MTL - Harry Potter and the Badger Who Can’t Magic-Chapter 144 Meet Hermione

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Knockturn Alley, similar to the black market in the wizarding world, where you can buy magic items that you can't usually buy in Diagon Alley, or black magic items, so this kind of place is mixed. Among them are some white wizards. But most of them are still dark wizards, and most of them use compound decoction to transform to hide their identities.

Surprisingly, there are still quite a few foreign wizards here. Of course, Diagon Alley is not without foreigners, but the proportion is definitely not as much as Knockturn Alley. After all, the things you buy in Diagon Alley are the same. There are magic shops in almost every country. If you want to bring back some souvenirs from here, Diagon Alley is a good choice. But for most wizards who travel to the UK, Knockturn Alley is a little more exciting. There are many fresh black magic items here. After all, the just fallen Dark Lord Voldemort happened to be from the UK.

Auston led Harry through a group of black wizards, walked straight out of Knockturn Alley, and stopped at the entrance of Diagon Alley.

Only then did Auston breathe a sigh of relief.

"I don't need to take you here anymore," Auston said. "I guess Weasley and the others must be at the Lichen Bookstore now. You should go there."

Auston decided to send Harry away first, and then turned back to Knockturn Alley to find the Malfoys.

Harry looked up at Auston: "Okay, thank you so much for taking me out."

Auston opened his mouth and was about to say something modest when suddenly a clear girl shouted from the side:

"Auston! Harry!"

Hermione, with thick brown curly hair, stood at the entrance of the alley, looking at Auston and Harry with a big smile.

Then the girl ran towards the two of them, the cloak and hair behind her fluttering backwards due to her speed.

"It's really you." Hermione ran to the two of them, excited: "I heard Ron say that their family came with Harry, but Harry was probably lost. How did you get together? went."

When she said this, Hermione looked at Auston and tilted her head slightly, as if looking forward to his answer.

Auston and Harry glanced at each other at the same time, and their eyes quickly staggered.

Auston decided to hide what happened in Diagon Alley, believing that Harry should not be a big mouth person.

"Hehe, I... I also just arrived at Diagon Alley and was going to find my father and Sissy, but I ran into Harry unexpectedly." Auston said with a smile, thinking in his mind how to deal with the past. Min, after all, her insight is also unmatched by ordinary wizards.

Auston's evasive remarks caught Hermione's attention, she blinked and stared straight at Auston, as if trying to see something from his face. Auston pursed his lips, not shaking at all.

"Is that so?" Seeing that there was nothing to get out of Auston, Hermione began to divert the artillery fire and turned to Harry.

Harry panicked all of a sudden, he turned his head to look at Auston, intuitively he wanted to tell the truth to his good friend, but felt that Auston might not want others to know that they were in Knockturn Alley. Up.

Looking at the corners of Auston's pursed lips, he seemed to have an answer.

"Well, it's like this." Harry lied truthfully: "I said the wrong place, I got lost, and I ran into Auston when I just found Diagon Alley."

Seeing Harry lie without changing his face, Auston felt that he really underestimated him.

Read The Duke's Passion