MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 94

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Agent Site

Chever: Find a chance to beat Duke

It has been two days since Li Zhou and Xie Weir returned to the Imperial Capital Star. On their way back, they took the road to F Star first. Luckily, it was Casey who came to pick him up.

Looking at Tyler who was following Kathy, Xavier was not surprised at all, but took this opportunity to study with Tyler about seafood entering the market.

in that barren star.

Taylor acted even more quickly. After getting the news, he bought the desolate star directly from Duke Byron, the owner of the Bloomfield family, all the desolate star families, and named the desolate star. for Doyle.


Shevell and Li Zhou, who witnessed the whole process, said: They always feed other worms and dog food. Big Brother Taylor is worthy of being a big brother. They were fed a pile of dog food by Taylor's worm-free method, plus blind dogs.

However, it was a surprise to them that Byron could sell Desolate Star to Taylor so happily.

Although Byron may not remember that he still has such a barren star, who is Tyler? That can be the most powerful business wizard in the entire empire. The places he can see often contain huge business opportunities. Byron actually gave the barren star to Taylor at a low price without checking it. This is not in line with his personality. .

In this regard, Taylor gave them some confusion.

Taylor snorted coldly and said, "That old fox of Byron sold the Desolate Star to me so happily, of course, because he asked me. He wants to borrow my Imperial Capital Star to go straight to the Star Beast. The trade route on the frontier of the ethnic border, transporting some contraband that Clyde can't know about, and entering the black market."

"You promised him?" The worms asked in unison, that trade route is more valuable than the barren star, and every year it is only used for maintenance, diplomacy, hiring mercenaries to clean up the surrounding star thieves and Hiring high-level females to cruise costs sky-high.

Even more dangerous, because Byron could put all the blame on Taylor.

They didn't believe Taylor would make such a bad deal.

Sure enough, I saw a fierce smile on Taylor's snow-colored face, and said, "I agreed, but I only agreed to lend it to him, but I didn't say I would **** him."

Taylor paused for a moment, and if he pointed to something, he said: "If his goods are lost in transit or robbed by star thieves, it has nothing to do with me, after all, he lent me a serious business. He's already taken a huge risk."

The worms suddenly realized, Qi Qi gave Taylor a thumbs up and said, "High, it's really high."

Taylor doesn't care about everyone's compliments, he has heard this kind of voice too much since he was a child. He looked at Casey beside him, and said in a soothing tone, "As for how the star thieves stole their goods, it depends on my female monarch's ability."

Casey raised her eyebrows and said with a smile, "It's on me, I want to see what contraband they are using your business route to transport into the black market!"

Taylor patted the smiling Casey on the shoulder and kissed Casey directly in front of the insects before continuing to discuss with Li Zhou, who knows seafood, how to market and price seafood , how to do advertising and so on.

Li Zhou: ".."

Thank you for your invitation, I just watched the live version of the kiss, and now I really want to go home to Xavier, after all, he has been vegetarian for a week after traveling for a week.

However, Li Zhou still has professional ethics, he abandoned the distractions and discussed with Taylor.

In the end, they both unanimously hit Clyde's head, after all, deep-sea seafood wants to take the high-end route, and nothing can be more influential than Clyde among nobles and businessmen strength.

Do you think there is any more influential advertisement than His Majesty's favorite food? However, formal advertisements are still to be done, and momentum is still to be created, so that seafood can enter the entire interstellar market as soon as possible.

It just so happens that they can also take advantage of the agreement they just reached with Byron, and let Byron give Clyde the seafood in the name of tribute to the female concubine Jane to nourish her body, I believe it will get what you want Byron wouldn't be stingy to help them with this little favor.

It's okay for Chewell, he runs the largest agricultural machinery business in Imperial City, he can understand what Taylor and Li Zhou said, and he can give some advice from time to time to improve the plan.

Morey, Lu, and the half-hearted Casey just don't understand it at all. Worm, the mind is powerful.

They thought to themselves: No wonder Taylor can become a business tycoon, Xavier can become an admiral at a young age, Li Zhou is even more powerful, and if you win Xavier directly, you can still discuss cooperation with Taylor, these are all There is a reason, because they just see farther than other worms and are more courageous.

And a few of them, just like trash, can only applaud from the side.

Taylor seemed to feel Casey's loss, and put his hand on the back of Casey's neck to comfort him.

After all the plans were successfully negotiated, Taylor turned to look at Casey who didn't know what to think, and said softly: "It's normal that you don't understand this, if I grew up in the environment where you lived, Probably already dead."

Casey was very embarrassed by Taylor's gentle comfort.

He whispered to Taylor what he was thinking about and told Taylor that he was fine, but Taylor smiled, but did not let go, but a small amount of mental power followed Taylor's hand It poured into his spiritual sea, soothing his already obedient spiritual power.

He squinted comfortably and approached Taylor involuntarily. And Taylor hugged Casey's waist very naturally, and said goodbye to Li Zhou and Xavier.

Casey leaned against Tyler lightly and waved goodbye to Li Zhou and Xieweier lazily: "You guys go first, the road stays with me, you can rest assured, that's what you said. That batch of "goods" has arrived, don't forget to pay. "

Shevell knew that Casey was talking about the "dead" female soldiers he had secretly withdrawn because of the mutant star beast attack, so he nodded and said, "Don't worry, wait for me. Back to the Imperial City, I will pay."

After getting a positive answer, Casey yawned and returned to the KS base camp with the large army, while Xavier returned to the starship with Li Zhou and Morey to continue on their way.

Back to the Imperial City, Morey went to Duke non-stop, and because of Morey's return, Xavier could spare some time to deal with the mysterious research institute.

He originally wanted to find a full-time agent from the Imperial Intelligence Section to help break into the institute, but he was afraid of being known by Clyde.

The next task.

On the task post, he did not describe the details of the task in detail, which is also not allowed on this website. You have to wait for the agent to accept the task before you can contact the agent one-line to release the details of the task, so as not to leak the news.

If the agent learns the details of the mission and feels that he is incompetent, he will truthfully keep it a secret. Because once the secret is leaked, he can't escape the relationship, not to mention his reputation will be ruined, and he will also be strangled by the forces behind the establishment of this spy network.

Of course, if the agents get the information the employer needs, but the employer refuses to pay the bounty on the grounds that they are unqualified, they will also be blocked by the website, and they will be forced to leave a bond to pay the agent.

Shevell once asked Azel to track this website, but unfortunately, it was unsuccessful. The builder of this website is very cunning, the website server is actually established outside the Zerg domain, they have no way track to a specific location.

Because this website does not allow a series of tasks such as threatening the empire, assassination, and buying and selling females.

So Seville is not tracking down this worm-gathering website and the forces behind it.

It's just that he didn't expect that one day he would post a high reward task on it.

He was lucky, and the task was picked up just twenty minutes after it was posted. The code name of the worm that received the task was the worm, and whether it was a female or a male worm, whether it was an organization or a single-handed worm, Xieweier did not know, and did not need to know.

After contacting the moth, he put forward the task requirements in detail, and obtained within one year, including but not limited to, the topographic map of the research room, the security configuration, the researcher configuration, the weapon energy configuration, the logistics configuration, and the highest Bounty for research data theft, etc.

The borer thought for a long time, and just when Sheville thought he was going to give up, the borer replied.

Cheville didn't expect the worms to be so keen, he set the stealing information to the highest level of bounty, and the worms could guess that his most direct purpose was to save the insects, not to steal the secrets of the research lab , he looked at the request of the borer, and typed a reply—

"I can increase the bounty by 50%, and the task time limit can be extended appropriately, if you can do what you said."

Even if our mission fails, you don't have to worry about the mission leaking, I will keep it a secret. 】

Cheville checked this list according to what the borer said, and the borer didn't lie.

The task success rate of the borer is as high as 96%, the praise rate is 100%, and the return rate is also very high, which is enough to prove the strength of the borer.

Sheville was very happy, and directly increased the bounty by 50%, and after paying a high deposit, he replied to the moth.

"Happy cooperation, pay attention to safety, and when necessary, everything is based on your own safety."

On the other end of the website, the beautiful-looking female raised her eyebrows. I didn't expect that this employer was so kind, and he actually let him take his own safety as the top priority when he went on a mission. The four companions said, "We really met a conscientious employer."

One of the females with an ordinary face but extremely dignified patted the beautiful female - Moth on the shoulder and said: "Don't talk nonsense, the purpose of this employer is the same as ours, the creeping tiger is I suspect that the missing person in this area has something to do with the research institute he mentioned."

The borer nodded obediently, replied to Xavier by typing, and told Xavier all his thoughts on his side.

Shevell didn't expect that the agent who took up his mission post actually had the same purpose as him, he readily agreed, and felt lucky to find a partner who truly had the same goals as him.

Li Zhou sat quietly beside Xavier, waited for Xavier to close the head, and said, "It seems that they chose it on purpose when they took on the task."

Sheville nodded and said: "Well, it should be, although the task post cannot publish details, it is still easy to find bugs who pay attention to this aspect"

He pulled Li Zhou into his arms and tested the temperature of Li Zhou's forehead with his hand, but he didn't feel any abnormality, and then continued: "The purpose of the employer is the same, and under normal circumstances, he will get the employer's Some support, this is a win-win situation. Even if there is no support, you can get money and do your own business, killing two birds with one stone.”

"In this case, we are really lucky, I hope this borer can bring us good news." Li Zhou's face was serious, but his hand quietly followed Xavier's open shirt The collar stretched in.

Chever: ".."

Laughing and crying, he pulled out Li Zhou's hand, patted his little hero's head, and said in a very soft tone, "My dear, your health is not yet well, you can't think about those who have it. None."

Li Zhou knew that Xie Weiernan//Feng was right, put his head on Xieweier's shoulder in frustration, and whispered: "When are we moving, I like that transparent It’s a small courtyard made of materials, and when I’m done, I can listen to the wind and rain doing something in it.”

As soon as she heard it, she knew what was in Li Zhou's mind that was not suitable for children, pinched the back of Li Zhou's neck, and whispered: "You better stop for a few days, it's fast. There's no life left."

Li Zhou said aggrieved: "Xieweier, you have changed, you don't hurt me anymore."

Xevier felt a little distressed, but he knew that Li Zhou was not a bug who didn't know the severity, so he was just fighting for his own welfare in the future.

Anyway, he couldn't refuse Li Zhou, so he comforted: "When you're well, you can do whatever you want, I've seen the weather forecast, it will rain on the Didu star in three days. already."

Li Zhouyi heard the spirit, raised his head, looked at Xavier with bright green eyes, and said happily: "Then we will move tomorrow, but only the two of us will clean such a big manor. It's too hard to get up."

"Don't worry about this, I asked Big Brother Taylor to find a group of professional bug waiters to come over and leave the manor to them." Xavier glanced at the time and said: "They should have been there yesterday. In the manor."

"That's great, Xavier, you're so good, you want everything."

Sheville patted Li Zhou, who was in high spirits, and said softly: "It's been almost a week of tossing, and you've been in a bad state. You have to cook food for me and those two fools. I Take you to take a shower and sleep for a while."

He asked Li Zhou to wrap his neck around his neck, supported Li Zhou's legs, hugged Li Zhou like a child, and said as he walked, "You can sleep a little longer, don't worry about dinner The problem is, I can do simple things, and I won't starve us both."

Li Zhou did not refuse. He was really tossed by this trip. After being taken to the bathroom by Xavier, he jumped down and sat on the small stool in the bathroom to watch Xavier put the bath water.

After the water was ready, Xavier dropped a few drops of lavender essential oil that Li Zhou had collected into the space in his previous life, picked up Li Zhou, who was ready to take a bath, and put it into the bathtub, and took it off himself. Underwear lifted his foot and stepped into the bathtub.

I took the shampoo on the side and gently washed Li Zhou's hair. After he cleaned it, he found that Li Zhou had fallen asleep.

He took the large bath towel on the side and wrapped Li Zhou, took it out of the bathroom and put it on the bed, after covering the quilt, he gently scratched Li Zhou's nose and spoiled: "It's all like this. Now, are you still thinking about tossing me? Get a good night's sleep first."

Li Zhou in his sleep seemed to have heard what Xavier said, turned over, and muttered, "I'll take care of you when I get better."

Chever: ".."

When Li Zhou woke up, it was already dinner time, and Xavier was not by his side.

Seeing the traces of the bed, Xavier did not accompany him to rest this time, he should be dealing with the backlog of official documents since the "vacation".

He got up from the bed, touched his deflated stomach, put on the nightgown that Xavier put on his pillow, stepped on his slippers and went out to find Xavier.

As soon as he went out, he saw Xavier walking towards him, and he called out softly.

"Sheville, I'm hungry."

Xevier took two quick steps, reached Li Zhou's side, touched Li Zhou's forehead, and breathed a sigh of relief, saying: "The food will be ready soon, and Aivil is also here, let me He carefully examines your body."

"Did I have a fever again?" Li Zhou frowned when he saw Xieweier being so nervous.

Xevier nodded and said: "You fell asleep for a while, and then you had a high fever. I called Aivil to come, Aivil said that it was only a side effect of outer space and transition, but I I still want him to check it out for you."

"Okay." Li Zhou also felt that he should check his body carefully, but he felt that he should check his mental strength the most.

Since the last time the club used empty spiritual power, he found that the recovery speed of his spiritual power has accelerated and increased exponentially. With such a rapid growth rate, his physique simply can't keep up, which is why he has always been sick recently.

Before, he was able to double cultivation with Xavier and poured excess spiritual energy into Xavier's body, which gave them a lot of benefits.

In the past few days, he and Xavier had no chance to make out, which led to excessive intake of spiritual energy when he practiced in the early days of his trip, which directly caused more serious side effects.

In the next few days, he didn't dare to cultivate at all, for fear that his body would collapse directly after his mental strength skyrocketed.

He originally planned to come back this time, temporarily give up practicing alone, find a foreign body practice method to exercise his body, and then think about cultivating alone.

But since Evel came, he simply did a comprehensive physical examination to see what was going on with his body.

Follow Xavier downstairs, after entering the living room, and after saying hello to Evil who was paralyzed on the sofa, with an unlovable expression, he ran to the kitchen to help Xavier .

How could Xavier ask Li Zhou, who was not feeling well, to help him. After driving him out, he called Aiville in and instructed Aivil to wash the dishes.

Ever pointed to the dishwasher next to the cabinet tremblingly, and said aggrievedly: "This, doesn't this have a dishwasher? Why do you still need me to wash it?"

Sevier gave Aiville a sideways glance and said, "The dishwasher is not clean."

It was the first time that Iwell heard that the dishwasher can't wash the dishes. Looking at the serious and nonsense Xavier, he silently pointed to the little one and the five who were standing on the side of the charging, saying: : "Then they can't wash it clean?"

"They are out of power, and they will leak when they have power. After all, the model is very old."

Ever: ".."

Angrily glared at Xavier's back, Evil obediently soaked the dishes to be used later in water, ready to wash by hand.

Li Zhou leaned against the partition wall of the kitchen and looked at Xavier, who was bullying and happy, with a smile, but did not open his mouth to plead for Evil.

He knew that Aivil must have offended Xavier while he was asleep, so he was revenge by Xavier.

Li Zhou's guess was absolutely correct, Aivil did successfully offend Xavier with his molestation while he was asleep.

Of course, the cause of the incident had to start with Li Zhou's fever.

After putting the sleeping Li Zhou on the bed, Xavier did not go out to work immediately, but lowered his head and touched Li Zhou's forehead with his forehead to release his mental power to appease the tired Li Zhou.

It was fine at first, and Li Zhou's face was getting better and better, but when he stopped to calm down for a while, Li Zhou started to have a high fever and started talking nonsense.

Sometimes she said "Xavier, I love you", and then she said "Baifeng why did you hurt me", and then kept digging into the quilt coldly.

Cherville hurriedly wrapped Li Zhou, who was looking for warmth, with a quilt, held him in his arms, and contacted Aivil by the way. After explaining the situation, he picked up Li Zhou and placed him in the medical cabin according to Aivil's instructions.

While he was anxiously waiting for Aivil, he found that the medical cabin that had just been in good condition suddenly stopped working.

He thought it was because the energy in the medical cabin was insufficient, so he was going to change to a new energy source to continue working in the medical cabin.

Because when changing the energy of the medical cabin, there cannot be any living body in the medical cabin, so he wanted to take Li Zhou out and put Li Zhou in after the energy was changed.

However, when he reached out to open the door of the medical cabin, a mechanical electronic sound sounded out of nowhere—

[Welcome to the latest smart medical cabin No. NX548, I am the intelligent system of the medical cabin. Now that the energy is insufficient, the medical cabin will be automatically closed and locked. After the energy is changed, please let Bude Dr. Roywell's Pupil Film Authorization Starts]

[NX548 is the latest medical cabin, which can replace the energy without emptying the cabin. During the blockade of the medical cabin, if there is a sick body in the cabin, it will be forced to sleep and wait for it to reopen]

Chever: ".."

Damn Evel, why don't you tell him such an important thing.

Although the medical cabin was brought by Duke, it is obviously Awell who has a bigger relationship, otherwise why should Iwell authorize it instead of Duke. But Duke didn't even want to run, he had to beat Duke when he had time.

The most important thing is that these two unreliable things dare to use the medical cabin that is still in the testing stage for Li Zhou. I really think that my life is too long.

He replaced the energy for the medical cabin with an ugly face. He carefully observed Li Zhou's face in the medical cabin and found that there was no abnormality, and he was relieved.

I urged Evil again, and Xavier began to stare at Li Zhou in the medical cabin for a moment, preparing to violently destroy the medical cabin as soon as Li Zhou's face changed.

Fortunately, Aiweier arrived in time, Li Zhou did not change much, and the medical cabin was spared.

But Aiweier was miserable. When Li Zhou was asleep, the villa carried out an environmental cleanup that only wasted Aiweier's bug.

Aiweier knew that he was wrong, and did not dare to refute Xavier, so he was tossed by Xavier until Li Zhou was about to wake up, so he let him rest for a while.

I thought Xavier let him go, but unfortunately he misunderstood and could only stay in the kitchen to wash dishes, and Xavier, who was still tasting the soup, had already run to Li Zhou's face .

Looking at the two worms who kissed me and me like air, Aivil pouted and turned back to fight the dishes.

Just as Li Zhou and Xavier were "having a good time" and Evil was "working hard", the doorbell of the villa rang rapidly.

The author has this to say:

Duke and Evel tried to dance on the minefield of Shevel every day and enjoyed it.

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Sheville: I am also happy to be able to beat them every day.

Duke, Iver: ..

If you are on a business trip tomorrow, the update may be late. If there is no update before 22:00 tomorrow, those who are used to sleeping early can watch it again the next morning.

I have time to catch bugs;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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