MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1138 Each takes what he needs, each does what he can

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  Chapter 1138 Each takes what he needs, each does his best

   Accompanied by Lu Wen, factory director Guo and Lu Gong, Liu Qingshan drove to the cooperative branch factory: FAW Heavy Industry.

  The automobile factory is really too big, with hundreds of subsidiary factories, but the most dazzling one at present is FAW Heavy Industry.

  Although it has only been established for more than two years, the overall efficiency is second only to the main factory.

   And looking at the speed of development, there may be a trend of catching up with the main factory.

   This situation was far beyond the expectations of the factory leaders.

  When they were working together, they didn't dare to have such high expectations.

   Now it seems that Comrade Qingshan has the most foresight, and he can't accept it.

   Moreover, Liu Qingshan also provided the automobile factory with future development ideas. With the continuous construction of highways, road transportation will inevitably flourish, so the production of trucks is still very promising.

  However, Jiefang cars and Dongfeng cars with limited cargo capacity will soon be eliminated.

   Instead, it must be a heavy-duty truck with more horsepower and a larger cargo capacity.

  For others, the factory leaders may still consider it, but they attach great importance to Liu Qingshan's suggestion.

  Since last year, a professional R&D team has been set up to start research on heavy trucks.

  In fact, Liu Qingshan has helped them solve the most important problem, which is the high-horsepower engine.

  The rest of the supporting parts can be completely solved with FAW's scientific research capabilities.

  Lu Gong is a member of the R&D team, and he introduced it to Liu Qingshan enthusiastically along the way.

  Liu Qingshan basically didn't understand what he said, so he could only grumble and agree.

  When it comes to technology, Liu Qingshan is simply a layman.

   "The prototype car has been produced now, and it is undergoing various tests. Qingshan, guess how many tons the load is?" A technical nerd like Lugong, of course, can't see the situation on Liu Qingshan's side.

   "Ten tons?" Liu Qingshan said a relatively conservative figure.

  The Jiefang vehicles and Dongfeng vehicles running on the road now only have a load capacity of four or five tons.

   "Haha, fifteen tons, it's amazing!" Lu Gong was very excited.

   But after the excitement, he also knew that the biggest contributors were not researchers like them, but Comrade Xiao Liu in front of him.

   "Comrade Qingshan, thank you for providing the engine drawings and samples." Lu Gong sincerely thanked Liu Qingshan.

  Liu Qingshan smiled and said nothing, let alone this, even if it is related to fighter jets and main battle tanks, he has done it.

Lu Gong pushed his glasses, and continued: "Qingshan, you often go abroad, and those foreign-made vehicles have their own logos. You said that after the new car comes off the assembly line, can we also get one, preferably a mighty one? Domineering?"

  This is easy to handle, Liu Qingshan came up with it easily, borrowed Lugong's ballpoint pen to use it, but couldn't find the value, so he opened the cigarette case and drew on the north side.

  In less than a minute, Liu Qingshan finished writing and handed it to Lu Gong: "What do you think of this?"

  Even Lu Wen poked his head over to take a look, and after taking a look, he couldn't help taking a breath: "This, this..."

  Lu Gong was also shocked, unable to express it in words for a while.

  I saw that the pattern on the paper of the cigarette pack is very simple: there is a number 1 in the middle, and the two sides are separated by the word "Qi" of the car, which is slightly deformed, like a pair of wings.

   This car logo is too appropriate, highlighting the characteristics of FAW, and has a very clever symbolic meaning.

   "Wonderful, Qingshan, unexpectedly, you are also a genius in this respect!" Lu Wen was full of praise.

  Liu Qingshan said modestly: "It's just that I've watched too much, so it's nothing."

   Didn’t I watch it a lot, but it’s just in the future.

   Unknowingly, I came to FAW Heavy Industry. It is said to be a factory, but in fact, there are also complete supporting branches. The total number of employees is more than 10,000.

  There are so many skilled jobs, if you switch to other places, you really can’t find them. That is to say, the car factory has this kind of background, and it can quickly launch this project in a short period of time.

   Entering the factory, what I saw was a tense and orderly busy scene.

  Many out-of-town buyers with leather bags are waiting to get the goods.

  Seeing Director Guo, Lu Gong and others, they immediately approached each other to make friends.

  Guo factory manager Niu coaxedly waved his hand: "Everyone, don't worry, we will expand production and increase production lines this year. Everyone's problems will definitely be solved in the second half of the year!"

   "Don't wait for the second half of the year, we will start construction after May 1st!" A buyer bowed his head and offered a cigarette.

   "Our side is starting construction now, please help!" He spoke with a southern accent.

   Moreover, most of these buyers are from the south. After all, the construction started earlier than in the north, and the demand for construction machinery is more urgent.

  Director Guo didn’t make any moves, so he could only spread his hands: “I can’t help it, let’s arrange the number slowly.”

   After finishing speaking, leave quickly. If you are surrounded by these buyers, you won't be able to get away for a while.

  Liu Qingshan was about to take a step when he heard someone greet him: "Mr. Liu, is that you?"

  Then his arm was pulled, and Liu Qingshan looked at the man in his thirties in front of him, as if he looked familiar.

   "Mr. Liu, I'm Xiao Zhao from the Bishui County Construction Bureau." The man introduced that it turned out to be an old family member.

  Liu Qingshan recognized his relatives, shook hands with each other quickly, and asked about the purpose of coming. It turned out that it was a construction company in the county, and wanted to bring in several excavators and bulldozers.

  However, the supply here is tight, and it will be scheduled until next year.

   In front of other buyers, Liu Qingshan couldn't say anything else, so he dragged Xiao Zhao along.

   After getting rid of the large group of buyers, Liu Qingshan smiled and said to Director Guo: "People from my hometown, can you arrange it first, fortunately, the demand is not too great."

  Old Guo didn't hesitate at all, and directly opened a note, five bulldozers, five excavators, and the goods can be picked up now.

  Comrade Xiao Zhao was overjoyed and thanked again and again. He knew that the key here was Mr. Liu.

  The most important thing is that Mr. Liu is easy to use everywhere, and he can solve his problems with one sentence.

  How did he know that Liu Qingshan holds more than half of the shares in this factory, so can talking not work?

  Comrade Xiao Zhao cheerfully went to pick up the goods, while Liu Qingshan proposed to see those Maozi experts.

   After all, he was the one who fooled you here, so he must be responsible, right?

  In the workshop, Liu Qingshan saw Gromov. This guy was wearing overalls and a hard hat, and he was communicating with a group of technicians there.

  Factory Manager Guo said: There are now more than 200 senior workers and technicians from Maozi.

   "Oh, Liu, my friend, I'm so glad to see you!" Gromov finally saw Liu Qingshan, and immediately rushed forward with open arms.

  This guy still has a broken mouth, talking non-stop, half in Russian, half in Mandarin with a bad smell.

  Looking at this guy's state, Liu Qingshan knew that he must be very satisfied with the current situation.

  Seeing that the time is almost noon, we happened to go to the cafeteria together and chat while eating.

  Lunch is four dishes and one soup: beef stewed radish, braised pork ribs, and two vegetarian dishes.

  The soup is Russian-style red soup, and the staple food is rice, steamed buns and barley, which is a combination of Chinese and Western.

   Gromovs are obviously very satisfied with the food. You know, in their country, they are almost out of food.

   They can eat four dishes in this meal, and they can drink as much as they want in the evening. In this small day, they will not change a president.

  According to Director Guo, these foreign experts have played a very important role. After all, they have a relatively high starting point and are more familiar with heavy machinery.

  Liu Qingshan offered a toast to Gromov and others with a drink instead of wine.

  Although these guys are greedy for alcohol, they are still very professional. During work, they resolutely do not drink alcohol.

  Gromov and the others drank kvass, Maozi’s unique drink. He also picked up the cup and responded to Liu Qingshan: "Boss, thank you!"

   This sentence also represents the aspirations of those experts. Although they left their hometowns and came here, the food is delicious, and if one makes money alone, he can support his family in China.

  They are all responsible for the expenses of Liu Qingshan's heavy machinery factory in Gongqingcheng.

  Every month, the salary will be sent to their family members on time.

   Moreover, relying on the Katyusha firm, they can also supply the most scarce supplies in the country. Gromov and others are of course grateful.

  The country is in turmoil. If they can have a stable income and material security like them, then they are not too happy.

   And there is a one-month family leave every year, they can go home and reunite with their relatives once.

   "Everyone works here with peace of mind, and life will get better and better. Come, cheers for our friendship."

  Liu Qingshan is also quite satisfied. The two sides are taking what they need and doing their best. This kind of cooperation is the happiest.

   Unlike those early Soviet experts, all of them were superior and looked at people with their nostrils.

   After lunch, Director Guo invited Liu Qingshan to visit the workshop. Liu Qingshan smiled and waved his hands.

  However, I went to the finished product warehouse to look around and see those construction vehicles, which is still very fulfilling.

   "This car is domineering!" Li Tieniu took a fancy to a bulldozer and drove it out for a test drive, then he laughed loudly: "It's like driving a tank, it's fun!"

  He is tall and big, and he is so aggrieved to drive an ordinary car.

  Unfortunately, the speed of this car is too slow, Li Tieniu can only jump down from the cab regretfully.

   After turning around, Liu Qingshan left, and Gromov still dragged him to drink something in the evening.

  Liu Qingshan explained the itinerary. After learning that Liu Qingshan was going to their hometown, Gromov and others hurried back to the house to write letters.

  It is really inconvenient to make a phone call now, so they mainly communicate with their families by letters.

  Finally, when Liu Qingshan left, he received a bagful of letters.

  In addition, Li Tieniu also carried a large bag, which contained items purchased by Gromov and others for his family.

   There are clothes and jewelry, etc. Although they are not big-ticket items, they can’t hold up to a large number.

   There are still a few bottles of white wine in it, Li Tieniu is so angry that he wants to drink it directly: Katyusha Trading Company has it, it's from a long way, you want me to carry it, what about the tired idiot?

  (end of this chapter)