MTL - Harry Potter: Hello the Dark Lord-v3 Chapter 199 The power of the ghost seal

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As a coward, Qin Weijie is still very aggressive. Seeing that the situation is not right, he directly climbed onto the head of the giant dragon Kuntu and made Kuntu fly to the sky.

Kuntu took off, and the remaining giant wolf knights pulled the King Blonde desperately, which really slowed the King Blonde for a while.

Looking down at the King of Golden Blonde and killing hundreds of giant wolves from the sky, Qin Weijie licked his teeth and Hanako: "It still won't work! The gap in strength is too obvious!"

"Emma, ​​you are a double cultivator of Buddhism and Taoism. What buffs are there for these undead!" Qin Weijie said, looking at Tom: "Don't feel bad about the power of death, it's all used up, and I'll take you to the Bone Burial. Earth's blood pool will help you recover!"

Tom was speechless, shouldn't you think about how to escape now? Why is it up again!

Although I complained in my heart, it still increased the output of the power of death. A strange green texture appeared on the entire Ocarina of Thanatos, and all the undead creatures rushed up again, screaming like chicken blood.

Emma by her side did not delay, she flew out without money for the spell on her body, and her mouth was full of Sanskrit sounds.

At this moment, the real Nima in the battlefield is as colorful as the dance, with various magical special effects of red, green, blue and purple flying, plus the beautiful other side flowers flying in the wind, this picture...

You can't even see who is who!

Even the blond king and those giant wolf knights were covered by the brilliance.

Only Qin Weijie was present who could clearly see the situation on the battlefield. Through the eyes of death, Qin Weijie could clearly see that the King Blonde was still killing the Quartet.

However, it is obviously a lot harder than before. The undead can already hold him back. Occasionally one or two undead can take the opportunity to attack him. Unfortunately, it can only cause skin trauma to the golden king at most, and can't deal any substantial damage. .

"Vijay, don't go up, hurry up!" Tom used all the power of death and hurriedly greeted Qin Weijie to leave.

Qin Weijie looked at the blond king with a bad look on his face, you can go! But this grandson must pay the price!

"Spiritual Inheritance·Death Soul Song!" Qin Weijie's eyes flashed fiercely, and strands of black death aura emerged from him.

At the same time, behind Qin Weijie, the hideous faces of millions of evil ghosts appeared faintly, and a strange, terrifying and gloomy atmosphere enveloped Qin Weijie.

Countless evil spirits roared and groaned, faintly forming a strange movement. Hearing this strange sound like a ghostly hell, even the golden-haired king felt a chill, and couldn't help but look in the direction of Qin Weijie in the air.

Qin Weijie stood on the head of the giant dragon Kuntu, staring indifferently at the blond king below, like a demon **** without any emotion.

King Blonde knew that it would be unfavorable for him to drag on like this, and he exploded a powerful blow in an instant. The giant axe swept away the undead who were besieging and killed, and bought himself a short time.

The undead were defeated for a short time, and the golden king stomped on the ground with both feet, and the whole person raised the giant axe like a cannonball and slashed towards Qin Weijie.

Qin Weijie, who was above Kuntu's head, was unmoved, still staring at the golden-haired king indifferently, and murmured: "Xuanqi, magic power, ghost power, death power, together!"

Motivating all the energy in this body, Qin Weijie tried to mix all his own power for the first time.

With a bang, the area of ​​several hundred meters around Qin Weijie turned into a gray field, and everything seemed to lose its color at this moment.

Qin Weijie's body also gurgled out gray-black blood like a sieve.

Obviously, Qin Weijie's physique could not support him to use such mixed energy.

Taking a deep breath, Qin Weijie turned a black seal of a unicorn on his right hand and appeared in his hand.

As soon as the ghost seal came out, the wind and clouds changed color, the sky was flat with thunder, and the dark clouds were sealed.

Seeing this vision, the blond-haired king faintly felt his scalp numb, and he also noticed the ghost seal in Qin Weijie's hand.

I have to say that King Blonde is really a greedy guy. Even at this time, he is still thinking about treasures, staring straight at the ghost seal in Qin Weijie's hand and can't move his eyes away.

"Humph!" Qin Weijie snorted coldly, with no concealed sneer at the King of Blonde in his eyes.

Resisting the severe pain that came from his body, Qin Weijie raised his hands, held the Guixi seal in front of him, and immediately punched the four energies that were fused into it.

For a moment, Guixi showed a terrifying black light, like a huge black hole, swallowing all the light, and a terrifying beast roar came out from the black light.

The next second, the blond king only felt as if a mountain was falling from the top of his head. He looked up and saw a black and flat seal smashing towards him.

There are countless evil ghosts struggling and crying on the seal, and a unicorn with awe-inspiring awe-inspiring qilin treads thousands of ghosts. At this moment, the unicorn is like a living thing, staring at the blond king with scarlet eyes.


The giant seal fell, and the blond king was directly plunged into the ground by the giant seal town, and the blood-colored phantom all over his body was also shattered. The long golden hair was covered with dust, and he looked extremely embarrassed. The legs are slightly deformed.

"Damn, this is not dead!" Qin Weijie, who was above Kuntu's head, forced his severely injured body to go down to the ground. At this time, the ghost seal had already returned to Qin Weijie's hands, and Qin Weijie was taken into the blood pupil in a blink of an eye.

The golden-haired king, who was put into the ground, was even more shocked than Qin Weijie.

What it is? He was able to seriously injure himself... The destructive energy wandering in his body was extremely domineering, his body could not be recovered, and his injuries were still worsening.

You must know that whether it is the mad blood magic inherited from the extreme north, or the knight combat skills practiced by the Knights of the Round Table, they are all methods that focus on physical practice. Defend.

However, at this time, he would be severely injured by a little devil with a mere seventh-rank magic power. The golden-haired king had not experienced such a severe injury for many years.

"Even if I can't catch you today, I can't let you survive!"

The blond king shouted angrily, and Qin Weijie gave him too much shock. This little monster felt that he could not live.

Climbing out by force, the blond king wanted to fight again, but was worried that forcibly casting magic would damage the root and affect his future strength improvement.

Thinking of this, the blond king of UU reading hesitated, then turned to look at the shadow of the knight heroic spirit who was about to rush out of the predicament. The release of energy in the body, but this blow is enough to help the Knights get out of trouble.

With the help of King Blonde, the phantom of the knight heroic spirit rushing through the ruins of the manor broke through the blockade of Li Huo and finally broke out of the siege.

"That kid is already at the end of the game, kill him!"


All the members of the Knights are also on fire at this time, being played around by a few little devils, shameful shame, shameful shame!

"It's really dog ​​skin plaster..." Qin Weijie smiled bitterly and glanced at the Knight Heroic Spirit dozens of meters high, then turned to look at Tom: "Would you like to charge some interest!?"

"What are you doing again?"

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