MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1162 Journey back to the west

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"Heaven kills..."

Stepping into the world of Journey to the West again, He Xie immediately sensed the "doom" that he hadn't sensed last time.

Hongjun Tiandao couldn't bear the backlash of cause and effect, so he deliberately released some insects of cause and effect into the prehistoric world, and let all living beings suffer death on his behalf. This is the true meaning of the catastrophe of heaven and earth.

"It seems that Hongjun's life is very difficult, and he is about to endure it." With He Xie's current state, and then entering the Westward Journey, he will naturally see more secrets and truths.

Last time, he was scared away by the goddess Nuwa, the sage of Taisutian.

He was involved in the game behind the Taishang Laojun and a certain sage, half pushed and half, destroyed the purgatory in the world of the lion and camel country, killed the golden-winged Dapeng eagle, slaughtered a million demons, and shocked the three worlds.

As a result, even the Buddha didn't have time to save him, so he was calculated by Jin Chanzi's people and asked Zhenyuan Daxian to suppress him for five hundred years.

Fortunately, Zhenyuan Daxian has his own plans, not only revealing many secrets to He Xie, but also passing on He Xie's mysterious method.

Later, Taishang Laojun came to redeem He Xie, but because of He Xie's slaughter of the demon clan at that time, Mother Nuwa came out and wanted to take He Xie.

Neither Taishang Laojun nor Zhenyuanzi wanted to offend this one of the most well-preserved saints, so they chose to retreat and let He Xie travel through time and space to leave.

It can be said that on the first trip to the West, He Xie walked a little sullenly. When he heard that the saint was coming to clean him up, he was so frightened that he ran away in a hurry. He didn't even have time to attend the Jade Emperor's Peach Banquet. It can be said that he was very embarrassed. .

But now, even if it is just a clone of He Xie, there is a cultivation level beyond the heavenly way, and the saint is no longer a threat to He Xie.

"So it is! There are indeed pits everywhere in this world! In the middle of the game, all kinds of calculations are simply outrageous!"

As soon as He Xielue sensed it, he understood all the secrets of this world. Rao was in his current state, and his scalp could not help tingling.

The world is too complicated!

Last time, his speculation was correct. The Tathagata Buddha, who traveled to the west to the world, is indeed the incarnation of the sage morality.

The Taoist Tianzun turned into the three cleanliness, one avatar became the Taishang Laojun, and he lived in Tusitatian; the other avatar became Huxi, and after a fight, he defeated the fruit position of the Duobao Tathagata, and became the master of the Lingshan Mountain in the West Heaven. Tathagata Buddha; the last avatar surprised He Xie.

Sun Wukong!

Sun Wukong is the last avatar of Daode Tianzun.

Under the suppression of Tiandao Hongjun, in the infestation of the worm of karma, the Taoist Tianzun turned into three clears and three caves, and made full preparations.

When Yuanshi Tianzun escaped from the flood, the Tongtian sage was swallowed, the sage was destroyed, Zhunti lingered, and Nuwa was unable to seal the sky, the Taoist Tianzun became the most active saint under the heaven.

But he still couldn't escape Heaven's calculations.

In the great catastrophe of the conferred gods, a clone of Taishang Laojun planned to get the throne of the Heavenly Emperor, but was eventually stripped by the Heavenly Dao and suppressed under the Huaguo Mountain with the divine stone.

What gave birth to Sun Wukong was not the divine stone left by the legendary Nuwa to mend the sky at all!

And Sun Wukong is not a natural creature at all, it is an ape with an uncontrolled mind.

Therefore, Sun Wukong could not escape from the palm of the Buddha's hand.

Therefore, in the gossip alchemy furnace of Tusita Palace, Sun Wukong's eyes were created, and the group of immortals asked for a nine-turn elixir, which was difficult for one, and Sun Wukong used it as a jelly bean to eat.

After understanding this background, and then looking at what happened when He Xie was here, and the big events that shook the Three Realms at the Peach Conference after He Xie left, it would suddenly become much clearer.

At the Peach Conference that He Xie missed, Xitian, Daomen and Tianting reached two agreements with great influence.

The first one is Taishang Laojun's "Ling Dan for Peach" plan.

The second is that the Western Church allowed the forces of Heaven to enter Xiniu Hezhou in exchange for more Pantao shares.

These two agreements were negotiated with the Jade Emperor by the Tathagata and Taishang Laojun, the two avatars of the moral gods, and naturally it was in the interests of him and the heavenly court.

However, it seriously harmed the interests of another major force in the Western religion headed by Jin Chanzi, the ancient Buddha of burning lamps, and the Twelve Bodhisattvas, as well as the two sides of the demon clan.

At the Peach Banquet, there was almost a fight. If it weren't for the gathering of bigwigs to suppress those dissatisfied voices, I'm afraid that a peach feast would have been slaughtered long ago.

The reason why these two agreements have caused such a strong reaction and sensation is simple.

Peach is the guarantee of immortality for immortals, and it is also the only magic weapon to eliminate disasters and solve problems. Therefore, as long as in the immortal system, everyone needs him, including both Buddhism and Taoism, and its importance is self-evident.

Laojun proposed to change the spiritual pills for peach, to strengthen the influence of Taoism and maintain the inheritance of Taoism.

When refining elixir can be exchanged for being ranked in the immortal class and immortal, it is conceivable that all spirits in the world want to join the Taoist sect and learn alchemy in exchange for such an opportunity.

An agreement, in exchange for the opportunity of Daomen Daxing, and Taishang Laojun and Tianting each get what they need, which is undoubtedly an excellent deal.

But with one radish and one pit, the output of peach is only so much, the more Taoism gets, and the less the Western religion gets.

Will the cut peaches damage Lingshan's interests?

The answer is yes and no.

If there are fewer peaches, the Buddha will definitely come first with his own forces, and those Bodhisattvas who are headed by Jin Chanzi, who keep saying that they want to establish Mahayana Buddhism, naturally they should be deducted, and if they should not be released, they will not be released.

Jin Chanzi and other old forces of Western religion have always been brooding about Lao Tzu's transformation of a Hu into a Buddha.

But behind Jin Chanzi stood eight bodhisattvas and three Buddhas, such a huge force, even the Buddha could not be appeased, so at the Pan Tao Banquet, the Buddha cut off his connection with Sun Wukong and acquiesced in their plans for the Journey to the West. implement.

So, Jin Chanzi and others stopped making trouble immediately, they directly cast a spell to make Sun Wukong born, and now this little monkey is playing carefree in Huaguo Mountain.

However, the decrease in the share of Pantao in the Western religion not only harmed the interests of the opposition parties such as Jin Chanzi, but also the interests of another extremely powerful force, that is, the demon clan in the Western religion.

After the First Battle of Conferring Gods that year, the leader of the Western Sect received and introduced the sect leader was not afraid, but anyone with a little ability would be accepted into Buddhism, and as a result, the current situation of Xiniu Hezhou was created.

The whole Lingshan people and demons dance together, the land under the rule of demons is in chaos, and the people are struggling to survive.

The West is powerful because of demons, but it also fell into a dead end because of demons, and fell into a huge causal situation, just like the Taoist Tongtian.

The two sect masters, Jie Yin and Zhun Ti, paid the price for this, and finally left the Western religion, which made the later Ran Deng and Duo Bao cheaper.

After Laozi turned Hu, he always wanted to solve the demon clan forces and resolve the causal situation of Western religion, but was secretly planned by the goddess Wa, the goddess of Taisu, and was swallowed by Kong Xuan, and finally had to hold his nose to seal Kong Xuan. As the mother of Buddha, even such an evil animal as the golden-winged Dapeng eagle has become his uncle.

As a result, all kinds of monsters, such as the Bull Demon King, the Yellow Wind Monster, and the Rat Spirit, were all named Buddhas and Arhats, and the entire Lingshan Mountain was filled with darkness.

This has always been the hatred of the Buddha.

Over the years, the demon clan has caused anger and resentment, and even the golden-winged Dapeng eagle dared to kill the heavenly court. It can be said that the arrogance and arrogance reached the extreme. Hit it off, unite.

The three major forces of Lingshan, Jin Chanzi and Buddha have exchanged interests and reached a compromise, but in the face of the demon clan, Buddha intends to be tough to the end.

The demon clan has long become a major tumor of Western religion, not to mention the Buddha, even the group of Jin Chanzi have long wanted to drive the demon clan out of Lingshan, and Heavenly Court has long wanted to get rid of the demon clan. And, the Buddha just took this opportunity to join forces with Heavenly Court to drive out the demon clan.

But behind the demon clan stood Nuwa saint after all, and the Jade Emperor had great concerns.

The Buddha did not want to waste time, and in order to tempt the Jade Emperor to take action, he released a huge concession to let the incense market in Hezhou, Xiniu.

This generous reward is enough to make the Jade Emperor be heartbroken and take risks!

The only problem is that most of the incense market in Xiniu Hezhou is in the hands of the demon clan.

If the Jade Emperor wanted to send the mountain gods, the land, the city **** and other human gods under the Heavenly Court system to settle in Xiniu Hezhou, he had to drive out the demon clan first.

This move of Buddha is equivalent to letting Heavenly Court take the lead, using the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals as knives.

The Jade Emperor was willing to make this knife for the sake of an incense site in Buzhou. And always ready to shoot.

And now there is only one question left. Before that, Buddha must represent Lingshan and officially break with the demon clan.

Only in this way, when the Heavenly Court is encircling and suppressing the demon clan, does the Western Church have a reason not to defend it.

The agreement reached by Tianting, Tushita Palace and Lingshan made the demon clan the first to make trouble.

The demon clan thought that they had been squeezed and suppressed, and invited Tai Sutian's Nuwa to come forward.

On the other hand, Jin Chanzi noticed the strange atmosphere, but he didn't have time to pay attention. Because of the early birth of Sun Wukong, they had to devote themselves to it, and for the time being, there was no way to intervene in the grievances between the demon clan and the Buddha.

In the end, Nu Wa personally went to visit the deity of Daode Tianzun, but the two sides broke up unhappily.

The above are the main events that happened in Journey to the West after He Xie left.

As for him, the short-lived and unrighteous Arhat in the upper echelons of Lingshan disappeared, but it only caused a small wave, and now it has been wiped out long ago.

He Xie's arrival did not alarm or be noticed by anyone, not even Tiandao Hongjun.

He thought about it for a while, his figure flashed, and the next moment, he arrived at the Wuzhuang View of Longevity Mountain.

The watcher, Zhen Yuanzi, was watching flowers under the moon, when He Xie suddenly appeared behind him, and Zhen Yuanzi didn't notice it at all.

It wasn't until He Xie coughed lightly that Zhen Yuanzi turned back suddenly.

It is hard to imagine that he, an existence that even a saint dare not provoke easily, would be sneaked behind him.

"It's not right!" Zhen Yuanzi recognized He Xie and opened his mouth in surprise, but he stopped immediately, his pupils shrank suddenly, his face showed an extremely shocked look, and he blurted out: "You, you are sanctified. ?"

He couldn't see through He Xie's cultivation, so there was only one possibility!

"Sanctification?" He Xie shook his head, "Sanctification will only become a meat shield for heaven, how can I be sanctified? I just took a different path."

Zhen Yuanzi's complexion changed for a long time, and finally he sighed: "Yeah, after all, you are a person who has traveled through various worlds, and you are not bound by the heavens of this world."

After a pause, Zhen Yuanzi smiled and said, "Now, I have to call you Daoyou He."

He Xie said solemnly: "The great immortal praised me, if it were not for the great immortal's generosity in teaching the Dharma back then, what would he have achieved today?"

"It's just cause and effect." Zhen Yuanzi shook his head, "Daoyou He has gained a lot from this trip, and the current state is far from being seen by the poor. The Queen of Heaven is about to be held, when all the gods and demons in the three worlds will go to Lingshan. This is the top priority of the three worlds, but when Pindao was counting, he realized that the heavenly secret was completely disordered, and the calamity was even closer. Above the pot."

"Fellow Daoist He also owed karma to Senior Senior Brother Taishang, and this time is a good time to repay karma."

"Ullambana? Killing?" He Xie frowned and pinched his fingers.

He naturally calculated more clearly and accurately than Zhen Yuanzi, and suddenly pondered thoughtfully.

Taishang Laojun was entangled by the sage Nuwa, and the Buddha was also approached by the man from Xieyue Sanxingdong in Fangcun Mountain, Lingtai.

This time at the Yu Lan Bon Festival, the Buddha's real body and the Taishang Laojun's real body have no time to visit each other, so they can only send a clone of each.

And this time, the demon clan is planning to do a big thing on Lingshan while the Buddha and Taishang Laojun have no time to be separated.

"Interesting." He Xie smiled slightly.

He was trying to find an entry point to intervene in the killings of Journey to the West, and right now it was a good time for him to get involved in this causal killing that even the Heavenly Venerate could not be immune to.

"Da Xian, I know about this," He Xie said, "When the time is right, I will take action."

Zhenyuanzi nodded and said, "Good."

"The cause and effect of Laojun is not urgent, but it is the cause and effect of Daxian. He knows how to repay." He Xie smiled slightly.

"Oh?" Zhen Yuanzi's expression changed, and he was looking forward to it, "Fellow Daoist He, is there a way to relieve me?".

He made a bet on He Xie back then because he saw that He Xie was not a person in this world had a big chance, so he made a bet in advance and hoped to report later.

He originally thought that this time would be at least thousands of years later.

Unexpectedly, it has only been three hundred years, and He Xie has returned, and his cultivation is unfathomable, comparable to a saint, far exceeding his expectations.

"I have two methods to solve the dilemma of Daxian." He Xie said lightly.

Zhen Yuanzi solemnly said: "I would like to hear the details."

When he came last time, He Xie naturally couldn't see the predicament of Zhen Yuanzi.

But this time, He Xie clearly saw that Zhenyuanzi's body was actually the ginseng fruit tree of the audience of Wuzhuang.

And this ginseng fruit tree is clearly nourished by hundreds of millions of dead bones and souls to grow into a tree!

The entire Longevity Mountain is clearly an ancient battlefield containing hundreds of millions of wronged souls!

One can imagine how much cause and effect this ginseng fruit tree bears!

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