MTL - God Rank Hero-Chapter 2051 Miracle effect

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Although players around the world have received World Channel information related to Dafei many times, most players do n’t know what the miracle building is, but this kind of small map appears in China, directly marking Dafei ’s flying eagle. The situation of the city where the empire's capital is located is really fresh and bright. This is destined to be a well-deserved super artifact, and there has been a lot of discussion in forums around the world.

As for various professional teams, the game company must be shocked, surprised, and shocked, and then discussing what to do, in fact, it is nothing more than the existence of the old tune and re-playing the Devil to truly unite the world and further consolidate the alliance National teams.

The party's Da Fei was also shocked. Although it has been imagined that the miracle would be great, but the attributes of the miracle were so appropriate and intimate that it really surprised Da Fei:

Top of the Dark Sky Dome: Miracles of the Dark Elf City, increase the city cultural rating by 100 points, and the prosperity rating by 100 points. Fixed attributes: increase the output of urban arms by 50%, increase the urban crop yield by 50%, increase the output of dark attribute troops by 250%, increase the effect of urban dark attribute building facilities by 200%, and greatly increase the willingness of talents to migrate to friendly forces.

Features: Dark Elves are all soldiers. Miracles can transform the Dark Elves into urban populations, and they can also convert urban populations into arms. At the same time, level 1 miracles can provide 1,000 built-in space mansions, and all citizens' families who settle in the mansions will gain a lot of loyalty and happiness. Upgrading miracles can speed up population conversion and provide more luxury homes.

Construction requirements: Tears of Asha, 100,000 units of wood, 100,000 units of stone, 10,000 units of crystal, 10,000 units of mercury. The current construction progress is 0/100.

Warning: Once the miracle is destroyed, Asha's Tears will fall into the hands of the enemy.


The biggest problem with the new Shadow City on the big spaceship is two things: too few people in the dark elf family, and the vine space is not large, and the miraculous conversion function of miracles has solved the population problem from the root. The setting of the mansion also solves the problem of insufficient site.

Speaking of which, the terrain of the underground world has always been narrow and does not have the conditions for the birth of a super city. This miracle perfectly solves this problem!

The only uncomfortable thing is that the world knows the location and is very uncomfortable.

Uncomfortable, Da Fei's friend information came, and President Xue Wei said, "Fei Brother, how does it feel to be followed all over the world?"

Dafei smirked in surprise: "I can only see the coordinates of the brother, but I can't see the meaning of the brother. The brother doesn't care."

Zhou Qing laughed: "Fei brother, in fact, you may have overlooked the greatest connotation of this miracle."

Dafei was surprised: "What do you mean?"

Zhou Qing said positively: "The cultural evaluation +100 points, the prosperity evaluation +100 points! Fei Ge should not have built the city seriously, and may not know what these two data mean, which means that Fe Ge's city is related to the relevant race. npc has a huge appeal. The city of Feige is the Dark Elf City. Stopping in the City of Light has no effect, so we recommend that Feige can sail the boat to some areas where there may be dark elves if he has time. , Then it will be able to recruit more citizens. "

Dafei suddenly realized: "I see! When my brother has built his miracle, he will travel around the world!"

Zhou Qing laughed: "Actually, a miracle has not been built, and a site has 100 points of attributes. By the way, is Fei Ge interested in opening a miracle to build a live broadcast? Now the whole world is miracle I ’m interested in construction. If Fei Ge is broadcasting live, this explosion will be a bit daunting, but it may involve the secret of Fei Ge, so I just mean playing.

Dafei frowned, and the broadcast was confidential? That's right, what a secret is the Holy Vine Space? Luna Night said that as long as the US headquarters sees it, it will definitely pull the brakes. However, if you think about it differently, as long as some things are upset in the news, the other party will not be able to get the hackers.

And, is the Holy Vine Space really unique? At least the US team began to support the Pirate King. The Pirate King ’s flagship should have more built-in space cities than the older brothers. Rather than waiting for the US team to send the Pirate King ’s warships, it ’s better to pretend to force them?

That's right, brothers are so awesome, they have always been sneaky and pretending to be fast. This is a bit of a Jinyi night, this is a big regret in life. And when the American League sees that Brother has miracles, it will certainly not calm down, and it will certainly increase investment. Brother will drag them to death!

Da Fei, who thought about it clearly, replied: "Okay, brother records a small video from time to time, and then gives it to you to send it out, so that players around the world can share the construction of miracles."

Zhou Qing was shocked and said, "Isn't Fei Brother afraid of exposing secrets?"

Dafei laughed: "Of course I'm scared, so the little videos recorded by Brother are all limited in perspective."

Zhou Qing smiled: "Okay, then most of the click subscription revenue of our videos goes to Feige."

Dafei laughed: "No, old rules, you donated that part of the brother!"

"Ok, no problem!"

Before speaking, Da Fei recorded a one-minute small construction site video, and sent this video to President Xue Wei.

Needless to say, this one-minute video has greatly satisfied the curiosity of players around the world, and it has become a valuable reference for teams in various countries. It is unprecedentedly popular!

Then the question came immediately. Dafei actively disclosed that Atlantis supported by the Indian team had tears in Asha, so why didn't Atlansti open the location to the world? Or does the miracle of the npc city not be made public? Or is the miracle of Atlantis not under construction at all?

There is a great possibility that there is no under construction, but these are not the issues that the Chinese region should pay attention to. Now the task of the Chinese region is to dig other Yasha tears information based on the existing clues. As long as the second tear of Yasha is dug up in China and placed in the npc main city to benefit players in China, all questions will be resolved.


Then, the summer leisure time of Dafei continued to be opened, and the miracle's recruiting effect was displayed one day later. The guarded gargoyle "radar array" outside the city of light found three in the lakeside caves outside the city Neutral Huang Ming's Wandering Banshee!

This is a typical phenomenon of cities attracting foreign immigrants, but because their ethnic camps are different, they cannot directly enter the site of the city of light. This must be found by the owner of the city and picked up in person, otherwise the loss will be great!

Since it is a banshee, it is obviously the result of the multiple factors of the friends of Dafei Banshee, the banshee celebrity Helen, and miracles.

Da Fei was surprised to bring them back to the boat for the first time. Although it is only three female banshees with very weak attributes, but banshee citizens, they cannot use combat power to measure their value!

With such a good start, Da Fei's daily leisure work has become uncomfortable. In the future, Da Fei will purchase materials to build miracles, send a small public video, and pay attention to the caves of people of unknown origin. Most people live in one place, and it is a brush of dozens of people in a tribe!

This is very confusing for Da Fei. In short, temporarily accept it, and then find an opportunity to move them to the new city of Rose on the side of the desert.

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes
Read The Duke's Passion