MTL - God Emperor-Chapter 3888 Order of Wrath

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Zhang Ruochen looked stunned and said, "Yuan Sheng went to the ghost town of impermanence?"

After thinking about it, he forcibly summoned Xiao Hei, who was healing in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array.

When Xiao Hei was still a little confused, Zhang Ruochen extracted a ray of divine soul from his body and held it in the palm of his hand.

The soul is like fog, burning.

The flames deflected in the direction of the impermanent ghost town.

Using Xiao Hei's spirit to confirm the result of the calculation, Zhang Ruochen said to himself, "I understand! After you and Cang Jue set off, Yuan Sheng has been following you all the time, and she is very worried about you."

Although Zhang Ruochen's mental power found Xiao Hei and Cang Jue who were hiding their breath at that time, but because he did not consider that Yuan Sheng would come to the **** world, he did not deliberately investigate and calculate.

Secondly, Yuan Sheng belongs to the Yuan Dao clan, and his body can be decomposed into the rules of heaven and earth. With her cultivation level, she really wanted to hide it, and it was difficult to find the perfect world.

Xiao Hei was speechless and said, "Half of the emperor's soul is in her hands, why is she worried?"

"Since she knows your relationship with me, she won't kill you with that half of the soul. In other words, as long as you understand this truth, you can run away at any time without fear." Zhang Ruochen said.

Xiao Hei was stunned for a long time: "How does she know, I understand this truth? Actually, this emperor doesn't understand at all."

"You are the **** of spiritual power, who would have thought that you don't even understand this truth?" Zhang Ruochen said.

Xiao Hei and Zhang Ruochen got on each other and said, "Who would have thought that you, Zhang Ruochen, would only go to the dark abyss and hook up with the emperors of the ancient creatures? Who would have thought? Who would have thought?"

"We are allies who have experienced life and death." Zhang Ruochen said.

Xiao Hei was very angry and felt that Zhang Ruochen had insulted his intelligence, and said, "You also said that you and Feng Tian are allies! Don't think that the emperor didn't hear it, you called her Feng'er before! Feng Tian didn't even refute, That is Feng Tian, ​​the existence known as the God of Death and the Lord of Death."

"That was performed for the 72nd Pin Lian to tell her that Feng Tian and I have a close relationship, we advance and retreat together, and cannot be divided." Zhang Ruochen said.

Xiao Hei cut a cry: "Why don't you tell the seventy-two pinnacle lotus, you and Xuanyuan Lian have a close relationship and are more in love than Jin Jian. If you die, Xuanyuan Lian will definitely die for you. Guess, for her daughter, she Will I let you go?"

Zhang Ruochen was stunned, admiring Xiao Hei, and said, "Next time, you can consider using this trick. But it's hard to say whether Xuanyuan Lian is the daughter of the 72nd Pin Lian!"

"What's the matter with this emperor? The seventy-two-pin lotus didn't take this emperor in his eyes at all."

Xiao Hei stomped his feet fiercely, thinking that he was a dignified eighty-fifth-order spiritual powerhouse, but he was not even qualified to be a seventy-two rank lotus enemy, and became even more angry!

Suddenly, Zhang Ruochen asked, "Where's the cassock?"

"It was stolen by your clan emperor!" Xiao Hei said coldly.

Zhang Ruochen frowned and said, "That's the cassock that Vinayaka wore when he was preaching the Tao. You...the treasures are given to you, but you can't keep them."

"You told me that your Vulcan armor was taken away by her? Others are clan emperors, and their cultivation base is unfathomable." Xiao Hei's eyes showed suspicion and said: "The Vulcan armor was really taken away. of?"

Zhang Ruochen said: "Of course not, it was given to her. Old Jie and I were able to escape from the abyss of darkness. She helped a lot, and she always has to make up for it."

Xiao Hei nodded, suddenly thought of something, and said, "But, didn't you give the Vulcan armor to Baiyigu before..."

Zhang Ruochen interrupted his next words and said, "How's your injury? Maybe follow me to a ghost town of impermanence?"

Xiao Hei patted his chest and said: "This emperor is a **** of spiritual power, what is this injury? Of course, if you can give this emperor dozens of Divine Soul Pills made from the spirit of Moli Corpse Ancestor, the injury will be very serious. It should be able to recover faster. After the injury has recovered, it will be easier to sense the other half of the soul of the clan emperor."

Xiao Hei knew very well why Zhang Ruochen took him to the ghost town of impermanence.

"You don't need to feel it, I will calculate it myself."

Zhang Ruochen took out a piece of animal skin with hair and blood and threw it to him.

"what is this?"

Xiao Hei instinctively sensed that this piece of animal skin was not simple.

Inside each animal hair

It is a small world full of sultry spirit, and every drop of divine blood smeared on animal skins is like a sea of ​​blood, containing thick blood energy and tyrannical spiritual consciousness.


Absolutely unique.

Zhang Ruochen said: "The soul of the ancestors of Moli is the remnant soul of the first ancestor. How can it be so easy to refine? The soul pill is gone, but there is a piece of skin for you."

"Is this the skin of Moli's corpse ancestor?"

Xiao Hei fiddled with the animal skin on the ground, surprised.

Zhang Ruochen said: "It's just a small piece, put it on your body."

"What?" Xiao Hei was puzzled.

"Cover up the secrets! I am perfect, I can completely cover up my secrets and breath, but you can't. The breath belonging to the ancestors of Moli has been erased, and I have carved many runes on this piece of corpse skin, Now it is definitely a hidden treasure."

Xiao Hei shook his head and said in disgust, "I don't! This is the skin of a corpse. How unlucky is it to put it on the body?"

Zhang Ruochen said: "Moli corpse ancestor has transformed into a tamarin, but I wiped out the life breath in it, and only kept the corpse breath. In the **** world, incarnating as a corpse clan, it is convenient to do things."

Blackie still shook his head.

"Do you still want to get back half of your soul?"

Zhang Ruochen's eyes became serious and he reprimanded: "Will I tell you how badly I am hurt? If it wasn't for you, I would ignore my injuries and go find Yuan Sheng now?"

"Have you ever thought about it, if Luo Yuluo finds Yuan Sheng first and suppresses her. At that time, half of your soul will fall into her hands!"

"Do you know the grievance between Luo Luo and the Ice Emperor? I can't imagine the serious consequences."

Xiao Hei's eyes changed again and again, and said: "You are right, the impermanence ghost town was attacked before, and the seventy-two rank lotus and Luo Xunluo shot together. In the confrontation just now, only the seventy-two rank lotus was not seen. Luo Luo, there is indeed a problem."

"Zhang Ruochen, this emperor misunderstood you. I thought you were in such a hurry to find that clan emperor...hey..."

Zhang Ruochen patted him on the shoulder and said, "No need to say more, all love is silent. I have known each other for so many years, how can I bear to watch you die?"

Xiao Hei was moved in his heart, his eyes were complicated and some self-blame, and in the end, he decisively put the corpse of Moli's corpse on his body.


The gray brilliance of death flickered on him.

Xiao Hei turned into a tall man, exuding corpse aura all over his body, like a corpse deity.

Zhang Ruochen nodded with a smile, and said, "Let's wait for me to make some arrangements, and then we'll set off."

Zhang Ruochen was in such a hurry to find Yuan Sheng, naturally it was more than just wanting to help Xiao Hei find half of his soul.

If the Twelve Stone People were born in the era of Da Zun, and Yuan Sheng, as the emperor of the family, how could he not know the secret?

Twelve stone people can join forces to block the dark and strange attack, then, they will definitely be able to deal with the seventy-two rank lotus.

What Zhang Ruochen is most worried about at the moment, except for the remnant soul of his ancestors, is that the 72nd rank lotus has suppressed the dead and died and found it again. A solution must be found before that.

The feeling that the shadow of death is always hanging over my head is really uncomfortable.

Zhang Ruochen set up a divine formation on the periphery of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Formation to cover up the heavenly secrets, and then together with Xiao Hei, walked along the Santu River.

Xiao Hei looked at Zhang Ruochen from time to time and sighed, feeling very uncomfortable.

He was a dignified undead bird. He should have spread his wings and roamed the sea of ​​stars. He finally cultivated his human form from a cat, and now he is forced to walk on four claws.

Zhang Ruochen said: "What? Reluctantly? Do you want to change again?"

"is it okay?"

Little Black showed joy.

Zhang Ruochen mobilized his mental power to slap Xiao Hei's back, and suddenly, his divine light came out.

Xiao Hei changed from a scorpion to a wolf.

"What does this mean? Zhang Ruochen, this emperor is a spiritual god."

Blackie can't take it anymore!

Zhang Ruochen changed his body and turned into the appearance of the God of Angry Heaven. He was dressed in white, with a handsome face, deep and domineering eyes, and his temples reached his waist, with an intimidating anger.

Xiao Hei was stunned on the spot, unable to speak.

"Go, follow this seat into the city for a walk. This pool of water must be stirred.

It's better for us to be muddy enough. "

Zhang Ruochen turned over and rode on the back of Xiao Hei who was transformed into "Wolf Ancestor", and then swaggered into the Qingfeng Ghost City, one of the nine ghost towns of the ghost clan.

In the Qingfeng Ghost City, "Angry Sky God Zun" met the master of the ghost town, the Green Face Ghost Lord, and ordered him to send monks to help find the traces of the seventy-two-pin lotus and Mingzu.

Afterwards, "Angry Sky God Venerable" went to other ghost towns of the ghost clan, and some ancient corpse ancient cities of the corpse clan, and issued the same order.

Although "Angry Sky God Venerable" had warned, this matter is kept secret, and it is not allowed to tell the outside world that it is him behind the scenes. However, the news still spread like wildfire and spread quickly.

"The God of Wrath has arrived at the Santu River Basin and is looking for the seventy-two rank lotus and the ancestor."

"Is the news reliable? Isn't the God of Wrath sitting in the dark abyss?"

"The city owner of Qingfeng Ghost City told this god, how can this be fake? You must not tell anyone, this **** only told you, once it spreads, it will be difficult for the ghost king to explain to the **** of anger."

"What does Mingzu mean? Mingzu's remnant soul has also returned?"

"You only know now? It's not a secret at all, okay? Rumor has it that when the Great Master stepped into the Temple of Destiny, he was looking for the ancestor of the remnant soul. This matter is a taboo topic, we can just talk about it ourselves, don't do it. Spread it out, or you will definitely be approached by the Judgment Division, after all, it is disgraceful."

The news spread more and more widely among the gods, and soon spread to the Impermanence Ghost City and Disha Ghost City under the World Tree.

The ghost master was shocked: "God of Angry Heaven is here?"

"It's very likely to be true!"

The eldest son of the ghost master, "Yun", said again: "According to the news from the three major ghost cities, there are great god-level figures who have seen the God of Anger and the Ancestor of the Wolf with his own eyes. Moreover, according to the analysis of the route of the God of Wrath, it goes all the way. East, the destination should be our side."

The ghost master sat on the white bone **** seat, his face changed uncertainly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Yun thought about it for a and said, "However, there is one thing that is very suspicious. What kind of tyrannical existence is the 72nd rank lotus and Mingzu, and the God of Wrath sent countless monks to find it, can it be useful?"

"If you don't understand, don't make assumptions."

The ghost master raised his hand to signal Yun not to continue talking, his eyes were full of wise light, and he said extremely seriously: "You don't understand the wisdom of the heavens at all! If the seventy-two rank lotus and the ancestors are hidden, let alone the heavenly rank, even if Even the half-ancestors of the current generation are difficult to find."

"However, as long as the seventy-two rank lotus and Mingzu are in the Santu River Basin, they will definitely leave traces. Any abnormality, any subtlety, may be the key to finding them."

"Never underestimate any cultivator. The trillions of undead in the Santu River Basin are just a net. The more cultivators activated by the God of Wrath, the denser the net will be."

Yun showed a stunned expression and said, "I understand! The wind has passed without a trace, but the leaves falling, the sand moving, the water pattern and the cloud movement are all traces left by it, and it is also the one who found the seventy-two rank lotus and the ancestor. clue."

The ghost master said: "I estimate that Feng Tian, ​​Di Chen, and Xu Tian have already reached the abyss of darkness, so God Venerable Angry Sky can get out and rush over. Although the battle fluctuations that broke out before did not disperse, it is very likely. It is the **** of anger and the seventy-two rank lotus and the ancestors are fighting. What a turbulent era!"

"What can we do about this accident?" Yun asked.

The ghost master thought about it again and again, and said, "This is the way of fighting with giants. You can not mix it, or don't mix it. However, if the **** of anger comes to the ghost town, he will definitely give an order to this seat, and it will be difficult to do it by then! After finishing the retreat, I walked out of the ancestor realm, and as a disciple, I am going to pay a visit, and by the way, I can ask for some advice, he may have a great idea."

"When the master leaves the customs, the status of Disha Ghost City will be significantly improved." Yun said.

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