MTL - Gourmet of Another World-Chapter 8 Don't offend the future kitchen god

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Glowing egg fried rice!

Xiao Yanyu's beautiful nephew is slightly enlarged, full of incredible. When Xiao Xiaolong told her, she still didn't believe it. Now I saw it with my own eyes, and there is still a sense of unreality.

The rich aroma constantly impacts the nose of Xiao Yanyu, and the taste is like the caress of the lover. It makes her all relax, and there is no other distracting thought in her heart. There is only one thought left: eat it!

After all, Xiao Yanyu is the goddess of the Qingfeng Empire. Even if she is facing food, she still wants to maintain her own image. She gently picks up the veil and reveals a tender and tender lips.

Use the blue-and-white spoon to pick up the fried rice. The egg that is not fully cooked is stretched with the spoon. It is like a golden thread. It radiates a little golden light. The heat rises in the blue and white spoon, accompanied by the heat. There is also a more intense impact scent.

Xiao Yanyu's white and tender skin like tofu is rushed by this heat, and it is filled with a blush.

"Sister, how do you taste the taste of this enhanced egg fried rice?!" Xiao Xiaolong smelled the scent of the fried rice, but he couldn’t help it. He looked at Xiao Yanyu and sent a spoonful of fried rice to the entrance. Asked hurriedly.

The blue-and-white spoon and Xiaoyan's beech were slightly bumped, and the egg fried rice was in the entrance. One did not stay. Xiao Yanyu raised his eyes, and a scent ran straight into the brain. It seemed that a scent bomb exploded in her mouth.

Her taste buds were completely wrapped and conquered by the taste of this fried rice.

"Oh~ really good... delicious!"

Xiao Yanyu's face was blurred and squeaky, and then he ignored the other people. The big mouthful of the egg fried rice was stuffed into the small and crystal mouth, and the goddess collapsed within one second.

She has never eaten such a delicious egg fried rice. She is a four-person warrior, and the strongest who can almost achieve the grain will be mobilized by a bowl of egg fried rice. It is incredible, as Xiao Xiaolong said, This is a bowl of magical egg fried rice!


Xiao Xiaolong looked at Xiao Yan, who had no image of it. Not only did he not laugh at it, but he showed his envious look, and there was a thunderous roar in his belly.

Sun Qixiang was stunned and looked at the goddess Xiao who had eaten the sea. His heart was intimidating.

A bowl of egg fried rice only... Are you as far as? !

Although this egg fried rice smells... It is really fragrant, but you don’t have to be a goddess because you don’t even have a bowl of egg fried rice!

"Boss! My egg fried rice is better! Come on! Come on!"

Although the mind thinks this way, Sun Qixiang is more curious about the egg fried rice. The paper fan is a combination, squinting, and standing on the side seems to be watching the smile of the goddess Xiao Xiao.

Step by step eyebrows picked, indifferently swept Sun Qixiang, did not speak, directly turned into the kitchen!

"Give me a quick point, I can't eat your egg fried rice after three minutes. I have smashed you this little shop!" Sun Qixiang threatened.

Stepless expression, walked into the kitchen, took a bag of white flour from the kitchen cabinet refrigerator...

Boiled egg fried rice? Funny... Sun Qixiang dared to threaten him and dare to threaten a chef. Go hungry first. He will soon understand that he is offended by a chef, especially the careful chef.

Dry noodles, in fact, is very simple, that is, ramen and seasonings are mixed together.

However, unlike ordinary dry noodles, the noodles used in the dry noodles of the steps are artificially made ramen noodles. The noodles made with special techniques are absolutely unusual.

For the steps that have been practiced countless times, the time required to make a bowl of dry noodles is about ten minutes, including the kneading noodles. His kneading skills are very pleasing to the eye, and both hands seem to disappear. Only leave the virtual shadow on the dough and knead.

After kneading, the noodles are pulled apart, and the strength is moderate. After sprinkling some flour, put the fine noodles that are pulled into the boiling water.

This hot water is not ordinary water, clear and translucent, without the slightest impurities, between the tumbling, the water vapor spurts up, it seems that there is a sweet and sweet.

In the time of hot noodles, the step began to season. He put the salt, soy sauce and monosodium glutamate into the celadon bowl according to the strict ratio. Take a little hot water and boil it. Then take out the hot surface and pour it into the bowl. The bamboo chopsticks were picked up and the color of the soy sauce completely penetrated into the crystal-clear ramen.

A bowl of steaming dry noodles is done this way.

There is no soup, no eggs, no green vegetables, just simple dry noodles.

Stepping out of the dry noodles and walking out of the kitchen, there is no such a strong smell when the egg fried rice is out of the pot, but the color of the dry noodles is that people applaud the appetite at a glance.

Sun Qixiang saw the stepping side of the celadon bowl and walked out of the kitchen. He thought that his egg fried rice came. He was excited to go up and was planning to pick it up.

"This is the dry noodles of the little lady." The stepless expression of hiding, said faintly.

Sun Qixiang suddenly became a stiff face, anxiously staring at the steps, squinting. "I am not asking you to cook fried rice?! Who told you to cook dry noodles! You want to open this store?!"

Step by step, he ignored Sun Qixiang and placed the dry noodles in front of Xiao Xiaolong. He calmly said: "This is your dry noodles. Please use it slowly."

Xiao Xiaolong’s eyes were bright. He was really hungry by the enhanced version of the egg fried rice. The taste was really tempting. Even he even said that his little girl was ignored.

Although the dry noodles are not egg fried rice, it is better to eat than to eat it!

And the color of this dry noodles is soy sauce red, although the fragrance is not as strong as the fried rice, but a deep smell, still can feel a scent wrapped in the nose.

One hundred gold coins, a bowl of dry noodles, can go wherever!

The chopsticks sandwiched one side, and Xiao Xiaolong couldn’t wait to put the noodles in the mouth.

哧 !!

Xiao Xiaolong’s eyes are wide, and the noodles at the entrance seem to be alive. In an instant, the brush is smashed into the mouth, and it is elastic. After being bitten, it is also played on the oral wall, giving the mouth a strange enjoyment. It seems that there are countless pairs of small hands scratching the mouth.


Xiao Xiaolong also stuffed noodles in his mouth, his eyes were squatting, shaking his head and enjoying his face.

Xiao Xiaolong's eating phase fell into the eyes of Sun Qixiang. The curiosity in this heart suddenly could not be restrained. I can't wait to taste this delicious food.

"Get me to the kitchen! I want to taste the fried rice, dry noodles!"

Sun Qixiang took a cold look at the cold.

"You seem to have forgotten who you are talking to? Also, don't remind me, then remind me, I will blacklist you."

The steps frowned, the dissatisfaction in the heart became more and more intense, and this guy was looking for death.

"I am! You are crazy, believe it or not, I have split your store in minutes!" Sun Qixiang threatened to use a paper fan to stand on the chest of the step.

The step smiled, he rarely laughed, so he laughed very stiffly.

Then he did not speak and turned into the kitchen.

After about thirty minutes, the step is to come out without hesitation.

Xiao Xiaolong and Xiao Yanyu have already finished eating, but they have not left because they are going to pay the bills, oh, mainly to see the fried vegetables.

Egg fried rice and dried noodles have all been seen, only one fried greens.

According to the urineiness of this small shop, this fried greens is certainly not the kind of ordinary fried vegetables.

When Sun Qixiang saw that his food was being brought out, he was so hungry that he was so excited that he was excited and hurriedly grabbed the tray in his hand.

There are four dishes on the tray. The two bowls are full of flavors to the egg fried rice that almost bursts into the whole restaurant. There is also a bowl of beautiful and attractive dry noodles and a green leaf... a leaf? !

Sun Qixiang ordered all the dishes, so it was convenient to cook all the dishes.

It seems that the green leaf may be the legendary... fried greens.

"Why are you brain-destroyed? You won't cook the same. You must wait until you have finished cooking. If you want to starve, I won't be able to die?!" Sun Qixiang fascinated the smell of egg fried rice, and turned to It is a way to the road.

The step is too lazy to respond to him, the offending chef still wants to eat food in time? Not delaying one or two hours is not bad.

Why are you doing this morning food? Not because of fear of Sun Qixiang, but for a reason...

"System, what do you use for it?"

"[Abyss Chili Sauce], a selection of black and red radiant peppers growing in the abyss, full of heat, through the daily abundance of the abyss demon, full of energy, just a drop is enough to make people feel like a fire; a spoonful, It is enough to make people's body distorted and have doubts about the world; a can, will die."

The system seriously and conscientiously introduced a spoonful of ingredients chili sauce that was added to the egg fried rice.

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