MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 7 The rules of a small restaurant

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Boss, first put ten bowls of egg fried rice!

If this is called out in a small restaurant, the boss should be very happy, but in the shop of the step, the step is very unhappy.

Stepping is preparing to enter the kitchen and stopping, turned around and looked at Sun Qixiang, wearing a colorful green robe, and said seriously: "This guest, the egg fried rice in the small shop is limited to one person per day, you can Click on the stir-fried vegetables and dry noodles... Oh, or enhance the fried rice."

Sun Qixiang did not seem to think that he would be rejected. He suddenly looked at the steps like an idiot. At the same time, the paper fan in his hand pointed at him and snorted: "Don't you know who this young master is?"

Sun Qixiang, one of the three major capitals in Beijing, who does not know, who is not known! A small restaurant owner in the district actually dared to reject him, it is simply not knowing how to live!

Steps frowned, carefully staring at Sun Qixiang, glanced, slender eyes, sharp-nosed monkeys, although ugly personality... but he really has not seen.

"I don't know you, but the rules of this shop are like this. If you don't eat, you can leave." The step said faintly.

"Hey! There is personality, this son's favorite is to break the rules! If you don't give me a bowl of egg fried rice today, I will marry you this shop! A small shop in the armpit, actually dare to follow this The young master talked about the rules!” Sun Qixiang smiled. Some people in the emperor still don’t recognize him. It’s a bit interesting.

Xiao Xiaoyu on the other side could not stand any longer. She did not expect Sun Qixiang to follow her to this small shop. If the store was destroyed, the reason was largely because of her.

"Sun Qixiang, you give me the rules! Since it is to eat, then have a good meal, do you want me to throw you out?!" Xiao Yanyu's ethereal voice is a chill.

Xiao Xiaolong has long been staring at Sun Qixiang.

The step listened to the threat of Sun Qixiang, and his face was still expressionless. It was as if Sun Qixiang’s threat was just fart.

He rubbed his hand and glared at Sun Qixiang and said, "Oh my shop? I am afraid that you don't have this skill. Let's say something, the order is quick, the recipe is on the wall, if you continue to force. Force, you Will always be included in the store blacklist."

Xiao Yanyu stayed, Xiao Xiaolong was also stunned. They couldn’t think of why they were facing the threat of Sun Qixiang. There was no fear at all. Sun Qixiang’s energy in the Imperial Capital was great, even if it was the first restaurant in the capital, Fengxianlou. I dare not provoke him, where does the small shop come from?

Sun Qixiang was extremely angry and laughed. A small restaurant opened in the alley of the Imperial Capital was so mad. He is also a rising opinion today.

"Kid, you are very kind. The guy who talked to me like this last time has gone to the moat to feed the fish." Sun Qixiang sneered, turning and looking at the recipe, there are only four dishes on the menu.

He can ignore the steps and go straight to the store, but Xiao Yanyu is here, he still can't let go, so if he does, he will first look at what the store has.

"Oh, it's really a small restaurant, there are only four dishes, and one is repeated... You can still cook the flowers without the egg fried rice?" Sun Qixiang just glanced at the name of the dish, even if the price is not seen Unrelenting disdain.

price? His Sun Qixiang is not bad money!

"What?" asked the expression without a smile.

"All kinds of dishes are given to me." Sun Qixiang sat at the table, he would like to see what delicious food can be cooked in this small restaurant, actually can attract the first beauty of the emperor to eat.

Sun Qixiang looked at the small restaurant and had to say that the decoration of this small restaurant was really unique and gave a very comfortable feeling.

"All kinds of dishes are a good one? Good, a total of eleven yuan crystal plus two hundred gold coins."

The stepping party pulled the corner of the mouth and lightly reported the price.

Sun Qixiang sat in a chair, tilted his legs, and heard the price quoted by the step, suddenly his face was stiff, like watching a fool.

"Would you like this young master is a pig? Two bowls of egg fried rice, a stack of fried greens, a plate of dry noodles, you told me to have eleven Yuan Jing and two hundred gold coins? You want to slaughter people and do not polish your eyes. , dare to slaughter your grandfather's head?!"

In this sentence, Sun Qixiang almost came out. Although his Sun Qixiang was the master of a lot of money, he was not a big head without a brain.

"Do you have a watch? The price is written on the menu, but it doesn't matter!" Pati's patience has long since disappeared. He does not have so much connivance for customers, as a kitchen **** who wants to stand at the top of the fantasy world food chain. He has his own pride.

"If you don't have money, don't learn to buy local tyrants."

Xiao Xiaolong saw Sun Qixiang's fuss, and almost laughed in his heart. The expression he had just seen when he saw this price was almost the same as that of Sun Qixiang. Now he sees this expression on other people's faces. Xiao Xiaolong has an inexplicable kind of pleasure. .

"No money? Jokes! The young master can kill you with money! Don't talk nonsense! Let's go to the food! The money will not be less!" Sun Qixiang disdained Xiao Xiaolong with a glance, opened the paper fan and gently rocked it. A side.

His eyes turned and he was thinking about something.

Step by step, I don’t care. Since Sun Qixiang ordered the food, he cooked it and entered the store as a guest. He was really not afraid of trouble, because the shop was transformed, and there would be no good endings.

"Please wait."

The step no longer speaks and turns into the kitchen.

"Smoke, you said that you are a beautiful woman, how to run this armpit to eat this kind of brain fried rice!" In the time of waiting for the meal, Sun Qixiang is a little bored, it is sitting on the side with dignified Xiao Yan rain cover is close.

However, Xiao Yanyu, like a sculpture, simply ignored him.

Sun Qixiang didn't take it for granted. He didn't touch the wall when he was beautiful. He had already got used to it, so he continued to look at the store, and his eyes were full of disappointment.

When I saw the price on the recipe again, Sun Qixiang flashed a sarcasm in his eyes.

Xiao Xiaolong sat down on the side and looked at Xiao Yanyu with sorrow. All of his crystals were scraped away by the sister of this pit brother. Now he only has gold coins, so he has to order a dry noodles. .

Although it is not egg fried rice, but since it is produced in a small shop, it should not be a commodity, after all... worth one hundred gold coins!

People in the store have different ideas in their hearts.

Suddenly, a strong aroma drifted out, ups and downs, like a flying satin, caressing the face.

Xiao Xiaolong is fascinated by the smell, oh! It is this taste that makes people intoxicated, as if recalling the youth that should have passed away!

Xiao Yanyu's autumn-like eyes are also showing a hint of surprise, really... good fragrance!

Sun Qixiang smoked his nose, his eyes suddenly brightened, and his heart groaned: This shop seems to have some skills! This fragrance... absolutely!

In the eyes of the six pairs of straight hooks, the steps went out of the kitchen without hesitation.

"Your enhanced version of egg fried rice, please use it slowly." Step by step holding a blue and white porcelain bowl, the rich fragrance lingering over the porcelain bowl, making it almost impossible to see the appearance of the dish.

When the blue-and-white porcelain bowl was placed in front of Xiaoyanyu, the awkward aroma rushed straight up, like a rich aroma bomb blooming in front of Xiaoyanyu.

The scent, like the hundred rivers that flow into the sea, instantly poured into the nostrils of Xiaoyanyu. The slight waves of air surged, and the pink veil was blown and swayed, revealing the beautiful face.


Xiao Yanyu's throat moved, and a slight sound came from the lower abdomen, which suddenly made her pretty face red, and a pink halo floated on her skin.

This egg fried rice can actually make the four products inspire to the sense of hunger... amazing!

When the smoke that enveloped the egg fried rice dissipated, the golden light suddenly emerged from the porcelain bowl, which was very dazzling.

Sun Qixiang and Xiao Xiaolong are all shocked!

Xiao Yanyu covered his red lips and gave a sigh of relief.

Read The Duke's Passion