MTL - God of Life and Death-Chapter 3972 The Tianpeng Clan is destroyed!

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Chapter 3972: The Tianpeng clan is destroyed!

Fang Yue looked at the old man Tianpeng's heart demon, and there was a trace of pity in his eyes.

"Do you think my ominous power is only this point?"

Fang Yue nodded with one finger.

A full ten o'clock ominous force flew out of the air, and under Fang Yue's control, it turned into a big face, showing a ferocious expression, and biting away at the old man Tianpeng.

The old man Tianpeng's face paled instantly.

"Who are you? Why do you have so much ominous power!"

The old man Tianpeng dodged in a hurry, but found that the ominous force was rushing towards him like a maggot attached to the bone!

The ominous power melted into the void, leaving Tianpeng old man nowhere to hide, nowhere to hide.

The ominous power under Fang Yue's control is even more terrifying and ruthless than the ominous power that has no owner and only knows wild attacks and wanton devouring!

Fang Yue fused the ominous power with the power of space he had mastered, so that he could blend into the void and be everywhere.

Unless it is resisted head-on, otherwise, it is impossible to avoid the pursuit of this ominous force.

"The ominous power that everyone fears like a tiger has become a big killer in Fang Yue's hands! Looking back, it can allow him to draw away some ominous power in the underworld universe. There are a lot of medieval, The strong man in the ancient times sealed some ominous forces at his own expense! If he can get rid of those ominous forces, he can liberate a large number of top combat forces in the underworld!"

Said the will of heaven in the underworld, a brilliant brilliance bloomed in her eyes.

Fang Yue gave her more and more surprises.

In fact, as the will of heaven in the underworld of this generation, she does not have better innate endowments and various conditions than the will of heaven in previous generations.

But she is good at accumulating, hoarding her own power, and has cultivated some peerless talents for herself, driven by herself.

Fang Yue is one of her most proud emissaries.

Give her a big surprise every time.

In the beginning, Fang Yue was able to refine part of the power of chaos and help her reduce the area of ​​no man's land in the underworld universe. Later, he helped him kill the strong outsiders, adding to the source, and later it became even more powerful. They are all refining, subduing the creatures of doom, reducing the threat of power of doom, and then refining reincarnation fragments, which relieves her burden a lot. Now Fang Yue can even drive the ominous power. Does this mean that she will not even Part of the power to suppress the ominous force can be recovered!

In that case, she would immediately be able to liberate nearly 30% of her own power, and become the will of the underworld and heaven who could use the most power in the last twenty civilization eras.

The will of heaven in the underworld is smiling like a flower, she fantasizes.

At this time, the old man Tianpeng had no choice but to sprinkle holy water again to neutralize and weaken these ominous forces.

The amount of holy water in the hands of old man Tianpeng is quite a lot.


A puff of white smoke dissipated.

The ominous power of ten o'clock, now only the amount of five o'clock is left.

But just the ominous power of five o'clock is enough for the old man Tianpeng to drink a pot.

"Dayou King, give me some more holy water, as long as I can eliminate these ominous forces, I will be your follower from now on, at your disposal!"

The old man Tianpeng became anxious, he knew that he could not escape the pursuit of the ominous force according to the normal way.

He took the initiative to ask King Dayou for help, even at the expense of betraying his dignity and freedom.

King Dayou's eyes flickered, obviously thinking about the pros and cons and gains and losses.

If it's just to save the old man Tianpeng, it's not worth using a saint to extinguish the ominous power.

Because holy water is precious, so is it in the dimensional world.

The Dimensional World is also plagued by ominous forces, which from time to time require a large amount of holy water to counteract and neutralize.

Now the old man Tianpeng is facing the ominous power of Wushi, who knows how much ominous power Fang Yue still has in his hands.

What if Fang Yue still has more ominous forces in his hands after eliminating these ominous forces?

Whether to continue to use holy water to neutralize or give up the old man Tianpeng, the previous investment will be lost.

But from another point of view, thousands of dollars buy bones.

He is willing to pay so much for an old Tianpeng who has betrayed the underworld universe, using a large amount of precious holy water to save him. Are some truly peerless geniuses in the dimensional world or unsatisfactory strong people who have lived in the chaotic realm? It will also be moved by this, and I want to throw myself into his arms.

He hesitated for a moment.

King Dayou decided to invest in it.

Not for old man Tianpeng but for his own reputation.

"Old man Tianpeng, where are you? Since you have decided to join the camp of the dimensional world, everyone is your own. I, King You, pay attention to morality and righteousness the most, and I will save you at any cost!"

King Dayou raised his palm.

An exquisite small porcelain bottle shattered into the void and was sent to the hands of old man Tianpeng.

The old man Tianpeng laughed loudly.

"Thank you, Great You King! Great You King Gao Yi, I will definitely visit the door in person when I join the Dimensional World in the future, thank you Great You King for today's gift!"

After the old man Tianpeng's voice fell, he opened the cork, and a large amount of holy water gushed out, neutralizing the last ominous power of the five seasons.

"Fang Yue, I see what other means you have, I don't believe that the ominous power in your hands is endless!"

The old man Tianpeng shook again.

Fang Yue looked at old man Tianpeng quietly and said.

"Are you looking down on me?"

Fang Yue struck again, with another ten o'clock ominous force, this time Fang Yue forged the ominous force into a dark red long sword.

There are also complicated patterns on the blade of this long sword.

After seeing the long sword, old man Tianpeng showed an expression uglier than eating shit.

How can this be?

What the **** is this Fang Yue transformed from an unknown creature?

Who among the creatures in the entire chaotic realm can easily mobilize so many ominous powers?

A strong man at the level of half-step Heavenly Exalted Realm can only seal off the ominous power of the fifth hour with all his strength.

And Fang Yue is no longer as simple as simply suppressing and sealing, what Fang Yue is doing is refining, transforming all these ominous forces into his own power!

Fang Yue brandished a dark red sword.

Pointing to the old man Tianpeng from afar.

"Dare to fight?"

Fang Yue's tone was extremely flamboyant, as if he didn't take this old man Tianpeng seriously.

Old Tianpeng said to Fang Yue.

"The kid is going to be crazy! Do you think it's great to have ominous power?"

The old man Tianpeng knew that he would not be able to get rid of Fang Yue, an annoying guy, if he didn't bleed some blood this time and show some real means.

"Tianpeng spreads its wings, the Great Instant Kill Technique!"

The old man Tianpeng used the ancestral killing move of the Tianpeng clan - the big instant killing technique!

The Tianpeng tribe is a tribe that represents the extreme speed of heaven and earth.

They spread their wings and fly thousands of miles away.

One breath can cut a person's body, and one thought can kill someone, splitting it in half.

The old man Tianpeng made a move.

Fang Yue's face changed slightly.

This is the Taoism born after the fusion of the Dao of Space and the Dao of Wind, and it is extremely powerful.

Fierce attack.

Arrived in an instant.

Fang Yue closed his eyes.

"Dimensional principles!"

Fang Yue let out a loud cry.

The creatures in the dimensional world in Yunyi City were all surprised.

"Why is Fang Yue fighting against the old man Tianpeng, calling for the Dao of the Dimension? Could it be that he thinks that the will of the Dao of Heaven in the Dimensional World will make the old man Tianpeng show mercy?"

Someone said teasingly.

"No, Fang Yue has comprehended the dimensional principles, and has reached an extremely advanced level!"

A bitter smile appeared on the corner of King Nirvana's mouth.

Fang Yue, a genius in the realm of chaos, comprehends the power of the dimensional principles even more profoundly than the creatures of these dimensional worlds, which has to be said to be a great irony!

However, this world is such an irony.

The old man Tianpeng passed through Fang Yue's body.

But Fang Yue was not harmed in the slightest.

He and old man Tianpeng are no longer in the same dimension at all, and old man Tianpeng's attack is invalid.

And Fang Yue's palm protruded from another dimension, hitting the old man Tianpeng's back with one blow.

There was a bang.

Old Man Tianpeng's body exploded.

The flesh and blood flew, and the bones appeared.

The old man Tianpeng turned around suddenly, grasped Fang Yue's wrist with a skinny hand, and pulled it suddenly, even pulling the flesh off Fang Yue's palm.


Fang Yue roared.

The specter from the old man Tianpeng burst out.

This is the evil thought in old man Tianpeng's body.

"Fang Yue, do you really think I can't do anything about you?"

"I didn't hit you just now, I was just waiting for you to shoot! The moment you shoot is my only chance to kill you!"

"Although it's just a clone, if I can completely erase your clone from the underworld universe, the will of heaven in the dimensional world should also give me a generous reward!"

The old man Tianpeng said proudly.

"Is it?"

Behind the old man Tianpeng, the breath of destruction dissipated.

This is Fang Yue's doomed avatar, who appeared behind Tianpeng old man at some point.

"The power of destruction!"

Fang Yue knocked down the demon's clone with a slap.

The avatar of the Destroyer Demon Clan casts its destructive power, which resonates with its own physique and complements each other!

The cold palm fell, and the old man Tianpeng's body was smashed into pieces.

Endless destructive power surged in, and both the old man Tianpeng and the heart demon were swept into it, unable to break free.

"You use yourself as a bait, so why not me? In the fight of the Heavenly Exalted Realm, whoever reveals his flaws first will fall first!"

Said Fang Yue's clone that destroyed the demons.

The avatar of the Destroyer Mozu refined the Altar of Destruction into its body.

At this moment, his ability to control the power of destruction surpassed everyone's imagination!

The wreckage of the old man Tianpeng was refined by the will of the underworld, and it was completely transformed into the purest source of power.

A mighty force came, swept away the Tianpeng clan's residence, and wiped out all the creatures of the Tianpeng clan.

"Tianpeng clan, go against the grain and take refuge in the dimensional world! The evil leader was killed by Fang Yue, and the Tianpeng clan will be wiped out!"

The will of heaven in the underworld is indifferent and ruthless.

This is also part of the rules.

It's okay to do bad things.

But breaking the rules and taking refuge in the embrace of the dimensional world, no way!

The Tianpeng clan was completely wiped out from the underworld universe.

To kill chickens and monkeys, everyone knows the purpose of the will of heaven in the underworld universe.

But the people present were all trembling.

The Tianpeng clan, a large clan that has inherited at least five civilization epochs, completely disappeared from the universe of the underworld.

More importantly, in the end, it was the will of heaven in the underworld universe to do it himself.

This means that if someone betrays the underworld universe and seeks refuge in the dimensional world, the heavenly will of the underworld universe can do it himself, right? If the answer is yes, then it is extremely scary.

Perhaps everyone present must re-evaluate the true strength of the Will of Heaven in the underworld universe!

"The Tianpeng Clan is gone, it has been erased!"

Jiu Jianxian took a sip of strong wine to calm down the horrified emotions in his heart.


The will of heaven in the underworld universe speaks out again.

"Fang Yue has made great achievements in killing the old man Tianpeng, and bestowed a road of flesh and blood in the Dzogchen realm!"

A Dao was born from the void and directly integrated into Fang Yue's flesh and blood clone.

This avenue fits perfectly with Fang Yue's flesh and blood clone, and the combat power of his flesh and blood clone has increased a lot in an instant!

"Beings of the universe in the underworld, if anyone finds rebellion, they should be killed immediately. If they make merit, they will be rewarded by heaven!"

The voice of the will of the underworld and heaven shook all directions!

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