MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 1843 The secret of Niu Hansan

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The cow sits at home and the disaster comes from heaven. .

Niu Hansan, now there is only one sentence left to say.

The will of heaven is actually crushed by the palm of this great devil.

How is this going?

According to Niu Hansan's visual inspection, this is not a level opponent.

If Niu Hansan is not afraid of death, he is afraid that he will be killed in an instant.

The Tiandao will be added to the Tianyuan World, and the strength of Niu Hansan can reach the level of ordinary chaos and sages. This is because the Tianyuan World originally belonged to the steps.


Even so, the devil is smashed and smashed.

Niu Hansan was holding a small eight and shivering.

how to spell?

This is the rhythm of the dead cow.

Therefore, Niu Hansan fled, and he did not hesitate to escape.

The soul **** held his hand and crushed the horn of the will of the heavenly path, just like the dust that went away.

The scarlet eyes turned and the sights suddenly fell into the distant wooden house.

Slightly passed his head.

In the eyes of the soul-scarred red, some light broke out.

"go with."

The soul **** raised his hand and pointed it at the position where the wooden house was.

The body of a great soul is entangled in black air and moves instantly.

As if the teleportation appeared in the door of the wooden house.


A crisp sound.

The door of the wooden house was slowly opened.

A meatball is rolled out of the wooden house.

It fell before the sole of the great soul.

This great soul master, slightly confused, does not seem to understand what this meatball is.

next moment.

An explosion!

In the beef ball, it was wrapped in a heavenly will that seemed to be lit, and suddenly exploded.

Energy fluctuations swept...

With the wooden house as the center, the radius of hundreds of miles is all turned into a ruin.

The smoke is rolling over.

The soul of the great soul was bombarded slowly from the ground...

Although the power of the explosion was terrible, it did not kill him.

After all, it is a great soul master of the great sage level.

"Good familiar power... this is the power of my heart!"

The eyes of the soul gods are slightly picked up, and some are cherished.

The explosion caused the surrounding to be ruined.

The water of the river surged, and the creatures rushed to the shore like crazy.

The blood lobster waved his paws and couldn't see the trace as soon as he slid.

Looking at a lot of foods that escaped and escaped...

The soul **** and the great soul masters do not know what to say.

Niu Hansan was holding a small eight, riding a three-eyed lion and flying in the big world.

The three-eyed lion has grown to an unusual level after a myriad of heaven and earth aura. He runs like a wind.

Niu Han's three foreheads are covered with sweat beads.

The soul **** gave him too much pressure. He could only use his cross-produced beef **** to cover him and escape.

As for the use of beef **** to kill the soul of the Lord, Niu Hansan does not feel that it can be done.

"If the step boss is just fine."

The heart of Niu Han’s three hearts was shocked.

He just wants to take a leisurely day, why these devils will come to the door.

Niu Hansan is very clear that once he falls into the hands of these devils, he will die.

boom! ! !

Behind it, terrible fluctuations surged.

Niu Han Sanxin is a little trembling.

He let the three-eyed lions go along the end of the Tianyuan world.

The Tianyuan World is actually not the same as the spherical star.

Niu Hansan has carefully analyzed the pastoral world.

In the beginning, the idyllic world is just a small square area, surrounded by misty fog.

With the growth of the step-by-step cultivation, the aura entered the pastoral world, and the surrounding fog and aura continued to merge, and a strange change occurred, creating a heaven and earth.

The Tianyuan big world is not spherical, but horizontal development, like a chessboard, and the squares form the area.

With the role and combination of aura and fog, like stacking blocks, stacking a big world.

At the end of the world, there are countless fogs.

In those foggy areas, Niu Hansan once visited it once.

At that time, he was still ignorant of ignorance, and he had just been caught in the pastoral world.

He did not know that life and death rushed into the fog and experienced a strange change.

Those fogs have terrible power.

Let him get lost in it.

Later, Niu Hansan did not know how it came out.

However, if you do not die, you will have a blessing.

Since then, Niu Hansan has a special understanding of the processing of ingredients.

He has the ability to combine fancy power with ingredients.

From then on, in the pastoral world, he Niu Hansan went to the peak and got the appreciation of the step boss.

Helping the step-by-step study of the death of the food, a variety of ingredients and energy fusion.

In the moment of this crisis.

Niu Hansan thinks that perhaps only those fogs... can save him.

Although Niu Hansan always knew that the fog must be very dangerous. If he entered it, he did not know if he could go.

But... he has no choice.

The soul is too strong.

He can't beat it.

The step-by-step boss has fallen because of the soul.

How did he play in Niu Hansan?

"Fast!! Come on soon!!"

Niu Hansan patted the three-eyed lion under his ass, which kept him accelerating.

The three-eyed lion seems to understand the seriousness of the matter, and the mane is constantly floating and flying fast.


At his side, the Babao pig ran swaying, inadvertently surpassing the three-eyed lion.

Niu Han looked at the eight-treasure pig and looked at the three-eyed lion that was overtaken. He was speechless.

boom! ! !

The terrible power of sin has turned into a black dragon.

The world of Tianyuan is constantly blackening under the impact of this evil power.

Niu Hansan felt a horrible sigh, and he only felt the back and the cold breath.


"Tian Lingling, the spirit of the earth, the step boss is quick to show the spirit, if you are in the sky, please bless the old cow, I will escape safely..."

Niu Han three hands together, said.

Xiao Ba has a head.

boom! ! !

A great soul master suddenly fell.

When I was on the ground, I almost turned the ground into nothingness.

The three-eyed lion screamed and jerked.

It turned into a streamer and rushed into the misty gray mist.

The soul of the Lord approached, looking at the fog, only feeling a terrible crisis approaching.

Therefore, this great soul master gave up and continued to chase, and turned back to the soul god.

Slowly stepping forward.

The seven great souls are behind him.

Standing in the gray mist around the big world...

The soul of the soul is slightly twitched.

"Here is it."

Soul Shinto.

His scarlet eyes showed a hunger.

"You... arrange for me to protect the law."

Soul Shinto.

It’s finally the last moment, this time... he won’t let the stinking cook interrupt him again.

He will not let the stinky cook destroy his good deeds.

He wants to let the spirits and the army... once again, the soldiers are in the universe.

He is the soul of God... To step on the ancestral godland, invincible to the heavens!

boom! ! !

At the moment when his words fell.

The seven great souls suddenly became a face.

They tiptoe on the ground and fly like a fly to the rear.

The power of the seven great sins surged from their bodies.

Arrogance, jealousy, anger, laziness, greed, **, gluttony...

The power of the seven sins is constantly flowing.

Turned into a formation, and instantly rushed into the sky.

It seems to have become a huge barrier, blocking the entire pastoral world...

The seven sinful souls of the Lord, vacated.

Sitting on his knees, squatting in the void, facing the innocent starry sky.

They are the most determined guardians of the soul god...

Pastoral world.

The soul **** tore the black robe.

His dark, ink-like body emerged, but his chest was constantly transformed into chaos.

He is missing his heart, he is incomplete.

Otherwise, he should be in the world, to the ancestors.

And now.

He stood in front of his heart.

It is only necessary to take out the dust and seal the hearts of countless loads and thoroughly integrate them.

The true soul **** will return completely.

Looking at the gray fog.

In the scarlet eyes of the soul, suddenly there was a look of light.

"The old **** of the kitchen **** ... actually misled me, let me think that the heart is in the human family, but actually it is hidden here..."

"Unfortunately, if you count it, it is the person who counts himself."

Chef God put out his tongue and rubbed his lips.

There was a touch of excitement in his gaze.

The soul **** and the kitchen **** are originally one, the kitchen **** can pass through everyone, but it can't beat him.

This is the mistake of the kitchen god...

"Having a sentimental path is an idea. If the sky is old, you can cook. If you have love, even if you cultivate it into the sky, you will become the ancestors, but... you can only be an old man! After the old death, it turns into decay! ”

"If you want to be immortal, you must be ruthless..."

The soul is cold and cold.

He turned his hand and stepped toward the fog and stepped away.

With his stepping.

Those fogs seem to have encountered fears and have begun to withdraw.

In the fog.

Originally relieved, Niu Hansan held a small eight.

Suddenly sweating.

"I knocked in the numb, is it finished?!"

There are grief and anger in the eyes of Niu Han San Niu.

As the fog retreats, holding the little eight, you will continue to go deep into the fog.

He didn't want to go, there was danger in the depths of the fog... He was afraid to go in and he couldn't come back.

However, it is reflected behind the scenes.

The fog is gone.

There seems to be a looming figure that walks slowly.

That feeling... It’s terrible!

No choice, Niu Hansan can only walk in the fog.

As he walked, the fog gradually became rich, and at the end... it seemed as if a droplet of liquid was suspended in the air.

The more he went, the more he felt that Niu Hansan was struggling.

Time flow rates, spatial flow rates... seem to have become very slow.

Here... Where is it? !

Step boss... Come and save the old cow!



The step of fishing is closing his eyes and suddenly opened his eyes.

There was a stunned color in his gaze.

It’s sky, wild...

Green grass, simple wooden house.

In the eyeballs of the step, it seems that there are countless pictures in the rapid flow.

Just now, at a certain moment, he seemed to hear the cry of Niu Hansan.

And that kind of shouting reminds him of Niu Hansan, and...the garden world!

Wooden house, running water, grass...

Niu Hansan lying on a lounger and slumbering...

Su Fu mouth corner pumped.

He actually forgot such a familiar picture!

If you take the Niu Han San in the picture...

Isn’t that the end of the kitchen and the curse queen finally retreat? !

That is... the garden that the steps have been looking for!


The body of the step suddenly burst into a strong atmosphere.

The strong people looking for in the ancestral stars are all looking down.

Tongtian teaches the Lord, Yuanshi Tianzun, Nüwa, Dog Lord, Pluto Erha, Mu Hongzi and others, gathered back.


The sea is still at sea, and it is suddenly forced to sink.

A horrible scorpion is suspended in the void.

Looking at these familiar faces, I couldn’t help but breathe out a sigh...

"I know the heart of the soul god...where it is."

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