MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 516 : Broken Body (10)

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The blood instead grows the virus, but when the problem is cleared up, the special blood can be used to recover. As for the remaining virus or simply cancer cells, etc., then try it with the spirit fire of Bai Ye.

There is always a way.

On the way there, Bai Qi also shared his thoughts with Lin Xijiu. Liu Suifeng felt a lot more at ease when he heard this.

After arriving at the hospital, because he was mentally prepared, Liu Suifeng calmed down after the doctor explained Bai Feng's problem in detail.

a lot of. What the doctor said is about what they already know about the problem. In addition, it is fortunate that the blood problem is not primary. In other words, it was brought over from the kidney, as long as the kidney problem is solved. Then the problem that the lesion is no longer in the blood is not a problem.

Therefore, the next step is the specific treatment. From the hospital, several experts have set up a research group to hold a meeting to discuss the specific method of Bai Feng's condition.

With this result, Bai Feng and the others didn't stay in the hospital much, they went back first. After the hospital has determined the operation plan, Bai Feng will come over and be hospitalized directly. Today, there is no need to be here.

Before, Bai Li's family and Bai Ding's family were traveling outside. After knowing the situation on Bai Feng's side, they all came back immediately.

Everyone was very concerned about Bai Ding's body.

Bai Yun, the usually unreliable guy, actually gave a very constructive suggestion.

"Since I want to use Uncle Suifeng's blood, my blood is also easy to use. Don't you forget, my blood can awaken special bloodlines. Originally the uncle was just an ordinary person, but if he used a lot of Suifeng Uncle's blood, maybe the two bloodlines can be blended. In that way, my blood can play a role. Uncle's current cultivation speed is still too slow. If he can have a special bloodline on his body, then he will definitely be It's all right."

Bai Yun's words are still very feasible, and Lin Xijiu nodded, "It is indeed a good idea, you can try it.

Baiyun laughed, "Am I too smart. I found out that I am really too smart after becoming a brother, I am really a genius!"

The rest of the people can't laugh or cry, this guy can really climb up the pole!

The time for the operation was quickly determined by the hospital. In three days, Bai Feng went to the hospital tomorrow afternoon. Before the operation there, he still needed some other work to prepare.

That night, Liu Suifeng was at home packing the things that he was going to bring to the hospital.

Bai Feng couldn't help but look at the busy look of the other party, "You don't need to bring so many things, you can take a rest. When there is something missing, there are so many people in the family, so just send it over. Besides, you don't have to be there. I've been with you all the time. At night, you can still come back to sleep by yourself. Don't you recognize the bed better?

In the past, when Liu Suifeng was a star, it was fine, and he had to run around. I can't stand him admitting to bed or anything. But since he was with Bai Feng, he has become more and more petty. Recognizing the bed is one of the characteristics, even if two people go out on vacation or something,

Liu Suifeng would often complain about the hotel room.

Bai Feng didn't want the other party to stay in the hospital all the time, and it wasn't that there were no people around them, so he wanted Liu Suifeng to sleep comfortably.

When Liu Suifeng heard the words, he was unhappy and stared blankly, "No! You don't have to worry about me, take care of your own business!"

White seal...

Well, Liu Suifeng has been in an extremely unhappy mood recently, so he should not provoke each other.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye tomorrow morning, Bai Feng was going to have an operation. Now that they are living in the hospital, Liu Suifeng has been restless since this afternoon. Although he has tried his best to be calm by Bai Feng's side, this is not an ordinary operation after all, so Liu Suifeng seems to be restless. It's impossible to really calm down with the wind.

It was Bai Feng, as if nothing was wrong, and told Liu Suifeng two jokes. Liu Suifeng really didn't smile, but seeing Bai Feng's casual appearance, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It's better than both being nervous.

That night, Liu Suifeng and Bai Feng lay together, not knowing how they fell asleep. In this presidential suite, the hospital bed is also a double bed, so they all slept together these two days.

Bai Feng put Liu Suifeng in his arms and kissed the other's earlobe, "I'll be fine, don't worry."

Liu Suifeng put his head on Bai Feng's shoulder, "Well, I know. I know the bed is fake, I know people, you can't leave me alone, or I won't let you go if I'm a ghost, understand Yet?"

Bai Feng heard the words, and his heart softened in an instant. "Okay, I remember, don't worry, I won't leave you alone.

Finally, the next day came. Bai Feng went to the operating table early in the morning. Before that, he had to do a lot of preparations, anesthesia, and so on. As for Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, the two of them will follow up in the operating room. After all, Bai Feng finished the operation.

when they need their spiritual power. Moreover, they can also take advantage of the operation to solve some of the problems on Bai Feng's body first.

Therefore, this requires the cooperation of the two parties. As for the blood of Liu Suifeng and Baiyun, that needs to wait.

However, if Bai Feng needs blood transfusion, Liu Suifeng can also prepare at any time.

Therefore, Liu Suifeng, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi all wore doctors' suits.

It was the first time for Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi to see such an operation, and they felt a little strange. Because Bai Feng performed the operation, they were all waiting for it.

Bai Feng's operation lasted a full eight hours, which was quite fast. If it wasn't for Lin Xijiu and the others, it would only be slower. After the abdominal cavity was opened, it was indeed much more convenient for Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, because they could see with their eyes. There are some subtleties that even a doctor's magnifying glass can't solve, but they can detect it with their spiritual power.

Bai Qi's light of heaven and earth also played a huge role in Bai Feng's body. Such pure light-like spells are still of great benefit to recovering injuries and resolving some viruses. Anyway, the people who performed the operation were also trusted by the Bai family, so there was no need to worry about using too many means to "scare" them.

Several expert doctors who performed the operation also had tough hearts. The more powerful Lin Xijiu and the others were, the easier they would be. You know, if the operation fails, they will also be unlucky! After all, Bai Feng's identity is so special! During the period of no joke, Liu Suifeng had a blood transfusion. Although the blood types of the two do not actually match, Liu Suifeng's blood can match that of Liu Suifeng.

Bai Feng's blood fusion is something that science cannot explain. And Bai Feng's blood, after the combination of Liu Suifeng, really changed a little bit. Maybe with Baiyun's almighty purified blood, he could really awaken the special bloodline, maybe at four o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Xijiu and the others left the operation first.

After six o'clock, Bai Feng was sent to the outside ward. He didn't even need to enter the intensive care unit, but entered the ordinary ward.

That's it. Because the other party's recovery was too fast, when the wound was finally sutured, it was all done by Lin Xijiu and the others with their spiritual power, and almost everyone could see the scar on the wound, which was fast!

Bai Feng's vital signs were too strong, and he didn't need to enter the ICU at all. In fact, if he hadn't deliberately woken him up, the current Bai Feng would be just a little weaker. Of course, there is still a gap from normal people, but it will definitely not look like a patient who has just undergone surgery!

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi went back to rest first, and left it to Liu Suifeng.

Liu Suifeng looked at Bai Feng's pale face and was very distressed. He wiped the other person's face with a hot towel. As for taking a bath, the doctor said that he can take a bath when he wakes up, no problem.

[Part 7] 003: Bai Feng VS Liu Suifeng

At eight o'clock in the evening, Bai Feng woke up. Liu Suifeng had been waiting over there, and when he saw this, he quickly looked over, Bai Feng, are you awake?

Bai Feng opened his eyes and was surprised to find that he didn't feel any pain on his body, just a little pain. He was surprised: "Did I really have surgery? This is not what it looks like after normal surgery. Bar?"

Liu Suifeng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Because Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi have used a lot of spiritual power for you, otherwise how could you feel so relaxed, wouldn't you feel much pain?"

Bai Feng nodded, "I really don't feel much pain. But I feel sticky and uncomfortable.

"The doctor said that you can give you a bath when you wake up. I will give you a bath and you will feel comfortable. Although you have been treated with spiritual power to speed up your recovery, you should not touch your wound for a few days. The water is good, so just take a shower."

"Oh, let's do it." Bai Feng also had no objection.

Liu Suifeng brought water to the other party, and Bai Feng didn't say anything to let others come, because if Liu Suifeng fell ill, he wouldn't want to fake someone else's hand.

After taking a shower, Bai Feng felt a lot more comfortable.

"The operation went very smoothly. Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu were also progressing very smoothly. Bai Feng, you will be fine." A smile appeared on Liu Suifeng's face.

Bai Feng smiled, "Well, I know.

He is fine, and others have put in a lot of effort, but everyone is their own family, so there is no need to tell them so clearly.

"Are you tired, rest early." Bai Feng looked at Liu Suifeng and said.

Liu Suifeng nodded, "I'm afraid I'll touch your wound, so I won't sleep with you. I'll go and set up the camp bed. If you have anything to do at night, let me know. By the way, I'll put it down first. water for you to drink.

"Okay." Bai Feng didn't refuse.

In this way, under the careful care of Liu Suifeng, in less than three days, Bai Feng can complete everything by himself, take a bath, walk, etc.

In the past few days, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, including the rest of the Bai family, naturally came here. Seeing that Bai Feng's recovery is getting better day by day, and Lin Xijiu and the others have assured each other that the other party is fine, they naturally feel relieved.

The old man is the happiest, he eats half a bowl more every day!

After staying in the hospital for two more days, Bai Feng went back to Bai's house to recuperate. This time, Bai Feng decided to retire from the army early. Anyway, the current reputation of the Bai family does not require him to serve in the army at all. What's more, because of the troubled times in these years, there really shouldn't be too many soldiers and soldiers under the Bai family's side.

Although those are all affiliated to the Huaxia military, the power that the Bai family has pulled up by themselves is truly unimaginable by others. Therefore, even if the direct descendants of the Bai family did not serve in the military, it would not be a problem at all.

What's more, the fourth generation of the Bai family has grown up!

Bai Feng felt that he could relax completely, and he could concentrate on his practice with Liu Suifeng in the future.

Days like this are exciting to think about!

After returning home, Bai Feng could finally take a shower. What's more, even if he stayed in the presidential suite in the hospital, it would not be as comfortable as his own.

Today, half a month has passed since Bai Feng's operation. In the past half month, Bai Feng's body can be said to be almost recovered. He checked the blood a few days ago, and sure enough, various indicators It's all down, within the normal range.

Bai Yun also gave Bai Feng blood transfusion twice. Now, although Bai Feng has not awakened his special bloodline, it is a fact that his spiritual power has become stronger, and he obviously feels that his body is a lot easier when he is practicing, and it seems to be a little less." Obstruction", Bai Feng himself did not

I don't care if the special bloodline can be awakened, but if awakening the special bloodline can make him go a step further in his practice, then there is nothing wrong with it.

He also didn't want to fall behind Liu Suifeng too much!

Bai Yun came in from the outside, and he was a little embarrassed, and his face was quite white. Seeing this, Bai Feng frowned, "Bai Yun, what's wrong?"

"Uncle." Bai Yun walked over and laughed dryly, "It's nothing, nothing.

Bai Feng naturally won't believe the other party's "nothing" nonsense, but when the child is older, he always has his own secrets, and when he sees Bai Yun, his face turns pale, more like frightened, but he doesn't seem to be hurt in any way. , So, Bai Feng naturally did not ask the question to the end.

Bai Feng just glanced at Bai Yun meaningfully, "It's fine, seeing how flustered you are, what's the matter? Bai Yun laughed dryly again, and hurried away.

Bai Feng couldn't help but cry.

At this time, Liu Suifeng came out with milk, Bai Feng frowned slightly, "Are you going to drink milk again?"

"It's just drinking milk, it's not taking medicine, why are you like a child?" Liu Suifeng rolled his eyes at the other party, "What happened to Baiyun just now?

"I don't know, the little boy has his own secrets, but he doesn't seem to be willing to tell them.

Liu Suifeng said jokingly: "It won't be like Qing Yan, let's bring it back without making a sound.

Bai Feng was stunned for a moment and touched his chin, "Well, this is really possible."

Liu Suifeng was speechless, "I'm joking. And Baiyun...isn't it a bit smaller?

"Isn't Qingyan younger than him? Besides, Baiyun is a little childish, but his biological age is already equivalent to someone in his twenties. Even if he falls in love now, it's not too early."

Liu Suifeng was speechless for a moment.

Bai Feng drank the milk, ate two pieces of snacks, and didn't want to eat the third piece, so Liu Suifeng shoved it into his mouth.

Just after eating, the phone on Liu Suifeng rang. He looked at the number, raised his eyebrows, and then picked it up.

After that, Bai Feng only heard Liu Suifeng say, "I'll think about it, I'll give you an answer tomorrow." Then he hung up.

Seeing this, Bai Feng naturally looked at Liu Suifeng, "What's the matter? Is there something wrong?

"It's my agent. There is a public service advertisement, asking me if I am interested." Liu Suifeng explained the content and theme of the advertisement

"I think it's good for the Bai family's reputation, what do you think?"

"Well, indeed." Bai Feng nodded, "However, why did you think of letting you do the filming? You haven't been in the show for years.

"Although I didn't get a show, I have been getting an advertisement or a fashion show every year in the past few years. I haven't seen it this year, so I probably thought of this. Moreover, this is good for the reputation of the Bai family, so I asked me first. If I'm not interested, I'll find someone else."

"Well, it's always boring at home, if you want to pick it up, then pick it up, when will this be filmed?

"If it's filming, it will be next month. But the location is in France and Hangzhou. Hangzhou is fine, but if it's in France... Liu Suifeng hesitated, "It's too far, or it's not a problem. .

"France is only, it's not far. I can go with you.

Liu Suifeng was stunned, "Are you going with me?"

"Yeah, am I not on unlimited vacation now? Although my body may be completely fine by next month, but I plan to retire early."

Liu Suifeng didn't know this question yet, so he was naturally taken aback and couldn't help but say, "Retire from within? Why?"

"Because I have enough work, I plan to take it easy in the future. If you have free time, I will go out to play, walk around, and then I can concentrate on my practice. We work, but we are left behind too much. Ah! Now, the strength of the Bai family is placed here, even if the third generation of our Bai family does not serve in the military, there is still our world, don't worry.

Liu Suifeng didn't know much about politics, but since Bai Feng said so, he was happy. He naturally hoped that Bai Feng could spend more time with him.

Seeing Liu Suifeng's obviously happy look, Bai Feng slightly hooked the corner of his mouth, and was naturally more satisfied with his decision. He knew that Liu Suifeng would be happy. Usually, I can spend too little time with each other!

Bai Feng's decision, the Bai family naturally has no objection. The old man smiled and said, "Okay, it's better to retire early. Young people, you should enjoy life more while you are young."

The matter was settled like this, and Liu Suifeng's words also agreed to the public service advertisement.

Bai Feng's life was completely idle, and after he was in good health, people were even more idle. Time soon came to the next month, Liu Suifeng's advertisement could be filmed, the crew had to go to France first, and then go to Hangzhou to shoot.

Bai Feng got on the plane with Liu Suifeng... using the identity of his assistant. It is really the most "big-name" assistant, because Duan Shui needs Liu Suifeng, an international superstar, to send him to the "assistant". Moreover, several other assistants of Liu Suifeng were very helpful to this "assistant".

Li" spoke with trembling trembling, as if he was afraid of offending people.

Other people in the crew didn't know Bai Feng, and Liu Suifeng didn't specifically tell others about his relationship with Bai Feng, so the rest of the people thought it was very strange, and the eyes they looked at Bai Feng became a little weird. Such an assistant What did you invite here for? The stars don't have the big names he came here for!

After arriving in France, Bai Feng wanted to hang out with Liu Suifeng. On the first night when he arrived there, the director wanted to shoot a scene, but before he could speak, Bai Feng said: "Follow me. Feng, let's go out for a walk tonight.

Of course Liu Suifeng would not object, and nodded immediately. "OK."

Liu Suifeng said so, and the director could only silently swallow what he originally planned to say. Liu Suifeng's reputation is actually very good in the circle, and his reputation is high, but he never plays big names. Follow up with people, basically as long as you don't provoke him, then it's fine.

But the reputation of the other party is here after all, everyone said that they are going to go around at night, and you will let them work again? The director is not so ignorant! But I am even more dissatisfied with the "assistant" Bai Feng!

Bai Feng's perception was so keen, he glanced at the director with a half-smile, and left with Liu Suifeng. With that look, the director felt like he was provocative! His face turned a little darker immediately!

After walking outside, Liu Suifeng smiled, "You bullied other directors.

Bai Feng shrugged, "I didn't bully him, he just doesn't like me, right?"

"Your assistant is too good, of course others don't like you." Liu Suifeng smiled.

[Part 7] 003: Bai Feng VS Liu Suifeng

Bai Feng raised his brows, "Is it a big name? I haven't said much. Where is the big name?"

Liu Suifeng laughed.

Walking on the street that represents romance, anytime, anywhere, Bai Feng can see couples kissing, and looking at Liu Suifeng beside him, Bai Feng also pulled the other person's body when he passed a fountain. Leaning on himself, and kissing it hard...

Liu Suifeng was stunned for a moment, and then he cooperated obediently. He couldn't help wrapping his hands around Bai Feng's neck. He was suspicious. This was also a very hot kiss. When the kiss ended, Bai Feng's eyes were even stained with lust.

And Liu Suifeng's words also blushed, and the pink ears even attracted Bai Feng, who almost rushed to him desperately. Although they have been together for many years, Liu Suifeng's attraction to Bai Feng has never diminished. And over time, Bai Feng felt that Liu Suifeng was like a pot of old wine, more mellow and delicious.

This time, because of their illness, they have been recovering since then, but they haven't done it for a long time. At this time, the familiar kiss seemed to be a kiss introduced into the bones. The intimacy naturally aroused Bai Feng's lust. If it weren't for being outside now, Bai

Feng Zhen has already pounced. Fortunately, I knew that this was outside, so Bai Feng was very restrained. Finally did not do too much out of the ordinary.

There were pedestrians passing by, and the romantic French whistled twice. Bai Feng raised his brows, put Liu Suifeng in his arms, and smiled slightly, "Let's go."

They played outside for more than two hours before going back. After returning to the hotel, they took a shower. Considering that Liu Suifeng will be filming tomorrow, I don’t know if they will be tired, and whether they need to do difficult movements. Seal still not done. I plan to wait for Liu Suifeng to finish filming, and they will have a good time when they go back.

Liu Suifeng felt Bai Feng's caring and warm heart.

On the second day, Liu Suifeng began to shoot commercials, while Bai Feng watched. Liu Suifeng's "assistant" not only did not help Liu Suifeng to carry things and wait on him, but he wasted another assistant of Liu Suifeng to follow him and wait beside him. The director was really speechless. I couldn't help but stare blankly while filming.

Bai Feng suddenly felt more innocent.

On the contrary, there are two supporting roles in the crowd, one of which is a graceful woman named Fangya. This Fang Ya's reputation in the circle has always been good, and she cherishes her feathers very much. However, those who know her know that she is not simple.

She used to rely on the junior third to ascend to the position, and her husband died not long after ascending the position, but she gained a lot of inheritance in vain.

Because her husband had no children when he divorced his ex-wife.

Many people even suspected that her husband was killed by her. Of course, this is just a little rumor, and her heartbroken look at the beginning still touched the hearts of many fans. Moreover, in the one year since her husband died, she has never had any scandals with anyone.

Probably because of this, Liu Suifeng's public service advertisement will have her a place this time, although she is only a passerby.

But acting as a passer-by in a public service advertisement still requires some skill.

As I said before, Fang Ya has always cherished her feathers, but she considers herself to be a very discerning person. She always felt that the "assistant" Liu Suifeng brought over was not simple, and she even doubted the relationship between Liu Suifeng and the other party.

In this circle, Liu Suifeng has always been single and has no scandals. But in fact, many people privately said that Liu Suifeng was taken care of. However, because Liu Suifeng's reputation is too great, such rumors are of course not dared to be spread by anyone.

In fact, it's not that no one has targeted Liu Suifeng before, but those who targeted Liu Suifeng disappeared silently from the circle, and everyone immediately knew more that Liu Suifeng is very powerful, either by himself or in the backstage.

There are rumors later that Liu Suifeng is with the military and political family, the ruler of the big family in the imperial capital. This is also a "rumor", and no one has really seen Liu Suifeng's partner.

But one thing is certain, that is, Liu Suifeng is not easy to mess with, very hard to mess with, you can only respect it and never offend him.

Although Fang Ya is young, she still has some rules and winks. However, she also has her own thoughts. Liu Suifeng is really not easy to mess with, but what if this "assistant" is Liu Suifeng's backstage for so many years?

What if it was his own backstage who provoked Liu Suifeng? Then what can Liu Suifeng do?

Fang Ya is very confident in her own charm. Most importantly, she has not seen how close Liu Suifeng and this "assistant" are, so if this "assistant" can be turned into her skirt... . Then, she will only become more prosperous in the entertainment industry!

So, Fang Ya came over to chat up.

"Brother assistant, I think you've been standing here for a long time. Are you thirsty? Drink a bottle of water." Fang Ya said warmly and looked like the girl next door. This kind of image has always been the most relaxing, and it can also arouse people's favor.

However, what kind of experience does Bai Feng have, what kind of women have not seen, what kind of characters have not seen? He glanced at Fang Ya, snapped his fingers, and soon, a man in a gray suit walked over from nowhere. , This man should be a bodyguard, and his breath is extremely cold. He said coldly: "Miss, please leave here. Otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk."

The warm smile on Fang Ya's face suddenly stiffened.

Some of the other people in the crew who saw Fang Ya come over and were also waiting to see what would happen if the other party came over and chatted up were also dumbfounded, and couldn't help but laugh in their hearts.

However, everyone was surprised. Where was the bodyguard before? How did they appear? They didn't even notice!

Fang Ya looked at Bai Feng aggrievedly and seemed to want to say something, but was expelled directly by the bodyguard.

Fang Ya reluctantly returned to the crew, and many people looked at each other with gloating eyes. I really thought I was a goddess, I really deserved it!

Liu Suifeng glanced at Bai Feng, his eyes clearly saying: You are a troublemaker.

Bai Feng returned with a very innocent look. He obviously didn't do anything, but the woman brought it up on her own. Can you blame him? Is he innocent?


The director also saw the bodyguard who suddenly appeared, and after the bodyguard expelled Fang Ya and left, the person disappeared like a ghost.

Now, as everyone knows, that really isn't an "assistant" anymore. The director took a deep breath, feeling a little stuffed. No wonder it's such a big name, it's really not an assistant!

Soon, today is finally over.

The two shots of the night scene were also shot. Bai Feng and Liu Suifeng returned to the hotel.

Although he didn't do anything outside, he just watched people filming, but Bai Feng felt that it was more tiring than working in the military for a day.

If it weren't for the fact that the filming person was Liu Suifeng, such a boring crew really didn't want to stay!

Is this the life of Liu Suifeng? Maybe it's because the perspective of the bystander and Liu Suifeng is different?

"Is it a good day today?" Liu Suifeng asked.

Bai Feng shook his head, "It's boring and unpleasant, if it wasn't for you shooting there, then I think I'm probably not interested in this kind of life at all. And I didn't do anything, but I felt very tired. I can't even imagine how you came here for so many years."

Liu Suifeng blinked, "Is it boring?

"Well. And some actions are too fake. Although the final result of the filming may be very good, but it seems a little disappointing.

"Well, that's it." Liu Suifeng leaned over and sat down on Bai Feng's body. Bai Feng hugged Liu Suifeng into his arms even more, and kissed the other person's ear, "Take a shower, are you tired after the day?"

Liu Suifeng shook his head, "No, this is a profession I like, and like you said, I didn't do anything today, if you are tired, you will be chased and beaten by many people.

"So the bystanders and the parties feel different.

"You're right, let's take a shower.

The two of them went back to bed after taking a shower together. They almost fired a gun in the bathroom just now, but Bai Feng restrained himself and did not continue.

Liu Suifeng glanced at the other party, and this glance was quite charming.

"It's alright, don't you want to do it?

Bai Feng kissed Liu Suifeng's mouth, "I didn't do it while you were working. After we go back, let's do enough.

"Have you endured?

"I am a soldier, and I still have this restraint.

Liu Suifeng suddenly said: "Yes, you are a soldier, but you are so majestic, all the little girls came to talk to you, but unfortunately, it is really too confusing to meet a wood.

Bai Feng is very innocent, "You can't blame me. I have no interest in such little girls, and she is young and has a heavy mind, tsk tsk, you are in this circle, before you knew me, yes Don't you meet people like this often?

"Did I never meet such a person after I met you?"

Hearing this, Bai Feng glared, "After knowing me, there are still people like this, Suifeng, you have a family, so you can't mess around.

Liu Suifeng looked at Bai Feng speechlessly, "What nonsense are you talking about, which eye did you see me messing around with!"

Bai Feng smiled and raised his hands to surrender, "No, no, you didn't mess around.

Liu Suifeng reached out and tapped Bai Feng's nose, "I'm also very happy that you didn't mess around.

"It's natural, I'm a soldier, how can I mess around outside. Besides, those vulgar fans can't even compare with your finger. It's like the little girl today, who doesn't know him. Where does the confidence come from, thinking that I will be better than you, I will look at her one more time, tsk tsk."

When Liu Suifeng heard the words, he suddenly laughed uncontrollably, "Really? Not as good as a finger of mine?

"Of course, not even half a finger!"

Liu Suifeng smiled.

Bai Feng looked at Liu Suifeng's smile, and kissed it with the deepest affection. "Liu Suifeng, I love you.

Liu Suifeng was stunned for a moment, then his eyes turned red, "Why are you still talking about love today?"

"I just wanted to tell you when I was sick, I love you and will never leave you."

Liu Suifeng hugged Bai Feng tightly.

"I love you too."

The end of the story 001

The end of the story 001

As the fourth generation of the Bai family, Bai Yun has lived smoothly since childhood. Bai Yun is very hurt, his father and father, and other family members who are very fond of him.

The atmosphere between everyone in the Bai family has always been very good. Baiyun grew up in such an atmosphere, so. Although he doesn't take it for granted that every family is like this, in his heart, if it is his own family, then it must be very friendly between brothers, and then everyone's relationship between relatives is also very good.

Until he gradually grew up, he also encountered so many families that were not harmonious at all, so Baiyun didn't take it for granted.

You know that when Baiyun is a little older, he has to do tasks by himself, and he can also do tasks by himself. Although he prefers to be with others most of the time, for Baiyun, he seems to have really grown up. .

When Bai Yun grew up, he always wanted to be more mature, but he didn't know why. He was obviously much older than Bai Qingyan. Bai Qingyan was the youngest in the Bai family, but everyone liked to think of him. He treats him as the youngest one, and sees that he has no joy in being a big brother at all.

No matter how well each task is completed, after every return, everyone treats him like a child, especially when he acts or speaks, he looks like a child, Bai Yun I feel really wronged.

Why does Baiyun look like a child? He's obviously a young man, isn't he?

Such is the sadness of being the youngest in the family, even though he is not the youngest.

About half a year ago, when Bai Yun was on another mission, he encountered something and saved a person. It was a young man, a very, very miserable young man. Bai Yun, it was too late when he met him. , he was blown up by a group of people.

That young man has a very beautiful face, Bai Yun. I feel that such a face can be compared with the charming uncle and Liu Suifeng at home. If such a face develops in the entertainment industry, I want to come. The future should be very good, but I don't know if it is because of such a face, so the young man encountered a very tragic thing, he was turned by a group of thugs.

Baiyun hates people who bully people the most, especially the young man, who looks so pitiful, so in the end, although Baiyun avenged the young man, he

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