MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1788 Going to the wilderness, skinning [the third, the word update! Seeking a monthly ticket! 】

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The face of the back soil is very unsightly.

She came to the restaurant and ordered a jar of wine.

Yes, I just ordered a jar of wine, sitting in the restaurant from my own self, drinking and drinking.

The restaurant is in full swing, and the dark dishes outside are dominated by the Marquis of the Drum.

The steps will be one night in advance, and the dark dishes to be arranged on the second day will be prepared and handed over to the Marquis of the Drums to prepare for the challenge of the next day.

As long as anyone can challenge success, you can get food from the restaurant with chaos.

Unfortunately, to date, no one has ever challenged success.

The step wiped the water drops in the hands and walked out of the restaurant.

After the soil saw the steps, and recruited.

Stepping open the chair and sitting opposite her.

"what happened?"

Step by step, looking at the back soil.

For this cursed **** from the wild universe, the attitude of the step is still good.

Strictly speaking, the back soil is a fellow.

The earth should also be regarded as the ancestor of the wild universe.

"You should know the war of the wild universe and the soul-magic universe..." After the dirt road.

The step nodded.

At the beginning, the post-earth and the A-soul competed for the position of the heir of the city of nothingness, isn’t it the result of leading the war?

"The situation is not very good..."

After the dirt road, the brows are wrinkled and extremely serious.

"The recovery of the soul **** has a great influence on the morale of the Soul Magic Universe. The battlefield that could have been deadlocked, the flood universe has now begun to collapse."

Step by step to blaspheme.

"There are so many shackles in the wild, can't you beat the soul?"

For the wilderness universe, there is not much to know.

However, it is also known that the number of the sacred people, the sages of the avenues, and the chaos of the saints will never be less.

"The situation in the wild is a bit complicated... many big sisters are sleeping."

After the soil sighed.

"It's not only the soul god, the cursed queen, etc., who are sleeping. Many big people are actually sleeping. The impact on the battle is not big, but the soul is awakened and the battle will be changed."

"I originally thought that I had inherited the throne of the city of nothingness. I can use the power of the city of nothingness to kill the Soul Magic Universe. Now it seems that it is a bit obsessive." After the earth drank a drink, his brow wrinkled.

Step by step, these secrets, he really does not know.

"And... you should expect it too."

After the earth looked at the steps.

What is the expected step?

You are clear.

"The chaotic universe is suppressing an arm..."

"The town of nothingness is the lower body..."

"The upper body has gathered, in the Soul Universe, where is the head and arm?"

After the dirt road.

The words are out.

The face of the step suddenly changed slightly.

The meaning of the back soil is very obvious...

The goal of the soul **** today is the remaining head and arm, or the goal of the Soul Universe is the same.

After you get together, you can summon the soul!

The reason why the faceless man appears, is also because the reincarnation of the **** of the stupidity brings the soul arm to the soul magic universe.


At the beginning of the city of nothingness, the most powerful soul master will easily cross the universe to save him?

Step by step to think of this, suddenly felt a big head.

"Yes... According to my expectations, the head and arms of the soul **** should be suppressed in the wild universe..."

After the soil spit out a breath.


Step by step, poured a glass of wine, took a sip, the news was a bit shocking, he needed a glass of wine, pressure and shock.

"I will go back to the wilderness of the universe... Your cooking skills are very strong in suppressing the souls. I hope that you can come to the wild universe to help..."

After the dirt road.

"Of course... don't force it, if you don't want to come, it's fine..."

"However, if the floods fall, the souls of the souls are gathered together, you can't escape... The determination of the soul **** to kill you is too strong."

After the soil station got up and settled, it was leaving.

Her face is very serious, after all, the situation is urgent.

Step by step sitting on the seat did not move.

After the soil got up, it was straight away from the restaurant.

The figure of the Duke of Nightmare flashed away from the door.

Undoubtedly, she followed the land to the wild universe.

The city of nothingness left a duke, and it certainly has an impact on the overall strength.

However, today's city of nothingness is a short-term security. After all, the lower body of the soul **** has been taken away.

Therefore, it is no harm to go to support the flooding universe.

After thinking about it for a long time, he got up and went to the restaurant to continue cooking and opening.

Soon, the sky gradually dimmed and the steps ended.

Although he is now, he does not need business value to break through.

His repair is a breakthrough, you must find the opportunity to complete the system approved dishes, will be upgraded.

Therefore, the breakthrough of the step, it is hard to say, it can be said that no time can be overdone.

After all, the system is now in accordance with the requirements of the kitchen god, to ask for steps.

Under the tree of enlightenment, the dog ate was drunk and ribbed, and his face was drunk, but he did not care.

Instead, the bowl is beautiful.

"You are going to the wild universe?"

The dog squatted in the bowl, and the eyelids lifted up and asked about the steps.

The step did not nod and did not shake his head.

Pluto is sipping a spicy bar. "To tell the truth, the wild universe is not a good place. The purpose of the soul **** is to flood the universe. Where are you going to make up, not looking for death?"

"I know that there is danger, are you going?"

"But if you let the soul of the gods get together, it is useless to hide."

Step by step.

The level of the soul god, between the thoughts, can span many universes, there is nowhere to hide.

"Going is also dead, not going is dead... It is really difficult to decide."

Tsinghua Erha licked his hair and dialed the bangs in front of him.


Erha’s eyes twitched.

He waved at the little fox and the little skin, and the two little guys were unknown.

On the dining table, the little fox is on the left and the little python is on the right.

The little fox licked his eyes and looked awkward.

The small skin is calm and the bubble is spit.

Later, Pluto Erha set up a spicy bar in the middle of the two little guys.

"Let's do it, let God decide to go, whether to go to the wild universe... The spicy strips fall to the little fox, then don't go, pour to the small skin... Then go to the wild skin, how?"

Erha's face flickered.

Step by step.

So casual?

The dog yawned and gestured, you play, and then you screamed under the tree of enlightenment.

Obviously not interested in this boring thing.

"it is good."

Step by step, think about it, actually can't make a choice, then press Erha that is a funny comparison.

A corner of the mouth of Erha, revealing a mouth full of bright teeth.

The little luoli curse is watching from a distance.

Xiao Lai was originally followed by Xiao You, but now Xiao You has inherited the throne and has his own royal palace. Xiao Lai is responsible for managing the palace.

For the naive behavior of the two, the little curse means ridicule.

How big are the people, and play this naive trick.

Erha pinched the spicy strip and pinched the top of the spicy strip, making the spicy strip stand in the middle of the table.

The little fox swayed and the small bubble collapsed.

"Beginning... the moment to decide the fate!"

Erhadao, the voice exudes a deep sigh of suspense.


The hand is loose.

In the restaurant, everyone’s spirit is a glimpse, breathing a stagnation.

Step by step, Erha, and the dog and the little curse who said that they are not interested...

They all have long necks and stare at the spicy strips.

The spicy strips are shaking...


In the breathing of everyone.

like a statue……

It’s like a pillar of the sky, standing straight!

Pluto Erha's face is a stiff...

This is a special spicy bar... deliberately pay attention to it? !

Fall down!

What are you special about?


A small bubble in the small mouth, the bubble swelled to the extreme...


A bang.


A stream of air blew through.

The trembling spicy bar fell directly.

Let's scream, pointing to the small skin.

It fell in front of the skin.

The straight skin of the small skin turned and slid a little, then opened his mouth and bit the spicy strip.

"I rub! You pimp shrimp actually stealing?! Quickly release the king's spicy strip!"

Erha's face is black.

The spicy strips fell to the small skin...

Step by eyebrows, this means, is to go to the wild universe?

It seems that the meaning... is obvious.

Pluto is screaming with hot peppers.

The little skin bites the spicy strip and doesn't let go, let him lick, don't waver...

This Pipi shrimp is really skin!

If you have a step.

The little curse grinned and laughed at the laughter.

Suddenly, she couldn’t help but see the thoughtfulness of the steps.

"You don't really want to go to the wild universe? Go to death?"

"If the soul of the soul merges with the lower body obtained from the city of nothingness, the strength is definitely stronger than the former faceless man... you can only go to die."

"This time... there is no cure for the Queen's array to protect you."

Small curse.

The step is also clear about this.

"Go ahead..."

The dog-in-law who was under the tree of Enlightenment yawned.

"But... before you go, can you give me the dog's drunk ribs for the next hundred years?"

Step by step turned a blind eye.

"Dog and I can't accompany you, and the little fox can't do it... We have to go back to the chaotic universe. In case the Souls attack the chaotic universe, without us, the chaotic universe must fall."

The dog master stood up and took an elegant catwalk and came to the front of the step.

Exquisite dog claws raised and patted on the thigh of the step.

"Take care, step by step kid."

"Dog's proposal, you know."

Stepping on the corner of the mouth, this is really not optimistic about yourself.

However, it is true that he is not a sage, not to mention the soul, even the most powerful soul, can shoot him to death.

Today, the dog and Erha can't save him as before.

Everything depends on himself.

However, fortunately...

He has a little white.

"I can't go, I have to stay in the city of nothingness, guard the little quiet..."

The little curse said something.

She is the separation of the Queen's will. At an important moment, she can be transformed into a queen, which can resolve the crisis, so she must stay.

The step nodded.

There is also a decision in my heart.

This time I went to the flood...

Only bring small white and small skin.

Perhaps this time it’s really a big disaster to go to the floods.

But... he felt that he had to go.

Not only because of his relationship with the wild.

Also because... he needs to seek a breakthrough in the desire to cultivate.


There is a voice in my heart that makes him go to the wild universe...

Perhaps, what will be there to gain?

Even, now in the wild universe...

The Souls have long been waiting for him.


Is the step like a jealous person?

Go ahead to dangers!

Holding the knife, the top of the pot, the foot on the stove, and the fire, this goes to the flood, it must be turned upside down...

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