit the seventy-two rank lotus vest with one punch, and the space was distorted.

With the tyrannical cultivation of the seventy-two rank lotus, she also snorted, and a strand of blood dripped from the corner of her mouth.

The seventy-two rank lotus used a mysterious body technique, disappeared in the void, and quickly distanced herself from Zhang Ruochen

The celestial lock wrapped around Zhang Ruochen's left arm was like a dragon flying out, and the black hand and Yu Ding hit the back of her head.

"Wow!" A circle of Buddha light was released from the back of her head and collided with Black Hand and Yu Ding.

The Buddha ring burst open instantly, turning into a light spot, and the black hand flew dangerously and dangerously from the right cheek of the seventy-two rank lotus.

When she turned around and stared at Zhang Ruochen with cold eyes, Zhang Ruochen was surprised to find that most of her pictures had become like dead wood.

"Humph! Good luck to you today, Zhang Ruochen, I hope the next time we meet, I will see you as you are now.

"The seventy-two rank lotus spreads her arms, and displays the Daoist scenes of the Underworld City, the Kingdom of the Underworld, the Light and Shadow of the Underworld, the River Styx, and so on.

retract into the body

Zhang Ruochen went all out to attack again,

She shot her hands forward at the same time, thousands of dark lights flew out at the same time, and the lines of the avenues shuttled between them.

"Boom!" A large space collapsed, running through the real world, the empty world, and the sky

The Santu River stops flowing here, and the corpse water keeps pouring into the void world

One after another shocking space cracks have spread to hundreds of millions of miles away, dividing the world

Zhang Ruochen's robe was tattered, and his body was dry and sore. When he walked out of the chaotic space, the seventy-two rank lotus had disappeared, and his breath and celestial secret had disappeared without a trace.

He looked around, only to realize that he had returned to the real world, and all the Taoist worlds created by the 72-pin lotus had disappeared! The "Stone" flag ship is still docked at the Santu River in the distance, but the ship has been broken and there are fragments everywhere.

The Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation fell into a black soil wasteland in the Santu River Basin, smashing a large pit hundreds of miles in diameter.

In the battle, Xiao Hei sat paralyzed under a Sutuohuan silver tree to recover, looked at the broken starry sky in shock, and said, "Zhang Ruochen is incredible, he has defeated all seventy-two rank lotus. According to legend, the seventy-two rank Lian is at the Heavenly Venerable level, and she can retreat from a confrontation with Tianmu.

"The other gods in the Shrine of Death are not as good as Xiao Hei.

They only knew that a vicious war broke out just now, but they could not see the mystery.

But the result is clear

Zhang Ruochen defeated the 72nd rank lotus, beat the 72nd rank lotus and fled

Incredible! Yan Ju is a flaming giant, a first-class powerhouse in the Divine Palace of Death.

He was also seriously injured. He sat on the ground to recover, and said, "Could it be that Di Chen has also reached the level of Heavenly Venerate?" Another **** from the Shrine of Death said, "Maybe it's a half-ancestor."

"How is that possible? The birth of any Tianzun-level and half-ancestor is a major event that will cause a sensation in the universe.

Di Chen's mental power has broken through the ninth order, which is only a matter of recent years." Rational Analysis of Xue Ye Wutong

She has always had a bad face towards Zhang Ruochen, but after this battle, she also respectfully called Zhang Ruochen "Di Chen"

Xiao Hei supported the serious injury, stood up and pointed to the sky: "Anyway, the emperor doesn't care, Zhang Ruochen's defeat of the 72-pin lotus must be publicized.

go out

Everyone can prove it, right? Prajna said: "You'd better not do this, Di Chen left the ghost town of impermanence, just to stay away from the storm whirlpool, hide in the dark, and watch the current affairs.

By doing so, you will undoubtedly push him back to the forefront

"Xiao Hei is obviously a spiritual god, but facing Prajna's eyes that do not contain any emotions, he has a bit of fear in his heart.

"Wow! Wow!" Zhang Ruochen and Feng Tian fell into the ten thousand Buddha formation one after the other.

"Meet Di Chen!"

"Meet Fengtian!" All the gods present saluted in unison

The eyes of everyone are completely different from before! Although Zhang Ruochen's mental power was also very scary in the past, Zhang Ruochen's rise was so fast that they couldn't adapt quickly.

And with Fengtian on top, they were not so in awe of Zhang Ruochen.

And now, they have not only awe but reverence in their eyes

"You are all seriously injured, take two Divine Pills by one person, and quickly heal your injuries.

Zhang Ruochen waved his sleeves, and two divine pills appeared in front of everyone.

A healing pill, a soul pill

They previously rode the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array to contain the 72-pin lotus, but although they were only hit by the aftermath, their souls were still severely damaged.

Holding the elixir, the gods of the Shrine of Death all look happy

"Seeing it or not, this is the advantage of following those who have no shortage of spiritual power, and there is no shortage of magic pills at all.

After thinking about it, saying that means digging the corner of Fengtian's corner, Xiao Hei added: "It's all my own people, don't be polite to Di Chen."

"After everyone entered a state of healing, Zhang Ruochen put the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array and the gods in the array into the palm of his right hand, and said, "Many gods from the **** world have rushed over here, we must leave as soon as possible."

"The gods of the **** world can come here, and the allies of the seventy-two rank lotus can also come here" Feng Tiandao

Zhang Ruochen glanced at the broken "Stone" flag ship, collected all the fragments, and then restrained his breath, and together with Feng Tian, ​​escaped into the world of nothingness

Entering the world of nothingness, Feng Tian released a divine ship made of blood, jade and white bones.

This ship was forged by her, and she set up many divine formations.

The ship carries the majestic Death Shrine, and the combination of the ship and the temple can burst out a tyrannical defense.

After finishing all the arrangements, Feng Tian finally couldn't hold it any longer. He spit out a mouthful of blood, and many blood lines appeared on the skin of his body, as if the ceramics were about to shatter.

Zhang Ruochen folded his hands together, and his death radiance rose sharply.

The door of death is in him

looming after

Feng Tian shook his head lightly and said, "You don't need to return the door of death to me! The state of serious injury is actually a rare experience, and you can better understand the other side of fate."

"Fate, good and bad coexist, good and bad coexist

These four signs are the four signs that I focus on cultivating now! At the same time, the process of healing is also the process of cultivating the way of life.

Without the door of death, we can better understand life today.”

"What happened to the 72nd rank lotus just now? Did she die? Didn't she take the 72nd rank lotus and cut it off? Could it be that she can't escape the dead end even if she changed her body?" Zhang Ruochen pondered. For a long said: "Although the body has changed, the spirit has not changed, and it has not completely escaped the curse.

As for why the sudden attack of withered death, Zhang Ruochen took out the mani beads and looked at Wanfolin in the other hand, and said, "The mani beads can dissolve all the curses in the world, but all things are mutually reinforcing, maybe the mani beads can also attract curses. relapse"

"There is another possibility, if the ancestor of Ming is really related to the ancestor of Kasyapa, and the power of the curse begins with the ancestor of Ming

Then anything left by the ancestor of Kasyapa may be the reason that triggers the death of the seventy-two lotus in the body, and naturally it also includes the secret power of the ancestor in the world of bliss.

"Zhang Ruochen can't be sure if Manizhu and Elysium have triggered the death, let alone how it was triggered, and he is helpless in his heart.

It's impossible, go find the 72-pin lotus and trigger it again in the future

That is really looking for death! Previously, the 72nd rank lotus did not use any soldiers, not even serious, so he and Feng Tian were in a state of embarrassment, and they were powerless to fight.

If you really want to be serious, stop underestimating the enemy, and confront each other closely, I am afraid that three or two moves will be able to send Zhang Ruochen away.


, Zhang Ruochen was more seriously injured than Feng Tian, ​​but when he saw Feng Tian entering the Shrine of Death to heal his injuries, he could only forcibly suppress the injury first.

There is one more urgent thing that must be done first

Take out the "Stone" word flagship

Zhang Ruochen calculated Yuan Sheng's secret and whereabouts based on the residual aura on the ship

If Yuan Sheng is in the hands of the seventy-two rank lotus, he may take this opportunity to find her and suppress or kill her while she is dying.

When Ruo Yuansheng arrived at the 72nd Grade Lotus, he left the ship first and went elsewhere, Zhang Ruochen must also find her as soon as possible

Because, Seventy-two Pin Lian will definitely send someone to capture her first

It is possible that the reason why Luo Yuluo didn't show up was to deal with Yuan Sheng!

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