MTL - Heavens: Be a New Man-Chapter 1163 Zhenyuan, Ghost Valley

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Zhen Yuanzi's body is the root of the heaven and earth, and he was born in the beginning of chaos. He and the six saints are characters of the same period, and their seniority is terrifying.

But although he is an innate spiritual root, he is only a grass root in the innate chaos. Compared with the six saints' heels, Zhen Yuanzi's background is very difficult to bring to the surface.

When the other six saints were in power, Zhen Yuanzi was hiding in Tibet, for fear of being picked up and refined into elixir.

Zhen Yuanzi is undoubtedly lucky. As a congenital spiritual root, his peers more famous than him have either become the magic weapon of the Six Sages or become the material of the spiritual pill. He is the only one who survived alone and persistently. .

He has witnessed the Six Saints preaching the Tao, the first robbery of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, the Lich War, and the blood of the gods. But due to innate deficiencies, even if he lived for such a long time, he was still just a Taiyi Immortal.

Zhen Yuanzi's turning point appeared after the Lich War.

At that time, the demon clan ruled the heaven, the witch clan was in charge of the earth, and the human clan were still rare animals.

The war between the two Lich clans for thousands of years has been shattered, the sky and the earth collapsed, the Three Realms are in chaos, and the cycle of reincarnation has come to a standstill.

Zhen Yuanzi was naturally ineligible to participate in this shocking robbery. He hid in a dark corner and shivered, the horror in his heart beyond words.

As an innate spiritual root, he has a vague understanding of the nature of this murder, and he is very clear that such a murder will definitely happen, and it will never end.

He Zhen Yuanzi has been lucky for thousands of years, but will he continue to be lucky?

There are ants under the saint, how long can he live with a small spiritual root?

The great horror of death made Zhen Yuanzi decide to no longer hide in Tibet. He decided to find his own opportunities and improve his strength, so that he could protect himself in the next catastrophe.

He really found it.

At that time, the Great Desolate Continent was smashed into four pieces with the Lich War, and it was devastated.

A place in the west called Ten Thousand Corpse Streams has become the cemetery of the two lich clans. Thousands of years of war have lasted, and countless flesh and blood are buried here.

The dark abyss that was originally bottomless was piled up into a towering mountain of corpses.

Ten Thousand Corpse Stream has become Ten Thousand Corpse Mountain, where the dead air lingers in Baizhangyuan, the gloomy clouds are bleak and condensed, and the corpse poisonous mist is mixed with Yin Qi, even if Taiyi Immortal approaches, it will be corroded and poisoned to death, becoming a Jedi.

But Zhen Yuanzi was keenly aware that in this endless dead aura, there is this vitality.

If he doesn't come, thousands of years later, this place will become a ghost country, a paradise for ghosts and ghosts.

Zhen Yuanzi intercepted this opportunity and took over the big cause and effect.

He took root here and was full of vitality, making the grass return to the roots and turned into a ginseng fruit tree. The reason why the ginseng fruit is called the grass returning to the dan is because of the original heel of Zhenyuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi resolved the most tainted and filthy place in the heaven and earth, and gained the merit of throwing the sky. Although he could not be sanctified, he took this opportunity to become the strongest Daluo Jinxian under the saints.

Ginseng fruit absorbs the vitality of all the flesh and blood of the Lich War, so if you eat one, you can live for 47,000 years.

But everything has two sides. Zhen Yuanzi rose up because of this ancient cemetery, and got the great cause and effect. He became a hot big man in the flood, but he also bears the great cause and effect. After all, every ginseng fruit, all It is nourished by countless corpses.

Moreover, his spiritual roots are rooted here and cannot be moved easily, which means that he cannot go to heaven as an official, nor can he enter the west to become a Buddha.

He can only be a Taoist left behind in the world.

Despite this, Zhen Yuanzi finally achieved his goal.

Longevity Mountain is involved in the cause and effect of hundreds of millions of undead, even saints dare not touch it easily, Zhen Yuanzi has become a character no one dares to provoke easily.

Sanqing is his friend, the four emperors are his old friends, Jiuyao is his junior, Yuanchen is his guest, three realms and four continents, no one knows that there is a ginseng fruit tree in Wanshou Mountain in Xiniu Hezhou. The seniority is extremely high and the strength is extremely strong.

After a long time, he has the name of the ancestor of the earth immortal.

At the beginning, Zhen Yuanzi was complacent about this, Chang Yiran was content, but he didn't know that he was calculated by Hongjun Tiandao, which made Wanshou Mountain become a place where the filth such as the yin and bad qi of the heavens and the earth met. Tool of.

He was trapped by this sky-splashing karma, and sooner or later, the karma insect would find him and drown him. This was the biggest dilemma facing Zhen Yuanzi.

In the face of Hongjun Tiandao's calculations, Zhenyuanzi desperately sought a way to escape, but even a saint could not protect himself. This reality made him desperate.

In the end, his eyes were set on those variables that did not stick to causality, hoping to use the power of these variables in the catastrophe of the world to fight for a chance for himself.

In the original plot, he used the hand of Sun Wukong to knock down the ginseng fruit tree and wanted Jin Chan to escape.

But he soon realized that this road would not work at all, and the day the ginseng fruit tree died was when he settled the cause and effect.

In the end, in desperation, he had to accept the kindness of Master Guanyin, restore his spiritual roots with nectar juice, and continue to guard his own cause and effect.

And now, the real change comes.

"The Great Immortal has become the gate of this realm and a part of the Great Dao." He Xie spoke slowly, staring at Zhen Yuanzi, "This matter has been forged since the day the Great Immortal chose to take root here, and it is irreversible. , cannot be turned."

"Not bad." Zhen Yuanzi was a little surprised by He Xie's vision, even though Taishang Laojun saw his predicament, he didn't see it so thoroughly at a glance like He Xie.

"If Daxian wants to be liberated, it is not enough to just get rid of the shackles of heaven. He also needs to resolve the cause and effect of these thousands of years." He Xie continued, "This matter is difficult to say, easy to say, but also easy."

He didn't give a shit, stretched out **** and said with a smile, "I have two ways to resolve the crisis of the Great Immortal."

"One, Jin Chan escaped and reincarnated. With my support, Daxian doesn't have to worry about cause and effect, and you, the new born, will definitely not be affected by cause and effect at all. Only in this way, Daxian's cultivation base will be reduced to nothing, and everything will have to be restored. Come."

Zhen Yuanzi said solemnly: "Daoyou He, why haven't I thought about this method? But my practice is not easy, and I really can't let go of this practice. And I faintly encounter a big change coming, I'm afraid that the situation will be bad, and I won't wait for me to recover. Back to the top day."

"In this case, you can only use the second method." He Xie said, "If there is a sage who gives up everything in himself, takes your name, accepts your karma, and gains your position, then the great immortal can retreat."

Zhen Yuanzi originally thought that He Xie would say something good, but when he heard this, he suddenly showed disappointment and even felt a little unhappy in his heart.

In the end, he still had a seizure, but he shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Could it be that fellow Daoist He deliberately made fun of the poor Taoist? All the merits and virtues of the door of the mysterious female have been applied to me, but now only the cause and effect of the sky is left. My own body, fulfilled by me?"

To say that the people who are most afraid of cause and effect in the Great Desolation are the sages.

The cause and effect of Zhen Yuanzi's involvement is simply inexplicable. Sooner or later, he will be assimilated by Hongjun. Who would be stupid enough to give up everything and die in place of Zhen Yuanzi?

The saint is just a title, representing a status and realm, but it is not really a white lotus of compassion.

He Xie smiled slightly and pointed to his nose: "Although I don't have the status of a saint, I have the reality of a saint. If I replace Daxian, I will definitely let you retreat."

Zhen Yuanzi was in shock: "Why does fellow Daoist He make such a joke with Pindao?"

He Xie said: "He's golden mouth and jade words, never lie."

Zhen Yuanzi stared at He Xie for a long time, and finally said: "Daoyou He, it is not the heart of a poor Daoist, but there must be a reason for everything. Daoist friends are willing to sacrifice themselves for the poor Dao. I really don't know why."

"He did not intend to deceive Daxian. I care about this matter, and it's definitely not self-sacrifice." He Xie smiled and said, "And this is a big cause and effect. If I really do this, Daxian owes me a cause and effect. , I wish Daxian to go further, but in the future, Daxian will need to help me."

Zhen Yuanzi asked solemnly: "Do you have to deal with Daoyou He is..."

He Xieruo smiled meaningfully and nodded slowly.

Zhen Yuanzi was moved, his heart was beating wildly, and he was shocked, ashamed, and emotional: "Fellow Daoist He, I, Zhen Yuanzi, are indeed not as good as you."

Instead of him becoming the gate of Xuanwu, he helped him to practice, and asked him to help in the battle. Even with his heels, Zhen Yuanzi could guess that He Xie must be dealing with an extremely powerful enemy. This enemy is similar to him, the ancestor of the earth fairy The identity is related, it must be the ancestor of Hongjun.

Of the former six saints, now only Nuwa and Daode Tianzun are left, and the rest of the four saints died, were injured, and fled, and the end was extremely miserable.

From the very beginning, Zhen Yuanzi did not have the courage to fight against karma and the way of heaven. All he wanted was to escape. The farther he escaped, the better.

So he said he was not so evil.

"If fellow Daoist He really wants to do this, I will ask fellow Daoists for everything!" In the end, Zhen Yuanzi made up his mind after some thought.

If there is no He Xie, he can only wait to die.

Although he still doesn't want to help He Xie deal with Tiandao Hongjun, but He Xie helps him, at least he has a chance of life.

All this time, wasn't it the only chance he had been searching for?

Although it was not at all what he expected, Zhen Yuanzi could only save his life and seize this opportunity firmly.

Because it is likely that this is his only life.

He Xie also smiled with satisfaction.

Replacing Zhen Yuanzi was also his decision after careful consideration.

Until now, the worlds he accommodated were all virtual worlds, and only the prehistoric world was the only true world in this tributary of time and space.

He must accommodate this only real world, in order to use this as the core, leveraging an entire tributary of time and space.

This is the only way for him to live, and the only way for him to preach.

So no matter what, he and Hongjun are bound to have a fight.

Hongjun is a powerhouse at the level of heaven, and he is only one step away from detachment. He has countless trump cards, and is blessed by the real world.

He Xie wants to **** away the real world on which it is based. The difficulty can be imagined, so he not only needs a suitable intervention point, but also needs some powerful helpers.

The identity of Zhen Yuanzi and the person of Zhen Yuanzi are exactly what He Xie needs.

Although Zhen Yuanzi is not a saint, it is because of the constraints of the rules of the world, not because his cultivation is not as good as a saint.

One is active, the other is voluntary, and He Xie is already very good at the method of causal traction.

As a result, the two quickly completed the conversion of their identities.


When He Xie officially became Zhen Yuanzi, in a quaint and magnificent palace outside the distant chaos, Hong Jun suddenly opened his eyes and his heart throbbed inexplicably.

His thoughts turned slightly, and he suddenly understood everything.

"He Xie, Zhen Yuanzi..." Hong Jun murmured, his eyes crossed the distant time and space, and turned to the space and time where Yuanshi Tianzun was.

"Tutor, is this the one you've left behind in this game? Sure enough, the sword is going to the side..."

Except for Tiandao Hongjun, no one could notice that He Xie had become Zhenyuanzi.

As He Xie took over the identity of Zhenyuanzi and inherited all his cause and effect, all the memories of Zhenyuanzi in the prehistoric world, including saints, have been quietly tampered with.

Zhenyuanzi is still the same Zhenyuanzi, but his appearance has quietly changed to that of He Xie.

All the people who have seen Zhen Yuanzi's true appearance, at this moment, the appearance of Zhen Yuanzi in their memory has all changed into He Xie's appearance.

This is an incredible change, because of cause and effect, even the two avatars of the Taoist Heavenly Venerate, the Jade Emperor, and the Nuwa of Taisutian, did not notice it at all.

Just because their understanding of cause and effect is far inferior to He Xie, they naturally have no way of detecting it.

At this time, the real Zhenyuanzi has completely got rid of the body and all causes and effects.

But not only did his cultivation not weaken in the slightest, on the contrary, there were signs of a faint breakthrough. If he hadn't tried his best to suppress him, he would have been sanctified immediately.

"Good! Good! Good!" Rao Shizhen Yuanzi has always been indifferent and calm, but at this moment he is also agitated and unable to control himself.

Once liberated, from now on the sky is high and the sea is wide, how can you not be happy?

"When I first came here, Longevity Mountain was still a ghost valley full of bones," Zhen Yuanzi said with emotion, "It really is here for success, and here for failure! Although I was completely liberated, my merits and virtues are still here. It ended up being born here.”

"From now on, Pindao is no longer Zhenyuanzi, but Guiguzi!"

Zhen Yuanzi's words made He Xie's eyes shrink suddenly, and in an instant, he sensed countless causal threads entwined in the dark.

This line of cause and effect comes from the heavens and the world, and in the dark, he has become the cause of all the fruits of something.

He Xie pinched his fingers and suddenly understood everything.

Without his presence, although Zhen Yuanzi survived the great calamity of Journey to the West, he still lost to Tiandao, and in the end, his body died and his soul disappeared, leaving only a little real spirit reincarnated.

That ray of true spirit turned into Guiguzi.

Guiguzi was originally just a mere vulgar, but now, He Xie has replaced Zhenyuanzi, but he has personally created a Guiguzi comparable to a saint!

The cause and effect of all this is naturally all on He Xie's body.

"This kindness of fellow Daoist He is like re-creation, please accept the poor way of worship." Guiguzi looked excited and deeply bowed to He Xie.

He Xie accepted it calmly, no matter whether he had other intentions or not, but he liberated Guiguzi, this is an established fact.