MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 516 : Broken Body (9)

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said lightly.

Bai Ding laughed loudly, "That little guy deserves it.

"So you should be careful with your mouth. I see that Qunhan has been in a bad mood for the past two days. If you go to provoke him, you will be the unlucky one." After all, Bai Ding's strength is not comparable to that of Qunhan. At that time, if people insist on practicing with him, Bai Ding himself will suffer.

So, it's not worth talking about.

Bai Ding pouted, "I was just talking for fun.

Yun Qing rolled her eyes at each other, "Oh, it's fun."

Soon after, Bai Yun rushed in and complained aggrievedly, "Father, father, the gangsters bullied me.

Bai Ding walked over and touched his son's bluish forehead, "Poor, so be careful next time you speak, Uncle Qunhan is very careful, understand?"

"Hmph, that big bad guy is really careful, too careful, too annoying!

Yun Qing slightly hooked the corner of his mouth.

Baiyun leaned over and sat down, "Dad, can I touch my brother?"

Yun Qing looked at the other party and nodded, "Yes, but he is too young to respond to you yet.

"When will you be able to respond to me?" Bai Yun asked.

"It will be another month or two.

"Dad, I heard that I didn't come out for a few months, didn't I?

"Well, it didn't take long, because the time acceleration formation was arranged at that time, and it should be the same this time."

"Why speed up time?"

"Because you absorbed energy too hard when you were in Dad's belly.

Bai Yun blinked, "Ah, it turns out that I was so bad when I was a child, did that make my father suffer?

"Neither." Yun Qing smiled, "You are both father and father's treasures.

Hearing this, Bai Yun laughed slyly.

After Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu had arranged the arrangement, they came to tell Yunqing that the child in Yunqing's belly hadn't really started cultivating, so let Yunqing absorb spiritual energy in the formation first to nourish him, and he and Bai It is also beneficial for the tripod to store some spiritual power together.

So from this day, Yun Qing and Bai Ding almost lived in the basement. The basement has also been re-arranged. When they are not in the formation, they can also make Yun Qing and the others very comfortable.

Everyone was counting the time, and as the time passed inside the formation, three months had passed outside, and in Yunqing's case, the production would be in these two days.

Because of the first experience, this time, Yun Qing suffered much less sin than the first time. This has something to do with Lin Xijiu's and Bai Qi's surge in strength after more than ten years.

And this time, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi were there from beginning to end, unlike the previous time, when everyone was very busy, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi couldn't be there all the time.

Yun Qing and Bai Ding were also much stronger than before, and they were both able to store spiritual power with ease. After more than three months, Yun Qing's complexion is still very good.

On this day, everyone in the Bai family was having dinner.

"Yunqing, are you going to give birth in the next few days?" the old man asked.

"Yeah, Lin Xijiu said yesterday that it's just a few days, right, Lin Xijiu." Bai Feng looked at Lin Xijiu.

Lin Xijiu nodded, "Well, it should be these few days.

Bai Qi said aside, "I really want to see how a child is born.

The rest of the people laughed, "Then you can go and have a look.

"I'm afraid that Yunqing will be uncomfortable." Bai Qi blinked, "Forget it, what if Yunqing doesn't come out when I'm there? Isn't that my fault?"

Qunhan bit his chopsticks and said, "I want to see it too, maybe it will be interesting.

Baiyun rolled his eyes, "If Uncle Qunhan really thinks it's interesting, he can give birth to one himself, and then you'll know how interesting it is.

Qunhan looked at Baiyun coolly, "It seems that you still want to practice with me, you really don't have a long memory.

"You know that the big bully the small!" Bai Yun snorted and turned to Bai Luxi, "Brother Luxi, Qunhan is a big bad guy, right?

Bailuxi looked at Baiyun, and then at the group letter, and decided not to participate in this war.

At this time, Bai Ding suddenly rushed up from downstairs, "Where's the doctor? Where's the doctor? I'm going to give birth!

Immediately, all the Bai family members gave up their jobs.

The doctor has been on standby at Bai's house for a long time, and the basement has also been arranged next to it. If a laparotomy is required, Yun Qing can also operate directly.

The doctor was in his room before, and was called out immediately, and everyone rushed down. Anyway, there is still a lot of space outside the basement. Although you can't go inside, it's better to wait outside. If there is any situation, you can be the first to know!

Although everyone waited a little anxiously, Yunqing's side went well. It only took half an hour, and it gave birth to... an egg.

Yep, it's an egg.

Bai Ding was holding the egg and was a little stunned.

The doctor was actually confused, but fortunately he knew that everyone in the Bai family was unusual, so he wasn't too confused, so he calmly went out to announce the good news.

Yun Qing wanted to take a bath, and he was the calmest. So, Bai Ding carefully carried the egg out...and gave it to Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi, and he carried Yun Qing upstairs to their original room to take a bath.

Bai Yun poked the egg curiously, and the egg was snow-white and crystal clear, very beautiful. However, no matter how beautiful, this cannot hide the fact that the other party is an egg.

The expressions of everyone in the Bai family are also a little subtle, egg.

Probably displeased by Bai Yun's poke, the egg rolled into Bai Qi's arms. He seemed to like the smell of Bai Qi's body. Bai Qi held the egg in his palm, "Little guy, can you communicate with people?"

"Seventh Uncle." That little guy, a clear consciousness came from that egg.

In fact, when this little guy was in Yun Qing's belly, he often communicated with Bai Ding and the others through consciousness. He Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu also talked to each other, and now it seems that if they were born, they would also be able to talk.

"Yeah, my brother can communicate with people." Bai Yun blinked, "Can I give my brother a name?

Bai Feng smiled and looked at each other, "What name do you want to name your brother?

"Since he was born with an egg, let's call it a white egg."

Everyone here in the White House...

Bai Luxi patted Bai Yun on the shoulder, "Brother Bai Yun, since you are a waste of your name, don't come to harm your own younger brother. That's not good.

Bai Yun was very aggrieved, "Isn't this name bad? Bai Dan, Eggy, Eggy, it sounds good."

"It's good to be called Eggy too," Bai Qi said.

People have no opinion on this nickname. But the name of the name... everyone looked at the old man.

The old man laughed, "Bai Xingyang."

Bai Xingyang.. After reading it, everyone thought it was good, and they all agreed.

Extra 6] 004: Bai Ding VS Yunqing

Two months later, Eggy still hasn't broken the shell. Baiyun has recently gained a hobby, which is to sleep with his younger brother Eggy. So now it's all Baiyun carrying the eggs. Bring the other party in and out, and take the other party with you when you do the task.

Moreover, once Bai Yun found out that his younger brother was very hard, he would even use his younger brother as a weapon to smash the egg out. Fortunately, none of them were smashed out.

On the same day, Bai Yun came back from a mission and was told by the Bai family collectively. Bai Yun was very aggrieved, but Bai Xingyang, Bai Dandan giggled. Now, after two months, he no longer needs to use his consciousness to communicate with everyone, and the other party can speak directly.

He said that his brother was playing games with him by throwing him out, and it felt good to smash bad guys. He liked it very much, and he really hoped that he could play it twice more, which made the people of the Bai family very speechless.

In this way, Baiyun "keeps it up after repeated teachings", always smashing people with his little brother, and finally one day, after smashing it again, his little brother's eggs cracked. Bai Yun was so startled that he hurriedly threw it away. His little brother Dandan brought it back.

Bai Yun looked like he was about to cry, Yun Qing checked it carefully and comforted his eldest son, "Don't worry, he broke the shell himself, not you, you don't have to worry about it."

"Is he going to come out?" Bai Yun blinked, "Brother, you scared me to death, I can't do this in the future, my brother will be scared by you and have a heart attack!"

The white egg is indeed about to break its shell. Not long after Yun Qing finished speaking, the crack on the egg shell became bigger and bigger, and then, the little yellow-yellow guy drilled out of it.

Bai Yun shouted in surprise, "Dad! You gave birth to a chicken! You gave birth to a chicken! My brother is a chicken!

The corners of Yun Qing's mouth twitched, and he said speechlessly, "It's not a chicken.

"Why not? It's obviously a chicken!" Baiyun poked his little brother, "It's obviously a chicken.

Where is not chicken. It looks like a chicken all over!"

Yun Qing simply didn't know what to say.

So, everyone in the Bai family knew that day that Bai Yun's younger brother looked like a chicken. Now, that chicken is drinking soup at the table, and he has a good appetite, like a big eater. The size of the normal bowl, this is the second bowl he has drunk, obviously it is such a little thing.

Bai Yun also looked at him in surprise, "My brother is a chicken, and he is also a foodie.

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but be speechless. Can this child speak? Why does this sound so painful?

Bai Ding was a little worried, "Does it really matter if he eats like this? Won't he eat too much?

Yun Qing said calmly: "It doesn't matter, if he can't eat it, he will stop himself.

Qunhan touched his chin, "It looks like a lot of fun, little chicken, don't eat it, come and play with your uncle.

Bai Yun looked at the group letter alertly, "Damn, what are you trying to do, don't try to bully my brother, my brother has my protection.

Qunhan sneered, "Who wants your protection, let alone, with your little three-legged cat power, who can you protect?"

Bai Yun suddenly became unhappy when he heard the words, "I'm not the kung fu of a three-legged cat. Humph, big rascal, didn't you just live a few years longer than us? What's so amazing."

"Hehehe." The little chick laughed after drinking the soup.

Hearing the laughter belonging to a human baby, everyone in the Bai family couldn't help but laugh.

"He has the aura of the Holy Demon Spirit." Lin Xi wine said.

When everyone heard this, they all looked at Lin Xijiu, "Holy Demon Spirit?"

"Well, I'm blessed with good luck and good luck. You should have seen the Holy Demon Spirit. His practice has always been smooth."

In other words, the Holy Demon Spirit following them is indeed like this. The other party is now out on a mission with Xiao Shuanzi, and they are overseas. They have been outside for a long time. Normally, they don't live on the Bai family's side. When the little embolism grows up, he has his own residence outside. The Holy Demon Spirit is mostly with Xiao Shuanzi.

"Holy demon spirit." Bai Yun's eyes suddenly lit up when he heard the words, "He looks very tall, my brother's luck is really good!" Then, Bai Yun looked at Qunhan proudly, "My brother will definitely be able to I'll catch up with you soon, hum, then see how you bully us!

Qunhan sneered, "Really? Then why don't I bully you now?"

"No, rascal! Can't I hide!

Bai Heng squeezed the palm of the group letter, "Okay, how old are you, and you still care about children.

Qunhan snorted, and Bai Heng smiled and put food for Qunhan.

Bai Ding hugged the chick, no, his own little son. "When will he become human?

"I don't know." Yun Qing shook his head, "This kind of situation is also common in our clan. It may be a few months, maybe a year or two, but generally no more than three years."

"Is that so, what is there to say?'

"There's nothing to say. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with talent. Maybe it's because they are happy?" Some late talents are not necessarily worse or better than early ones. So, it doesn't seem to matter.

Seeing how tall they are... Bai Ding was speechless, well, he has nothing to say.

That night, Bai Yun happily took his younger brother to bed with a broken shell, but Yun Qing said, and Bai Ding went back to the room.

After taking a bath, the two lay on the bed, Bai Ding kissed the corner of Yunqing's mouth, and then slowly moved down to kiss Yunqing's stomach.

Yun Qing moved a little uncomfortably, "What are you doing?'

"Thank you for having two children for me, Yunqing, thank you." Bai Ding said softly, with an obvious taste of happiness in his voice.

Yunqing's heart is warm

Bai Ding gradually became emotional, kissed Yun Qing's belly, the kiss moved up again, and came to Yun Qing's lips again. After the production of Yunqing, because it also consumed a lot of spiritual power, although it did not damage Yunqing's life, it has been used so much.

It took time to barely recover.

Yunqing had always looked tired before, so Bai Ding had been caring for each other for more than two months and didn't do anything with anyone. Now that Yun Qing was almost recovered, Bai Ding naturally started to move again.

Yun Qing hadn't been intimate with Bai Ding for a long time, and quickly became lustful. Bai Ding liked the bright red tear mole at the corner of Yun Qing's eyes the most, and couldn't help kissing it again and again. Yun Qing really didn't understand why Bai Ding liked this tear mole so much, but every time he was kissed here, it would make him feel a little strange.

This time, naturally the same. Bai Ding's movements this time have been very light and slow. However, when he was about to enter, Bai Ding didn't know what to think, he stopped suddenly, and said softly: "Wait for me for a while, I will come right away.

Then, Bai Ding quickly went to the bathroom, Yun Qing was puzzled, and looked at the direction of the bathroom with some blurred eyes. Bai Ding came out quickly, but the other party had something in his hand, a cover.

Yun Qing frowned, "What are you doing with this?"

Bai Ding lightly covered Yun Qing's body, "I'm afraid you'll be too tired to get pregnant again, so let's take some protective measures."

Yun Qing didn't start, although he was moved, but... I didn't like it.

Bai Ding paused.

Yun Qing didn't look at Bai Ding, his voice was softer than a mosquito, "Don't use it, I don't like it.

"Why don't you like it?"

"If you don't like it, you don't like it.

"Okay, okay, if you don't like it, then you don't have to. "Bai Ding quickly comforted him, and once again gently kissed the corner of Yun Qing's mouth.

Bai Ding was a little worried that he didn't use that layer of protection, but this feeling was naturally the best. He also doesn't like what is between him and Yun Qing. Isn't he worried that Yun Qing will be pregnant again, which will hurt his body a lot?

However, it is already a miracle to have two children, right? After all, it is still very difficult for the Yunqing family to conceive their own children. They have this second child after twelve years.

So, Bai Ding let go of that layer of concern, and there was more fiery between his actions.

Soon, the two of them were completely submerged in it...

No doubt it was a very hot night.

On the other side, Bai Yun was sleeping, and suddenly felt wet on his face, he opened his eyes quickly, and then the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably. His little chick brother, I don't know when, has turned into a baby, and the baby is lying on the ground

Sleeping on top of his head, drool all over his face! No wonder he feels wet!

The corners of Baiyun's mouth twitched again, and he held the little baby in his arms, "You look like the baby from Erha's family.

I don't think you guys look alike. How come you are a little chicken at one time, and a dog son at another time. If you are not sure that you are born by your father, I will think you are someone else's family, tsk tsk.

The little baby didn't have teeth yet, and was woken up by Baiyun. He wasn't angry, he laughed out loud, and looked very good-tempered.

Seeing this, Bai Yun couldn't help rolling his eyes, "What are you laughing at, really, I see you, you're just a little rascal, you actually made your brother's face drool, it's dirty. Come on, I'll take you there. Wash, it's too late today, it's definitely a surprise to have you appear in front of everyone tomorrow!"

It was really a surprise, the next day, everyone's eyes were straight.

It's been a long time since the Bai family has had a new baby, so it's naturally a surprise. The old man Bai couldn't put it down even more, Bai Yun put his younger brother in the other's hand, and the old man Bai held it carefully, his heart was about to melt. The little guy's words are also very face-saving, he smiled straight at the old man, and excited the old man.

Bai Ding and Yunqing came down from the upstairs and were surprised when they saw their son.

Baiyun haha ​​said: "Dad, father, am I amazing? My brother is made by me!

The crowd laughed.

Qunhan rolled his eyes, "Did you do it? How did you do it?

"I made him a man and he became a man, big villain, are you jealous?"

Qunhan sneered and teased the children on the old man's body, too lazy to pay attention to Baiyun's appearance. However, this little guy is really cute!

Bai Ding carefully took his son from the old man and made fun of him. The little guy also gave face very much. He showed great attachment to Bai Ding, and even called "father" in a milky voice.

Bai Ding listened, a silly smile suddenly appeared on his face, everyone in the Bai family watched and couldn't help but laugh. Happy family!?

Emergency call only for Kikio'...

Extra 7 1001: Bai Feng VS Liu Suifeng

Bai Feng has been very unlucky recently. According to logic, it is impossible for a cultivator like him to be easily injured. Oh, it refers to the kind of injuries that ordinary people suffer, such as twisting their waists.

Cultivators, it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake. Even if you really twist your waist, it will be fine soon. But he didn't know what was going on. He twisted his waist during training in the military, and Liu Suifeng and Bai Qi had used their spiritual power to clear him up several times, but he was still not well! It took a week. It's time!

This made Bai Feng think of the time when his younger brother Bai Jin became a "vegetative", when he was still gloating over the misfortune. Now I deeply feel that it was all retribution!

He didn't understand, why did he just twist his waist, it's not easy to get better? Could it be that he is really old?

Thinking of his age, Bai Feng couldn't help being silent. If it is really because of his age, then he is old

Is it? Bai Feng suddenly felt that the whole person was not well.

Liu Suifeng came into the room from outside and saw Bai Feng's subtle expression, which made Liu Suifeng feel a little funny. "What are you thinking? How come you look like this.

Bai Feng looked at Liu Suifeng, opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, but finally closed it again. He shook his head, "It's nothing, um, I'm just thinking, when will my waist get better."

Liu Suifeng smiled, "It's just a twisted waist, it will be fine in two days."

"Don't say it will be fine for two days. It's been a week, isn't it? It's still a sprain during training. Even a work injury is better than this!"

In the final analysis, Bai Feng just felt that the way he was injured was a little too unpleasant. Shame!

Liu Suifeng smiled and said: "It's already like this anyway, so don't think too much about it, it's nothing, isn't it just twisting your waist?

The reason doesn't matter.

Well, the reason is not important, Bai Feng can only comfort himself like this.

However, what Bai Feng didn't expect was that his waist sprain was still not healed after almost a week, and the injured part of his waist was very painful when touched. Obviously, he is also concentrating on recuperating these few days, and he did not do anything.

other things.

Not only that, Bai Feng's complexion suddenly changed a lot.

Liu Suifeng's brows furrowed, finally feeling that something was wrong. On this day, when Bai Feng was sitting in the living room, Bai Qi couldn't help but said, "Brother, I think you should go to the hospital for a systematic examination. We have also tried spiritual power therapy, but we are not satisfied with it. It's no use. Go to the hospital and see what's going on."

Lin Xijiu also said, "Yes, spiritual power is not omnipotent, let's go to the hospital for an examination."

Bai Feng looked at them and finally nodded. "Okay, then I'll check it out tomorrow.

Liu Suifeng came out of the kitchen with hot milk, and just heard this sentence, and immediately said: "Then I will accompany you to the hospital tomorrow morning.

Bai Feng nodded, but when he saw the milk in Liu Suifeng's hand, he wrinkled his face again, "Can I not drink it?"

"No, calcium supplement." Liu Suifeng ruthlessly rejected Bai Feng's request not to drink, and put the milk in the other's hands.

Bai Feng could only drink it like medicine in one gulp, and ate a few biscuits under Liu Suifeng's request not to drink milk on an empty stomach.

Bai Qi looked at his eldest brother's rare expression like a child, and couldn't help but want to laugh.

At this time, Bai Luxi came in from outside and greeted them.

"Uncle, your waist hasn't healed yet, has it been a while?"

Bai Feng nodded helplessly, "Yes. It's been a few days, but it's still not good.

"Well, do you want to go to the hospital for an examination?" Bai Luxi said hesitantly.

Bai Feng nodded, "I really plan to do an inspection tomorrow.

Bai Luxi suddenly felt relieved when he heard the words, "Well, it is indeed necessary to have an inspection. I will check it tomorrow, if it's okay, I can feel more at ease.

However, it is said that it takes 100 days to hurt the muscles and bones, so this sprain should also be included in it.

"Luxi looks more and more grown up now!" Bai Feng smiled. "It's a lot more mature."

"Brother is not here, of course I have to be more mature. When my brother comes back, I want him to be surprised." Bai Luxi said with a smile.

"Your brother." Bai Feng sighed slightly, and then said, "Well, we all believe that he will come back. Maybe we can bring you a sister-in-law back. Haha."

Bai Luxi immediately laughed when he heard the words, "That's a good thing. If my brother really brings a sister-in-law back, everyone will be very happy.

Early the next morning, Liu Suifeng and Bai Feng went to the hospital early in the morning, and they went to the military hospital with the best confidentiality. And because of Bai Feng's special status, it was a green light all the way, and the Bai family also had a familiar doctor here, so Bai Feng went directly to the other party.

Except for the blood test, which takes a little time to wait for the analysis report, the rest of the tests can know the results on the spot. Because of this, the doctor's expression changed slightly.

Liu Suifeng had always been by Bai Feng's side. He waited outside when Bai Feng was doing the examination. Soon, while Bai Feng was doing the examination, the familiar doctor found Liu Suifeng.

"Mr. Liu, Lieutenant General Bai Feng's kidney... there seems to be some problems. There also seems to be some problems with the blood. To be more specific, the kidneys are already undergoing biopsy tests. If the blood report is available, it will be available in two hours.

Liu Suifeng's expression changed, "His lower back pain is not caused by a sprain, but a bad kidney?"

"There is indeed a sprain, but through the filming just now, the sprained injury has healed. Bai Fengzhong will feel pain, it should be a kidney problem."

"You just said that this kidney is undergoing a detailed biopsy, so when will the report come out?

"Not until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. It will take time.

"Check the rest of the places. Check in detail!" Liu Suifeng's voice was very deep, and his face looked a little cold. The doctor nodded, "I know, Mr. Liu, don't worry, we will definitely check in detail.

After the doctor left here, Liu Suifeng only felt that his whole body was full of coldness. Cold to the bone, his body was very stiff, and for a moment he didn't even know where he was.

Bai Feng quickly finished other inspections and came out. Liu Suifeng walked towards the other party, Bai Feng frowned slightly, "What's the matter with you, why are you looking so ugly?"

It seems that he is the one who is hurting, and he is also the one who is doing the examination, right? Why is this person's face even uglier than his, and he always feels like he is about to cry.

Liu Suifeng grabbed Bai Feng's hand violently, "Bai Feng.

"Huh? What's wrong?" Bai Feng squinted his eyes, then realized something was wrong, "What's wrong with you, is there something wrong with my body?"

The only one who can make Liu Suifeng show such an expression is himself. For this, Bai Feng still knew.

Liu Suifeng said loudly, "No, no, your body is fine.

Bai Feng didn't believe it, Liu Suifeng's performance was like this, it would be strange that he would be fine. If he was fine, the other party would never do this.

The sky is about to fall.

"Suifeng, medical technology is so advanced now, plus, we are all cultivators, even if there is really any problem, we can all think of a way, it's not that serious, don't worry, eh?'

Liu Suifeng murmured: "You're right, now that medical technology is so advanced, it's okay, it must be okay.

Bai Feng backhanded Liu Suifeng's hand, "Well, you have to believe in me, but also in yourself. Huh? Now, tell me what's going on, let's find a way together, eh?"

Bai Feng's reassurance made Liu Suifeng finally calm down. He took a deep breath and nodded. Then the two went to the doctor together. Soon after, the doctor and Bai Feng finished talking in detail, and the blood report came out.

The markers that represent cancer are all high.

There is indeed something wrong with the blood, but the source of the disease should be the kidneys.

The pathological report of the kidney will not come out until tomorrow afternoon. There are also two other test results due tomorrow.

That's what happened, and Bai Feng's doubts were finally answered. No wonder, he simply twisted his waist, and it took so long to get better. It turned out that there was a problem with the kidneys.

Bai Feng quickly accepted the result that something was wrong with his body, and. Because Liu Suifeng was by his side, he was calmer than the other party. As if it wasn't me who was sick.

There is no need to be in the hospital today, so Bai Feng and Liu Suifeng went home together. The people on the Bai family were already waiting for the result. In fact, before Bai Feng came back, the old man Bai had already called someone to ask him because he was worried. He said vaguely that there was something wrong with Bai Feng's body. , but the details will not be known until tomorrow.

Because of this phone call, as long as the Bai family is at home and knows, they will feel a little heavy. They waited for Bai Feng to come back.

However, Bai Qi also comforted everyone, especially the old man, and his words were similar to what Bai Feng said to Liu Suifeng.

In fact, it is indeed the case. Compared with ordinary ordinary people, people like them are already much better, aren't they?

They have no shortage of money, no shortage of skilled doctors. Even if there is no shortage of other special means, I don’t believe that a disease cannot be solved under such circumstances!

Bai Feng arrived home, and almost by looking at the expressions of everyone in the family, they knew that they knew that they were sick. Bai Feng calmly took Liu Suifeng and sat there.

"It seems that you all know it, so I won't say more. The details are still uncertain, it should be the kidneys and blood

There is a problem with the liquid, but you can rest assured that no matter what the problem is, I will actively cooperate with the treatment.

Master Zhe nodded first, "You can think so. Now, medical technology is very advanced. And there are so many talented people in the family, so as long as you don't think too much, you'll be fine. of.

Bai Feng nodded, "Grandpa, don't worry, it's just an illness, I'm not that vulnerable, don't worry too much, it's fine.

"Okay, okay." The old man said good things twice in a row. Seeing that Bai Feng was in good condition, he finally felt relieved.

Bai Qi said: "Lin Xijiu and I didn't check in detail before, now that we know where the problem is, let's do a detailed check for you first, big brother.

Bai Feng naturally nodded.

So, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi went upstairs with Bai Feng and Liu Suifeng.

Extra 7] 002: Bai Feng VS Liu Suifeng

After a detailed inspection, Bai Qi and Lin Xijiu did find some problems in the kidneys of Bai Feng's waist, and also found some problems in the position of Bai Feng's chest.

There are two other reports that haven't come out, and we won't know until tomorrow. Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi suspect that it is a thoracic examination.

Now, after finding those problems, the rest is to solve those problems.

"A black spot was found on the chest, like a virus." Lin Xijiu said directly, "We tried spiritual power before, but spiritual power is not useful for treating the disease. Then try other methods now.

Liu Suifeng's face turned pale, "Is there a problem with the chest as well?"

"Yeah." Bai Qi also nodded, not hiding his elder brother Bai Feng. He believes that the other party is not someone who can't stand the pressure

really. Hearing that he also has a problem with his chest, Bai Feng's expression did not change. Just say, "You can do it as you see fit.

He really doesn't know anything about treatment.

"Well, don't be in a hurry, Bai Qi and I have to think about it, you don't do much for the time being, Liu Suifeng, don't give Bai Feng your blood for now. It will be bad if the virus grows." Lin Xi wine road.

Liu Suifeng did think of his own blood, but after hearing Lin Xijiu's words, he naturally dismissed the idea immediately. He nodded lightly, "I see, I won't mess around.

As soon as Bai Feng heard this, he knew that just now, Liu Suifeng definitely had this idea, and if he gave it to himself, I'm afraid this person wouldn't care about how much blood he bleeds. Think of yourself as a superman? This guy! Bai Feng is a little helpless.

Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi left.

Bai Feng took Liu Suifeng's hand, this is how this person is, when he has something on his mind, his hand will be cold.

At this time, the temperature on Liu Suifeng's hand was extremely low.

Bai Feng felt a little distressed and couldn't help saying: "I'm fine, look at you, you are more worried than me, a sick person, it's not good for you to go on like this, I still count on you to take care of me.

Liu Suifeng heard the words and held Bai Feng's backhand. "Don't worry, I just didn't react for a while, I'll get used to it quickly and I'll be able to take care of you. I believe that Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi must have a solution.

"Hehe, um. Besides them, there's also medicine. There's really nothing to worry about. Huh? Let's go down to lunch and have a morning check-up. I'm hungry, you must be hungry too?"

Even if Liu Suifeng had no appetite, he still nodded. "Well, I'm really hungry, so let's go down and eat something.

The waiting time was still difficult for Liu Suifeng, especially when the next day finally came.

Although there was comfort from Bai Feng, Liu Suifeng still didn't sleep well last night. He couldn't fall asleep almost all night, but he didn't dare to disturb Bai Feng, and he finally survived until today.

In the afternoon, Lin Xijiu, Bai Qi and Liu Suifeng went to the hospital together. Lin Xijiu and the others had already checked Bai Feng's body in detail yesterday. Today, it is best to look at the more specific location in conjunction with the film.

Yesterday, he and Bai Qi also discussed how to treat it, and they also came to the result, that is, since science and technology are so advanced now, if there is any problem, all the organs there will be removed. Anyway, they have cultivators and spiritual power. support. You don't have to worry about whether your body can handle it.

Now they don't let Liu Suifeng use Hilti's blood first, because they are afraid of the other party's blood

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