MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 516 : Broken Body (3)

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In order to let her rectify the order of the congregation, including those under Yang Lianting.

Sang Sanniang almost thought that Yang Lianting had finally fallen out of favor when she heard such an order, but the two of them looked nothing alike, and their leader still trusted Yang Lianting wholeheartedly, so what happened?

Then, Dongfang Invincible told Sang Sanniang that this was Yang Lianting's consciousness, and Sang Sanniang was stunned. The first feeling was that this guy must have done it on purpose, maybe he was setting a trap for himself, as long as he moved his people , revenge will follow.

In fact, Yang Lianting is such a villain! Sang Sanniang couldn't believe that the other party would "reform". However, when Yang Lianting also eloquently preached that the audience must be rectified, otherwise the Sun Moon Divine Sect would collapse sooner or later, and when she looked at Sang Sanniang with sincere eyes, and even gave a junior salute, Sang Sanniang had to believe it.

So, she gritted her teeth and agreed, promising that when Dongfang Invincible came back, she would definitely show them a brand new religion!

And Sang Sanniang, who agreed, had already prepared the worst plan in her heart. The big deal was that she was fooled by Yang Lianting, and then she was retaliated. Like Tong Baixiong, she was beaten to death by their leader!

Kill her if she kills her, anyway, she has enough of her life! During this time, I must kill all those idiots in Yang Lianting who can only harm people!

It doesn't matter if you die!

After that, Dongfang Invincible didn't hide the affairs of Ren Woxing, and told Sang Sanniang that anyone who dared to betray would be killed directly without going through them. In addition, be careful that I will come to the door unexpectedly.

Sang Sanniang was surprised that Ren Wexing was still alive, she solemnly agreed, saying that she would pay attention. However, Ren Wuxing's martial arts are extremely high, if they really come to the door, I am afraid they are not opponents.

Yang Lianting smiled disapprovingly, "Elder Sang, don't worry, the leader is not here, even if I really kill him, it doesn't matter, when the leader is good, even those other people in the church have some thoughts. It has to be weighed, they are afraid that the leader will settle accounts with them after the autumn, isn't it?'

That's true. Sang Sanniang found that Yang Lianting's words were very reasonable, so she couldn't help but nodded.

Bai Totem continued: "Even if I can come up, the foundation here has been broken. Even if he is powerful in martial arts, it is impossible for him to be invulnerable to all poisons, right? Elder Sang can also take other precautions, not to mention that in my teaching There are still a lot of good players, so don't really be afraid, let me do it.

Sang Sanniang nodded again, "Director Yang said that if you do whatever you want, it's just a star-sucking Dafa that needs to be guarded against."

"So, all this is left to Elder Sang.


After arranging the affairs of the teaching, Bai Totem and Dongfang Invincible brought more than a dozen shadow guards and went down the mountain. Of course, the more than a dozen shadow guards cultivated by Dongfang Invincible were dedicated to protecting Yang Lianting.

Bai Totem couldn't help thinking of the original book, and there was no shadow guard in the original book. If there was a shadow guard, how could Yang Lianting be caught so easily?

But it was a fictional world after all. Everything serves the protagonist, so the so-called loopholes are nothing more than the golden fingers that the author gave the protagonist.

And now, the people of White Totem are in the authorities, and they are not allowed to become a stepping stone for others.

When he came down from Heimuya, Bai Totem was directly brought down by Dongfang Invincible with Qinggong. The feeling of flying made Bai Totem miss his spiritual power. The kung fu of others belongs to others, and can be used, but cannot protect oneself. Only the things that belong to you are the things that you can really use anytime, anywhere.

Therefore, the matter of cultivation is imminent. However, what is lacking most now is time!

It is bound to have to spend the night outside tonight, so you can make good use of it, and it is best to directly inhale the air into your body.

In addition, Bai Totem obviously found that Dongfang Invincible was much happier after coming down. The whole person's pace seems to be a lot easier. It seems that the other party is also bored on the mountain, right?

This is normal. You must know that a normal person can stay at home for a year without even going out! Fortunately, Dongfang Invincibility is the words of ancient people and modern people. Even if you gave him the Internet, it would have been boring long ago, right?

"Dongfang is very happy to come down?" Bai Totem couldn't help asking.

Dongfang Invincible blinked, then smiled slightly, "Well, being with Brother Lian is always happy wherever you are.

Dongfang Invincible said very softly, Bai Totem trembled slightly when he heard it, and a sour and soft feeling spread into his heart. This made Bai Totem's voice softer.

"Really? We're always together. By the way, it's getting late, shall we hurry or find a place to rest at night?

"What do you say, Brother Lian? Listen to Brother Lian."

"Then hurry first, and find a place to rest in the wild when it is really dark. Anyway, our carriage and tent are ready-made." Bai Totem said.

Of course Dongfang Invincible would not object, and nodded directly. "Okay, then do that."

The night came soon, and fortunately, it was brought out with people, so naturally, there was no need to trouble White Totem and them.

The Shadow Guard did everything properly, even the tent was very luxurious.

However, Bai Totem was a little tangled. He wanted to retreat for a night and bleed into his body, but Dongfang Invincible was right next to him, and the other party seemed to be expecting two people to spend a good night together. How can this rationally put Dongfang Invincible aside and then cultivate on his own?

"What's wrong with Brother Lian? But you're not satisfied with the place?"

Bai Totem shook his head, "No, it's just... Bai Totem was a little tangled, but still said: "You know, my strength is too poor now, I want to practice internal strength at night, so...

Dongfang Invincible's face changed slightly, and for a moment, Bai Totem clearly saw sadness from the other side's eyes. Although, fleeting. The other party quickly smiled softly and said: "Okay, Brother Lian, you are practicing here, and I will be fine in the carriage."

With that said, Dongfang Invincible walked outside the tent. Bai Totem knew that the other party had misunderstood, and the sadness in the other party's eyes just now made him feel very uncomfortable.

Therefore, when the person walked to the entrance of the tent, he grabbed the other person's wrist. "What are you in a hurry, our dinner is useless, even if we have to practice inner strength, it can only be done at night. We have dinner together first, if it doesn't take a whole night at night, I will go to the carriage to find you, there How can I sleep comfortably?

Dongfang Invincible's eyes lit up slightly when he heard this, "Brother Lian...

"Let someone bring dinner in first."

"Okay." Dongfang Invincible naturally agreed softly.

In this way, after dinner, Bai Totem also said that it was the same for him to cultivate in the carriage, and the words of the tent were left to Dongfang Invincible.

But of course the Eastern Invincible will not agree. Going out directly, White Totem can only accept it helplessly.

Introducing Qi into the body may be difficult for cultivators who are just getting started, but Bai Totem is not just getting started, he is just doing it all over again, so it is much easier. In addition, the spiritual energy of this world is actually much more abundant than that of the earth, so even if there is no spiritual gathering array, it took half a night for the white totem to succeed, and the marrow was washed again. There are just too many impurities.

There is no movement when the air is drawn into the body. At most, the airflow will increase a little, which is not usually visible to the naked eye.

Therefore, the Shadow Guard didn't notice any movement at all. On the other hand, Dongfang is not defeated. Because he is worried about Yang Lianting, he has been paying attention to this side, so he feels a little bit.

Brother Lian, is it because he is really practicing, because he doesn't want to be with him at night, so he made a random excuse?

About an hour later, Dongfang Invincible felt that there was movement in Yang Lianting, as if someone was about to come out, so he hurriedly lay down in the carriage and pretended to fall asleep.

Sure enough, not long after, he felt that the curtain of the carriage was lifted, and then, he felt a familiar breath, and the body following him was actually picked up.

Dongfang Invincible felt warm in his heart, what Brother Lian said was actually true. He said that after the night practice was over, he came over and carried himself to the tent.

The other party really did it.

He thought it was just an excuse from the other party. He didn't have such hopes in his heart, but he didn't want to, it was true.

Bai Totem came to the tent with Dongfang Invincible. Putting the opponent on the shop, Dongfang Invincible opened his eyes, Brother Lian, your practice is over?"

Bai Totem nodded, "It's over, it's getting late, you should rest quickly."

Dongfang Invincible blinked, "What about you? Brother Lian. Don't you rest?"

"Of course I'm going to rest. I'll go out to wash my face and come in later. You go to bed first. is good. Dongfang Invincible agreed softly.

In this way, Bai Totem went out. Of course, Dongfang Invincible didn't really fall asleep first. He listened to the movement outside, and then he heard Yang Lianting washing his face, and the other party drinking water.

When he felt that the other party was about to come in, Dongfang Invincible quickly closed his eyes...

[Fanwai 1004: White Totem VS Dongfang Unbeaten

After Bai Totem entered, he took off his coat, and then lay down beside Dongfang Invincible. After a while, White Totem felt a head drill into his arms.

Bai Totem naturally knew who it was, and the opponent's movements were obviously cautious with a touch of tentativeness, which made Bai Totem feel soft-hearted. So, he simply hugged the person, and directly put the other person's head on his shoulder, Bai Totem lowered his head even more, his lips pressed a shallow kiss on Dongfang's undefeated ear temples. "Go to sleep.

After doing this action, Bai Totem was surprised by himself. How could he kiss each other?

After a while, Bai Totem sighed secretly in his heart. His impression of this person seemed to be getting better and better, and he became more and more soft-hearted towards this person. Is this phenomenon a good phenomenon or a bad phenomenon?

White Totem couldn't be sure, and then decided to let it go.

While Dongfang was not defeated, he felt the closeness of the two. I was very happy, and then I closed my eyes happily... and fell asleep.

In the second half of the night, both of them slept well, and there were shadow guards outside, so there was nothing to worry about.

The next day, when Bai Totem woke up, Dongfang Invincible was naturally still sleeping on his shoulder. Bai Totem smiled slightly, and felt that the plain-looking Dongfang Invincible was really handsome, and it made people look very comfortable.

Moreover, the other party's reliance on his own appearance made him quite satisfied. I feel more soft-hearted.

At this time, Dongfang Invincible opened his eyes. Bai Totem lowered his head, "Wake up?"

Dongfang Invincible nodded, suddenly his head moved up, and he put his lips on Bai Totem's lips nervously.

It's just sticking, as if waiting for White Totem to push it away if he doesn't like it. Full of tension.

Bai Totem was stunned for a moment, feeling the tension and unease of Dongfang Invincible. He thought about it last night. After a while, Bai Totem climbed up on Dongfang Invincible's back with one hand and pulled the person towards him. kissed himself, and deepened the kiss.

A real kiss, not just lip-to-lip.

Dongfang Invincible wrapped his hands around Bai Totem's neck and sent himself up. White Totem's eyes darkened a little, and one palm couldn't help but penetrate into Dongfang Invincible's clothes, and Dongfang Invincible cooperated with him to untie it. The clothes on his body allow the white totem to move more smoothly.

Bai Totem's eyes darkened even more, and he finally couldn't help pulling away the clothes on Dongfang Invincible. Bai Totem felt that his body was like a fire, and he started other plundering while kissing Dongfang Invincible.

When the finger was down, but it touched a flat piece, Bai Totem's movements paused slightly, Dongfang Invincible's body trembled fiercely, and his voice was broken, "Brother Lian, don't touch it if you think it's dirty, directly, directly Come in....

Bai Totem's eyes became darker, he kissed the corner of Dongfang's undefeated eyes, "I won't think it's dirty, nor there... I just feel a little sorry for your cruelty.

"Lian, brother...

Bai Totem kissed the corner of Dongfang's undefeated mouth, "Give it to me, close your eyes...

Dongfang Invincible couldn't help closing his eyes, Bai Totem's movements were gentle from beginning to end, especially when he entered, the gentle Dongfang Invincible's eyes were sour.

Of course, Bai Totem was not always so gentle. After Dongfang Invincible got used to it, his movements became violent.

In the end, the Eastern Invincible can only follow the sinking......

This kind of fiery lasted for more than an hour. When the fiery stopped, Bai Totem withdrew himself from Dongfang Invincible's body. Defeated and cleaned up. Dongfang Invincible is content to nest in the arms of White Totem, only feeling full of comfort.

It should be the first time for Bai Totem to do this kind of thing, but when he met Dongfang Invincible just now, he just felt inexplicably familiar. If Yang Lianting really has nothing to do with him, then even if he devoured the other party's Soul, is there such a feeling of oneness? This is impossible!

Bai Totem also found that for Yang Lianting, this name, the style and character of the other party, although he disliked him, but to be honest, he didn't seem to dislike it. It seemed that it was instinct. Instinct is not too disgusting, what is going on?

Could it be that I really have something to do with this Yang Lianting? Bai Totem became really puzzled.

"Brother Lian, let's have breakfast." Dongfang Invincible said softly, blushing slightly.

Bai Totem nodded, "Okay, do you want me to massage for you?"

Dongfang Invincible shook his head, "Brother Lian, it's okay, I'm not that bad. And... Dongfang Invincible lowered his head slightly, "Brother Lian is much gentler than before. "He didn't really feel any pain in the affair just now, on the contrary, he was very happy.

Unlike before, although the number of times is not many, but every time he just wants to satisfy Brother Lian, it doesn't matter if he suffers, he is a man, and he is not as charming as a woman, if it is even a little painful Can't stand it, isn't that more useless?

But just now, he really enjoyed it. He never knew that it could be so comfortable.

Bai Totem listened to Dongfang Invincible's words, and some pictures could not help but emerge in his mind, two figures, one wantonly plundered and one compromised and tried to cooperate, but it was extremely painful.

The blood on the bed, the disgust of one of them, and the low voice of the other to please. The person who hates it, it should be someone else who did those **** things, but Bai Totem felt guilty and regretful in his heart, as if he was the one who did those things.

"Sorry." Bai Totem naturally hugged Dongfang Unbeaten's waist, "I used to be too rude.

"No." Dongfang Invincible shook his head quickly, "Brother Lian is very good, but my body is not soft enough.

"What nonsense." Bai Totem still pressed Dongfang Invincible for a while, and then the two got up sweetly.

After breakfast, the group continued to set off. This time, Bai Totem chose a carriage. Although Dongfang Invincible never thought that there was any problem with his body, this was Yang Lianting's intention. Naturally, he accepted it happily.

A few days later, the carriage arrived in Hangzhou.

"It is said that there is heaven and there is Suzhou and Hangzhou. Hehe, after we have been to Meihua Villa, we can consider playing here." Bai Totem said with a smile, he knew that Dongfang Invincible had not gone out much in these years, so, Naturally, he just wanted to let the other party have a good time, and he thought it was relaxing.

Of course, Dongfang Invincible will not oppose Yang Lianting, and quickly said yes.

The four friends of Meizhuang are not dead yet, and they don't even know that Ren Woxing has escaped. Now Linghu Chong is locked inside, so they are very surprised by the arrival of Dongfang Invincible and Yang Lianting, and even a little panic. . Because there is no reason, Dongfang Invincible will never come over in person.

These years, although they have been guarding the Hangzhou side, since they are members of the Sun and Moon Divine Religion, it is natural that they do not know anything about the Divine Religion. Dongfang Invincible's personality changed drastically. He spoiled a man and let him be the general manager. He almost monopolized the power of the Sun Moon God Cult, and made the inside of the sect a miasma. Although they were far apart, they still knew about it. And also thankful that they are not inside.

And now, this Yang Lianting has also come, I don't know what kind of waves will be born. The four friends of Meizhuang respectfully saw Dongfang Invincible, and after presenting the account books and some other account books over the years, they bent over and stood aside.

Bai Totem looked at the so-called four friends of Meizhuang. He hadn't seen the TV series, and the description of the original book was also passed around. The protagonist didn't remember it, let alone the supporting roles in these supporting roles. Therefore, Bai Totem didn't see anything. However, just looking at these few people, their martial arts should be pretty good.

However, it is said that a weakness has been identified. Bai Totem just glanced at it and didn't look at it any more, and if Dongfang was undefeated, he would be even less interested in looking at the account books. He also didn't have the intention to deal with these people, because on the way, he had asked Brother Lian how to deal with these people who were ineffective in taking care of them. And Yang Lianting said that these people have never been betrayed, and besides, let me be cunning, I escaped and found a scapegoat, and it has little to do with them. Let's keep it for now.

Therefore, Dongfang Invincible waved away those few people. The four of them were even more surprised. It seems that the sect master is not very interested in the account books, etc. Then, what did the other party come to do? Is it for the person in the prison?

But I haven't seen the teacher ask a question!

The four friends of Meizhuang really didn't know what was going on with Dongfang Invincible and the legendary Yang Lianting.

After the four retreated, Bai Totem said: "Let's go down there and take a look. Take the shadow guard down too. If the good uncle of our gods is locked down below, hehe, then we can solve it directly. . Anyway, he was imprisoned there by Ren Ixing."

Although Dongfang Invincible never cared about "young talents", but to please Yang Lianting, of course, what the other party said, just killing an insignificant person, killing him. Not to mention insignificant, even if it is important, as long as Brother Lian looks uncomfortable. Kill, kill!

Dongfang Invincible is very confident in his martial arts, and he doesn't think that under his own eyes, people will bully Yang Lianting, just a little Linghu Chong! Therefore, after bringing the shadow guard, Dongfang Invincible is from the four friends of Meizhuang. Got the key over there and went straight to the bottom without letting them follow.

It was indeed Linghu Chong who was imprisoned. Linghu was the one who delivered the meal today and was planning how to escape, but soon, an embroidery needle came to him. Needles are special embroidery needles, and even more life-threatening embroidery needles! Linghu Chong never knew that an embroidery needle could be so powerful!

And there is only one person in the world who can force him to such a level with a needle. He has heard the name of this person from Ren Yingying's mouth.

White Totem watched Dongfang Invincible and Linghu Chong fight over there. This Linghu Chong is also really good, because he has already learned the great method of attracting stars. Although he has not achieved great success, he can already be said to be a small success. However, even if it was a long-term success, Dongfang Invincible didn't take it to heart, let alone Linghu Chong. On the contrary, the other party still has a good internal strength, and a very strange swordsmanship.

Dongfang Invincible raised his brows slightly, and there was a cold light in his eyes. No wonder Brother Lian was very jealous of those people before, especially this Linghu Chong, who was even talked about by the other party, and told himself several times that he was against the enemy. It's time not to underestimate the enemy. Really someone with some skill.

However, Dongfang Invincible didn't like Brother Lian's attention to those people. Whether it was Linghu Chong or Ren Woxing and others, Brother Lian just had to pay attention to him. Therefore, this Linghu Chong is really damned! Suddenly, Dongfang Invincible's attack was even more severe by two points. In less than a quarter of an hour, Dongfang Invincible's embroidery needle penetrated Linghu Chong's chest, breaking the opponent's swordsmanship and star-sucking technique. And this embroidery needle penetrated directly from the opponent's heart position, and it also carried the inner strength of the sunflower collection unique to Dongfang Invincible.

Linghu Chong spat out a mouthful of blood, and fell down with a pale face, but he wasn't dead. "Hehe, I really didn't expect that the famous Dongfang Sect Master would come here. I, Linghu Chong, didn't die! However, Dongfang Sect Master, we have no grudges in the past, and we have no grudges recently. I?

Linghu Chong didn't say anything just now, that's because Dongfang Invincible started directly after he got here. How can you talk nonsense when there is a battle between masters. So even if Linghu Chong wanted to talk, he didn't have time, and when they were fighting, Linghu Chong believed that the other party had already recognized that he was not letting me go, but the other party didn't seem to be surprised at all, just to kill him, plus Dongfang The undefeated martial arts are known as the number one in the world, so Linghu Chong can only concentrate on fighting the enemy until now. to be able to

Speak your doubts.

Dongfang Invincible didn't bother to answer at all, and walked directly to Yang Lianting, "Brother Lian." Yang Lianting held Dongfang Invincible's hand, and Dongfang Invincible quickly put away the silver needle in his hand, for fear of hurting him inadvertently. Brother Lotus. "Brother Lian, be careful, the needle is still in my hand."

Bai Totem smiled slightly. He has no curiosity about the protagonist in the original work, and the other party's unknowingly provocative skills are particularly strong, which is like Uncle Charm and their peerless elegance to attract people. Succession is different. Because this person is too "good", he feels that this kind of goodness is actually similar to his master's hypocrisy. And his white totem has always disliked such people the most. Therefore, he didn't go to take a look at it at all, or even exchange his thoughts with the other party.

"Dongfang, he is also a good man. Now he is still very famous in the arena, so you can send him on the road yourself." Bai Totem said.

Dongfang Invincible was even more displeased when he heard the words, but this dislike was not aimed at his brother Lian, but of course it was aimed at Linghu Chong. How could this man be so worthy of being admired by his younger brother Lian, and he has to take him on the road himself! Can't you just find a shadow guard to solve it?

In fact, Bai Totem thought that in the original book, this Linghu Chong was very insulting to Dongfang Invincible, and he said something like "Lao Dan". Although it hasn't happened yet, it's okay for Dongfang Invincible to avenge himself. In addition, this is the protagonist after all. Who knows if there will be any **** "protagonist's law" in the heaven here that can't be killed, so it's better to let Dongfang Invincible do it himself.

Fortunately, there is no so-called protagonist's law, Dongfang Invincible used another needle to directly stab Linghu Chong to death. However, Bai Totem is still not very relieved. Linghu Chong seems to have some kind of "Turtle Breath Dafa", so he asked the Shadow Guard to burn Linghu Chong's body in front of him until only the ashes were left. Finally I am completely relieved.

If you can still live in this way, then only the Yin spirit is left, but if the spirit body is concerned, his white totem is not afraid. The power of his own soul is very powerful. The most important thing is that in this world, along the way, it seems that there is no "spirit body" found. Therefore, ghosts or something should not exist in this world, right?

"The scenery of the West Lake is good, let's sprinkle it under the West Lake." Bai Totem gave a light order to Shadow Guard. The shadow guard listened to the order and left with Linghu Chong's ashes.

Dongfang Invincible was even more unhappy, but he wouldn't really care about a dead person. His younger brother Lotus was just a lover, and he didn't really care about Linghu Chong. If you really want to, you won't let yourself kill the other party directly. Thinking this way, Dongfang Invincible was a little more happy, and said softly, "Brother Lian, don't you want to visit Hangzhou? Let's go out."

White Totem nodded. "Okay, Linghu Chong is dead, let me do it, there is nothing to be afraid of. But their father and daughter must also die, Dongfang, you can't be softer!

"It's natural, we all listen to Brother Lian." Dongfang Invincible's voice was extremely soft.

Hearing this, Bai Totem smiled and held Dongfang Invincible's hand, "Then let's go. The two of them walked up together, it was really indescribable harmony, as if they were a natural pair. people, dark

I thought to myself, I really didn't expect to travel through it and find someone who can spend my life together. This luck is also good. Now I'm waiting to solve Ren Woxing and them and then concentrate on their cultivation. He will also teach Dongfang Invincible...

[Part II] 001: Charm VS Bai Jin

After a hot night, Charm woke up in the middle of the morning with a sore back. Last night, I really did it too hard. Bai Jin didn't know why. After coming back from overtime, he fell asleep. If it was normal, the other party would definitely not touch him, and he would let him sleep peacefully. But last night, when I was still asleep, the other party woke me up directly, and then I ignored my slight protest and forced it once. Later, when I pushed myself halfway, the other party actually got even more ruthless.

After changing countless postures, forcing himself to beg for mercy, tears came out, that guy didn't let him go, not only did he not let him go, but he kept tossing like that until it was almost dawn! He always felt that in the end, that guy Bai Jin He didn't withdraw from his body when he squinted to sleep! Until now, he still feels weird behind him! The reason why he wakes up now is entirely because of his biological clock, and it's too bright outside. The most important thing is that that guy Bai Jin has already got up, and he can't sleep very much by himself. Charming yawned and got up, and thumped the bed angrily. Over the years, this kind of "back pain" has rarely been felt. It was his first time, that guy didn't have any consciousness, and he didn't toss himself like this! What kind of madness is this good-natured? !

Over the years, because they are all cultivators, even though more than ten years have passed, the appearance of the charm itself has naturally not changed. This guy doesn't know how long he has lived, and the others, the third generation of the Bai family, have also joined the ranks of the cultivators.

Therefore, the change in appearance is a little more mature, but not "old" at all. On the other hand, although Bai Jinghua and others are well maintained, they are all "old people" in their 70s now, although they only look like they are in their fifties.

Charm came out of the room and saw Baiyun and Bailuxi, "Huh? Are you two back?

"Uncle Charm." The two young men called out obediently.

Charm yawned lazily, "Well, your eldest brother Totem hasn't come back yet?

"No, it's been missing for two months, hey." Bai Luxi sighed, "We went to Uncle Du Youyang to look for someone, but they didn't find anyone. Uncle Qi and Uncle Lin also looked for them once, and they both found no one. No one was found. However, Uncle Seven gave the eldest brother a calculation. He must be still alive now, and he is probably trapped in some strange space. Uncle Lin said that the eldest brother will come back sooner or later, we just have to wait patiently. It'll be fine."

"Oh." Charm nodded, "It's fine as long as there is no danger to life." After speaking, he yawned again, and the whole person seemed to be extremely lazy and a little tired. But this kind of laziness is also due to him not using the spiritual realm, and the people of the Bai family are used to seeing each other. Otherwise, if this is outside, I don't know how many people will be crazy.

Bai Luxi and Bai Yun blinked, and Bai Yun wondered: "Uncle Charming, didn't you rest last night? You look tired.

Of course I didn't sleep well! After being tossed and turned like that, who can sleep well! It's all to blame for the guy Bai Jin! Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, and Charm was complaining about Bai Jin in his heart, when he saw the other party coming from outside the door .

Charm went down the stairs, and was about to settle accounts with Bai Jin, when his face suddenly changed, it wasn't Bai Jin! It turned out to be Wang Jing! That was yesterday.

At night.. Time Charm's face became extremely pale, and he thought about it carefully, and he was relieved. Last night, it was definitely Bai Jin! He wouldn't even admit his lover was wrong!

So what's going on now?

It was Wang Jing who appeared, and Charm couldn't care about the pain in his back, so he hurriedly walked towards the other party, his voice was low, "Wang Jing? Why is it you, Bai Jin?"

Behind Charm, Bai Luxi and Bai Yun wanted to see the excitement of Uncle Four and Uncle Charm, but they didn't expect to hear such words.

Immediately, he became alert.

"He was preparing for me to get out of his body completely, now in a deep sleep, we need to go somewhere to get me out.

Wang actually looked at Charming, smiled bitterly, and said with a slightly complicated expression.

Meihuo was stunned for a while after hearing the words, and after a moment of silence, she said: "Can you leave Bai Jin's body completely? Is there anything I can help you with, ah, you just said you were going to a place? Where are you going?'

"Little hell." Wang Jing said, "I need the help of Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi.

"Where to go?"

"Well, it's only there that I can leave, and, probably, never again."

Charm didn't know what to say for a while. Before he met Bai Jin, the purpose of his existence was to find Wang Jing, but he didn't expect that such a good fortune would make people in the end.

Charm pursed her lips and took a deep breath, "Okay, then I'll contact Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi.

After the order of heaven and earth was re-established, all the evil spirits who escaped were beheaded, but if some spirits were willing to go back to the little **** and swore they would never come out again, Lin Xijiu, Bai Qi and others were no longer embarrassed. They went in.

Jiang Yinlou used to be a gatekeeper, so he couldn't "guard himself". Now, Lin Xijiu's identity is actually a "gatekeeper", but because of his and Bai Qi's contributions to this world, and because of Lin Xijiu's strength , so it should not be a big problem if you want to "keep yourselves thieves".

Soon after, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi appeared. Lin Xijiu swept around Wang Jing, "Okay, you have borrowed Bai Jin's body to warm up over the years, and you can be mutually beneficial with him, so it's better to leave completely. You can also have a new body if you cultivate to a certain level. , but you can't leave that place for a short time, after all, you are still a spirit body. And the breath of that place is more beneficial to your practice and recovery.

Wang actually nodded. "Ok, I know.

Lin Xijiu then looked at Charm, "When do you leave?"

"Whenever you can, you can.

"Okay, there's nothing to prepare, so let's go.

Bailuxi and Baiyun came up and said, "Uncle Lin, we also want to follow to gain knowledge, can we go together?"

"Yes, yes." Although Bai Yun was only thirteen, but now he looks like a young man of twenty-three, and his mind is bigger than twenty-three. The children of the Bai family have always grown up very quickly.

Lin Xijiu was noncommittal, glanced at the two grown up little guys with a half-smile, "Do you want to go?

Bailuxi and Baiyun nodded sharply.

Lin Xijiu looked thoughtful, then suddenly shook his head, "Farewell, your eldest brother has lost his mind.