MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 143 Harry's Floo Network

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"That...I came here using the Floo network, I-I got lost." Harry felt a little embarrassed.

"Alas." Auston sighed appointed, patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "Let's go, I'll take you out."

He looked left and saw that Hagrid didn't show up. Auston couldn't leave him alone. He could only make an appointment. He couldn't go to Malfoy with a little tail to steal the diary.

Walk through the dark magic shops. Auston turned his head to look, and Harry Potter followed him without a single step.

It seems that Knockturn Alley has left him with bad memories. Auston smiled:

"Are you here with the Weasleys?" In order to ease the embarrassment, he spoke first.

"Huh?" Potter didn't expect Auston to take the initiative to talk to him. He hesitated a little, then nodded and said, "Yes, I originally wanted to go to Diagon Alley. I came here somehow."

"It's a far cry from Diagon Alley!" Auston looked at him and smiled, then turned and pointed to the sign at the entrance of the alley. On the old wooden boards above are three big characters "Knockturn Alley" with the gold paint peeling off.

Harry Potter followed his fingers and looked back: "Knockturn Alley? What is this place."

Harry twitched as he said, "This doesn't look like a good place, and...I just saw you in that weird store. And Malfoy and his dad, looking like they're going to buy something. ."

Auston was a little unnatural when he heard his words: "That...I didn't go there to buy things. By the way! I also followed because I saw Malfoy and his son sneaking around."

Auston said this, hoping to dispel Harry Potter's suspicions. If he was known to go to Knockturn Alley alone as an underage wizard, the result could be very bad.

"Then what about you, why did you go to the Boginbok store?" Auston countered the army.

Harry grinned, and the answer he said was no different from what he imagined: "I was originally at Ron's house and was going to come with them, but I didn't expect them to use the fireplace. Obviously George and the others also came from Disappeared in the fireplace, why can't it come to me? I bet George they won't be as embarrassed as I am."

Looking at Harry's frustrated face. Auston snickered.

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