MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1842 I, Niu Hansan, invincible!

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The soul of the gods did not move, quiet to make people panic.

However, the step is not much care.

He portrayed the place in the memory of the Cursed Queen and asked everyone to look for it.

The earth is so big, but that is relative to the mortal. For the present god, it takes a long time to circle the earth.

Of course, it is still quite difficult to find a small place in detail.

But at least, the gods have goals.

The entire ancestral star seems to have been turned over, and these gods are constantly searching.

Tongtian teacher, Yuan Shi Tianzun and other strong people have joined the ranks of seeking.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is three feet.

During this time.

The steps are very leisurely swaying in the earth.

With a small white, he went to visit the monk who was alone in the dome of the dome.

Brought with the barbecue and fine wine, and talked very much.

After the visit, I went to the ancestral homes.

The passage of time is fast.

Half a month has passed.

The gods in the ancestral stars have nothing to gain.

I did not find the place described by the step.

The Heavenly Master was anxious, and he found a step in the middle of a boat.

The longer the time drags, the more uneasy it is in the heart of the Heavenly Master. If the soul is really collected, it will be a disaster for the strong.

"Can't find it?"

Step by step, holding the fishing rod, motionless.

The fish does not move, he does not move.

Xiaobai and Xiaoyou sat in the distance and watched quietly.

Tongtian teacher frowned and sighed deeply.

"No, the kitchen **** brought the heart of the soul back to the ancestral star. Under normal circumstances, it should be hidden in the bones. It is impossible to find..."

"Have you ever looked at the secrets of the ancestors?"

The step party asked.

The fish twitched and the hand trembled as if it had been beaten on the surface of the sea.

A fat fish flew out of his fishing rod.

The fish squid was pumped and beaten on the fish.

Xiaobai reached out and grabbed the fish and threw it into the bucket under his feet.

"I have found it... there is no trace at all, I can't find it!"

Tongtian teaches the main eyebrows.

The secrets of the ancestors have been searched for, but... there is still no idea.

The souls of the ancestors have been completely cleaned up, but... there are still no traces and news of the soul.

This is not good news for them.

Stepping up, holding the bucket, stepping on the canoe and leaving the sea.

The group got off the boat and walked on a remote island.

"The secret of the ancestral star has also been found, and any corner has been found..."

The steps frowned slightly and fell into meditation.

They returned to the front of the wooden house on the island.

The wind on the island is very warm, the sun shines, and it is very harmonious.

On the chopping board, the fat fish caught in the bucket was placed on the chopping board, and the kitchen knife was used to start processing the fat fish.

The Heavenly Master is talking on the side.

The step is to cook fat fish while thinking.

Of course, although he is thinking, his actions are not slow.


The fish was boiled, and the hot air suddenly rushed, and the thick smoke and flesh of the bill spread.

Tongtian taught to take the initiative to move his nose, and his eyes fell on the fish in the pot.

"Don't the heart of the soul god... not in the ancestral star?"

What the step seems to think of.

However, soon, he shook his head again, because the heart of the soul is not in the ancestral star, where can it be?

When the kitchen **** took the heart of the soul, left the center of the war, and returned to the ancestral star, and retired.

The old man, the soul of the soul, does not seem to be the extreme of ruthlessness.

and so……

The step suddenly disappeared.

The action in the hand stops.

The scent is surging.

"Will it be misled... the soul of the soul, perhaps not really on the ancestral star."

Step by step.

Tongtian teaches the main mouth to smoke, won't it?

If it is not on the earth, where is it?

The gods who are looking for the place have returned, and each has nothing to gain.

Their expression is very regrettable.

Failure to find the place means that the danger has not disappeared.

The fear brought by the soul **** is still lingering on the hearts of all of them.


Tianyuan big world.

This is a new world, a big world suspended in the wild universe.

Filled with the majestic aura of heaven and earth.

It’s sky, wild...

The wind blows the grass low... See Niu Han San.

A wooden house looming in the grassless meadow.

A big tree that rises into the sky and rushes into the sky.

On the fairy tree, the fairy is lingering.

In the turbulent water, a **** lobster is squatting.

Because it is a new world of nascent life, the life that it breeds is very rare.

Yes, they are still in a state of ignorance.

The only thing that can be called wisdom is perhaps only Niu Han San.

Today's Niu Han San Yu is very incomparable in this world of heaven.

He Niu Hansan... In this big world, it is the real God.

The Tianyuan Great World is made up of the idyllic world of Buddhism.

The pastoral world is provided by the system.

When the stepping side stripped off the body of the gods and suppressed the soul, this pastoral world was sent out by the steppers and turned into a vibrant world.

This big world, but the step is developed from a small inch of small pastoral.

It was just a small garden.

However, with the growth of the power of the step, the garden space has become larger and larger, and everything has become more and more abundant.

Any plant and baby can live here.


With the emergence of Niu Hansan, the pastoral world has become a secret in the heart of the step.


Since stepping into the sentimental way, even if he resumed his cultivation, he did not withdraw the pastoral world.

Instead, let him develop.

In the perspective of the step, the future pastoral world can even be turned into a heavenly universe.

There is more than one universe, which is a great thing for the creatures between heaven and earth.

Of course, the step will not prevent such a good thing from happening.

Therefore, let Niu Hansan go toss.

In today's Tianyuan world, there is really only one cow and three.

The apprentices of the step are also unable to enter the idyllic world, in the time of the steps of the thousands.

And Niu Han San is a leisurely living in the pastoral world, enjoying the glory of God.

He is not dead, eternal life.

In the millennium, he basically stayed here except when he left the pastoral world and ran to find the fairy star for a while.

Niu Hansan has not learned hybrid technology for a long time.

It is not that he does not learn, but since the separation of the pastoral world, his ability to cross is also gone.

The warm wind is blowing.

Niu Han was lazy and yawned.

He sat on the lounge chair in front of the wooden house, and the lounge chair made a creaking sound.

He can control the will of Tianyuan.

So he can do whatever he wants here, calling for the rain.

Xiaoba runs on the grass, three-eyed lions, eight treasure pigs and other old friends are living leisurely.

Blood lobsters in the river, fish, etc., have been very carefree.

Niu Hansan is very satisfied.

Step boss, you are in the spirit of the sky... It should be very happy, the old cow... did not live up to your expectations.

Niu Han thinks in his heart.

Far from the step of fishing on the sea without waves, I don’t know why, suddenly yawned.

Who is cursing him.

Step by step, looking at the innocent sea, expressionless.



Tianyuan is outside the world.

The void begins to slowly distort.

The footsteps resounded.

A figure wrapped in a black robe walks out of it.

And his side, black gas swept, and soon, it turned into seven figures.

The breath of these seven figures is too strong, and the faces look basically the same.

Suspended in the world of Tianyuan.

The black robe slowly rose.

A pair of scarlet eyes under the black robe was revealed.

"Found it..."

The hoarse voice sounded up.

In the tone of the soul, the excitement and the repressed excitement are revealed.

Sealed by the kitchen god, he did not give up.

He was sealed by the steps and he did not give up...

Today, he finally found it!

Looking at the distance, the picturesque world of Tianyuan, the soul of God slowly spread his hands...

He had always thought that his heart was sealed on the earth.


He is wrong!

The kitchen **** is misleading him.

He thought it was on earth, but when he rushed to the earth, he secretly searched for a long time.

But it was not found at all.

The violent screaming of the old man of the kitchen god, even if the latter is dead.

But... even if he is dead, why should he hang him?


He began to think crazy.

He thought of the grassland and thought of the wooden house...

I thought of the blue sky and white clouds, the lazy spirit beast...

The soul is sensed.

He is the kitchen god, the kitchen **** is him.

The soul of the gods grinned, showing a very excited smile...

Chef, the old man, wants to bury his heart...

However, did he hide it? !


Niu Hansan was lying in front of the wooden house and snoring.

Suddenly, I suddenly felt a chill and felt cold.

He looked up and looked around, only to feel that the heavens and the earth seemed to be at this moment, and it became very dark.


Niu Han San is shocked.

what happened? !

He looked at the scorpio, and there was a cloud in the black cloud that made his mind horrible.

That kind of power, so that he can not afford any resistance to the mind...


Have a big devil invade?

Niu Han’s three hearts were shocked. He rolled over and fell down on the recliner and rushed into the wooden house.

Xiao Ba, three-eyed lions and so on were also shocked and hid.


Above the sky.

The eight figures fell slowly.

The warm wind has become very sharp, like a knife, cut on their cheeks.

The soul **** took a deep breath and opened his hands...

"This breath... is like the familiar feeling that comes out of the blood."

The soul is breathing greedily.

In the wooden house.

Niu Hansan was shocked.

Staring at the soul of the outside, I don't know what to say.

That guy... is the soul god? !

Such a terrible breath...

It’s more terrible than the big ones in the wilderness universe!

Niu Hansan did not dare to make any noise.

Xiao Ba ran in and shrank into his arms, and did not dare to move.

Niu Hansan is a little confused now.

However, he did not mess up the square.

His eyes lit up.

Mindful action...

He is now the leader of the pastoral world, he mastered the power of the heavens and the earth.

What is he afraid of?

"Invasion of the pastoral world... is subject to the expulsion of the will of heaven!"

Niu Hansan was excited.

Later, he controlled the will of the heavens and the earth, and went to the soul and the people to suppress.


The soul of the **** stands on the grass.

The black robe screamed under the wind.


The soul **** suddenly picked up his eyebrows and looked up at the sky.

The whole day, suddenly changed dramatically.

A huge cow demon floated into the void, and an angry cow screamed at them!

Afterwards, the horns suddenly fell and rolled toward the soul gods!

This is the will of heaven in today's Yuanda world.

Very terrible.

Wrapped around the world will!

In the wooden house.

Niu Han's three eyes are shining with golden light!

He Niu Hansan...


Hey! ! !

Under the cow's corner.

boom! ! !

The entire ground, suddenly collapsed...explosion!


After a while, the smoke rolled away.

The soul **** raised his hand and caught the horn of the horns...

"The will of heaven? It’s ridiculous..."

The soul of the soul is a tear, then...

Suddenly exerted force.


The horn of the will of heaven will be suddenly smashed... crushed!

Niu Hansan in the wooden house suddenly made a scream.

Invincible... Your sister! u

Read The Duke's Passion