MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 89

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Mantis catching cicada oriole behind

Duke did not rush to contact Fake Pinlu, but after seeing the statement of Marshal Amos, he was going to visit the teacher at Archie's house first.

With the release of Amos' statement, the attitude of netizens who were originally critical of the royal family changed a little, but it didn't take long for the wind to return to the beginning of public opinion.

After the Emperor Xiong went to the prince's residence, did it take so long to issue a statement?

This is clearly the emperor who threatened their marshals, and their marshals had no choice but to make this statement against his heart.

Anonymous questioning of the imperial family for the people of the empire who were grieved by Amos, and soon the forum building where "let the royal family come out and give an explanation" was built.

In the end, after Clyde summoned Aizel, he suppressed the anonymous netizens who "forced the palace", and after the posts praising the royal family's devotion to the top, the public opinion on the interstellar network stopped temporarily.

No matter how much you cover your mouth, it will not change the fact that the video is flying all over the sky and the royal family has a guilty conscience.

Although the incident of "forcing the palace" did not spread on a large scale due to the fast handling, it eventually affected Clyde's well-maintained image in front of the people of the empire.

Clyde looked at this farce with an ugly face, and contacted Amos angrily.

As soon as Amos' face appeared, Clyde sternly asked, "You did it on purpose."

"What is your majesty talking about? I don't understand." Amos looked at Clyde innocently.

Clyde looked at Amos who was pretending to be innocent with himself, his back molars were about to be crushed, and said coldly: "Don't pretend to be confused in front of me, why don't you just leave after I leave? make a statement?"

"Huh? Your Majesty didn't tell me to make a statement right away? Besides, if you think something is wrong, why didn't you remind me before you left, and didn't ask your valet to explain me after you left?" Si smiled.

Amos did not make a statement.

When he wanted to settle accounts with Amos, he made a statement. However, making a statement at this time was tantamount to pulling down the fig leaf of the royal family.

He didn't expect that he would be put together by Amos again, after all, he and Amos had reached an agreement.

Yamorgan never thought of helping the royal family through the difficulties, and because he went to find him, he left a handle instead.

If he does not do as agreed, Amos will publish the content of their conversation, then he will face internal and external troubles.

He despised Amos too much, and his younger brother was too useless. After six years of marriage, he could not fully control Amos even after being pregnant with a cub.

After the statement was issued, he should not have looked for Amos, but he couldn't swallow it, and he was not reconciled, he had to get something back, at least he wanted Amos Uneasy.

After all, she is restless, and there is no male master around to comfort the pregnant female son, it is completely normal for something to happen. When Amos is pregnant for more than ten months, he is the most vulnerable At that time, it will not be too late to completely solve him.

Thinking of this, Clyde looked at the smiling Amos and said harshly, "This time you're amazing, but don't be complacent, don't forget that all you care about is I have it in my hand."

Amos was not afraid of Clyde's threat at all, he sneered: "Your Majesty is not afraid of ruining his reputation, and he is a superior, just do it, I will accompany you to the end!"

"Naive," Clyde snorted coldly, and said: "Do you think that the males you support can change the status of your females now? I am afraid that it is the females at that time. end."

Amos did not answer Clyde's words, but instead asked: "What is your majesty afraid of?" Looking at Clyde, who thought he was colluding with the royal family, he said, "Don't worry, majesty, I, Horatio Amos, are absolutely loyal to the empire, as long as you don't force me, the result will be as you wish."

"Amos, you better remember what you said today."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, please don't forget your promise." Amos smiled.

Clyde looked at Amos for a long time and cut off the communication directly.

After confirming that the communication was cut off, Duke came out of the corner, helped Amos to sit on the sofa, and said, "Teacher, you should not lead Clyde's anger to yourself. ."

Amos beckoned, Duke squatted in front of Amos knowingly.

Feeling that the teacher patted his head and didn't take his own words seriously, Duke said depressedly: "Teacher, I have grown up, don't always touch my head."

"Oh? You've grown up?" Armos didn't let go, but after messing Duke's hair more quickly, he said, "You and Brian are together ?"

Duke looked at Amos in surprise: "Teacher, how did you know?"

Amos pointed to Duke's neck and said, "Here is a mark left by Brian for you."

Duke covered his neck with a flushed face, hesitating, and said, "Well, can't it be another bug?"

Amos leaned back and said in a relaxed tone, "If other bugs treated you like this, your eldest brother would have killed him long ago."

Duke didn't expect that it was his eldest brother who missed the loophole. He looked at Amos a little nervously and asked, "Does the teacher agree?"

Amos pulled Duke to sit beside him, looked at Duke softly, and said, "Silly boy, I already knew Brian's thoughts about you, you can walk It's good to be together, and the teacher will do her best to keep the two of you together and not be disturbed by anything."

Hearing that the teacher did not object to him being with Brian, Duke was happy, and said, "Teacher, you don't have to worry about my forced marriage and the matter of Brian, we have a solution."

As if afraid of Amos asking him how to solve it, Duke quickly said: "Don't worry, I definitely didn't lie to you, but I can't tell you the method, it involves the privacy of other insects. "

Amos' eyes flickered, and instead of asking Duke about his relationship with Brian, he asked about Lord Xavier.

This time Duke didn't hide anything, he said whatever he could.

"Teacher, Li Zhou is really very kind to Xavier, this time Xavier is away, wait for him to see you next time, you can see how well he is by looking at his current state already."

Amos nodded knowingly, and asked about the mutant star beast, Duke answered truthfully, and the morning passed between the question and answer.

Duke had something to do in the afternoon. Seeing that Archie was locked up by Clyde and would not return to the mansion for a short time, he said goodbye to the teacher and ran back to the military headquarters.

After sitting in the office for a while, he realized that the teacher didn't answer the question he asked first. Instead, he was questioned by the teacher and almost explained the exercises. Leaky mouth.

Wailing and covering his face, Duke felt that he was really stupid, and he was led away by the teacher after a few words.

After a while, he put down his hand, took a deep breath, and decided to do what Sheville told him.

Meanwhile, Morey had woken up and told Seville what had happened to him.

Xevier's eyes flickered, digesting the news brought by Morey, and looking at the sleeping road, he had a guess, could the fake product be the product of the laboratory?

After all, the area where Lu and Morey were discovered and the place where Morey found something wrong were only five jump points away. The starship accelerated, and one day was enough to reach it.

Morey was in this area because he came here specially. Was the road driven by other insects?

If it is really determined that the counterfeit road is related to the laboratory, then the question of whether the laboratory is completely controlled by Clyde is open to question.

Because in his opinion, Clyde does not need to replace a supreme commander who is stationed on the frontier star all year round.

If he doesn't believe in the road, he can directly replace the road with his worm, and no worm will say anything, doing so is purely unnecessary.

Unless Clyde knew exactly what he was going to do, he would want to use this method to break his own elite, but if Clyde really discovered his purpose, it is estimated that he would be arrested directly Clyde would be more satisfied than dealing with him in this roundabout way.

Therefore, Clyde may have become the prey in the eyes of other insects, maybe.

Chevir suddenly felt a little funny, he was very curious that he had always been conceited that he could control everything, the greatest emperor knew that his laboratory was out of his control, and even himself became another worm What kind of expression does it have when it comes to prey.

Well, these two idioms were taught to him by Li Zhou. Although he still can't use them well, he thinks they are suitable for use here.

Morey looked at Xavier, who was lost in thought after listening to him, and touched his stomach in pain. He had not eaten for several days. The rescue capsule can only guarantee his basic vital signs, and cannot feed him anything. He is starving to death now.

Xevier didn't give him the authorization of the starship. He couldn't open the door to the upper deck of the starship. When you're done, take him to eat.

He waited for a long time, and Xavier did not respond at all.

To prevent himself from starving to death, Morey wailed in his heart, and dared to deliberately make some noises, trying to let his boss notice that there is still a worm in urgent need of food;

However, there is no use for fart, Xavier still sits still in front of the rescue capsule on the road, thinking about his thoughts.

Just when he was so hungry that he almost fainted, he suddenly heard an ethereal and lazy call.

"Cherville? Where are you?"

Morey, who was so hungry that he almost ate the wall, didn't want to find out where the sound came from, just thought: you shout, you shout! If you shout, the boss won't give you a look. My boss is so hard-hearted and ruthless.

However, the next second, Morey's face was swollen.

Because he saw that his family was still immersed in his thoughts just now, and the boss Xavier, who was not disturbed by any sound, stood up and said softly to the star brain in his hand: "I am here The escape exit is here, you don't have to come down, I'll go up to find you."

Morey heard a soft "Oh, then I'll wait for you", and then his boss didn't look at him, turned and walked towards the upper deck of the starship.

Morey: ".."

Waterfall Tears QAQ;

The author has this to say:

Clyde: Amos, don't be too complacent, I'll take care of you when you're ten months pregnant.

Sevier, Duke, Bryan, Evel, Azer Qiqi looked at Clyde angrily: Do you think we are decorations?

Clyde: ..

Amos: (^^);

Clyde VS Armos, lost in the second round