MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 24

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At two o'clock in the morning, Tao Zhiyue, the self-heating pancake, had already changed twenty sleeping positions, and counted thousands of sheep, but the sleepy bugs still refused to come.

After struggling for a long time, Tao Zhiyue told himself that he should get up and go to the bathroom.

Then take a look at the time on your phone by the way, just look at the time.

In the dark room, Tao Zhiyue picked up the phone with a nonchalant expression on his face, the screen lit up, and there were no unread messages.

There was a faint sense of loss in my heart.

Tao Zhiyue unlocked it resolutely, opened the app, and refreshed it a few times, but the dialog box remained motionless, and it was still the message he replied six hours ago.

[Tao: I'll go online to check. ]

After several hours of making pancakes, Tao Zhiyu, who gradually calmed down, regretted his rashness earlier.

Why did he press the off button backhand?

He went offline suddenly without an explanation. Would HR think he was rude?

Maybe HR didn't mean anything else, just saw that he said he was on the phone, and just mentioned it casually.

Older people are usually used to communicating by voice or phone, and their typing speed is not as fast as younger people, so it is normal to not like to communicate with text.

Asking him if he has a boyfriend may be just out of curiosity. HR has been single for so many years, and it is rare to have a sweetheart. It is the first time to taste this wonderful taste, so it is normal to be curious about the emotional status of the people around you.

As for solemnity... it probably means "this is more in line with the character image".

After "figuring out" these problems that had troubled him for half the night, Tao Zhi felt ashamed of himself.

Love novels do not deceive him, it turns out that people who are in secret love are really fools who like to pretend to be passionate.

After spending a long time at the door of the bathroom, Tao Zhiyue lost all intention of going to sleep. He put on his clothes, turned on the light, and sat back at the desk.

Turn on the machine and land on Animal Island.

It was also late at night in the game, and the brown bear waving at him on the small island next door had disappeared, so it should be offline.

The tree shadows swayed, and the soft chirping of insects came from the silent night.

The hedgehog boarded the small wooden boat and sailed to the territory of the new neighbor.

Tao Zhiyue used this visit function for the first time. The driving time is determined by the distance between the coordinates of different islands. The small island of HR was far away from him before, so it took five minutes to come here.

Now the two small islands are within easy reach and can be reached in ten seconds.

The little hedgehog jumped off the boat and trotted onto the island, and soon heard snoring from the cabin in the center of the island.

It turns out that brown bears snore so loudly.

There is a very cute little setting in Animal Island. When the player exits the game, there are two options to choose from, [bye] and [see you later].

It is said that if you choose [Bye Bye], the character will disappear in place, making it impossible for others to judge whether the player is online or not.

And choosing [See you later] will make the character go to sleep. If it is night, he will go back to the house to sleep, and during the day he will take a nap in the sun on the deck chair or hammock in front of the hut.

Tao Zhiyue always clicks goodbye directly, this is the first time he sees a player character who sleeps soundly after choosing [see you later].

In reality, HR should also be asleep.

In the funny snoring sound effect, the little hedgehog strolled around the brown bear island.

Unlike many players who build some beautiful gardens full of flowers, HR has planted large tracts of fruit trees in the open space of the island. Each tree bears heavy fruits, and the colorful fruits are plump and beautiful.

Next to the largest fruit tree, there was a small wooden sign with four big characters [Do not steal it].

Thinking of the large handful of fruits brought by the brown bear when he visited for the first time, Tao Zhiyue, who was nervous in front of the screen, suddenly felt soft inside.

It's obviously a very common and trivial matter, but when it comes to this person, there is always a kind of unreasonable cuteness.

The little hedgehog returned to his island, picked flowers of different varieties from the garden, and tied them into a bunch with ribbons.

Then it held the bouquet of warm and bright flowers in its small paws, came by boat again, and placed it carefully at the door of the snoring cabin.

[A hedgehog: Network failure, suddenly dropped. ]

Tao Zhiyue thought to himself that his brain network was indeed malfunctioning before, so it was not a lie.

[A hedgehog: I brought a small gift, I apologize to you ^-^]

When exiting the game this time, Tao Zhiyue hesitated for a moment, and tapped [see you later].

Going back to the bed and lying down again, Tao Zhiyue's mood calmed down a lot.

He closed his eyes and tried to fall asleep again.

For some reason, Tao Zhiyue's strange past self slowly emerged in Tao Zhiyue's mind.

I go to work at 9 o'clock on weekdays. I rarely leave my station except for eating and going to the bathroom.

Weekends are often single days off, and he often spends the day at home, because there is a long distance between him and friends he has known for many years, so he can only meet in the open dark room.

At that time, he was immersed in the blind passion of fighting for his dreams, and he never noticed that his life was so monotonous.

Every morning when commuting, Tao Zhiyue, clinging to the handrails and shaking with the crowds in the crowded subway, was so crowded that he could hardly breathe, occasionally thinking that there seemed to be something missing in his life.

In the countless late nights when he was waiting for the car to go home alone, in the small rental house that was only used for bathing and sleeping, Tao Zhiyue, who was running on two points and one line, sometimes took time to think about this problem, to resolve the problem of the brain carrying too many code instructions. Tired, but he hadn't figured it out.

Until that day, the gas bill of the rental house ran out, and a roommate in the tenant group said that he would cook at noon, and this time it happened to be Tao Zhiyue's turn to pay the bill.

It would be too late to pay the bill after the lunch break, so Tao Zhiyue had to make an exception, put down the ever-busy work at hand, sneak out between work, ride a public bicycle, and rush to the bank crookedly.

The weather was fine that day, and the autumn wind gently brushed his cheeks, blowing away the complicated strings in his head. He hadn’t ridden a bike for a long time, and the whole person was swaying, holding the handlebar nervously, and the pedestrians beside him Brush shoulders with traffic.

The wind is warm, the light golden sun hangs high in the sky, the air is shining abundantly, and the scorched autumn leaves are falling from the branches.

A small tenderness suddenly surged in his heart.

This accident that disrupted his work rhythm brought a real and warm sense of life.

When he arrived at the bank, when he inserted his card in front of the self-service terminal to pay, Tao Zhiyue always had a little smile hidden in his eyes. He really wanted to tell someone about this trivial matter, and share with him the joy that was so full that his heart was about to overflow .

But he searched through his friends list, but couldn't find a suitable one to tell.

At that moment, Tao Zhiyue finally understood what was missing in his life.

But he has long been like a clockwork machine, with no time, no opportunity, and no fate to meet someone.

Even though he knew that life was empty and boring, he still didn't have the courage to change everything.

Not long after, at the moment of cardiac arrest, Tao Zhiyue didn't recall any long-term past events, but only vaguely remembered the autumn day engraved in his heart.

He hopes to be braver in his next life.

Also, I hope to meet someone who can share the trivialities of life.

However, the fear of death made the reborn Tao Zhiyue forget the little wish he made when he was dying. For a long time, he thought he had no regrets.

However, those subtle desires and longings were quietly awakened in the process of contacting HR.

Love is a wonderful emotion that sharpens the senses and sharpens the eyes so that they can touch the missing bits in the crevices of life.

Even the seemingly hopeless unrequited love makes people have a soft and sensitive heart, and everything is dyed with colorful colors.

The summer night is quiet and beautiful, the insects are melodious, and even the way the fruit trees sway in the wind is cute.

Before going offline, Tao Zhiyue hesitated for a long time, and still added a sentence from his heart that he was too embarrassed to say in the past.

[A hedgehog: The flowers you planted for me the day before yesterday bloomed, and I picked the most beautiful ones for you. ]

In the peaceful and beautiful virtual world, the most beautiful bouquet of flowers is lying at the door of the cabin, waiting to be seen by the brown bear waking up.

Why HR?

The memories are soothing and long, the morning light outside the window is faint, and Tao Zhiyue is gradually swept away by sleepiness.

Maybe it was because of that night full of surprises.

When we met for the first time, that person said to him very firmly: You are so brave.