MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1789 In the days of the floods...

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The step party said that it was going to the flood.

However, he did not go directly. He stayed in the kitchen shop for several days and was ready.

After all, today's floods are fighting the Soul Universe, which is extremely dangerous.

If he wants to wave a wave in the past, he really has to do a good job.

after all……

In the eyes of the Soul, he has long been regarded as a nail in his eyes, not killing the uncomfortable one.

This self-knowledge is still very clear, the title of the soul and the nemesis... is not white.

Go up to the soul god, down to the little soul demon, if you can catch the opportunity, you will not let him go.

Therefore, the step needs to be prepared in advance.

Of course, he continued to enjoy a few days of leisure time.

Cook a few side dishes and slap a few glasses of wine.

Although the Chaos pot is ineffective against the Great Perfection, it can still cause a little threat to deal with the ordinary Duke-level powerhouse.

Therefore, it took a few days for the step, and it also made a few chaotic pots.

The dog and the prince Erha left.

They returned to the chaotic universe.

It is easy to take the space rules and send them away.

As for the little fox, I don't want to leave. After all, I didn't have to eat after leaving the step, so the little fox clung to the thigh of the step.

Even if the dog and the prince are not able to persuade, there is no way.

In the end, I can only let Xiaohu stay in the side of the step.

It seems that I intend to continue to go to the wilderness universe.

The number of food guests in the restaurant in these days is very large, but the pace is very busy, but this busy, he is happy.

Isn't that what he yearns for?

Open a small restaurant, diners pay for food, he is responsible for cooking and sun...

However, leisurely days, after all, will come to an end.

The steps have not been dragged for too long, the wild universe has to go, and... He feels that many things, he may be answered in the wild universe.

In the kitchen **** shop, the step-by-step selection of Xiao Xiaolong from the apprentices allowed Xiao Xiaolong to continue the business of the store.

The Marquis of the Drum is responsible for the cooking of dark dishes.

Xiaobai follows the steps.

On the shoulders, there are small foxes and small whites. The convenience is the beginning of striding towards the city of nothingness.

He walked quietly, just as he came quietly.

There are few people who know that he is leaving.


Step by step, with a small white, small fox, small skin, left the city.

He did not send it away in an instant.

It is a city, a city has visited the past.

He feels comfortable in several urban areas.

Jiacheng District, Yicheng District, Bingcheng District...etc.

Even Dingcheng District, which left him the most impressive, stepped away.

Those who remain in Dingcheng District are foreign exiles.

Some are just exiled, while others have already sunk in tens of thousands of years in Dingcheng District.

At last.

Step by step out of the gate of Dingcheng District, along the thin bridge on the cursed river, as he did when he stepped into the city of nothingness.

Looking back, I looked back at the huge city that towered into the sky.

This rafting in the stars, the city that entangles the power of curse...

Left him a different experience.


Foot in the universe of nothingness, today's step, the repair of the sage of the avenue, can easily walk away.

Even across the starry sky.

White bone ship, the collapse of the city of nothingness.

Step by step, looking deep.

Xiaobai is behind him, purple eyes blinking.

On the white head, he licked the little fox and the little skin.

They are facing the city of nothingness, the city of cursing that wanders in the universe...

Afterwards, the corners of the steps were slightly pulled.

Spit a sigh of relief.

"It's time to go."


The spirit of the sea moves.

Suddenly, the entire universe seems to have rolled up thousands of waves.

The breath of the step has become extremely heavy.

A white light spot appeared in front of him.

The step is to understand the five laws of the universe, the law of space, he is also very familiar.

The Space Tenjin Palace has always existed in chaos.

The step was originally looking for a lot of books in it.

In fact, the step even suspected that the space **** has returned.

However, he does not know it.

After all, the existence of the Tenjin Palace means the return of the gods.

However, the dog said that the space **** did not return, so the step is not the same thing.

A white light came out.

This is the light spot provided by the system. In fact, the strength of the step is now analyzed, and the mystery is also analyzed.

This light spot is not a space law.

What kind of power is specific, the step does not understand.

From the books of the Tenjin Palace in space, the steps learned the way to the wild universe.

Space god, is a person drifting everywhere, he wanders in the horizon, to a variety of places.

Perhaps this is the common problem of every space god.

However, understanding the steps of the space law does not have this feeling.

He prefers to nest in a small shop, do cooking, and tease the prawns.

The spot is completed.

A array of rotations is in the void.

The late land and the Duke of Nightmare and other powerful people have long gone to the flood.

They have their own means to go.

However, there are also steps.

The array of roaring, the white light column, skyrocketing, suddenly rushed into the stars.

The huge voids spread and spread in all directions.

The body shape of the step, Xiaobai, etc. suddenly disappeared.


The city of nothingness.

In front of the huge Queen's Palace.

Little luoli holds the spicy strip in one hand and sits on the chair leisurely.

It’s delicious to eat spicy strips.

She saw the energy of the sputum, licking the spicy strips and spit out a breath.

I hope that the step can stop the soul from continuing to get together.

If it is really once, it will be a disaster for heaven and earth!

Every universe will face real destruction!


The feeling of transmission is not very good.

However, today's step, the physical body, let the void tear, may not be able to tear apart.

Therefore, the feeling of discomfort, for him, just like the mosquito biting, did not care.

Needless to say, the little fox and the little skin.

The skin of the small skin is also natural.

Guanghua flashed.

The white light spots quietly dispersed.

The shape of the step suddenly emerged.

He holds a sea bream bag in his hand, and there is a strong fragrance that spreads.

In the wild, there are not so many taboos...

The food is delicious here.

The ancients cloud, the people eat for the sky.

This sentence is equally applicable in the floods.

after all……

There are more people in the wilderness.

Step by step, the sea bream is stuffed into the entrance, and it is the leisure and elegance.

There is nothing special about the wild universe.

Perhaps the level of energy in the air is weaker than the city of nothingness and chaos, but it is not much weaker.

And the step into the wild universe.

The brow could not help but wrinkle up.

He looked up at the sky, as if there was a mighty will, covering the entire universe...

This feeling is very obvious.

The pace is also somewhat awkward.

After the soil has said that the flood is actually not the existence of the level of the soul of God...

It is only because of restrictions that it cannot be used.

The step may have understood a bit.

The location in the depths of the step is a desolate area.

The vast mainland underneath, on the mainland, are waste rocks...

The growth of the scorpion scorpion formed a mountain pack without vegetation.

This is a desolate area.

The wilderness universe is very big...

The location of the step is the wilderness, the center of the wild universe...

The spirit of the sea spreads out, and in a flash, it expands at a speed of 10,000 miles per second...

Vaguely between.

The step has sensed a strong wave.

"Go in that direction."

Step by step, think.

After that, the figure is floating directly.

Xiaobai lifted the palm-like palm and touched his rounded head, and he followed it up.

The speed of the pace is very fast.

Soon, it is a journey of thousands of miles...

On the way.

The steps have seen the singularity of the flood.

A variety of powerful creatures wandered in it...

For example, the huge enchanting, roaring the sun and the moon, the breath of incomparable strength, actually has a semi-class level of breath.

There is a windy wolf that is as fast as the wind, riding in the wilderness.

These savage beasts fight each other and hunt each other. Their goal is to survive, eat each other, and gain the origin of the other person's body!

The heavenly will of the wilderness universe is very terrifying.

Even if it is a step, it is not easy to touch.

This kind of heavenly will is the most terrible thing that the step has seen so far.

In fact, at the level of the step, there is basically no fear of heaven.

However, in the wilderness universe, he was a little scared when he faced the heavens.

This kind of heaven is not the kind of heavenly will of the big world and the small world.

The kind of heavenly will is too weak, and the pace can be annihilated at will.

The vast wilderness universe is boundless and spreads to nothingness, and it does not perceive the end.

And this day, you can cover such a world, naturally extraordinary!

Huge enchanting and wind wolves are fighting.

After the battle broke out.

The sky is cracked, the gravel is flying, and the ground is cracked.

The steps are suspended above the Scorpio and the battle is underneath.


The battle broke out.

The wind wolf will defeat the enchanting, the enchanting dragged the disabled body, and quickly smashed away.

The wind wolf has not yet felt the joy of the winner.

Just white, who was descended from the sky, slaps and screams to death.

After a long time.

The fire of the gods burned.

Roasted red wolf meat, dripping with oil...

The step is like this, with a small white, small skin small fox, all the way forward.

Do not worry or slow down, feel the customs of the wild universe.

Occasionally, tired, smashed, and killed a beast, cooking on the spot.

Frying and frying, steaming and roasting... Each of the cooking methods of the step is easy to use.

The eyes of the little fox have become an arc.

Sure enough... follow the steps to have meat, this is the truth!

In the flood, the steps have also seen human beings.

But they are all mortal.

There may be practitioners, but ... the strength is not too strong, in the eyes of the step, all are considered mortal.

Everyone has built a city-state and recuperated.

In the city-state, nature is indispensable for cooking.

The step also turned into a mortal, and in this city-state, there was a lap.

Feel the simplicity of the wild.

But... these foods can only be said to be general.

There is no surprise to the concession.

So, there is no stay for too long.

After all, the step also knows what his purpose here is for.

I left the city-state and went to the flood-free center...

More and more mortal kingdoms and city-states appear.

The practitioners are getting stronger and stronger.

boom! !

at last……

On one day, the stepper sensed the horrible fighting atmosphere!

This level of fighting belongs to the sage level of the avenue!

The spread of sin and the mana impact of the sage of the avenue...

The step is far from being sensed.

This is the soul of the sage in the avenue of the wild!

A heart move.

Step by step with Xiaobai and others, it is going quickly.

From the breath he sensed...

The sages of the ruins of the wild... The situation does not seem very good!

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