MTL - Hello 1983-Chapter 1139 This thing turned out to be true!

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  Chapter 1139 This incident turned out to be true!

   After a year, Liu Qingshan came to Heihe, a small border town again.

  Out of the airport, Hou San and Ding Shan came to pick him up.

   It turned out that beside Liu Qingshan, there was a high-spirited middle-aged man with a big back and a shiny comb. He didn't wear a hat in winter, probably because he was afraid of affecting his hairstyle.

  Ding Shan and the others looked familiar, and thought they should have seen it before.

  Hou San has a good memory: Isn’t this Mr. Mou, the one who wants to open the Himalayas.

  So he cheerfully stepped forward to say hello: "Mr. Mou, welcome."

  Comrade Lao Mou is now at the pinnacle of his life, so his aura is very strong.

  He reached out and shook hands with Hou San: "Manager Hou, I happened to meet Mr. Liu by chance, and they came on the same plane. Excuse me."

  Old Mou is full of style, but Hou San is thin and dry, making it look like a leader meeting ordinary people.

  From Liu Qingshan, Hou San knew the style of old Comrade Mou, so he didn't care.

  Old Mou nodded: "Let's learn from each other, learn from each other."

   "It's quite cold, get in the car first, and let's catch up when we get back to the company."

  Liu Qingshan also had no other choice, he happened to meet on the plane, at least he met once, and Heihe is also his home field, so he had to entertain him anyway.

  So everyone got into a few cars and drove into the city together.

  During the Spring Festival, border trade was suspended for more than half a month. After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, everything went on as usual.

  So the streets are bustling with traffic and people.

   From time to time, you can also see Maomei crossing the border. In winter, she is also wearing woolen skirts, which is a beautiful scenery on the street.

   "The development here is also good, but it is still inferior to that in Manzhouli. After all, there is no railway, and it suffers from transportation."

  Comrade Lao Mou's eyesight is certainly not bad, and he can see the problem on the Heihe side at a glance.

  Although the railway is also being built here, the progress is a bit slow.

  Hou San has been operating here for many years, so of course he has a deep affection for this city, and he feels a little unhappy.

  So he said: "Mr. Mou might as well give it to the staff."

  Of course Lao Mou understood the subtext, but he didn’t care:

   "Manzhouli is where I am in charge of planning. I plan to invest tens of billions to build the Northern Pengcheng. If the city government here invites me, I might as well do my part."

   Said that you are fat and panting, Hou San simply stopped talking. There is really nothing in common with this kind of person who feels good about himself.

  Long Teng's style, influenced by Liu Qingshan, has always been more pragmatic.

   This is also related to the fact that most of the members of Longteng are veterans, so seeing Lao Mou who is a big fool, it is inevitable that he can't urinate in a pot.

  The convoy came to the headquarters of Longteng Company and entered the office building. Lao Mou noticed a situation. Most of the employees who greeted Liu Qingshan were military salutes.

  Everyone entered a reception room, made hot tea, and chatted while drinking tea.

  Hou San asked Lao Mou why he came, and only then did he learn that it was a matter of negotiating with Mao Zi to launch a satellite together.

  Can individuals tinker with satellites? Hou San felt that it was not very reliable.

  In fact, Lao Mou is really not bragging. He and Maozi did jointly acquire a few satellites, but the investment was lost in the end.

  With the presence of outsiders, Liu Qingshan didn't talk about business.

  Old Mou is very good at talking, and he feels good about himself, he is the center of everything.

  Not to mention being in the country, even if he is on the opposite side, Maozi treats him like a star.

   It is said that the debt is owed to the uncle, Lao Mou bought the mortgaged goods of the plane, and only paid a small part at that time, and the subsequent ones have been transported for several years.

  Now there is an extreme shortage of supplies in Maozi's side, so Lao Mou is being offered as an uncle.

  After drinking two cups of tea, Lao Mou proposed to visit Longteng's warehouse. In fact, this was his main intention. To put it bluntly, he still wanted to pull some goods from Longteng and transport them to Maozi to pay off the debt.

  Hou San glanced at Liu Qingshan, of course he knew what Lao Mou was thinking, and Liu Qingshan had to make up his mind on this matter.

  The corners of Liu Qingshan's mouth twitched slightly. Although Lao Mou is best at empty-handed white wolves, his own production and sales are not enough. Lao Mou's eyes are useless.

   "Mr. Mou, let's go to the warehouse for a walk, we're just making a fuss." Of course Hou San understood Liu Qingshan's intentions, so he agreed.

  Everyone got into two cars and drove to the door of the warehouse.

  Old Mou looked at the piles of wood, steel and chemical fertilizers outside, and couldn't help but get jealous.

   These things are currently in short supply in China, and there is no need to worry about selling them.

   This Longteng company must have made a lot of money.

  The warehouse is also crowded with people, most of them are second-tier dealers who buy goods, with bills of lading in their hands, shouting non-stop.

  The busiest thing is the stevedores. There are hundreds of stevedores and a lot of mechanical equipment responsible for loading and unloading, but they are still too busy.

  This enthusiastic scene made Lao Mou both envious and disdainful. In his eyes, this was all a small business, making a little money, and it didn't mean much.

   Entered the yard, because it was afternoon, so the goods on Maozi's side were basically unloaded, and now the main thing is to load.

   "Boss, I expect you to come soon!"

  Wang Yufeng, who was directing the loading and unloading, saw Liu Qingshan, and immediately ran over happily, looking very friendly.

   "Old Wang, drink some tonight." Liu Qingshan patted him on the shoulder and told him to go to work first.

   "Okay, I will definitely drink with the boss, Tieniu, forget it." Wang Yufeng went to direct the loading of the car happily again.

  Old Mou leaned over to check the loading situation, and saw that in the cab, most of the drivers were carrying instant noodles, sucking and sucking, eating deliciously.

   Take a bite of noodles, a bite of ham sausage, then take out a bottle of wine from your arms, take a sip, and then all look satisfied.

  Looking at those goods again, Lao Mou became greedy: there are a lot of varieties, and they are the most in demand at Maozi.

  If he can get so many goods, he can definitely get a few planes back.

  So Lao Mou proposed to go to the warehouse to have a look. Some warehouses are shipping, and the doors are open, so Hou San is not easy to stop.

  Seeing the mountain of goods piled up in the warehouse, Lao Mou's eyes lit up, and he almost stretched out two small hooks from his eyes to hook these goods away.

  Because there were outsiders, Liu Qingshan did not go to his own treasure house, which is the warehouse where valuables are stored.

  Walking around, Lao Mou was terribly cold, and he came into an office to warm up.

   After thinking about it, he held the tea mug in his hand and said:

   "Mr. Liu, Manager Hou, I think you have sufficient supplies. Can you make a consultation and first rescue the emergency. I urgently need a batch of goods. I can make a short payment from you to make a turnaround?"

  Seeing that Hou San was about to open his mouth to speak, as if he was about to refuse, Lao Mou quickly explained:

   "Don't worry, although our company's funds are all invested in Manchuria, and we can't pay in cash for the time being, but you can rest assured that what our company gets back from Maozi's side is all big-ticket commodities, and the profit will be ten times as soon as they change hands."

   "Take a step back and say that I myself have private land in Manzhouli and Maozi. After all, this land will not run away with long legs, haha."

  Hou San blinked his eyes twice: "Mr. Mou, how big is your land?"

   "A total of ten square kilometers, haha, in our country, owning private land is probably the first one."

  Old Mou was full of pride, which was indeed his pride.

  Because half of them were donated by Maozi, this is a big deal. It can be seen that Lao Mou's influence, even Maozi has come to curry favor with him.

  Hou San and Ding Shan looked at each other, then shook their heads together.

  This action also aroused Comrade Lao Mou's dissatisfaction: "Don't think that ten square kilometers is small, this is also the national territory I snatched back from Maozi."

  Hehe, Hou San chuckled a few times: "Mr. Mou, you don't know something. You know about Tangnu Wulianghai's return to the motherland last year, right?"

  Old Mou was stunned for a moment, then nodded, the return of the Tuvans has been advertised in newspapers and TV for a long time.

  Hou San glanced at Liu Qingshan, ignored the boss who kept shaking his head at him, but continued to say: "Actually, the place in Tuwana was bought by Mr. Liu."

  Hou San is really a little angry, this old Comrade Mou is too flamboyant, so Manager Hou wants to suppress the opponent's arrogance.

  Old Mou was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head: "How is this possible?"

  He also knows that Tuva has a total of 170,000 square kilometers of territory, not his symbolic ten square kilometers.

  If you want to buy such a large piece of land, the money you need is probably astronomical.

  Because the inside story of this incident was not disclosed in the newspapers, not many people knew the truth. Of course, Lao Mou didn't believe it.

  Hou San laughed again: "Only the senior management and Mr. Liu's subordinates know about this matter. It's normal that Mr. Mou has never heard of it."

   "Tuva needs a lot of material support, so we really can't do anything about Mr. Mou's request."

  Hou San also flatly rejected Lao Mou's request. Lao Mou was a little displeased, but he wanted to know the truth about Tuva.

  So after returning to Longteng Hotel, Lao Mou still made a call. He was up there and had a backer.

   "Old leader, I'm Xiao Mou, I just want to ask something, Tuva returned last year, what's the inside story?"

   There was a pause on the phone, and then a voice came: "You know Liu Qingshan, right? He bought Tuva with a huge sum of money, and that's why he called this piece of land and returned it to the embrace of the motherland..."

   This thing turned out to be true!

  Old Mou froze in place, feeling a little hot on his face.

  He got ten square kilometers of land, and he showed it off everywhere, complacent all the time.

   But look at others, they have done such a big thing, but they are not publicized at all. This is the gap.

   "Xiao Mou, don't spread this matter." On the other end of the phone, there was another order from the leader.

   "Understood, I understand, I'm bothering the old leader. When I return to the capital, I will definitely pay a visit."

  Old Mou said a few words politely, then put down the phone, the expression on his face was very strange, and kept changing for a while, before Lao Mou stretched out his hand and slapped his face lightly:

   "I pump myself, so as not to be swollen by others..."

  (end of this chapter)

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