MTL - Harry Potter’s Book of Sin-Chapter 2690 "Invitation" and "Appointment"

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【Harry Potter's Book of Sins】【】


Not long ago, just before the monument, Dumbledore's voice suddenly sounded again, breaking the previous temporary silence.

And just in the moment after the words were spoken, Maca, who was sitting on the ground with her back against the pedestal of the stone tablet, slowly opened her half-closed eyes.

Then, seeing Maka turn her head and glance at the ground next to her, after confirming that the twisted and deformed figure on the ground was indeed gone, she nodded slightly and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Half of Haierbo's soul was finally sent into the alchemy puppet by the resurrection stone, so that the connection between Kern and the soul here would cease to exist. But...with 'immortality' as bait Inducing his students to divide their souls, using the devouring mirror as a Horcrux for half of their souls, and secretly using this to leave a way out for themselves to return to the world... How can I say this? Even if Haierbo was greedy for immortality It's all about eating the fruit, but that woman, she really isn't a good person!"

Looking at the piece of ground vacated by the departure of "a remnant soul", Maca couldn't help but sigh slightly.


Just as he was talking, he suddenly remembered something and smiled again.

"Speaking of which, she seems to have never regarded Haierbo as her apprentice?"

"But at least, judging from your previous description, Haierbo's admiration for her is true." Dumbledore, who was standing beside him, was also looking there, and said this.

When Maca heard this, she shrugged, patted her butt, and stood up.

"That makes her even more cold-blooded and ruthless!" Maca patted the ash that never existed, shook her head and pouted, "Under the 'righteousness', can anything be given up? Even if Her so-called ideal is really 'righteousness', and I don't agree with it! It's no wonder that a guy like me who is full of selfishness can only be a layman..."

"Haha, then I'm a layman too!" Dumbledore said with a hearty smile.

Hearing this, Maca immediately raised her head and waved her hand.

"Professors are different!" he said with a smile. "Even if he is a layman, the professor is a 'great layman', and I can't compare!"

"Haha, ashamed ashamed."

After all, it was Dumbledore. As soon as he heard it, he knew that Maca was making fun of himself with the words of praise that people in the world had said to him. At this time, he also accepted it witty and cheeky, as if he was very proud of it.

The two casually chatted and laughed for a few words like this, and then they calmed down a little and looked at each other.

"So, is she coming here?" Dumbledore asked.

Maca nodded.

"The 'invitation letter' has been placed in front of her, and the one used to deliver the letter is still her 'own owl'... In this case, even Professor Sprout will be angry? What's more, this 'invitation letter' What is written in it is something she will never refuse."


Dumbledore pondered slightly, then suddenly turned his head slightly to look behind him, and said casually:

"Maybe you are all misunderstood, Pomona's temper is actually not as good as you think! She just likes children very much. You know, when she was young, sometimes her temper was hotter than Ron's mother. !"

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【Harry Potter's Book of Sins】【】

Behind him, Maca was looking into the distance almost at the same time.

"That's really..." He still didn't forget to pick up, "It's a bit unimaginable!"

Before he finished speaking, the grayish-white mist in the distance suddenly began to flow, and strands of black mist surged out of it and gradually extended towards this side.

The next moment, as the black mist stretched out like tentacles, the scene that had been fixed in the vicinity also began to change rapidly...

The neatly staggered bricks were rolled up like a giant blanket, and the sturdy giant pillars rose from the ground.

It's just that most of the new giant pillars are broken, the floor tiles have receded, and the ground is no longer flat, with potholes and some unreal withered thorns.

The wind seemed to be blowing in front, so that the quiet place was no longer just the voice of Maca and Dumbledore talking, and it also brought more desolation to the place.

Then, the "sky" that was not too bright became darker, and there was a dull sound of thunder in the heights.

Until the place where Maca and Dumbledore are, one after the other, has completely become two completely different worlds.

And now, just in front of them in the more desolate world, a figure is walking out step by step in the black mist that is constantly pouring in.

"The place where this monument stands is supposed to look like this." The visitor said calmly, "It was the scene around it when I first encountered it."

"More than two thousand years ago?" Maka nodded slightly while looking at it, "It's an honor to be able to see the scenery of the wasteland so long ago, most people don't have this blessing!"

"So, are you ready?" The other party also nodded, "I can let you stay here forever and appreciate it for the rest of your life."

"That's fine!"

Maka hurriedly smiled and waved his hand, and then looked at the other party who was walking this way, and said with a slight pause:

"Ms. Kern, let me introduce you - my teacher, Professor Albus Dumbledore."

At the same time, Dumbledore also leaned slightly and gave a salute.

To be honest, in the face of an "old-timer" on the wizarding path that existed two thousand years ago, there is no way to be too respectful. It's a pity that not only as a wizard, but even as a person, the difference in philosophy between the two sides is a bit too big.

"We met." Kern glanced at Dumbledore. "On my way back."

"Yes, Ms. Kern." Dumbledore nodded, "I remember that your Excellency was like this at the time..."

The person who came was of course the witch Kern.

It's just that the reason Dumbledore said this is precisely because the appearance of the other party at this time is no longer the typical ancient Greek beauty in the Hogwarts auditorium. Just like the arm that she temporarily transformed into black claws in order to block the attack of Maka, who has the body of a demon, she came here now, and her whole body has already turned into a demon.

Compared with Maca's "greed", Kern's demon body looks more slender and thinner, and its outline is closer to that of a human being, and its height is only about half a head taller than an ordinary adult.

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【Harry Potter's Book of Sins】【】

But demons are still demons, with a hideous appearance unique to demons. With the thick black fog that was attached to him, he walked to it step by step, looking fierce and gloomy, which made people feel intimidated.

Especially, when the attitude is indifferent, and the words obviously have a trace of hostility that has never been seen before...

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