MTL - God Rank Hero-Chapter 2052 Second miracle

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Since August, the world ’s hottest show is undoubtedly a video of the flying miracle. A large group of crypt cavemen immigrants appeared on the map a few hours later, and several banshees appeared in the video a few hours later. Then came another Medusa, and then a group of underground ogre fat men ...

This is not that Da Fei is showing off. This is just that Da Fei is openly and transparently showing its own activities. Prove that you are not doing anything, okay. This is pretending to show off. No explanation.

As a result of the show, there are already many teams and player groups in the district calling the Xuewei Association to express their congratulations (servants) to China. On the other hand, the jealousy and anxiety of the American League, especially the Indian team, players around the world are questioning, does their so-called undersea city Atlantis really have tears for Asha? If so, why not make the miracles public on the full map?


System prompt: The battle is over! You defeated the attack of unknown forces of the miracle, your empire reputation +1000 ...

Da Fei has ended a treasure hunt. As the miracle introduces, there is of course adversity when admired, and the intensity of the hostility is too much. It is a large group of elemental summons that teleport directly from the space around the Fly , The strength is very weird and powerful, even Da Fei has lost some time. Judging from Da Fei's years of war experience, the attacker is probably a god's ambassador level, but in addition to reputation, these summons have no Any experience and equipment.

very troublesome! Da Fei cannot determine whether these hostile treasure hunters are so powerful for their own god-level players, or are they so powerful for all players who build miracles? If ordinary players are facing these treasure hunters, how difficult is it to build this miracle?

In order to determine this, Dafei also needs a template, such as whether Atlantis has built a miracle. So Dafei reports good news without worrying, and the video will never send out the attacked situation. The purpose of pretending to be aggressive before and afterward is to play a game of chess, that is, to let Sange lose his breath by showing off his wealth, encouraging Sange to start building miracles, and then let Sange consume more energy in defense.

Therefore, throughout August, Dafei spent most of its time on the Feixiang, receiving immigration around the ground around the city of light, and then handed the immigrants from the caves to the caterina back to the city to supply. She was transported to the big side desert.

That ’s right, because the flying miracle has been released by the world because of the miracle, many of the borderlands are still not convenient to go to the secret place, even the Jade Dreamland just developed is not convenient for the whole ship. But it doesn't matter. Emerald Dreamland, just enter directly from the Emerald Gate on the boat. Now, Zavala can already assume the function of a mount, allowing Dafei to inspect the site of Emerald Dreamland at any time.

Compared with the new site that is awaiting revival, Da Fei's greater energy and interest is obviously the shadow city of the capital. After relocating the main building of the ruins of Yichi Voge, the red, purple and dark people in the ship's city are flowing. This is not what it used to be, but this is all false prosperity because the employment problem of citizens has not yet been resolved. But it doesn't matter. Dafei is playing high-end. Of course, citizens of the capital are engaged in scientific research, magic research, and artistic creation. So the main development direction in the future is college, magic tower and the like.

In this month, the No. 2 cottage ship of the Window of the World Void Shipyard appeared, and the successful completion of the order of the first Divine Realm of Dafei ’s Ark Factory was not a big deal. The real big thing is that in China Under the clues of the group's brainstorming and piglet's running, the second clue of the tears of Asha, the light attribute hidden by the **** of light, finally appeared!

I have to say that although Da Fei is the world's number one player and the strongest player in the human race, Da Fei is indeed running all over the world. In fact, there is not much time to run on the human side. Piggy running is the human in China The "most senior human" here.

And with clues, can the tears of Asha run away with the "face" and "plug-in" of the flying brother?

So what Dafei has to do is wait for these high-end players to completely crack the clues. The first one took 15 days, and the second one would hardly exceed this time.

Then the start of the school season in September, Da Fei sent a message to the great soldiers and other students to study hard without truancy, set an example for college students across the country, and be a social person who can be seen. As for Xiaofang Xiaoli, of course, she also ended her busy summer vacation activities and formally joined the school.

For Shenjiang Normal University, the emergence of so many Internet celebrities in a school's graduates is undoubtedly an opportunity. The school's student union and the postgraduate guarantee of the school are open to Xiaofang Xiaoli.

The meaning of Dafei is, of course, that the visitor will not refuse. Dafei has helped the school think of a master of network media! More grounded professional. Without this major? Build one now! No teacher? Isn't Xue Wei's large group of naval commanders the teachers?

Then the good news of Cyrah came. After more than two months of repair in real time, Troy City finally returned to normal. Of course, Dafei doesn't know what normal looks like, anyway, there is no full-screen mosaic anymore, and the entire city is empty and there is no npc except Cyrah.

There is no doubt that Troy's "illegal occupation" Troy let the gods withdraw all functional npcs for the first time, and now all of this must be taken over by Dafei himself.

And the richness of Troy did not disappoint Dafei. There are six major mines here, namely the Troy Forest Timber Mine that can be seen at a glance, the marble ore on the cliff, the crystal ore in the volcanic cave of the island, the Troy copper mine, and Hades Silver mine, submarine gem mine. The amount of these mines is not large at one time, but the cycle is refreshed, and the cycle refreshed mine means never exhausted!

Da Fei's occupation here means that there is a permanent money printing machine. As long as the game does not cross a day, Da Fei can lie down and count the money for a day. This is really not too cool!

Then there is nothing to say. The immigrants over the miracles have been arranged into Troy to enrich the population and mine, and the large side has already contributed enough population.


A week later, the time finally came, the think tanks solved all the mysteries of the obelisk, and the tears of Asha, the light attribute, appeared. It's still the same old rules, and Fei Ge takes the fight!

Flying above the 10,000 meters high where Wings of Radiance is located, looking at the red, green, and green players on the radar beneath him, Da Fei was filled with emotion: "It seems that foreign players have not stopped these days."

The Emperor smiled: "They also want to track our activities, but impossible, Fei Ge is too high-end."

Da Fei laughed: "There is nothing to say about this Asha's tears, donate it to the Chinese area. Brother only has one or two years of game time, which is dozens of days. That is definitely not complete. It's about to lose money. "

The big brothers laughed: "Feige rest assured, we will pay Feige's debts!"

Dafei laughed: "Brother still has one billion gold coins in cash, and I can't let all my brethren carry it."

The big brothers are distressed: "It's worthy of flying brother, if we have a billion cash, we can't even think about it! We absolutely have no money to invest in poverty ..."

There was no suspense in the battle below. Under Dafei's hands, the angels who guarded the artifact obediently surrendered the treasure, and then one hour later

World Announcement: Congratulations! The Chinese player "Divine Emperor" found the super-urban artifact "Tear of Asha" and began to build the miracle "Glorious Altar" in the capital of the Lion Heart Empire! The location of the miracle will be open to the world, and players around the world will show a small map to get the location of the miracle.

China is a sensation, and players around the world are a sensation!

Although the announcement reads the tears of Asa found by the emperor **** of the ninth heaven, the world knows that it is a big fly! Only Da Fei can be so unaware!

At this moment, the hero headquarters could not tolerate it, and immediately called the relevant person in charge of the Chinese branch and severely condemned Dafei for disrupting the game balance and shortening the life of the game!

After a day of conference negotiations, Dafei received another message from Vice President Lin Tianhao Lin: "Feige, new terms have been proposed over the game headquarters. For the sake of game balance, Feige is not allowed to help China get Yasha tears Otherwise, it would be considered a breach of contract. "

Dafei didn't feel good. "Did you say that you can get Yasha's tears in other districts? For example, you can get Yasha's tears in the United States?"

Lin Tianhao suddenly stunned: "I didn't say that!"

Da Fei laughed: "We have them, how can this be called a balance? If the United States has this requirement in private, we can talk to them, as long as we continue to donate to our mountain fund."

Lin Tianhao couldn't help crying: "Well, we can contact you in private, thank Fei for understanding our difficulties."

Dafei laughed: "It's not in the interest of my brother to crash the game ..."

Read I Pick Up A Bunch Of Attributes
Read The Duke's Passion