MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 90

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Before the stage and behind the scenes

Li Zhou: Are you surprised? Are you surprised?

Starship, in the restaurant.

Morey, who had a bruised nose and a swollen face, finally ate something, but it was not the self-heating food that he would distribute when he was fighting alone, but the apple-flavored nutrient solution he had already drank.

He sat on a chair in the dining room with half of his buttocks, looking at his boss who knew he didn't like apple-flavored nutrient solution and insisted that he eat it.

Medicine, but also gently ask Yuko what's wrong from time to time.

He knew that this man was the boss of his own boss, but this was the first time they had officially met.

One sentence: "Wocao, boss, why did you come out to find me with a little lover? You are still tossing it like this? You kicked your hero?"

The result can be imagined, the originally warm temperature in the bedroom quickly dropped to freezing point, and then he became bruised, and the other half of his **** didn't dare to touch the chair.

But to be honest, he never thought that the boss who hated males in the past would change so much, and his cold and hard character became so tender in front of this male.

Looking at the boss who was chatting and laughing with Xiongzi, he couldn't help but be curious, and asked, "You have a big brain, why are you being rude to Xiongzi?"

Seeing that Morey, who was beaten by himself, said nothing, Xieweier was not angry, and said coldly: "The tongue was taken away by the star beast? If you can't speak clearly, just shut up. mouth."

Morey pursed his mouth and reluctantly said: "Boss, why did you bring your hero out? The side effects of outer space are very uncomfortable. You can see that he is sick."

Shewell didn't answer Morey's question, he put Li Zhou on the seat beside him, got up and walked in front of Morey.

Morey was a little scared, thinking that he had said something that touched the pain point of his boss, and smiled ingratiatingly.

"Boss, boss, what's the matter?"

Cherville's cold face suddenly showed a smile, which made Morey really stunned, because it was so good-looking, he never knew that his boss didn't have a straight face, and the smile bloomed like this nice.

Like, just like the flowers that just bloomed, fresh and beautiful.

However, good things are always short-lived. When he reacted, the nutrient solution in front of him had disappeared, and only an empty plate remained.

Morey: "I... Where's the nutrient solution?"

I don't like to eat."

Morey: ".."

"Boss!" After knocking his head on the dining table and making a thud, Morey said with tears in his eyes: "I was wrong, I'm hungry, and I eat apple-flavored ones too..."

Severe raised his eyebrows, did not speak, looked at the miserable Morey and showed a small prank successful smile.

Li Zhou sat in Xavier's arms and quietly watched Xavier play tricks on his subordinates without saying a word.

Because he didn't like Morey's words that he was Xavier's little lover, he was obviously Xavier's real hero, not a mess.

And what Morey said always made him feel that Morey looked down on Xavier, and Xavier was not such a feisty female.

Shevell probably knew that he was unhappy, and was afraid that he didn't like Morey, so he tossed Morey like this, trying to let him know that Morey was actually a fool, and he said these words without heart.

It turns out that Morey is really stupid, and he lost his soul with a smile from Xavier, and he didn't even know that the nutrient solution was lost.

However, with a smile as warm as the rising sun on Xavier's stern face, it is estimated that few insects can resist it. The cold temperament is mixed with the warmth of the rising sun. There is still the most nostalgic breath of the Zerg who have the habit of moths to flames, so he can resist a little.

Because Xavier never hesitated to smile in front of him, he knew that he liked to see him smile the most.

So even if he can never beat himself in flirting, Seville will also use his own strengths to keep himself fascinated with him forever.

Smoothing Xevier's slightly squinted eyes because of happiness, Li Zhou said softly: "Don't make fun of him, I have been in the rescue capsule for several days, don't starve to be more stupid. ."

Morey heard Li Zhou say good things to him, so he hurriedly cheered up and nodded again and again.

Cheville got close to Li Zhou, rubbed Li Zhou's neck with his cheek, and didn't care that he was attached to Li Zhou and Li Zhou's affectionate appearance was looked at by his subordinates.

Morey's rashness today and Li Zhou's previous appearance of only standing outside the military waiting for him, let him know that he actually wants all the insects to know how good his hero is. Let other worms see Li Zhou and know that this is the hero of his Xavier and cannot be coveted.

Although he had planned to push Li Zhou to the public before, this feeling has never been stronger than today.

He asked Li Zhou softly, "Aren't you angry?"

Li Zhou was a little embarrassed by Xavier's question. He didn't want to set up a cheapskate image in front of Xavier's subordinates. angry."

Morey on the side watched a play and said loudly: "His Royal Highness is right, I am a fool, so boss, can you stutter?"

Xevier and Li Zhou were amused at the same time by Morey who was able to bend and stretch, and instead of embarrassing Morey who was so hungry that he was about to cry, Xevier got up and went to the kitchen to heat the meal that Li Zhou had prepared for him.

This was prepared for him by Li Zhou before the jump. He said that he was afraid that after being knocked down by side effects at that time, he would have no food to eat, so he prepared some of his favorite meals in advance.

In the end, he found Morey before he could eat it.

The smell of heating the food wafted out of the kitchen, and the shriveled Morey instantly sat up straight and swayed on the chair to wait for the food to be heated.

He wanted to go to the kitchen to have a look, but he was afraid of offending Xavier, so he could only wait anxiously in the dining room.

Li Zhou smiled as he looked at Morey, who was grinning in pain because he accidentally touched the wound on his butt.

He said to Morey: "It will be fine in a while, don't fall."

Li Zhou's tone was very relaxed, his voice was ethereal and hoarse, and it sounded magnetic and sexy. The accustomed female son couldn't help blushing.

Cherville came out with the food, and saw Morey blushing and hesitantly apologizing to Li Zhou for his gaffe. After Li Zhou said "it's okay", Morey's His face turned redder.

Seeing him come out, it was like seeing a savior, he jumped up, took the food in his hand, and ran to another table to bury his head and eat hard.

Chever: ".."

shook his head, walked over to Li Zhou and sat down, using his eyes to accuse him not to bully his subordinates, his subordinates who had never seen the world could not stand Li Zhou's bullying.

Li Yi Zhou raised his eyebrows, leaned close to Xavier, and said softly: "I will not only bully your subordinates, but also you, but the two methods of bullying are different."

He said and put Xavier's red ear beads in his mouth, biting lightly, when Morey heard the sound and looked over, he covered Xevier's ears like a bell. Bullied watery eyes.

Morey didn't dare to make a sound, buried his head lower, and tried to focus on the delicious food in front of him, no longer thinking about the scene he just saw.

It's just that the more he controls himself, the clearer the picture emerges. With his super eyesight, he can clearly see how Li Zhou bullies his boss.

He sighed inwardly, the boss is definitely planted. However, when he thought that the boss was willing to plant it, he would not make more evaluations.

Anyway, he saw it, Li Zhou was determined not to provoke him, and angering Li Zhou would mean angering his boss.

And I don't know if it was an illusion, he always felt that this male gave him a very dangerous feeling.

Although his emotional intelligence is not very high, he has never made a mistake in judging the danger. This is his innate ability, and he is a brigadier general but can be an admiral's deputy The reason is his ability to save his life for so many years.

However, he couldn't figure out why a beautiful male with a weak body would give him this feeling?

Thinking about it, I think I may feel wrong, otherwise the problem will still appear on the boss.

After all, the boss attaches great importance to this male, whoever bullies this male may be beaten, such as himself just now.

Morey, who thought he wanted to understand, no longer cared about the two bugs beside him who didn't shy away from him, quickly solved the meal, and once again sighed that his boss had such a skill when he heard his boss calling him the sound of.

He responded reflexively: "Here!"

I saw the boss walking over with his beautiful hero.

"Let me introduce you formally. This is my lieutenant, Morey. I told you about him." Sheville said softly to Li Zhou.

Li Zhou nodded, took the initiative to stretch out his hand, and said with a smile: "I'm Xie Weixiong, Li Zhou, Brigadier General Morey, nice to meet you."

Morey stretched out his hand nervously, shook Li Zhou lightly, and apologized again: "I'm sorry just now, I really didn't mean it."

"Don't worry about this, Xavier has taught you a lesson for me, but whether you listen or not, I still have to say one more thing, I hope you can control your mouth in the future, not every time You will be so lucky, and it's not every time a bug saves you."

"Hmmm." Morey nodded repeatedly, he knew that Li Zhou was for his own good, and Norman had scolded him more than once for being outspoken. The one was starving stupidly in the rescue capsule.

Seeing that Morey had a good attitude in admitting his mistake, Li Zhou did not hold on to this mistake any more. He said so much today because he was afraid that Morey would inadvertently cause trouble for Xavier, and he was not really that stingy.

Looking at Morey who was still trembling, Li Zhou asked with a smile, "Is the food still good? Do you need more?"

"Alright, can I?" Morey's eyes lit up. To be honest, he hadn't eaten such a delicious meal for a long time. The meat was tender and not fishy, ​​and the vegetables were crisp and chewy , even the rice is delicious.

"Of course you can." Li Zhou turned his head to look at Xie Weir beside him, and said softly, "You sit with Morey for a while, I'll do something, have you not eaten? thing?"

"It's better for me to go, you're not healed yet." Xavier frowned, grabbing Li Zhou's hand and not letting him go.

Li Zhou pressed Xavier on the chair opposite Morey, and said softly: "Be obedient, you are here to talk to Morey about your affairs, and I will cook some of your favorite food. Fast."

Shevell still didn't let go, just at this moment Duke's request to call interface popped up, Li Zhou patted Shevell's hand: "Come on, Duke must be looking for you in a hurry, Don't worry, I'm fine."

Sheville let go of his hand reluctantly and connected Duke's communication, while Li Zhou turned around and walked into the kitchen.

As soon as it was connected, Duke's hologram appeared in the restaurant. Duke first said hello to Morey and Li Zhou, and then went straight to the theme.

He said: "Xavier, I have tried it, and there is basically no flaw, at least he is very clear about the condition of the Y star army female, and when I mentioned the physical examination, his performance It is also perfect, it seems that there is no fear that the physical examination will reveal race and genes."

"Can't you see it at all?" Xavier frowned, although he guessed that this fake road was created by some ghost laboratory, and also thought about sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight, but that laboratory If you can really make worms that are hard to distinguish between true and false, it will be a big trouble.

His power will be slowly eroded by one of the two tigers without his knowledge, because he is a general of the empire and a stumbling block for one of the tigers.

"Neither." Duke laughed and said: "Although he looks flawless, I still found something wrong, he is very used to using his right hand, and today Star Y is a cloudy and rainy day."

Chever's eyes lit up, because Lu had a secret that he was actually a left-handed, but Lu's left-handed was not born, his right hand was interrupted by his male father's lover when he was young, and he had to practice completed.

Although the right hand was restored later, it was not delayed in use, and Lu never told anyone about this, but Duke discovered it during the physical examination.

more than.

Duke recommends that Lu should use his right hand less often, and it is best to stick a thermal infrared patch on the elbow joint in cloudy and rainy days to relieve soreness.

But Xavier was still not happy. They knew that the road had been dropped, so they suspected it and found out what was wrong. If he didn't find this out, it would be too late even if he also found out that Lu was fake, and the information would have been sent out.

In addition, they can find the problem of counterfeiting because Lu has secrets, so how will they find out if the generals who have no secrets are replaced?

Duke also thought of this point, and said in a heavy tone: "I will leave for Star Y tomorrow to personally supervise the medical examination. I hope this fake is only strong in the outside world, and I can check for the problem."

Cheville nodded, and now he can only hope for the physical examination, hoping that problems can be found, so that they will not be completely passive.

Duke saw Xavier frowning and comforted: "You don't have to worry too much, it's not easy to quietly replace a high-ranking military female. Star Y may be their first pilot , When Lu wakes up, you can ask him carefully, the situation is not necessarily as bad as we imagined."

"Okay, I know, you must pay attention to safety in Y star, even if you find anything, don't show it." Xavier urged.

Duke smiled: "Don't worry, I'm not stupid, I will find a way to get more fake blood samples back. Even cloning I can find the difference, I don't believe it, I can't find it His flaws, fakes will always be fakes, and there will be flaws even if they look like them."

On this point, Seville still believes in Duke very much. Duke can be regarded as the top genius in the field of biological genes and medicine. As long as he wants to, as long as he has time and money, there is nothing he can't do.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you, how is the teacher?" When Xavier waited for Morey to wake up, he saw the statement, and he was worried about Amos. vertex.

Duke scratched his chin, a little embarrassed, and he remembered what he was almost told by his teacher.

Shevell knew Duke too well, and when he saw his expression, he knew something was different, and asked, "What's the matter? Is the teacher bad?"

"That's not true." Duke coughed lightly and said: "Archie was locked up by Clyde, and he has no time to bully the teacher. It's just that the teacher has just become pregnant. Not being there, the spiritual burden of God is a bit heavy, and—”

"What else?" Xavier was nervous.

Duke said not quite sure: "I went to see the teacher, and I happened to hear Clyde talking to the teacher. I don't know the specific content, but I can be sure that the teacher and Clyde did What kind of deal, and the teacher is deliberately angering Clyde, so that Clyde's attention is on him."

With a sigh, Duke continued: "Sheville, I'm very worried about the teacher, I always think he's doing something dangerous behind our backs. This is a deal with Clyde, teacher I don't know what it wants, but Clyde obviously wants the teacher to make a statement to help cover up the royal family. The teacher did it, but you saw it in the end."

Sevier understood Duke's concern and comforted: "I will strengthen the security guard around the teacher to prevent Clyde from playing vagina. I will rush back as soon as possible, and I will find a way when I go back. Take the teacher to my new home. As for the mental exhaustion during pregnancy, I will discuss it with Li Zhou, you don't have to worry. "

Hearing Xavier said this, Duke no longer bothered about this issue, and simply said: "Okay, I understand, I will go to prepare for the preliminary preparations for going to Star Y tomorrow, and the rest will wait for you to come back. ."


As soon as Xie Wei finished speaking, Duke's holographic influence disappeared in the Starship Restaurant, and he endured Morey who didn't speak, and asked carefully, "Boss, do you want me to go back to the imperial capital first? star?"

& nbsp; It is not to destroy, but to penetrate inside, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

Morey clearly understood the priorities of the matter, and did not refute, but nodded slowly.

As soon as Li Zhou came out with the food, he saw Xavier and Morey sitting on the chairs with deep faces, thinking about their thoughts.

He walked over, put the food on the table, lightly supported Xavier's shoulder, and when Xavier focused on himself, he said warmly: "What happened? deep?"

Shewell didn't hide it from Li Zhou, pulled Li Zhou to sit on his lap, and told Li Zhou all what Duke said and his own guesses.

Morey looked at Xavier who had told Li Zhouhe in surprise, and just wanted to remind Xavier not to say anything, when he found that Li Zhou's sharp eyes shot at him, completely gone appearance.

Morey was shocked, knowing that he had made a taboo, and he also reacted, Xavier should have told Li Zhou more than once, and discussed with Li Zhou.

Although his emotional intelligence is not high, he is not stupid. Thinking that Xavier also mentioned to Duke that he would discuss with Li Zhou about Marshal Amos, and Duke's appearance was also used to it, he was shocked. I feel that I underestimate Li Zhou.

Li Zhou is not just a man who is simply good to Xavier, he may have played a part, or even a large part, in Xavier's plan.

Thinking of this, Morey focused his attention on comforting Xavier Li Zhou, wanting to see what ability this male had, so that Xavier, who hated males so much, not only believed but was willing to give everything Confidentially informed.

But he looked at it for a long time, except for being gentle, good-looking, good to Xavier, and the threat that made him feel vaguely, he didn't see anything special.

What they are going to do is equivalent to overturning the lofty position of the male in the interstellar tens of thousands of years. He does not believe that male will support their plan.

Although Li Zhou may be a new addition to Xavier's plan, he still doesn't believe in Li Zhou.

Li Zhou sensed Morey's suspicious gaze, he turned to look at Morey, who was looking at him, and said slowly: "Brigadier, don't worry, I'm Lord Xie Weier, of course I will help Xavier, even if you don't believe me, you should believe that the leader you follow is not some stupid idiot."

Morey bowed his head in embarrassment at what Li Zhou said, Li Zhou was right, he should not doubt Xavier, but this did not conflict with his suspicion of Li Zhou's impure motives.

He still raised his head and faced Li Zhou head-on, just like the pheasant who was ready to fight all the time in the space of Li Zhou, staring at Li Zhou, trying to find flaws in Li Zhou's expression.

Li Zhou let Morey observe very calmly, and even smiled at him maliciously, laughing so much that Morey's face turned red, and he did not let Morey go, and said softly to Xavier: " Xavier, you are a good companion, not a fool who only obeys orders."

"Of course, the companions I agree with have always been able to complete orders well, but they are not machines that only obey orders." Xavier readily accepted Li Zhou's admiration for Morey.

He did not participate in the battle between Li Zhou and Morey. Since he wanted to push Li Zhou to the front, he had to learn to let go and let Li Zhou deal with these strange voices.

He believed that Li Zhou could handle it well, and also believed that Li Zhou could subdue the proud army females under him.

Morey was very uncomfortable with Li Zhou's sudden appreciation. He was a little happy to hear that Li Zhou called him a companion rather than a subordinate.

However, he firmly believed that this was just a means for Li Zhou to confuse him, pursed his lips, and said awkwardly: "Don't try to corrupt me with sugar-coated cannonballs, I won't be fooled."

Li Zhou pretended to be surprised and said, "Are you sure you don't accept sugar-coated shells?"

"No!" Morey shouted loudly, as if this would show his determination and shock Li Zhou.


"What?" He was a little confused and didn't understand what Li Zhou meant.

Li Zhou smiled slightly, got off Xavier, walked up to him, grabbed his tie, tucked him up, and said again: "I said, let you eat everything you just ate. Spit it out."

He still didn't understand what the sugar-coated cannonball had to do with what he just ate, but he found that the difference between Li Zhou was that this man's strength was so strong that he could kill him with one hand. Pick him up from his seat.

However, being stabbed by a male in front of his boss made him unable to step down.

Just as he was about to subdue this male, he remembered how the boss cherished the male, and suddenly he didn't know where to put his outstretched hand.

He looked at his boss tentatively, and found that the boss was pressing his jaw with one hand, looking at him and Li Zhou calmly, without any intention to stop them.

Just when he was thinking about what the boss meant, he suddenly felt a heavy blow to the stomach, and when he bent down reflexively, there was another blow on the back of the neck, causing him to He threw himself face down on the ground.

Morey: " hurts!" What's going on?

He struggled to get up and saw his boss looking at him with a half-smile, and said, "Morley, are you good? You actually learned to underestimate the enemy, no matter what I teach you You can't despise your opponent's criteria at all times, you just eat it, right?"

Morey was stunned, apparently not understanding what was going on.

Cheville didn't talk nonsense, he directly picked up Morey to Li Zhou who had already sat down, pointed to Li Zhou and said to Morey: "How does it feel to be beaten by a male just now? I still think about it. Do you think about it again? Just as you said you don't accept sugar-coated cannonballs, just let Li Zhou knock out everything you just ate, and it's fair. "

Morey then reacted, his voice was high, his tone changed and he shouted: "He made what I ate just now? Was I beaten by him just now?"

"Hmm." Li Zhou patted Morey's head like a puppy, and gave him the final blow: "I have no broken bones, and I have not given you any spiritual suggestion. Are you surprised? Are you surprised?"

Morey: ".."

A liar! I do not believe!

The author has this to say:

much later;

When Morey saw Li Zhou, he was as alert as a dog with its tail tucked, and was laughed at by countless colleagues around him.

However, the sober Morey, who was drunk with all the insects, looked at the military female who ran to tease Li Zhou with disdain, and sent him the most sincere silence.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!