MTL - God of War Dressed As a Weak Male-Chapter 95

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Who is the prey

Good hunters often appear in the image of their prey

It wasn't some unknown bug ringing the doorbell this time, but their old friends Duke and Morey.

Li Zhou opened the door and let the two females in, Duke hurriedly changed his shoes, asked Li Zhou, where is Xavier, and ran quickly into the kitchen to find Xavier, when he saw While working hard in the kitchen, Evil laughed until tears came out.

"Hahaha, Aivil, did you offend Xavier?"

Aivil's mouth curled into a sneer: "Yeah, I deserve it." Seeing that Duke laughed even more happily because of his words, he added, "Do you want to know, why did I offend me? Sheville?"

"Speak!" Duke was very interested.

A sharp cold light flashed in Aiweier's eyes, and he raised his lips: "Because a certain idiot gave Li Zhou the medical cabin that was in the clinical trial, do you think Xavier will be angry? "

"What, what... idiot..."

Duke was frightened, and the whole body of the worm was stiff, because he suddenly remembered that the medical cabin for Li Zhou seemed to be brought by him.

He was in a hurry at the time, and brought the medical cabin that Aivil gave him for research. After finding out, he wanted to have time to come to Xavier to change the medical cabin.

He completely forgot about the medical cabin when it came to the fake Lu and Yeboer.

Listen to what Aiweier meant, it was that there was a problem with the medical cabin when Li Zhou was using it, so Xavier was angry.

However, judging from the fact that Li Zhou can still open the door for him normally, it should not be a big problem, but it is probably a small problem.

But it also frightened Xavier, otherwise, with Li Zhou's generous personality, it would be impossible not to plead for Evil.

Li Zhou did not plead for mercy, and even acquiesced to Xavier tossing Aivil, which should be helping Xavier to vent his anger.

Ever was tossed by Xavier because of the medical cabin, is it possible for him to escape? It's impossible to think with your toes!

Thinking about it this way, his whole worm is not well, and he instantly has the urge to run away, and his body is faster than his brain, and he has already made a backward movement.

Shevell, who was serving soup on the side, had eyes on his back, and had already discovered Duke's intentions.

He put down the spoon and looked back at Duke with a half-smile, "Duke, where do you want to go?"

Duke smiled awkwardly, and stammered: "I, I move my legs, I don't want to go, I don't want to go." He asked Li Zhou for help with his eyes. .

However, not knowing that he has been identified by Duke as a generous Li Zhou, he blinked his innocent eyes and asked maliciously: "Duke, your eyes are cramping. What? Look at me all the time?"

Sheville smiled: "Duke, what are you looking at Li Zhou? Did he get hurt by your advanced medical cabin?"

Duke: ".."

Spit blood, what is the illusion that makes him think Li Zhou is a generous man? This is obviously a madman who loves Xieweier only by his own female monarch. He is a black-hearted bun, but he can't blame Li Zhou. After all, Li Zhou is the real victim.

It has been promoted, and the effect of this medical cabin is much better than that of ordinary medical cabins."

Of course, Shewell knew that these Ewellers had already told him that this new medical cabin was designed and produced by Taylor and Imperial Star Hospital, and can be used as a new medical cabin for emergency use.

Therefore, there is a function of locking the cabin door after the lack of energy. In fact, as long as the full protection mode is turned on, even if the cabin door is locked due to various reasons, the living body in the cabin will not suffer from hypoxia. death situation.

This medical cabin breaks through the limitation that special energy stones must be used, and energy must be empty to replace energy. It can absorb various energy sources as its own reserve energy, including but not limited to light energy, wind energy, electric energy, and other commonly used energy sources. the compressed nuclear energy;

It can be said that once this medical cabin comes out, it will greatly reduce the load of the starship during combat, improve the load rate, utilization rate and speed of the starship's weapons, and can also provide ordinary interstellar navigation to the greatest extent. medical insurance.

After all, no one can say for sure that they are strong enough to sail through the vast universe without getting sick.

But knowing is knowing, understanding is understanding, and Xavier also knows that Evel and Duke will not harm him, but he is still angry, angry that they do not explain, and that they are careless.

God knew that when the medical cabin door could not be opened, his heart would be broken, for fear that Li Zhou would be injured because of his negligence.

Morey, who had not dared to speak out, finally understood what was going on, looked at the two worms dead, and said, "Boss, that, that, let's look for it at this time. You are in trouble."

"Yes, yes, something, something." Duke also remembered the purpose of this trip, and quickly changed the subject, praying in his heart that Xavier could turn his attention away from him.

Shevell fixedly looked at Duke with a "let me go" expression, and after a while, he snorted coldly: "Come here to serve the dishes, eat and say, Li Zhou is hungry ."

"Hey, hey, here we go."

Duke glanced at Morey gratefully, dragged Morey and ran into the kitchen, carrying dishes and bowls, very consciously, and pushed Xavier to Li Zhou by the way, Let him take care of Li Zhou, who has a bad face.

Li Zhou looked at Xavier, who was still cold, but he was no longer cold, smiled, and whispered: "Out of breath? Are you going to let Duke go?"

Xevier's eyes turned cold, and two words popped out between his teeth: "Don't think about it!"

These two words were heard by the trembling Duke, who immediately turned his head and asked, "What else?"

Li Zhou looked at Duke's cautious expression, and laughed out loud, Duke's expression was too similar to a blue star called a silly roe deer animal too.

Duke was even more stunned by Li Zhou's laugh, and his expression became more like an ignorant and ignorant roe deer. He didn't know what his point of laughter was in Li Zhou's laughter. You have to lie directly on Shevel.

What's even more strange is that Li Zhou, who was lying on Xavier's shoulder, didn't know what to say to Xavier, but Xavier's stern face actually showed a smile.

He scratched his head suspiciously, and saw that Xavier's smile became bigger.

Just as he was about to ask what was going on, he was kicked by Morey with a casserole behind him: "You are so stupid, the boss was obviously coaxed by Li Zhou, and you still want to provoke , remind him of the stupid things you did?"

Aiweier nodded again and again: "I really can't bring you."

Duke was reminded by two companions, and also found himself a little stupid, withdrew the tentacles he wanted to test, and honestly took the dishes to the table.

Although Xavier told Li Zhou that dinner would be simpler, he always studied hard in places where Li Zhou did not pay attention, hoping that Li Zhou could also eat the meals he prepared carefully.

So, today's dinner is not easy. He stewed ginseng and wolfberry chicken soup, made dried beans, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, steamed fish, and served two plates of cold appetizers and wild vegetables. The staple food was rice and Two kinds of rice porridge.

The rice is made for these military females who can eat, and the rice porridge is because Li Zhou is uncomfortable and may lose his appetite, and he is afraid that Li Zhou will not be able to digest it.

Li Zhou looked at this table of dishes, and his heart was warm. He sat beside Xavier, held Xavier's hand under the table, and praised in a low voice: "It's amazing."

Xevier was praised with bright eyes, and after saying a word, he took the initiative to bring vegetables to Li Zhou, and he did not let go of his hands under the table.

It should be said that it is Chewell, who can do everything well. After a short period of study, he has been able to make these dishes completely.

Especially the chicken soup, the stew was very light, but the taste was better than Li Zhou's, so Duke and the others couldn't help but drink an extra bowl.

When the worms were almost eaten, Xavier asked: "Is it a matter of Boll?"

Duke, who was having a good time, reacted and said, "Yes, it is also Boll. Now it can be determined that he is fake, but Boll is not dead."

"Oh?" Xavier was interested: "How did you find out?"

Duke placed his chopsticks and said sternly: "After I caught him, I gave him a physical examination, which showed that his genes and blood types were different from the real Yeboer."

"Different?" Xavier frowned: "Then why did he pass the military's strict genetic testing machine?"

"This is the key to what I want to say." Duke clicked on the star brain and called out the genetic testing machine standing at the entrance of the military department, saying: "Our machine is obtained by scanning the overhead rays. In conclusion, the coverage point is very small, and the fake can completely hide the thing carrying the Pol gene in the hair to pass the security check."

"This is also the key to my judgment that Boer is alive. After all, the genes of dead worms will not be detected by the biodetector, so the Boer gene can also pass the test for fakes, definitely It's available every day."

"Get it now? Where to get it? Blood?" Iville had some ideas, but he still confirmed it with Duke.

Duke nodded and said, "It should be blood. I found Ye Bohr's blood on the fake head, and the fake has a bald head."

"I also checked the fake face, which can be changed at will. The bones are also different from the real ones. The purpose is to change the tightness of facial muscles and skin. The most important point is , I found that his genetic sequence has changed, which may be the fundamental reason why he can control his muscles to look like other worms."

"Also—" Duke paused for a while, and after seeing the eyes of all the insects focused on him, he said with satisfaction: "I reconstructed the real face of the fake based on the fake's facial bones. , guess who?"

"Who is it?" Shever asked coldly, he had a hunch that they should have touched the tip of the iceberg of a huge conspiracy.

Duke didn't sell anything, and directly recalled his restored photo. Xavier, Morey, and Evelyn all looked at the photo.

After a while, the three female sons said in unison, "Prince Jacob, isn't he a male son? How can the machine be so sluggish that it can even get the gender wrong?"

"Hey, hey, don't get me wrong, don't get me wrong, the machine can't get the gender wrong. This fake is a female, don't you see him being too young?" Duke hurriedly interrupted the three bugs He explained, "I checked his bone age, and he has just reached adulthood. It should be the son of Prince Jacob, who was transformed since he was a child."

"Then say that twenty-eight years ago, Xavier was not with this fake." Li Zhou narrowed his eyes, pointed at the center of the problem, and said, "The real Bohr should be Yale. Princes' people."

Cheville quickly understood what Li Zhou meant: "You mean, also Bohr was a chess piece that Prince Jacob placed in the army in order to seize the army?"

Li Zhou nodded and said, "Clyde has only been on the throne for fifteen years. Twenty-eight years ago should have been the time when the princes were fighting openly and secretly for the throne. It is normal for the most promising students to have eyeliner around them."

It's not just Xavier, Duke and Morey all understand, although since Li Zhou said last time that they had seen Bohr's face changed, they suspected that this experiment existed a long time ago , otherwise could not explain also the changes in Pol.

Now it seems that the experiment not only existed a long time ago, maybe Clyde was deliberately led by Prince Jacob to these huge Zerg worm experiments.

After all, if he still wants to fight for the throne, he must find a scapegoat for his anti-Zerg behavior.

Clyde is the best choice, as long as everything is pushed to Clyde, he can clean himself up and ascend to the throne.

He can also publish the experimental results of "Clyde"'s successful research and benefit the Zerg, creating a wave for himself.

Morey, who wanted to understand, laughed out loud: "It seems that our dear majesty is being played by other insects as star beasts."

"Not necessarily." Li Zhou sneered.

"How?" Morey didn't quite understand, wasn't it obvious that Clyde was being tricked? How could he be tricked by his own will?

character of…"

At this time, Clyde, whom Morey regarded as being played, had just walked out of Jane's bedroom.

After getting on the aircraft back to his bedroom, Clyde asked Prino, who had been silent: "How is the progress of the frontier laboratory? Jacob's movements have become frequent recently, and he actually took the experiment The idea hit Liang Jiazi, and he is not afraid of overturning."

Plinuo said calmly: "Isn't this the result that Your Majesty most wants to see? The more crazy he is, the more flaws he will leave, and the more we can use him to get what we want. "

"That's true." Clyde snorted coldly, and said, "How's Star Y? Did Jacob go in?"

"I didn't go in." Prino responded cautiously: "Cronin Road desperately resisted disappearance, the main control room could not be opened, and Prince Jacob's worm could not open the defense net to occupy the Y star."

"That's good, after a while, when the blood of Cronin Road runs out, Xavier will know that the student he likes has been silently harmed by other forces, then When the time comes, let's put some news out, let him and Jacob bite each other, we just need to wait for the result with peace of mind."

Clyde paused and sneered: "No matter who hurts who, it's good news for me, I really hope Jacob can do more."

"Your Majesty is wise." Prino complimented.

Clyde waved his hand and said sternly: "Amos, you forced me. Originally, I wanted to keep Xavier alive and let him have children for the empire. Now, Ha ha.."

Plino was frightened by Clyde's vicious expression, and did not dare to ask Seville who should lead the army to fight more and more if there was an accident with Prince Jacob. The mutant star beast.

He flew the aircraft silently, not daring to look at Clyde's gloomy expression in the rearview mirror.

However, Clyde did not intend to let Prino go, looking at the silent attendant, his tone suddenly became gentle: "Prino, you have followed me since you were a child, and now you are eighteen It's been over ten years."

"Yes, Your Majesty, my subordinate was with you when you were eight years old. You were twelve years old then, and now you are eighty-six years old." Prino said respectfully, he was Guy The family paid tribute to one of the princes from an early age.

Clyde was the least favored prince at that time. He was assigned to Clyde because his female father was just a bug waiter.

But what the family patriarch did not expect was that Clyde who finally ascended the throne turned out to be the least optimistic Clyde of all time, and Clyde who ascended the throne trusted him extremely.

His female father, because Clyde and himself have been carried by the male father as female servants, although they can still be bought and sold, but with him, his male father will not dare to sell him at will the female father.

He is also extremely loyal to Clyde because of this.

The battle prepared, since I dare to plot to kill Xavier, I am not afraid of the invasion of mutant star beasts, have you forgotten the report from there today?"

Plinuo felt a shock in his heart, but his face became more and more calm, and said: "Your Majesty is wise, it's my short-sightedness."

Hearing Prinuo's compliment, Clyde was a little satisfied and smiled: "You know, this experiment will be successful soon, don't talk about mutant star beasts after success, No matter how far away the other races in the galaxy, I want to destroy it, it is only a matter of time."

"Your Majesty will definitely become the greatest king of the Zerg for tens of thousands of years."

"Hehe, I will definitely be the greatest king of the Zerg."

Several females in the restaurant were startled by Li Zhou's words, but it was right to think about it.

This experiment has existed for a long time, and Jacob is also the true owner of the experiment, but even such a powerful Jacob has not been able to fight against the weak Clyde, then Now it is even more impossible to overthrow the already full-fledged Clyde.

Maybe every step of Jacob is in the hands of Clyde, Clyde deliberately makes Jacob think he has fallen into a trap, so he can catch the turtle in the urn.

"So, Clyde is the hunter, and Jacob, who has been jumping up and down, is the prey?" Morey asked carefully.

Li Zhou nodded and said: "Cunning hunters often appear in the image of their prey. Only in this way, will the self-righteous prey be willing to walk into the trap that the hunter specially set for him."

Li Zhou said: "Sooner or later, that fake road will reveal its fault. If it is exposed, Xavier, as the commander of the army, will definitely investigate to the end. If we did not save the road by accident, if we I didn't know from Big Brother Tyler that there was an anti-Zerg laboratory, what would be the result?"

Morey, Duke, and Aivil, who had been in a dazed state, looked at each other and said in unison, "What's the result?"

Li Zhou did not answer, and it was Xavier who answered their questions.

Sheville said coldly: "It's a good plan, knowing my character that I will investigate thoroughly, I just want me to compete with Prince Jacob, and he will benefit. However, who will kill the deer now? Unknown, it is impossible to want me to be the prey!"

Li Zhou looked at Xavier with admiration, and praised: "My general is smart."

Xieweier's face suddenly softened after Li Zhou's praise, he pursed his lips, and said, "No, it's not hard to guess if you think about it according to your smooth thinking."

"Just smart."

Xavier blushed and touched Li Zhou's cheek, and whispered, "If you say smart, you are smart."

I was shown a face, plus three female sons who were connoted: ".."

Sincerely speechless, why is it not difficult? It's just hard to die.

They really don't understand how Li Zhou's head grows. He said that these clues are connected in series. From the incident itself, he can also describe the heart of the protagonist involved in the incident. and next steps.

"How did you guess it?" The three fools all turned their attention to Li Zhou, who was in love with Xie Weier, and saw Li Zhou's back shivering, smiled awkwardly, and said : "Just, I guessed it according to Clyde's psychology."

I can't say that in my last life, I read a lot of novels about machinations when I was in school.

The three bugs were not satisfied with the answer given by Li Zhou, and wanted to ask again, but they were suppressed by force by Xieweier beside Li Zhou, and finally they were all kicked out of the house by Xieweier, including saying that they would Aivil who checked Li Zhou's body.

But Xavier was not heartless, told them that he and Li Zhou would move tomorrow, and invited them to have a conservatory meal. Li Zhou told him the word conservatory, saying that he would invite friends to come over to make trouble. One night, one night.

He also asked Aivil to prepare, tomorrow he would take Li Zhou to Diduxing Hospital for a good physical examination, and he also told him not to forget to tell Aizel to come to dinner tomorrow.

Then, he ignored the three worms who were looking at each other outside, and turned back to the house to find his hero.

The three worms stayed in the wind for a while, feeling bored, and they all went home.

Cherville leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window in the bedroom, watching his three companions froze for a while before returning to his home in three directions, a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Li Zhou came out of the shower, and saw the slender Xavier leaning against the window with a soft expression on his face.

He stepped forward, squeezed himself into Xavier's arms, and asked softly, "What are you thinking, so happy?"

Xevier's eyes fell on Li Zhou's fair and delicate face, looking at his favorite blue eyes, and replied softly, "I'm looking at Duke and the others."

Pointing at the backs of the three insects in different directions, he muttered: "Although the directions are different, the destination is the same."

Li Zhou knew that Xavier said that their ultimate goal was the same, he gently brushed Xavier to look at his eyes seriously, got close to Xavier, and tempted: "Xavier, close your eyes."

Cherville was successfully seduced by Li Zhou's gentle voice, and slowly closed his eyes as bright as stars, and after a while he tasted a fresh, peach-flavored kiss.

The bright moonlight outside the window reflected the young couple whose silhouettes overlapped, and they reluctantly hid back into the soft embrace of the white clouds until the heavy curtains fell.

The author has this to say:

Clyde: Jacob fool, Seville fool, Amos fool.

Jacob: You are stupid.

Xavier, Armos: Yes, yes, we are stupid, you are the smartest.

Clyde: ..

It's been a bit busy these two days. If you can't update it before 22:00, please check it the next morning.

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!