MTL - God Simulator-Chapter 310 Red Coral Mirage

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  Chapter 310 Red Coral Mirage

   Is it a positioning error, or is there a problem with the space here?

  Lu Yao dragged out the [Eye of True Sight] and aimed at the area locked by the coordinate system.

   In the empty area where there is nothing, a data panel is displayed.



  【Godhead】: None.

  【Divinity】: None.

  【Divine Body】: None.


   This kingdom of God seems to be hidden by some kind of power.

  Lu Yao sailed to the vortex world and accelerated for 2 seconds, finally touched this invisible world and dragged it into the ring boundary group. Even so, [Island] still cannot be directly observed.

  Zhou Island is a divine country where no gods exist, and this is also an important resource that Lu Yao has been looking for.

  He clicked on the golden field and started anchoring.

  【Do you want to connect this world to the tree of Sylvanus? 】

  【Estimated consumption of 175312 Faith】


  Lu Yao's fingers paused for a while.

  According to past experience, if anchoring a completely deserted kingdom of God, the consumption of faith should be very little.

  For example, the anchor of [Bird of Banquet] only consumes 124 faith points.

  But the continents and islands, which are also the kingdom of the Three Gods, need to spend hundreds of thousands of beliefs.

  Lu Yao became more curious about this world.

  He points yes.

  On the tree of Sylvanus, there is a fifth light group besides the world of the Yao people, the mining area of ​​the banquet bird, the black abyss, and the bonded body of the kingdom of God.

  Lu Yao double-clicked the mouse to officially enter this new world.


  Overlooking from the air, Zhoudao is just like its name, with a large area of ​​water surrounding the land in the north.

  The land extends to the southern ocean with a long and narrow promontory shaped like tentacles, and these promontories go all the way deep into the depths of the southern waters.

  In terms of appearance, the whole world is like half a large watermelon knocking on the ground. The water and capes constitute a sinuous pattern of dark and light colors on the surface of the world.

  In the island world, there are no signs of cities or villages on land, nor the appearance of humans or similar intelligent creatures.

   Right now, the world is in a warm season.

The land is occupied by seabirds, crabs, and creatures similar to sea stars. There are wild boars running in the woods and jungles. There are various fish schools in the sea, as well as some relatively large deep-sea predators. The number of creatures is normal. Not much.

   What is more strange is that many red corals have grown in the soil on the ground. These corals are densely packed, forming some kind of remnants that seem to have ebbed.

  The old site similar to the remains of civilization has not been seen.

  Lu Yao sent Isabel to conduct field investigations, and he dispatched [Lord of the Deep Sea] to cooperate with the sea survey, while he opened the background encyclopedia to read the past records of the world from the source.


  [Zhoudao]—Gravel World—Abandoned—The 1022nd era is in progress

  [Introduction]: The kingdom of God built by the gods [Sui Li Weng], one of the worlds of Longsu Passage.

  [History of development]: It was originally a part of the Fragmented World, and was later transformed into a kingdom of God by the **** [Sui Li Weng], and was transformed into a passage after it was formally attached to Longsu...


  The history of Zhoudao began with its deity, Mino Li Weng.

  After creating Zhoudao, Suo Liweng ascended into the crawling area with the Kingdom of God, and began to wander like other gods. Different from other gods, a special spectacle [Red Coral Mirage] was born here.

   This spectacle is composed of [Red Coral] and [Mirage], covering the seabed of the entire island. The mirage can blend into the surrounding environment, bringing the effect of [Mirage].

  Weng further enhanced and strengthened the red coral mirage, almost covering the entire island with the mirage, leaving only a small land in the north.

  Even so, it is enough to hide most of the world with a mirage.

  The similar props that Lu Yao has seen before are the [Bamboo Mirage Lost Light] of the Bamboo Reed King.

  He learned through the backstage of the world that the Bamboo Reed King had used this kindling prop to pretend to be an ordinary dilapidated world, so as to avoid the prying eyes of the gods.

  Lu Yao moved the mouse and found the marvelous spectacle in the sea.


  [Red Coral Phantom LV5]: The spectacle created by the Zhouzhou people and the merman clan together. It can reflect the light and shadow of the places where the spectacle is located, and has the ability to mimic.

  HP: 12502/12502

   Damage: 0

   Defense: 0

   Speed: 120


  It can exist in a multi-body symbiotic posture to obtain additional benefits.

  【Mirage Refraction Lv2】

  The red coral connected with the red coral mirage can transmit and refract the mirage.

  【Mimic Proficiency LV8】

  Simulate blending into the environment to deceive the enemy and protect yourself. The effect depends on the ability level and life value.


   This spectacle attracted Lu Yao's attention.

  The mirage level is LV5, which is one level higher than the dwarf fortress that has been forged and strengthened for many years.

  In terms of its data level, its speed reaches 120, which is 2.4 times that of the speed king of the Yao tribe, Heimao Black Forging.

  Lu Yao was a little puzzled.

  Mirage is a symbiosis composed of many corals and mirages. Regardless of the description or the true content of the world, it doesn't seem like the type that can run away.

  So how should this 120 speed be understood?

  The only thing he could think of was corresponding to the ability of [Mirage Refraction].

  Light Judging from the description, this ability seems to be equivalent to a huge glass mirror, which refracts and transmits the scene pictures covered by the mirage.

  Lu Yao simply clicked directly on the mirage, spent 12,000 Faith Fire, officially transformed it into his own spectacle, and got 1 apostle mark.

  He thought he had a lot of Apostle Marks in stock, but now that he has used them all the way, there are only 3 left.

  Lu Yao tried a little bit, and found that the operation of the spectacle is easier than expected.

  Just select a piece of red coral—provided that it is already connected to the mirage, then click on the refraction of the mirage, and then find another piece of red coral randomly, and do the same as above.

   After a few seconds, the mirage (a large beige clam) living on the two corals will slowly crawl out, open the shell, and project the scene around the coral on the other side in the air.

   This scene surprised Lu Yao at first, and then overjoyed.

   Bio Projector!

  The red coral mirage is so useful!

  It is an advanced version of the ghost lighthouse, which turns the sound into a more intuitive picture.

  Lu Yao began to imagine in his mind: as long as the red coral is spread all the way, he can connect to and observe another city, or even another piece of land. Red Coral is a built-in Skynet project, even if the accuracy is insufficient and the transmission is slow, it is still an extraordinary device with a huge impact in the age of fire and steam.

   Just to get this spectacle, it is not in vain to go all the way to set sail.

  Lu Yao also confirmed at this time that the speed of the red coral mirage refers to the transmission speed of the refracted image of the mirage, and its body cannot move.

  Next, he made a series of attempts, referring to the background description, and roughly figured out the characteristics of this spectacle.

  The health value of the mirage refers to the number of red coral and mirage, but the specific algorithm is not clear yet.

  These two groups live in symbiosis with each other to make up this spectacle. The more of them there are, the better the effect of the mirage.

  Another special feature is that the ability level of Mirage [Mimicry Proficiency] exceeds its own level.

  According to Lu Yao's observation and experience, as long as the thing with a data panel, whether it is a wonder, an apostle or an ordinary creature, its ability level usually cannot exceed the body level.

   This abnormality is caused because the 【Red Coral Mirage】has been severely damaged.

   The backstage description of Zhoudao World, the peak level of mirage is LV9. Later, it experienced a long era of extreme cold and volcano, which resulted in the damage and death of the coral clumps and mirages that make up the mirage, and the level continued to drop.

  Mimicry is proficient in this ability, making Zhoudao invisible even in the boundary dimension.

   This is much stronger than [Bamboo Mirage].

  While Lu Yao was still tinkering with the coral, Isabel made a report: "My lord, I found a suspicious place under the seabed. But there is a mirage there, so I can't see it clearly."

  Lu Yao moved his perspective and looked at the depths of the southern sea marked by Isabel.

  Move the mouse up, but there is no change in the sea.

  He called out 【Curse of True Sight】

   Sure enough, a name appeared.

  【Jiuhe Pillar】(damaged)

  Didn’t the mythical spectacle of the Nine Harvest Pillar explode on Earth?

  Lu Yao was confused.

  (end of this chapter)

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