MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3971 demon rebellion

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Chapter 3971: Demon Rebellion

The old man Tianpeng looked at Fang Yue.

His gaze suddenly became sharp.

"Fang Yue, if you stop now, I can promise you that you will never make things difficult for you again. If you still insist on going your own way and attack our Tianpeng clan, you forced me to seek refuge in the dimensional world. From now on, you are The eternal sinner in this chaotic realm."

Tianpeng old man Fang Yue issued an ultimatum.

If it is not a last resort, the old man Tianpeng actually does not want to give up his current foundation and take refuge in the arms of the dimensional world!

The Tianpeng clan is his foundation.

If he really took refuge in the dimensional world, the Tianpeng clan would definitely not be able to take him away. Next, the Tianpeng clan in the dimensional world would all be purged. Peng will not have it!

Fang Yue's cruelty is well-known throughout the underworld.

Fang Yue looked at the old man Tianpeng and said with a sneer.

"Didn't you have any contact with the people in the dimensional world before? Don't forget, who cast the shadow of Tianzun on me before! What's more, do you really think that you can take refuge in the dimensional world?"

Fang Yue's smile became brighter and brighter.

The old man Tianpeng felt more and more uneasy.

The old man Tianpeng really couldn't imagine what other methods Fang Yue could use to deal with him!

Could it be that Fang Yue thought that his flesh and blood avatar could kill him, a veteran powerhouse at the Tianzun level?

He is not speechless.

His strength is much stronger than Mo Wuyan.

Even if Fang Yue's deity is in person, he may not be his opponent, let alone a mere flesh and blood clone, who can have 70% of the deity's means is invincible!

"No, no, no, of course I can't! But the will of heaven in the underworld can!"

"You were born in the underworld universe, and spent countless resources in the underworld universe to grow to the level of Tianzun, and now you actually want to join the camp of the dimensional world to fight against the underworld universe! Do you think the will of heaven in the underworld universe will be like this? Let you go easily?"

Fang Yue's words made the old man Tianpeng heave a sigh of relief.

"If you talk about the will of heaven in the underworld universe, then don't mention it. Heaven is ruthless and cannot attack creatures! What can she do even if she is angry? This will of heaven has its own rules and limitations, and it cannot directly participate in the life of creatures. In a dispute, for example, you offend the will of heaven in the dimensional world, but as long as you don't touch his rules, it is impossible to send down the punishment of heaven!"

The old man Tianpeng is also a veteran Tianzun.

He still understands this rule.

If the will of heaven in the underworld can really kill people, all the gods in these dimensional worlds in Yunyi City will be wiped out by her.

The will of heaven in the underworld has been promoted repeatedly. If it is really done at any cost, it may be stronger than the legendary strongman at the emperor level!

It's a pity that the will of heaven in the underworld has its own limitations. Unless someone violates the rules of the underworld universe or is forced to fight back if they want to slaughter the will of heaven, otherwise the will of heaven in the underworld will never be able to make a move! This is one of the rules!

"You just know one thing and don't know the other! I'm seeking a breakthrough in the dimensional world. It's not that the will of heaven in the dimensional world didn't do something to me this time, it just didn't kill me! It's true that he couldn't make a move himself, but this time in the dimensional world. The strong are willing to work for him! For example, if the will of heaven in the underworld wants Master Nangong Shouyue to join me in killing you, I believe Master Nangong Shouyue will definitely agree!"

Fang Yue's voice fell.

The old man Tianpeng suddenly felt the feathers on his body tremble and explode.

"Fang Yue, you!"

"This battle, why do you need Nangong Shouyuan to take action? Over the years, I have trained many dead soldiers in no man's land, and now is the time for them to appear!"

Fang Yue's words moved the will of heaven in the underworld.

The source of Tianzun in each Tianzun body is a great supplement to the will of heaven in the underworld.

If the old man Tianpeng could be killed, and the original power in his body could be refined, the will of heaven in the underworld might be able to go one step further, at least worth a thousand years of penance!

The voice of the will of the underworld and heaven fell.

Half-step Heavenly Venerates walked out of no man's land.

In no man's land, it is impossible to cultivate masters at the level of the Heavenly Exalted Realm, but as long as the resources are supported enough, there is no problem in cultivating some overlords at the half-step Heavenly Exalted Level!

A total of thirteen strong men from No Man's Land at the half-step Heavenly Exalted Realm level came from all directions.

They are full of killing intent!

These thirteen half-step Heavenly Exalted Realm level powerhouses come from different ethnic groups, and they used to be well-known peerless geniuses in the outer realm of the underworld or in the inner court. Due to various reasons, he was trapped in no man's land. When his life was dying, he was rescued by the will of the underworld and transformed into a dead man of the will of the underworld.

The will of heaven in the underworld transformed them into semi-chaotic creatures in no man's land, and as a price, they became dead soldiers of the will of heaven in the underworld, and they were not allowed to take half a step out of no man's land until the critical moment.

"The will of the underworld and heaven in this generation is so forbearing, and secretly cultivated thirteen half-step heavenly slayers!"

At this moment, a look of fear appeared in Mr. Liu Shui's eyes.

He has experienced the will of heaven for generations of underworld.

At this time, most of the wills of the underworld and heaven have been extremely weak and exhausted, and most of their power is being used to suppress the invasion of the entrance to the virtual world, the fragments of reincarnation, and various doomed creatures, and even some Creatures from outside the territory linked up with the powerhouses in the inner court, coveting the original power of the will of the underworld and heaven, trying to steal the original source, and even slaughter the sky!

But this generation's will of the underworld and heaven is not the case. Not only does she become stronger as she fights, surpassing the previous peak, she even hides her backhand and cultivates some half-step heavenly slayers for herself, including Nangong Shouyue, Fang Yue This kind of powerful combat power at the level of Tianzun is obedient to her. I am afraid that the will of the underworld of this generation is not so easy to deal with. If anyone still wants to kill the sky, he must consider the price he has to pay !

"Old man Tianpeng, do you want to be the guardian of my will of heaven, or do you want to let all the creatures of the Tianpeng clan in the underworld go extinct with you?"

The voice of the heavenly will of the underworld descended.

She is different from the will of heaven in the underworld. She did not blindly follow the so-called ruthless law of heaven and not to intervene in the battle of underworld creatures. Instead, she took the initiative to speak and question the old man Tianpeng.

A bitter smile emerged from the corner of Old Tianpeng's mouth.

He naturally knows what it means to be the guardian of the so-called will of heaven.

As long as he agrees to become the guardian of the will of the underworld, he will open his sea of ​​consciousness, and be probed into all secrets by the will of the underworld, completely obey, and completely control.

Of course, because the guardians of the will of heaven absolutely obey the will of heaven, their status is generally higher than that of Fang Yue, who is not very obedient to the messenger of the will of heaven.

But then again, who can reach the level of the Heavenly Exalted Realm, who is not an amazingly talented and arrogant person, if his will is really controlled by others, then life is truly worse than death!

The old man Tianpeng's eyes flickered, and at this moment, deep in his heart was extremely entangled.

If he takes refuge in the dimensional world, won't the party in the dimensional world use various means to restrict him?

After all, he is a Heavenly Venerable with a criminal record. If he were the Will of Heaven in the Dimensional World, he would probably infiltrate his sea of ​​consciousness and completely manipulate him.

"I, choose to be the guardian of the will of the underworld and heaven!"

The old man Tianpeng finally gave up struggling and said.

However, the moment the old man Tianpeng's words fell, a black and red light suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"Hey, I know that people like you are not strong enough! So I will help you and make you a warrior in my dimensional world!"

Another voice actually came out of the old man Tianpeng's body.

"No, who are you? Why are you in the body!"

The old man Tianpeng struggled, his expression extremely frightened.

As a senior Tianzun, he didn't even know that there was another will in his body.

"I am you! I am your inner demon. When you received the gift of the will of heaven in the dimensional world, I was already born in your body! If you obediently throw yourself into the embrace of the will of heaven in the dimensional world , I will never appear, but since you dare to betray the will of heaven in the dimensional world, I will replace you!"

Old Tianpeng's heart demon Jie Jie said.

"The Dao Heart Demon Seed, I didn't expect such a vicious inheritance to exist in the dimensional world!"

Fang Yue saw the problem.

The old man Tianpeng thinks that he has the opportunity to get opportunities and vacillates. He can obtain opportunities and cultivation resources from both the will of heaven in the underworld and the will of heaven in the dimensional world, but he never thought that the will of heaven in the dimensional world is giving him At the same time as the chance, all kinds of vicious methods have been ambushed in secret, just waiting for him to throw himself into the trap.

Fang Yue closed his eyes.

"Ominous power, kill the heart demon!"

Fang Yue mobilized the ominous power in Old Man Tianpeng's body to attack the inner demons in Old Man Tianpeng's body.

"Hehe, ominous power is indeed a good method. If I was not prepared, I might have been caught! But I knew you would use this move, so I asked for some holy water from the strong man in the dimensional world to destroy Kill the ominous force!"

The inner demon in the old man Tianpeng seems to have its own independent will and can communicate independently with the will of heaven in the dimensional world.


Countless holy water sprinkled on the old man Tianpeng.

The ominous force was neutralized and completely wiped out.

Holy water is an extremely precious thing in the underworld universe. I didn't expect that the Heavenly Will of the Yuan World would be so willing to spend so much money to subdue this old man Tianpeng, and actually handed over a large amount of extremely precious holy water to his demons. Use it to fight against the ominous force.

"Jie Jie Jie, Fang Yue, let me see how you can deal with me!"

The inner demon in the old man Tianpeng said provocatively.

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