MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 23

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The small island migrated from afar arrived at the predetermined coordinates, adding a touch of life to the endless sea.

A faint golden light flashed, and a line of text appeared outside the island: [A small island of a brown bear].

In the small private chat dialog box on the screen, the conversation from two minutes ago is still stuck.

Tao Zhiyue felt that he must be blushing uncomfortably now, and the top of his head was so hot that it could smoke.

This is more solemn.

In the context of middle-aged people, what should solemn mean?

Tao Zhiyue almost opened the search engine to search for the meaning of solemnity.

Before moving his fingers, Tao Zhiyue decisively directed his brain to control his body and stop this stupid and illiterate behavior.

If a peach and an idiot during the day were completely accidental, then HR's name should be changed after imitating him at night...?

The more Tao Zhi lacks the romantic literary spirit, he has always been named useless. In the pp and technical communities, he is directly called Tao, but entertainment forums, games, etc. are not suitable for linking with real names, and Tao Zhi will become stiff It's been a long time in the naming process.

In the end, we still took out such uncreative and common names as a hedgehog and a peach.

So when he saw Director X of XX Psychiatric Hospital on the Internet, Tao Zhiyue quickly changed the forum nickname from "Taozi 76267", and was once very proud of his wit.

For a while, Tao Zhiyue was envious of people with the surname Bo, because they could take all their usernames as pineapple, which was neutral and easy to remember. Taozi always looked like a girl.

It can be seen that the world named Fei is really sad.

So, why did HR imitate him and change this boring name? Why did you ask him if he has a boyfriend?

After blushing and heart beating for a long time, Tao Zhiyue still spurned himself while opening Qiandu.

[Zhengzhong: Chinese vocabulary, refers to prudent, serious. ]

Well, he's really retarded today.

Tao Zhiyue buried his head deeply, shamelessly facing himself with a dropped IQ.

He played "HR is a straight guy who likes girls" in a loop in his heart, but he still couldn't hide his excitement.

In any case, he felt an indescribable joy at the moment.

Tao Zhiyue got up and ran to the bathroom to wash his face with cold water, poured another large glass of ice water, and forcibly cooled the temperature physically, regaining some composure.

After he came back, he sat upright, took a screenshot of the game screen without changing his expression, and saved it in the folder full of life details of the little hedgehog.

Having a first neighbor is certainly a memorable thing, and it should be saved as a screenshot.

He didn't want to save HR's answer.

[A brown bear: I'm here! ]

[A brown bear: Can I come and visit my new neighbor now? ]

It seemed that Tao Zhi on the other side was quiet after realizing that HR sent him a careful test.

[A brown bear: Doctor Tao, are you offline yet? ]

[a brown bear: /poke]

Tao Zhiyue felt a little guilty, and made up a random excuse.

[A hedgehog: Excuse me, I just answered a phone call. ]

[A hedgehog: I see, your island is very beautiful. ]

[A hedgehog: /Flower]

[A brown bear: Doctor Tao, can I call you later? ]

Tao Zhiyue's eyes widened.

Immediately, the screen went black, and when Tao Zhiyue came back to his senses, he found that he had already pressed the power off button reflexively.

Well, this time it is really offline.

Partial physical cooling was not enough, Tao Zhiyue walked into the bathroom with sloppy steps, took off his clothes stiffly, turned on the shower, and let himself be swallowed by the dense water.

Why... call him?

Tao Zhiyue rubbed his hair mechanically with his hair covered in white shampoo foam, feeling like a robot that was soaked in water and failed.

When he came out again, he was far away from the computer and mobile phone, as if he was avoiding some terrible allergens.

Tao Zhi got into the quilt that he used to be sleepy when he touched it, and closed his eyes, but his mind was full of what HR had said.

Rolling back and forth on the large double bed countless times, the thin quilt was twisted around his body, Tao Zhiyue buried his face in the soft pillow, feeling like a self-heating pancake.

For the first time he had insomnia.

Dr. Tao has not responded yet.

Huo Ran stood up nervously, pacing back and forth in the hotel room, wandering around.

The drinks in the refrigerator are a bit monotonous, and the bathrobe in the closet doesn't feel particularly good. He prefers the texture of linen. The view from the balcony's floor-to-ceiling windows is very beautiful, overlooking most of the brightly lit Jinbei City.

Huo Ran walked and returned to the computer. It felt like half a day wasted, but actually only two minutes passed.

Doctor Tao still didn't reply.

[A brown bear: Doctor Tao, can I call you later? ]

The private chat conversation was frozen here, and Huo Ran felt a sense of loss.

Dr. Tao will never answer the phone again...

Did he say something wrong?

Huo Ran tried to ask for help off the court.

[HR: Is it too much to ask a netizen to make a phone call? ]

[I can do it again:...]

[I can do it again: Brother, how obsessed are you with making phone calls! ! ]

[I can do it again: What should I say, as expected of an antique straight man? ]

[I can do it again: No, when did you make a netizen behind my back? ! ]

[I can do it again: male and female! It can't be the old man doctor from last time, right? ]

Huo Ran paused, and began to talk about him from left to right.

[HR: Have you watched the game video, do you like it? ]

Earlier, he had passed the video to Huo Sihan, and as soon as this was mentioned, Huo Sihan was immediately distracted.

[I can do it again: the feeling is all in the ID. ]

[I'm OK again: For the sake of your long video, I'm reluctant to pursue that idiot name you took. ]

[I can do it again: So... who is the peach that I played with you? Are you friends? Is it a lovely young lady? ]

[I can do it again: Star Eyes.jpg]

...why did the topic come back here?

Huo Ran typed a bit depressed to reply.

[HR: Not telling you. ]

[HR: I'm asleep, good night. ]

Usually when he said he was asleep, he really wanted to go to bed.

But today Huo Ran didn't feel sleepy, the game screen was still, and he just sat in front of the computer, full of random thoughts.

Animal Island does not display the player's online status. At a certain moment, Huo Ran even wanted someone to enter the system to check if something went wrong.

Huo Zhendong just decided to invest in the production company of Animal Island some time ago, and now he is also the shareholder behind the game.

What if Dr. Tao's game is offline and can't be logged in?

Half an hour later, both the pp and the game were dead silent, and Huo Ran gave up the idea of ​​being lucky.

Dr. Tao really went offline.

He must have made Doctor Tao angry.

Huo Ran turned off the computer angrily, took a shower and turned off the lights, and then sank into the soft bed motionless.

He should have thought that Dr. Tao was a very cautious person, he had not agreed to meet him before, and he certainly would not want to have contact with him outside of text suddenly.

Today, he was in a daze. When he saw Dr. Tao saying that he was answering the phone, he asked subconsciously.

Huo Ran turned over, and the ups and downs of the whole day were still imprinted in his mind.

He never thought that he would fall in love with a man.

Originally, he just didn't understand why he couldn't stop thinking about Dr. Tao, and asked the driver to turn around and drive back, looking for the figure who left in a hurry.

At that time, Huo Ran got out of the car and looked around aimlessly, followed by the sculptural Jiang Nansheng.

Jiang Nansheng's voice was so low that he could hardly hear him: "Mr. Huo, did you find"

"..." Huo Ran really wanted to say that blind people can't find it, but another sentence blurted out.

"Sorry, I have someone I like."

He said it very naturally and firmly, as if it flowed directly from the bottom of his heart, without the helplessness and weakness in facing the confession in the past.

It wasn't until that moment that Huo Ran suddenly realized what he wanted.

He really wanted to meet Dr. Tao.

He wanted to hear Dr. Tao's voice very much.

After tossing and turning for a long time, Huo Ran, still unable to fall asleep, brought the mobile phone on the bedside table.

He clicked on the chat history with Huo Sihan, found the series of "strange" articles, and read them one by one.

The phone screen emits a faint light, reflecting Huo Ran's nervous and solemn expression.

Read The Duke's Passion