MTL - God Stick Wife-Chapter 516 : Broken Body (4)

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Now, if your calamity constitution followed, what if we could have completed the things smoothly and smoothly, adding more twists and turns? "

The look of disgust on Lin Xijiu's face made both Bai Luxi and Bai Yun suddenly widen their eyes.

"Uncle Lin! We are not a calamity constitution, we are not a calamity constitution! You can't slander us like this!" Baiyun cried out, Charming, not in a good mood, and couldn't help laughing beside him, these two children quite funny.

Bai Luxi also said angrily: "Yes, we are not a disaster!"

Bai Qi couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, but he was on Lin Xijiu's side, "Isn't it? I think so too, so I think it's okay, what if it affects us?&#039 ;

Bai Yun and Bai Luxi felt that they had been hit deeply. "Seventh Uncle, why do you say that! We are obviously not. Uncle Lin has wronged us! You don't help us!"

Bai Qi smiled, "Hehehe.

At this time, the old man Bai came out from the direction of the kitchen. Now he is nearly 120 years old. He looks like a hundred years old, and he is very tough. When Bai Totem disappeared, he was really worried. I did, but I felt relieved after listening to Lin Xijiu's fortune-telling.

Although his grandson is now trapped in an unknown place, it is only trapped. Children, they will always experience all kinds of wind and rain. It doesn't matter! What's more, what kind of storms and waves have never been encountered by the children of his Bai family!

Seeing the father of Bai Zhe coming out, Bai Luxi and Bai Yun immediately ran over to let the other party judge and complain by the way. The old man Bai laughed and listened, while Lin Xijiu and the others took advantage of this opportunity... and ran away.

The two little guys were instantly **** off.

"Uncle Lin and Uncle Seven are going too far now!

"Yeah, they still run away! How can they run away!

"We are obviously so powerful. If we go, we will definitely be able to help them. They even say that we have a calamity constitution. This is really too much!"

"Grandpa, you have to decide for us!

The old man Bai smiled cheerfully, "En, don't worry, don't worry, the great grandfather will definitely decide for you, and talk about them well when they come back. How can we say that our two baby bumps are disasters!

When Bai Luxi and Bai Yun heard the words, the corners of their mouths could not help but twitch, "Grandpa, if you are fooling us, that's it, we're not children anymore, we're still baby bumps, I think Uncle Seven is your baby bumps. ."

"That's right! Uncle Seven and Uncle Lin are your baby bumps!

"Hahaha... Mr. Bai couldn't help laughing anymore.

The two little guys suddenly felt very helpless.

Lin Xijiu and the others arrived at the entrance of "that place" a few hours later, and Lin Xijiu directly opened the passage to that place.

After entering inside, Charm felt a little uncomfortable. The breath here has always been what he hated the most. And it also reminded him of the days when he was trapped here.

Through Wang Jing's guidance, several people walked to the depths of the little hell.

After the catastrophe, the spiritual body in this place has been reduced by an unknown amount. Moreover, with Lin Xijiu's current strength, there are really not many places in the world that they can't go to, even if Lin Xijiu no longer has those ancient copper coins.

They went deep, and finally, after an unknown amount of time, Wang actually told everyone to stop.

"It's here."

Charm looked at the surrounding environment, "There is nothing special here, why choose this place?

Lin Xijiu said, "The atmosphere here is very strong, and I seem to feel another breath."

"Yes, there is a Leather Primordial Beast here. I need to borrow its body first. So I need you to grab that Leather Primordial Beast and imprison its soul." Wang Jing said to the crowd.

Extra II] 002: Charm VS Bai Jin

"Pi Yuan beast?" Lin Xijiu raised his brows. Some unexpected glances at Wang Jing, Charm doesn't know what kind of beast this is, and can't help asking.

"What kind of hide-wonted beast?"

"It's a very special kind of yin beast that exists in this place." Lin Xijiu explained, "This kind of yin beast is very hard to find, and it can hide its own breath. But it also has a great effect, and the spirit body is attached to it. If it is on the body, it is very beneficial. Wang Jing's remnant soul is stripped from Bai Jin's body, and this skin essence beast is a good place to heal."

It turned out to be like this, Charm nodded immediately, "Then let's hurry up and find this hideous beast, Wang Jing, how can we find it.

"Follow me, I have a way to find it.

Several people followed Wang Jing, and soon after, they found the trace of the Pi Yuan beast. Although this kind of yin beast is very good at hiding in such a breath, if only Charm and Wang actually come, they may really be escaped by the other party, but because Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi are here, so the skin The beast still couldn't escape.

Anyway, Wang actually didn't intend to kill it, but just sealed its soul. When Wang actually leaves this body, the natural opponent will be able to "live" again.

A big fist is the last word, who said that Piyuan beasts are inferior to people!

Before coming out of that body, Wang actually said that he wanted to chat with Charm, but Charm refused. He said frankly, he didn't want Bai Jin to misunderstand. Wang Jing finally sighed and left Bai Jin's body completely.

And Bai Jin lost Wang Jing's soul, and lacked a kind of "mutual benefit" for a long time. For example, now, he can only be sick in bed, just like a vegetative person!

Moreover, because of what happened that night, Charm felt that she had been deceived. These days, instead of "taking care" of people, it was more about tossing people! Bai Jin is really "painful and happy", and I don't know how to pay if I am careful. How much time has passed, but the temperament of others has not yet passed, so I can only continue to be careful.

Another night came, and Bai Jin moved his body with difficulty. He was gratifying to find that his body could move a little, and it was no longer so rigid. Maybe, it won't take long to get out of the vegetative category.

At this moment, the door opened, and Charm came in with a bowl of nutritious porridge. This bowl of nutritious porridge is made with ingredients. Bai Jin needs to drink a bowl every day. It is something that Lin Xijiu added in it to restore Bai Jin's body, and there is a little bit of Liu Suifeng's blood in it.

However, if it tastes like this... even after being processed by their Bai family chef, it is still unpalatable! So, seeing Charm Mei brought this bowl over, Bai Jin almost wrinkled his entire face. .

"Charm, did Lin Xijiu tell me when I'm going to eat this thing?"

Charm looked at the other party and gloated, "He said that he would eat for at least two months."

Bai Jin's face changed greatly, "What? It takes so long? Why!"

"This is for nourishing the body, why do you say?"

The corners of Bai Jin's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help defending himself, "Well, actually, I think my body has recovered, really, although I don't seem to be able to move much now, it's much better than before. Don't you have to eat it every day?"

Hearing this, Charm sneered, "Really? It's already healed, then come down and run a lap. If you can run a lap, you won't eat it today." As for the future? food!

Bai Jin's face darkened. If he could get out of bed for a run now, would he still need to stand up on the bed? Hey, the charm seems to be temperamental yet!

Charm helped Bai Jin up, "I'll feed you, do you want a drink, or a spoonful.

"Of course it's a sip." Bai Jin said immediately.

Hearing this, Charm smiled slightly, "But I'm a little tired today, I'm afraid I'll hurt your hand by holding the bowl for you, so let's take it one by one, take it easy, and I will take it easy too."

Bai Jin's face was distorted, what! Will you hurt your hand if you carry a bowl? You are a liar!

Looking at Charming's serious appearance, Bai Jin was really speechless.

"Charming... Bai Jin called out pitifully.

Unfortunately, the charm is not moved at all.

Bai Jin's mouth twitched, "Daughter-in-law...

Charm's face darkened slightly, "Whose daughter-in-law are you calling!

"You can call me my daughter-in-law." Bai Jin said immediately, his obedient and eloquent appearance made people laugh.

Charm was indeed a bit like a laugh, but he held it back. "Don't talk nonsense, well, eat it, I can feed you spoon by spoon, what else are you not satisfied with!"

The corners of Bai Jin's mouth twitched, and he could only say that he was very satisfied, very satisfied!

So, under such hardship, Bai Jin ate the unpalatable "nutritious porridge".

When he finally finished eating, Bai Jin breathed a sigh of relief. But soon after, when Charm gave him a bath, the pain came again. Because Charm deliberately slid his fingers in many of his sensitive areas, but it just didn't satisfy him!

Moreover, he is still in a "vegetative state". Even if he wants to do something, he is powerless, right? So, Bai Jin is depressed.

Charming smiled, she was very proud of her prank. Seeing the other party like this, Bai Jin could only feel heartbroken.

Finally, Charm also packed himself up, got into bed, Bai Jin looked at the people around him, turned over with difficulty, and moved towards Charm little by little.

Charming raised her eyebrows and looked at her, half-smiling, "Yo, you really are much better, you can move now.

Bai Jin smiled dryly, looking at Charming in a pleasing manner, "Don't be angry, okay? I know that it was my fault that night, but I didn't know that I was going to be missing for a while, so I couldn't bear you.

Charm sneered, "A while?'

"I didn't expect it would take just a day or two to get better. I thought it wouldn't be so smooth." Bai Jin said aggrieved.

Charm continued to sneer, "Even so, reluctant, hehe, can you say nothing if reluctant?"

Bai Jin knew that he was wrong, sighed, and said awkwardly: "I feel awkward when I say it. Besides, you will always know.

"I know it's one thing, whether you say it or not is another, understand?

Bai Jin naturally nodded quickly, "I understand, it's all my fault, don't be angry."

Charm was still angry, so she snorted coldly and turned her head away.

Bai Jin felt that he was really struggling, so he could only be cautious and move over a little bit.

Under his perseverance, Charming's face finally looked much better. Bai Jin grabbed Charming's hand with difficulty, "I really know I'm wrong.

Charm pouted, "It's good to know that you're wrong, if there is another time, I won't forgive you.

"There is no next time, there is absolutely no next time!" How dare he have a next time, besides, the king has already left, where is the next time!

Charm finally reluctantly forgave Bai Jin mercifully. As a result, Bai Jin felt much better in the following days.

A few days later, Bai Jin was able to get out of bed. Although he was still a little weak, he was no longer in a vegetative state, and he was able to walk around Bai's house from upstairs to downstairs.

This is really gratifying, and hi Da Pu Ben.

However, Bai Jin still has to continue to eat that kind of very unpalatable nutritious porridge, and he can't escape even if he wants to!

But at least he can make his own decisions now, so Bai Jin also gritted his teeth and ate.

"Aiya, Fourth Uncle, you are here." Bai Yun ran in from outside, "Uncle Charm is seducing the little girl outside, oh, that little girl was rescued by Uncle Charm, and he said that he must show his respect!"

"What!" Bai Jin's face turned dark immediately, "Where is this little girl.

"It's just outside, hehe, fourth uncle, hurry up and take a look, otherwise, Uncle Charm will be promised by others.

Bai Jin walked outside with a dark face. When I went outside, I saw Charm talking to a girl, saying "girl", that was because the other party was not dressed like a girl in the city, and her long hair was braided and green. eyes are green

So this is still the legendary goblin repayment?

Bai Jin's mouth twitched, and he walked over there.

"Emperor, you saved Xiaolu, so please accept Xiaolu. Whether it's letting Xiaolu pour tea or do anything else, it's fine! You can also warm the bed." The girl said shyly.


Bai Jin....

"Cough cough." Bai Jin coughed with a dark face, interrupting the two of them.

Charming turned his head sharply, saw Bai Jin, the corners of his mouth twitched, what is this, it's a disaster!

No, this is even more innocent than an innocent disaster!

"Yo, it's very lively, I don't know, Charm, do you need someone to warm the bed?" Bai Jin looked at Charm with a half-smile, but there was an obvious anger in his eyes.

The corners of the charming mouth twitched. "No, I already have you, who do I need to warm the bed.

The girl looked at Charming, then at Bai Jin, and looked disappointed, "Eunuch, do you have a partner?"

Charm glanced at the girl, "Okay, it's not easy to practice, don't be so persistent here. I saved you just as a matter of course, but it doesn't mean you can bring trouble to my life, what you call I don't need to repay my gratitude, just leave now.

The girl was about to cry a little, looked at Charm, and walked back three steps.

The corners of Mei Mei's mouth twitched again, and then she turned to Bai Jin beside her, "Can you come out?

"Yeah, thankfully you came out, otherwise, you wouldn't know you were so popular."

Charm was speechless, "It's just a willow tree spirit, I did a favor, I didn't know she was going to rely on it. You clearly know that there is nothing to do, this is deliberately said here?"

"I didn't mean to." Bai Jin snorted, "I think you are really charming.

Charm rolled her eyes, "Stop talking sour, let's go."

"Don't go, it's boring, I can't go back."

Charming was helpless, "Then what are you going to do?

"You carry me back.

When Charm heard the words, she said with a half-smile, "I'll just take you back, Princess, how about it?"

Bai Jin blinked, "You are stealing food outside, and you treat me like this, how can you bully people like this?"

When Charming heard the words, it immediately went black, "What are you stealing, what nonsense are you talking about. I also said a few words to others.

"I don't care about that, I just heard people say they want to warm the bed.

Charm stared at Bai Jin.

"You don't want to apologize, make me happy, and bully me. Charm, you definitely don't love me anymore." Bai Jin said sadly.

Charming's mouth twitched, "Bai Jin, you're really not suitable for such a bitter scene, forget it.

Bai Jin suddenly became more lonely, his shoulders drooped down, "I knew you didn't love me anymore."

Charm:  …

Finally, Charm gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll carry you back.

"You don't have to force it, I know, it's the seven-year itch, we've been together for more than seven years." Bai Jin's tone was very sad.


"I'll just go back alone, it's okay, it's a big deal to die of exhaustion.

Charm couldn't bear it anymore, and threw Bai Jin on his back.

Bai Jin suddenly raised the corners of his mouth, and there was a trace of loneliness on that face!

"Charming." Lying on Charming's back, Bai Jin suddenly said softly: "Wang actually left my body with great regret. He seemed to want to chat with you, but you refused, why?

Charming paused for a while, and said blankly: "What he wants to say is nothing more than the past, or some ifs, it is meaningless, there is nothing to talk about.

"You know what he's going to say?

"Approximately, so it doesn't make sense."

Bai Jin kissed Charming's ear tip distressedly, "I'm very happy. Also, Charm, I love you.

Charm all of a sudden the whole ear turned into an intoxicating pink, "Why, suddenly say this."

Sensing the shyness of the charm, the corners of Bai Jin's mouth twitched even more. "It wasn't all of a sudden, I already loved you, but now I find that I love you a little more every day.

Charm's face turned red all of a sudden, very uncomfortable.

"Charm, because I love you so much, don't be stunned to eat that nutritious porridge.

Hearing this, Charm's face sank, "No way! You have to eat it! Try taking one less bite!

Bai Jin: ...this is really tragic!

"Really?" Bai Jin was still a little unwilling to give up.

Charm snorted coldly, "Of course not, you just give up, one day if you dare to eat less, I'll use it!"

Bai Jin:......

[Extra 3] 001: Bai Li VS Luo Qi eucalyptus

Bai Li and Luo Qi'an have been saddened for a long time by Bai Guo's departure, especially Luo Qi'an, who has always felt guilty for Bai Guo.

Before. Ginkgo was very sensible when he was a child. After coming out of his stomach, he understood a lot. Before the bloodline was awakened, the IQ of the other party was much higher than that of ordinary people.

After awakening, Ginkgo has always acted as a protector. Such a son, who even leapt from childhood to youth, grows up so quickly, how can it not make people feel distressed. Although the son's final result, Lin Xijiu and Bai Qi said

is not clear. Only Ginkgo, Jiang Yinlou, and Han Yexuan entered the origin of the world.

However, that is the origin of the world. It is the source of the world that can restore all order. Will his son be able to beg there? However, neither Lin Xijiu nor Bai Qi admit that Bai Guo is "dead", and neither do they admit that their master and mother really don't

here. This invisibly gives other people a hope.

A kind of hope that maybe one day they will come back. Although everyone knows in their hearts that this kind of hope is very slim, it is better than no hope, right?

Therefore, the top and bottom of the Bai family hold such a hope. And everyone has this hope in their hearts.

Luo Qi eucalyptus, even more so. Fortunately, Bai Qingyan's birth made his life more fulfilling. Having this second child by his side also made Luo Qi'an forget some pain and regret. Moreover, this second son, although growing up quickly, is definitely not an exaggeration. Now thirteen years old, but he looks like sixteen years old, he is really content! You know, the children of the Bai family, these fourth generation, have always grown to be able to use "Flying" To describe it, it is almost no fun for them to be parents to bring children.

If the son grows up too fast, they will also feel that being an adult is very unfulfilling!

At night, Bai Li came back from the military department. The military department has been busy these two days, and he often can't even come back for dinner. The same is true today. After returning to the room, I found Luo Qi’an holding the computer and didn’t know what he was doing. Bai Li looked over and took a look. What are you doing?"

Luo Qi said embarrassedly, "I have been interested in code recently, so I'm studying and playing, anyway, it's a bit boring.

"Didn't go to the company?" Luo Qi's security company is already very large, but they are all managed by the people below. The number of retired soldiers in their security company is also growing. Luo Qi'an It's not very busy by itself.

Anyway, the company is already on track, and they don't need to do anything. Therefore, Luo Qi'an's own words are relatively leisurely. I have a lot of free time, and I took my son to travel abroad some time ago before coming back. At that time, he was unable to go to many military affairs, which was a bit regrettable.

Since Bai Guo left, Luo Qiyan seemed to make up for his regrets. I spent a lot of time with my second son. The other party was brought up by Luo Qi'an himself when he was a child, and he hardly ever used a nanny. Bai Li, being a father, certainly helped a lot. Therefore, Bai Qingyan is very close to them, and there is no estrangement between them. It can be said that they can talk about everything.

"I went, but there is nothing to do at the company, and I don't need to be there. So I'm very free now. And Qing Yan has been running outside all this time, and I can't see his people at home. I don't know what to do when I went out, I asked once, and he is still mysterious." Luo Qian said with a smile, and then turned off the computer. Since Bai Li is back, he doesn't need to hold the computer.

"Qingyan has been running outside all this time?"Bai Li raised his brows. He really doesn't know that as a father. The main reason is that he can only come back at night during this time, so he didn't ask his son much. Of course, the most important reason is that their two sons are very worry-free. Although Bai Qingyan is not as fast as Ginkgo's growing up, he is really worry-free since he was a child and didn't bother them. Pass.

"Yes, not much at home. I'll talk about my son's affairs later. You go to take a bath first, the smell of sweat all over your body.

Luo Qi'an got out of bed and pushed Bai Li to the bathroom, intending to wait for the other party to go to the bathroom to get pajamas by himself.

However, Luo Qi'an just pushed twice before his body was hugged by Bai Li, who turned around. Knowing the smell of sweat on his body, Bai Li deliberately leaned over to Luo Qi'an, "Are you disgusting me for being dirty?"

As Bai Li spoke, he deliberately leaned over and nibbled on Luo Qi'an's mouth. Luo Qi'an suddenly blushed slightly. Although the two have been together for a long time, and they have two sons, to be honest, Bai Li has never been a "passionate" person, so such a move is still rarely seen.

Most of the time between them there are more cases of warm water, Luo Qi'an is also used to this, and doesn't think there is nothing wrong with it.

Passion, where can I eat?

Now that Bai Li suddenly slapped him like this, Luo Qi'an couldn't help blushing slightly.

Bai Li didn't let go of the person after nibbling on Luo Qi's mouth. On the contrary, he pried open the other person's teeth and deepened the kiss. The temperature in the room gradually rose, and Bai Li picked him up and walked to the bathroom instead of the big bed.

In the fish tank full of water, Bai Li peeled Luo Qi Eucalyptus clean, threw it in, and then pressed him up, "Since I think my body is dirty, then come take a bath with me.

Said to take a bath, of course, this "bath" has completely become a verb. Today's Bai Li was very brave, Luo Qi'an was tossed a lot, but he was also very happy. In the end, when Bai Li took Luo Qi'an out of the bathtub, his consciousness was dazed.

Bai Li cleaned up the two of them, got on the bed, and looked at the familiar sleeping face of the person beside him. Bai Li slightly hooked the corner of his mouth. He naturally knew the regrets in Luo Qi'an's heart, so why wasn't he the same. After Bai Guo left, Bai Licai deeply felt that the time he spent with each other was really too little.

Therefore, they unconsciously added some things to the second son. The strategy for the second son since childhood was to spoil him, but no matter how much he spoiled him, the child was not spoiled, but was very sensible. And this kind of sensible will make them always remember

Eldest son, these years, Luo Qi'an's heart has not been easy, right?

Bai Li thought about it, and with some distress, he gently pressed a kiss on the corner of Luo Qi'an's mouth.

The next day, when Luo Qi'an woke up, Bai Li was no longer by his side. He rubbed his aching waist and got up. Last night, I was forced to do several embarrassing poses. That guy Bai Li, after eating and wiping, actually ran away. Humph! Luo Qi'an didn't get up immediately, but meditated in the room for a while before going out.

Even though he only meditated for an hour, the exhaustion all over his body had dissipated. When I got outside, I happened to see my son who came out of the room neatly packed. Luo Qi'an raised his brows, "Qing Yan.

Bai Qingyan smiled when she saw Luo Qi'an, "Dad? You just woke up?'

"It's like you've been up for a long time." Luo Qian pouted.

Bai Qingyan smiled, "It's true that I've been up for a long time. I've been cultivating, and it's just over now. Dad, what about you?

"Of course he is also practicing." Luo Qi'an said immediately.

"Oh, is that so?" Bai Qingyan glanced meaningfully at Luo Qi's neck, and the traces on it didn't go down. My father and father were very hot last night! The old wife, um, the relationship is still so good!

Aware of his son's gaze, Luo Qi'an probably knew what he was seeing, and was a little embarrassed, so he glared at his son angrily. "What are you looking at!"

Bai Qingyan immediately begged for mercy, "No, I didn't see anything. Ah, Dad, I have to go, so I won't have breakfast at home, Dad, eat slowly by yourself.

"Wait." Luo Qiyan grabbed his son, "You have been running very diligently outside recently. What are you doing? You are often not seen at home."

"I made an appointment with a few senior brothers from the Celestial Master Association to do the task. It's a serious matter." Bai Qingyan said solemnly.

"Really?" Luo Qiyan expressed some doubts about this, "Is that so?

"Dad, of course it is! I promise!" After saying that, Bai Qingyan, who looked like a teenager, smiled and ran downstairs.

Luo Qi'an raised his brows slightly, thought about it, and finally decided to follow him. During this period of time, he actually wanted to follow him to have a look, but he always felt that his son has grown up, and it seems that it is not good to spy on the privacy of others. So it didn't move.

But today, Luo Qi'an instinctively wanted to follow and take a look, so he did just that.

Bai Qingyan did make an appointment with the people from the Celestial Master Association, and during this period of time, everyone did a mission together. To solve some of the evil spirits that came out, there are still two ghosts. So they have done a lot during this time.

After observing for a while, Luo Qi'an realized that his son was not lying, and he was immediately relieved, thinking that he was really making a fuss, and that his son did not lie to him. It's too bad for me to not trust my son so much!

Luo Qiyan checked himself, and was about to give up tracking and leave. It was found that his son and a few people from the Celestial Master Association had almost resolved their problems and broke up with each other. But his son obviously did not intend to go back immediately.

Luo Qi'an raised his brows slightly, especially when he saw his son driving alone to the southern suburbs.

Luo Qi'an was silent for a while, then followed carefully.

Although Bai Qingyan is a leader in the younger generation, compared to the previous generation like Luo Qi'an and the others, it is still a little bit worse, especially when Luo Qi'an deliberately restrained his breath. , So, Bai Qingyan didn't find anyone following along the way.

When the car drove to a place near the southern suburbs, Bai Qingyan stopped the car and got out of the car. Luo Qi'an looked at it, paused, and followed.

The southern suburbs here are more prosperous after more than ten years of construction, and it can be said that it is much more prosperous than before. However, in this area, because there are two hidden families nearby, there are not many ordinary people in this area.

Extra 3] 002: Bai Li VS Luo Qi eucalyptus

However, there is a famous farm here. This farm is run by a member of one of the hidden families. The dishes in it have a small amount of spiritual energy. If ordinary people eat it, they will strengthen their health and prolong their life. The effect on the body is very big.

It has to be said that this hidden family is still very business-minded. No, to be precise, the person inside is more intelligent. After all, this idea was thought up by the person in the hidden family, and it was just that person. That person Luo Qiyan has also seen

Once, very "characteristic", it can be said that it has more characteristics than their son.

At least, although their son Ginkgo's facial features don't look so harmonious as a whole, and the first impression is ugly, but looking at them separately, the facial features are actually normal. But that person is different, and that person's facial features make people feel awkward.

It feels even more awkward together.

In short, the kind that makes people feel weird everywhere at first glance. But the other party's mind is very good, the talent for cultivation is also very good, and the person is also young, it seems that he is only in his twenties? In short, it looks similar to Baiyun and the others. Although white clouds

Their actual age is far from that old, but they can't stand Baiyun, they are growing fast!

The dishes in this farm are quite good. People from their Bai family occasionally come here to socialize twice when they are socializing, so they will choose this place. But it is natural that they will not come this way. That little bit of spiritual energy can be good for ordinary people, but it is useless for cultivators like them.

Now that the son went directly to the farm, and he came alone, Luo Qi'an certainly didn't think that the other party was here for "entertainment", squinted and followed.

Bai Qingyan's goal was really that farm, and after arriving there, he didn't meet the waiter or go to the place where he was eating, but went directly to the backyard of the farm, which seemed to be his office. Area.

Luo Qi'an kept up calmly, because he was not sure if there was anyone in the hidden family, so Luo Qi'an acted more carefully, and his breath became more restrained, otherwise, it would be troublesome to cause unnecessary misunderstandings. . Although he is not afraid of trouble

But he is stalking his son, and he doesn't want his son to know that he is stalking each other!

Therefore, it is better to avoid unnecessary troubles that may occur early.

Luo Qi'an saw his son go up to the third floor here, and then went directly to a room. Luo Qi'an narrowed his eyes even more and followed.

Bai Qingyan directly opened the door of a certain office and saw the people working inside. That person is the person Luo Qiyan has an impression of, and the person who looks awkward with his facial features. Now the owner of the farm, Mo Xixing.

When Mo Xixing saw the young man who came again, he really had a headache. He couldn't help putting down the file and said, "Why are you here again!"

Bai Qingyan walked over with a smile, "What do you think? It's said that if you don't see each other for a day, it's like every three autumns. Of course, I have to come here every day, or I'll have to kill you.

Speaking so naturally, Bai Qingyan walked over directly, hugged Mo Xixing's waist, and quickly nibbled on the other's mouth.

Mo Xixing's body suddenly stiffened, and after enduring it, he couldn't help but want to push Bai Qingyan away. Unfortunately, Bai Qingyan is not so easy to push away, especially when the other party used a little spiritual power.

There was a pitiful expression on Bai Qingyan's face. The face of the other party was already a delicate type. After putting on an aggrieved expression at this time, it would only make people feel unbearable.

Mo Xixing was repeatedly defeated by such an expression.

"You've already eaten people, do you want to deny the account now? They've given you their bodies, do you want to give up now? It's fine if you don't take the initiative, I'll take the initiative, but you still have to push Open people, go west, you look like this, people are very sad.

Bai Qingyan said pitifully on purpose, God knows that when Bai Qingyan was in the Bai family, he always looked like a mature adult. It was like this since he was a child. Even the so-called coquetry was almost never seen after the age of three. It is only occasionally that their juniors deliberately pretend to be children in order to tease the old man and make each other happy.

In fact, the fourth generation of their Bai family is terrifyingly mature. It's just the outward appearance of everyone.

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