MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 198 It's all concentrated essence!

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King Blonde thought that Qin Weijie and the three of them would escape after breaking the space blockade, and he was in a hurry.

It's just that the next scene made the blond king a little incomprehensible.

I saw Qin Weijie rushed towards him without hesitation, looking like he was going to fight for his life.

Is this guy out of his mind?

This was the idea that came into the King's mind. Although it's unclear why Qin Weijie came up to die, but since this guy wants to die, he will be maimed and taken away. As for the others, I'm afraid they won't be able to kill them all today.

The golden-haired king could faintly feel a strong aura coming from a distance, and he would arrive in a few minutes.

The strong people who can come at such a time will most likely come to rescue Qin Weijie and the others.

"Little brat, come with me!" The blond king shouted, and the blood axe slashed down.

A streak of blood flickered through the sky, stained with a strong **** aura, forming an axe that went straight to Qin Weijie and pushed it horizontally.

When Qin Weijie saw the axe, he did not avoid it but stopped in place, mumbling words.

"Boneyard, open! The Flying Dragon Army and the Blood Wolf Army ripped him to pieces! It's not good for me to fight alone, I can't do it alone, I will shake people, Mr. Nima! I am a summoner!"

In an instant, strange magical patterns appeared on Qin Weijie's blood pupils, and then a red and black space vortex was formed in front of Qin Weijie, and a shrill roar came from the vortex.

In the blink of an eye, the space vortex expanded several times, like a huge portal.

At the same time, King Blonde's axe slashed into the space vortex, and was sucked directly into it.

The blond king frowned, the huge space vortex in front of him gave him a feeling of heart palpitations, and he had to stop and stare at the space vortex.

With the opening of the space vortex, it was not the undead creatures that appeared first, but the swirling red flowers. These flowers fluttered in the wind and took root immediately after landing. In a blink of an eye, Qin Weijie was full of blood red and strange flowers.

Not long after, a dragon head that was several meters high stuck out its head, and an undead dragon of dozens of meters rushed out of the space vortex, standing in front of the vortex, raising its head and neighing, full of domineering force.

"Fuck you, you bastard! Block the exit and other people can't get out. You've been digging and digging for a show recently, get out of the way!"

Seeing the giant dragon neighing in the sky, Qin Weijie was so angry that he turned over and kicked the dragon in the face.

The undead dragon, which was originally domineering and mighty, actually showed a look of innocence and grievance on that hideous face. With a wry smile, he scratched his face with his front paws, and with a snort, he moved away and quietly lay beside Qin Weijie.

After the giant dragon moved away, dozens of slightly smaller giant dragons flew out one after another, hovering in the sky.

With the appearance of the giant dragon, silhouettes rushed out from the vortex of space again, looking closely at the undead giant wolf, and behind the giant wolf sat a skeleton soldier holding a weapon.

At a glance, the giant wolf knights are close to two or three hundred, and each of them has the strength of the seventh-order magic power. If the special abilities of the undead creatures are counted, each of these giant wolf knights has a magic power that is close to the eighth-order battle. force.

The blond king was really shocked by the scene in front of him...

You are a **** summoner, which summoner can summon an army? Great sage Merlin, I'm f*cking someone here!

"Tear him off!" Qin Weijie exclaimed.

The flying dragon in the air came directly to a flying dragon riding its face, one person spit out thick phlegm...Bah, one dragon and one sip of dragon flame is an output to the golden king.

The golden-haired king supported the blood-colored giant with an axe to resist, but the dragon flames hit the phantom of the blood-colored giant and did not align to cause the expected damage, and the blood-colored giant didn't even dim.

After the flying dragon rides its face, hundreds of giant wolf knights just rushed in. The undead giant wolf opened its **** mouth and devoured the blood-colored giant. The skeleton knight behind the giant wolf also did everything in his power to hack the blood-colored giant.

It's just that the gap in strength is still too great. The blood-colored giant is tired of dealing with it, but it has not fallen behind. Every time he slashes, he can sweep across a field of giant wolf knights. In just a few seconds, hundreds of giant wave knights are slashed. chopped to pieces.

Seeing the first wave of giant wolf knights fall, Qin Weijie did not feel distressed, but picked up a flower on the side of the other side, pinched the seal, and the dense red mist emerged, causing the surrounding flowers to emit red mist.

These mists floated over the entire battlefield, and wherever they passed, the giant wolf knights who had been chopped to pieces recovered in the blink of an eye and continued to fight on the battlefield.

"Hey, there's no way to go on like this. This golden retriever is too strong. If it rushes in without any scruples, I can't stop it!" Qin Weijie thought to himself, turning to look at Tom.

"Don't pretend to be dead, use your magic flute to boost the undead with the power of death!"

Tom rolled his eyes bitterly at Qin Weijie and sighed: "Hey, see, I'm a tool man!"

He said that Tom's actions were unambiguous, and he took out the whole body of the Tanatos Flute and played it beside his mouth.

With the sound of the magic flute, Tom's whole body was filled with black death, and his eyes also turned into pure black, looking evil and terrifying.

At the same time, the undead on the battlefield heard the flute, and there was a stagnation of just one second. Then all the undead screamed in the sky, and the green soul fire in the eyes met the flame of the accelerant, and the flame instantly expanded several times. times.

The green flame also gradually turned into bloodthirsty scarlet. At this moment, the strength of all the undead has been greatly increased, not only the defense and attack ability, but also the recovery ability of these undead has increased exponentially.

Originally, King Blonde could chop seven or eight giant wolf knights into pieces with one axe, but now these undead can resist King Blonde's axe without falling apart.

"Ah ah ah! You bastard! Do you think you can drag the reinforcements in this way? You are too small to see the power of the breakthrough!"

The King Blonde roared angrily, the momentum around his body soared, and the blood-colored phantom instantly shrank, from a giant of a dozen meters to a solid phantom three or four meters tall attached to the King Blonde. UU reading

Although the size has shrunk, the terrifying aura is even better.

The old ancestor really did not deceive me, the essence is all concentrated!

The condensed three-meter figure is no longer as transparent as the previous phantom. The blood-colored body has become more and more solid, and it is basically close to materialization. The energy is materialized. How much has this been compressed.

It has to be said that although the body shape is compressed, the strength is not discounted by half.

I saw the King Blonde shouting violently, and the dozens of giant wolves nearby were instantly shaken into pieces, unable to recover in a short time.

"Master Zhang's roar in front of Yangqiao is nothing but a roar! A lion's roar!" Qin Weijie was still joking at this time, but when he found out that the golden-haired king was staring at him, Qin Weijie panicked.

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