MTL - Harry Potter’s Book of Sin-Chapter 2689 spliced ​​memories

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【Harry Potter's Book of Sins】【】

"Hermione...and Luna, you're, it should mean, you're here too." Harry said so, and looked around again, " behind that mirror. the world?"

Just like the change in vision, Harry turned his head to realize that Luna and Hermione were actually still by his side, and it didn't seem abrupt at all.

Even at this moment, the surrounding hazy white gradually began to change, and it only gave people a feeling that it should be like this here. Even if the underlying rationality in the heart may not approve it, it is surprisingly easy to accept.

Voila! There should be a huge vaulted glass roof on top of it, as if there was sunlight shining through outside; the originally empty white at the bottom gradually appeared gray and black, and the texture became more and more close to the concrete floor.

And in the front, there seems to be a railroad slowly extending to both sides on the concave straight... Or, it was already there, but I just noticed its existence?

"The platform at King's Cross?"

Harry stomped his feet on the ground with some uncertainty, but the force returned was real.


Suddenly, Hermione, who was looking down at something behind her, said:

"This floor is not the platform floor! If I remember correctly... no, how could I possibly be wrong? This is Heathgart Road, Heathgart Road, on the outskirts of Hampstead Gardens, the one in front of my house. Road... Look, there is a slightly arched crack on the side here, every time I go out, I can see it within a few steps!"

Just as she was talking, she suddenly turned her head and found that behind her, she had suddenly turned into a row of familiar houses with red bricks, brown tiles and white lattice windows - she could even recognize which neighbor's house they were.

"That means..." Harry hesitated, then looked at Luna not far away with Hermione.

"Well," Luna nodded lightly, and then reached out and pointed to the opposite side of the railway line in front of her, "that's a Muggle street in London, I've been there, and I've had delicious creamy desserts. "

Sure enough, following Luna's finger and looking over there, a densely-lined Muggle store was already there. It's just that they are all closing the door, but it makes the bustling feeling of the Muggle world fade a lot, but it looks a little deserted.

"That seems to be near Coffin Garden, right? I've been there a few times... But why is it Christmas?" Hermione said subconsciously.

She saw at a glance the windows and doors of the shops, more or less decorated with holly garlands and mistletoe. But of course, the most eye-catching are those large and small, colorful Christmas trees.

After a short pause, Hermione put aside this little question that was not very important for the time being, and immediately turned to say:

"Anyway, this should be based on the scenes that we remembered more deeply, right? The three of us, each of us has a part of the memory... Although it is a bit of a forced piece, it is incredible that even if we realize it At this point, I don't seem to find them very abrupt at all!"

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【Harry Potter's Book of Sins】【】

Hermione was wondering! However, he heard Harry suddenly let out a light whimper, and then hurriedly said:

"Wait! Where's Miss Geoffine? Wasn't she supposed to 'come over' with us? And... Maca? Where did Maca go?"

Before he finished speaking, a series of footsteps suddenly sounded beside the three of them, and at the same time came a familiar voice.

"I am here."

As their eyes hurriedly turned, Maca's figure immediately appeared in the field of vision of each of them.

It's just that it was no longer the figure of the demon who had mutilated limbs and could only walk on crutches, but the appearance of a genuine Maca. It was like the voice he had just spoken, calm but no longer dull. It was the unpretentious voice most familiar to everyone in memory.

It was the outfit he was wearing now, more or less puzzling - it was something Hermione and Harry had never seen before, an old, washed-out set of corners. Muggle clothing.

"Oh, do you care about my clothes?" Maka said, looking down at herself, and tugging at the slightly wrinkled corners of her clothes, "This is what I used to wear before I went to Hogwarts. A set of clothes, at that time, I always thought it was a little too small! When I got here, it turned out to be just right to wear..."

A few of them listened and looked at Maca up and down a few times before Hermione asked again:

"Maka, Safina she—"

"It's okay, I'll see her in a while!" Before Hermione could finish her question, Marca replied, "She's not the same as you."

"Then what should we do now?" Seeing that Maca didn't continue to explain, Hermione thought about it and asked again.

Hearing this, Maka shrugged and gestured toward the still-white direction of the railway ahead:

"Just wait for the train to come in!"

I don't know if Maca knew there would be a train coming, or if the train was actually caused by Maca's words. In short, just as he said these words, a rumbling sound came from far and near from that direction.

The train is here!

The red and black front of the car and the neat and uniform carriages caught the eyes of several people one after another. UU reading www. The gushing neatness of lingered around the body, making the whole train seem to be shuttled from a dream, with reality in the blur.

Not long ago, everyone just rode it once again, obviously it is difficult to be unfamiliar with it.

"Is this... our shared memory?" Hermione murmured as she watched the train slowly stop in front of her.

Maca smiled and nodded.

"Yes, that's it... Let's go! Get in the car!"

After saying that, he took the lead in walking towards the Hogwarts Express train that had just stabilized, and boarded one of the nearest cars.

Seeing this, Hermione and the others followed suit.

After the four of them entered a box and sat down, the train started again, slowly moving forward...

The scenery outside the car window began to turn white again, becoming a little foggy, as if it was about to return to the hazy white state at the beginning. But after the previous platforms, residences and shops completely receded, it did not completely return to pure white, but finally maintained in a flowing gray-white state.

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【Harry Potter's Book of Sins】【】

It was as if the steam from the front of the train was gradually wrapping the entire train, making all the scenery outside the window blurry.

Then, even the scene inside the car began to fade away...

I don't know how long it took, but at least it didn't seem to be too long, and the surrounding scenery became clear again.

Soon, everyone saw an extremely huge black stone tablet appearing ahead, and it stood not far away.

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