MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 309 Learning for the Rise of Zhulu Kingdom

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  Chapter 309 Learning for the Rise of the Bamboo Reed Kingdom

  Different eras, the passage of time in the simulator is also different.

  For example, in the last era, after ten years in the Yao world, it is equivalent to one day in the present world.

  But after the update of the second era, it will take twelve years for the world of the Yao people to equal one day in the real world.

  Yao's unified calendar also makes the passage of time in the pixel world clearer and more intuitive.

  Lu Yao found Shi Bao.

  Now Shi Bao is an octogenarian. He returned to Yancheng from Baibao and worked as a mathematics lecturer in the College of Engineering. He is still the prophet who is most integrated into the masses.

  The old prophet was leaning on crutches, and was giving a lecture in a small room: "The relationship between numbers and words is inseparable. It can be traced back to "A Brief History of Tribes" recorded by the astrologer Shahan."

   "In the "Tribal Trading Code" written by Shangli, numbers have also officially become a science. Each number is endowed with a special meaning, which can represent everything we see that we are familiar with."

   "The development of mathematics has always been tortuous. The Yao people are constantly making breakthroughs in various fields. On the contrary, this ancient basic knowledge has stagnated for a long time and has not formed a rich system."

   "Can anyone answer me why this is happening?"

  Shi Bao looked at the audience.

  A student raised his hand.

   "Because math is so hard!"

   This caused a lot of laughter.


  Shi Bao asked: "Is there any more?"

  Another student said: "I think it has something to do with the divine book."

   "Oh? Let me explain in detail."

  Shi Bao signaled the opponent to continue.

  The student stood up: "God Yao bestowed a gift on that divine book that recorded many divine texts. Many Yao scholars tried to decipher it, but there was no result."

   "I looked through the relevant records in the library, and said that scholars are mainly divided into two schools, one specializes in studying the divine characters in the book, and the other focuses on deciphering the divine symbols in the book."

   "Those divine words and runes are each very wonderful and profound, but the divine books need to be connected in order to truly understand. Three eras have passed, and scholars are still helpless."

   "The characters and words in the divine book also make numbers and words stagnant for a long time, because the further step may be the realm of the gods, which is not an area that people can touch. Fear and worry, most scholars will stop."

  Shi Bao asked him: "Did you come up with all these yourself?"


  The student said: "I also often go to museums, hoping to get inspiration from divine books.'s too difficult."

  Lu Yao remembered this 16-year-old student.

  His name is Jiu Jian, and his name is very sharp.

   The one who just said that mathematics is too difficult is a female pixel villain named Shang Mu. She was sitting in the last row, her head was in a mess, and she seemed to be unable to keep up with her thoughts.

  Shi Bao leaned on crutches and said: "I don't know what is recorded in the divine book. But the birth and progress of mathematics actually came from disasters."

  "Everyone should know that the appearance of the beasts caused the Yao people to experience a very difficult period. Many people died due to floods, droughts, and mountain rock collapses."

   "At this time, we only know how many people have been killed by the disaster, and we cannot make people who have not experienced it realize the horror of natural disasters."

   "However, the combination of numbers and words can do it."

   “Flooding that killed two people is the way it was described and recorded in the past.”

  He paused: "The flood killed 2 people, one of whom was a 6-year-old child, and the other was the child's 26-year-old mother."

   "What's the difference between these two sentences?"

  Shi Bao looked at the students around him: "The latter is more accurate, because the combination of numbers and words can more accurately convey things that cannot be seen with one's own eyes. This is a simple application of mathematics."

"A higher level of usage is to design and build houses, build metal farm tools, including your daily food purchases. For example, in the two adjacent streets, East Street has 2 seashells and 1 meatloaf, and West Street has meatloaf. 4 shells and 3, how would you choose?"

   "Of course West Street!"

  In the unified voice, there was a discordant speech: "I choose Dongjie!"

  The speaker is Shang Mu who found mathematics difficult before.

  She said: "One person can only eat one meatloaf. Normally, one meatloaf is enough for an adult. If you go to West Street to buy it, you will have to pay 3 seashells more, and there is a lot of inventory pressure."

   "The meatloaf can't be kept for too long, and it has to be eaten within 2 days, so 4 seashells and 3 are small profits for the merchants, and should not be considered by buyers."

  Lu Yao can only say that he is worthy of being a child of a merchant family. Discussing pure mathematics may be painful for Shang Mu, but when it comes to specific business, her reaction becomes sharper.

   "You are all right."

A smiley face appeared on Shi Bao's head: "The choice of West Street is based on pure price considerations, and the conclusion of East Street is more complicated conditions and analysis. Behind them are mathematics. You will come to different conclusions , because of the different numbers and words used as references."

   "That's math in action."

   "You are the future of the Yao people. You will plan your own future. I believe that you will also calculate the width and depth of the ocean. One day, you will even be able to measure the sun in the sky..."

   "I hope you don't forget mathematics, it will not lie to you, as long as you learn it, it will give you results."

   Seeing this scene, Lu Yao thought of "Advanced Mathematics" in Yancheng Museum.

  Maybe in the future of the pixel world, a mathematician will really decipher it, so that the tool library of the high-dimensional world will truly expand in the low-dimensional world.


  Lu Yao clicked the mouse to switch the screen back to Shacheng.

  Shi Bao developed the subject of mathematics, which was a little messed up.

  Currently, the focus of Lu Yao's attention is the issue of talent circulation between the two kingdoms of the Yao nationality and the Ring Boundary Group.

  He overlooked the sky above Shacheng, and quickly found the migrant workers from the Kingdom of God in Shacheng.

  Lushan and Zhuhu are from Zhulu Country, all planting cacti and building desert huts in the north of the city. They have gradually established a tacit understanding with the back box cactus, but the language barrier, so the dialogue has to rely on [Blast Furnace Honey Wine].

  Compared to these two, the other Lumin complained a lot.

   "It's so hot, it's like a furnace in here."

   "Brother Lushan, no one saw it anyway, so let's take a break. There are cacti working, and they are not afraid of getting tired at all."

   "That's right, there's so little water here, it's hot and dry, I'm dying of thirst."

  Facing complaints and requests from his fellow clansmen, Lu Shan said: "Everyone should work honestly, and don't be lazy."

  Zhuhu is even more merciless: "If you can't bear the hardship, go back as soon as possible, don't lose the face of Zhulu Kingdom. This place in Shacheng is not for you to come and enjoy, you better find out!"

  The Lumin immediately didn't dare to complain any more, and worked hard one by one.

  Lushan comforted and said: "Compatriots, we are here to learn. The knowledge of planting, construction, smelting, and exploration here is the knowledge that Zhulu Country urgently needs."

  "We will face a very difficult test, but I hope everyone can remember to learn for the rise of Zhulu Kingdom!"

  "All the knowledge, skills and experience here may have a huge impact on the kingdom of God we live in, and we must seize all the time to learn."

   "We came to Shacheng not to stay in the end, but to go back and build our own Shacheng in Zhulu Country!"

   These words soothed the restlessness of the Lu people, and they became serious one by one.

  Lu Yao moved his perspective again, looking at the funeral corner of the ghost doctor, the only seedling in the ghost world.

   At this time, Yanjiao was receiving treatment.

  Three Yao doctors in ghost armor surrounded him and placed him on a hospital bed.

   Shacheng doctors are all ghost scholars.

  One of the physicians asked him, "How are you feeling now?"

   "I feel...a lot more comfortable, and I don't feel weak or sleepy anymore. It's just that after being injected with the medicine, my whole body is itchy, and the wound will hurt a little."

  The weakness on Funeral Horn's head has disappeared, and the HP has returned to 172 from the previous 161.

   "It seems [hybrid agent] is indeed useful."

   "However, we are using a hybrid agent bred by Aedes mosquitoes, which may also have side effects, and we need to observe for a long time."

   "The Undertaker is very close to the ghoul, maybe it will be better to make the [hybrid agent] based on the blood of the ghoul."

   "The only way to find a special blood source is to ask the mayor for help."

   "You can also try other medicines and do a control course of treatment."

  At the corner of the funeral, I saw the Yao doctors discussing for a while, and a mess lit up on my forehead: "...I thought I came here to treat ghosts, but I didn't expect to become the target of your treatment."

A ghost scholar said: "Doctors can't heal themselves. Everyone has their own specialties. When we were still in the old empire, we often dealt with various difficult and miscellaneous diseases. The Bo people used to fight all the year round, and the weak medicine could not bear the pressure of war." loss."

   "Take a good rest, pay attention to your physical condition at any time, and call us if you feel any discomfort."

  The doctors left after speaking.

  Funeral corner was lying alone on the bed, an oval frame of thoughts floated above his head.

   "The Yao people can really cure this incurable disease. Master Buluo is right. In the future, no funeral family will die because of treating ghosts..."

   "But why is this happening? The ghosts here are completely different from the ghosts in the ghost world."

   "What is a potion? I don't understand it at all."

   "Are there so many kinds of medicines in this world?"

   "Am I a doctor or a patient?"

   "Is my work being healed or researched?"

  Questions popped up from the heads of the funeral pixel villains.


  Lu Yao yawned and glanced at the time.

  It's twelve thirty-two in the middle of the night.

It's time to rest.

  Just as he was about to get up to wash up, a reminder popped up in the simulator.

  【Pasha found the Longsu Passage: Zhoudao. 】

  【The positioning has been completed. 】

   Lu Yao was refreshed and immediately cut into the screen of Jiewei Space.

  On the coordinate system displayed on the instrument panel, a yellow light spot is quite eye-catching, and it is very close to the green dot of the Vortex World of the Yao tribe.

  The positioning given by Pasha shows that the passage world named Zhoudao is just ahead.

  However, in the field of boundary-dimensional space, there is only a piece of black nothingness.

   Thanks: Crybaby supports 1,500 starting coins, Renrunjia supports 100 starting coins, and Tianshangwuliu supports 100 starting coins.



  (end of this chapter)

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