MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 73

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His voice fell, and there was a silence in the living room.

In the exciting background music of the game, Guan Yudong showed a thoughtful expression.

Xiao Huang took the opportunity to punch Guan Yudong's character several times in a row, feeling that it was not enjoyable, and then quietly kicked Tao Zhiyue's character, and then took the lead in answering this question.

"I think this every day when I wake up with the alarm clock, maybe my life is fake, only the pain of waking up is real."

"There may be a group of spectators behind the wall, thinking that I'm going to buy steamed stuffed buns again today. I've been eating stuffed with fresh meat for half a month. Then I squeeze the subway to work and sit in front of the computer for eight hours typing on the keyboard."

“This person is so boring, they must be thinking so, and then they will stare at my constipated expression while writing code, and let out that melodramatic canned laugh.”

"But every time I think this way, I get motivated to get up, go to the breakfast shop to buy some siu mai, and resist a little."

"The script shouldn't stipulate the content of the daily breakfast, anyway, every time I buy siu mai, I haven't encountered any force majeure obstacles."

"To sum up, life in the game is okay. If the plot is written in advance, in fact, everyone's life is similar. At least I can choose whether to eat siu mai or meat buns in the morning."

Hearing this very concrete answer, Tao Zhi was a little surprised.

"Is this pessimistic or optimistic?"

Xiao Huang grabbed the handle and performed a whirlwind kick, landing gorgeously: "There are all of them, alas, life is so complicated."

"However, if you answer seriously, I will definitely not believe it at first. After all, imagination is imagination. No one wants to really become a puppet without thinking. Living like that is too uncomfortable."

"So, if you tell me now that I am really living in a pre-set game, then I may want to try to realize a wish I have had since I was a child, so as to judge whether it is a game or not. "

Tao Zhiyue was aroused interest: "What wish?"

"Robbing a bank, laughing wildly and stuffing money into sacks." Xiao Huang solemnly said, "Then he won't run away when the police come. If it's a game, then this game is over, and we can restart the game."

"After reopening, I went to school, graduated, worked, typed codes, bought steamed stuffed buns, and occasionally bought siu mai."

"Until someone told me again, this is a game, and then it will be restarted by robbing the bank." Xiao Huang pondered, "Ah, is this infinite recursion?"

Tao Zhi was stunned for a moment, then pondered: "Forget it, reopening should be some form of calling yourself?"

Xiao Huang humbly asked for advice: "Is there a recursive base here? I can't think of it. Brother Tao, save me."

"I think it depends on the specific logic behind the game. If the freedom of choice of meat buns and siu mai can be gradually expanded to other places, or even change the algorithm of this world, then the recursion may end and a brand new answer will be returned in the end."

"But if such small details can't affect the established ending, in the end, stack overflow can only occur in infinite recursion, and then there will be a running error..."

During the conversation between the two people who were getting further and further away, Guan Yudong's slightly frightened voice sounded: "How long has it been?"

"A few minutes, what's the matter?"

"Damn, I was scared to death. Didn't you just ask about the game? Why did you guys start talking about the code? I was woken up by the error report, thinking that a few hours passed in the blink of an eye, and you started working again..."

The two programmers, one left and one right, fell silent at the same time.

It's an ingrained professional habit.

Tao Zhiyue coughed and changed the subject: "It's nothing, just chat casually, why are you so engrossed in your thoughts?"

Xiao Huang Fu felt his heart, and immediately answered: "Are you imagining that you are living in the love game?"

"Ah? Or are there other games?" Guan Yudong was very confused.

Seeing this, Xiao Huang stopped his hand that was frantically pressing the punch button, and stood in awe.

"You are really the purest love brain-dead nerd I have ever seen. I'm sorry, I was shallow and disturbed your wonderful fantasy."

"It's okay, I forgive your recklessness." Guan Yudong's face was full of thought, "Back to Tao Tao's question, is it okay to be the protagonist in a love game?"

Tao Zhiyue agreed, "Yes."

It just so happened that the sideways hit hit the ground.

Guan Yudong cleared his throat excitedly and began to speak.

"An optimist like me, of course, doesn't believe in fate. If the meaning of my existence is only to complete a certain plot in the game, I will be very painful and start to doubt life and feel that life is worthless."

"But love games are different. It only shows the part of the protagonist's relationship and love, and other things are rarely written because it is unnecessary."

"So now that I am living a fulfilling life, if I leave the opposite sex, I will become a blank. This is enough to prove that in addition to the prescribed plot, the game has generated my own self. Looking at it this way, it doesn't seem so bad. right?"

The two people next to him nodded involuntarily.

"Then, on the premise of this condition, in the game, what I have to meet in the game is to find a way to attack me. Based on my personal preferences, I will assume that she is a female player, preferably 1.6 meters tall and shoulder-to-shoulder." dimpled hair..."

Tao Zhiyue couldn't help interjecting: "What do you think of this person from outside the game world?"

"I will..." Guan Yudong said firmly, "I will like her very much."

Xiao Huang was dissatisfied: "At this time, let's close the love brain first, I want to listen seriously."

"I'm serious!" Guan Yudong rarely showed a very serious expression, "Think about it, I can only be with one player to start a love story."

"She might have gotten through the game for the first time. If she didn't read the strategy beforehand, it means that she and I in the game are a natural match, and they fit perfectly. This is no different from normal love."

"If she reads the strategy in advance, that is, knows all the subsequent plots, all the words I will say and the choices I will make, and still deliberately breaks through this line, and goes through the plot again tirelessly, I will think it is very romantic. .”

"It's more likely that she didn't succeed once. She tried many times and failed many times, just to play this successful love line and be with me like this."

"That's also very romantic, even more romantic."

"If there is such a person, it doesn't matter if he is not 1.6 meters tall, has shoulder-length hair, and no dimples."

"I'm sure to like her very much."

The three programmers sat in a row on the sofa, their expressions seemed to be wandering away, letting these reverie words scatter into the air.

Xiao Huang put down the handle and sighed, "I suddenly envy your brain."

Tao Zhiyue thought about it for a long time, and deeply remembered every word Guan Yudong said: "Thank you, I never thought of this angle."

"Why are you being so polite." Guan Yudong scratched his head embarrassingly, "I quite like this fantasy, I wonder if it can be included in the current version of the plot, or should we not release a demo of the new game?"

Xiao Huang's face changed quickly: "Go away, let me go, I love simulation management."

"Let's think about it. The game with this plot is quite difficult to make. Wouldn't it be better to write it as a novel? But I haven't written a novel, why don't I ask Sister Linlin for advice?"

"Go, she will definitely support you in changing careers and writing novels, so she won't have to be dragged by you all day long to fill in the plot..."

In the imagination brought about by this new topic, everyone's mood after being affected by the plagiarism incident has improved a lot.

The three of them played games all morning in the lounge, and other colleagues joined in from time to time.

When Guan Yudong was dying in a certain plot midway, Xiao Huang even pulled Song Shuyu over who was depressed.

So Tao Zhiyue also quietly joined the tricks performance team, until the sullen Xiao Song finally burst out laughing.

The lunch was very rich, and it was an unexpected sukiyaki. Beef, tofu and vegetables were simmering in the dark soup, and the volatile mirin was full of sweetness that made the index finger move.

The air conditioner is full of horsepower, and the midday sun outside the window still contains the residual heat of summer. Sweet food can always bring a good mood.

Tao Zhiyue took a picture of sukiyaki and sent it to Huo Ran who had been silent all morning.

Almost at the same time, Huo Ran also sent a message.

[Xiao Huo: Has the company matter been resolved? ]

[Xiao Huo: I had a grand meal at noon today! ]

[Xiao Huo: It seems that there should be no big deal ^-^]

[Tao: The game was copied, and I was bitten back, but it is now resolved. ]

[Tao: In the morning, I was playing games with paid fishing. ]

[Tao: It’s very fun. Later, I’ll buy a disk and keep it at home, so that many people can play together. ]

[Xiao Huo:! ]

[Xiao Huo: I'll go and have a look. ]

[Tao: Don’t look at it, let’s have lunch quickly. ]

[Tao: Do ​​you want to copy my homework for lunch? ]

[Xiao Huo: I can’t copy today, the pig woke up. ]

[Xiao Huo: You must ask me to find an office, and then arrange a luxurious French meal. There must be a handsome waiter in a white shirt and a black vest, and a secretary in a black suit wearing gold-rimmed glasses, standing by and reading the financial report to her...]

[Xiao Huo: I don’t know where her dreams come from. Will there really be such outrageous plots in TV dramas? ]

[Tao: Hahahahahahaha]

[Tao: Bear doesn't know.jpg]

[Tao: It sounds fun, I want to experience it next time. ]

[Xiao Huo: The cat is shocked.jpg]

[Xiao Huo: No, unless both the waiter and the secretary are me. ]

[Tao: No, this is too dramatic! ]

[Xiao Huo: No, it must be me! ]

Today, everyone didn’t go back to their respective workstations for dinner, and basically sat at the dining table next to the kitchen, chatting endlessly.

In the hazy heat, Tao Zhiyue saw Xiao Huang on the opposite side performing a performance of swallowing a piece of hot tofu in one bite, and Xiao Song next to him looked shocked.

On the other hand, Guagua, who yearns for love every day, is giggling while watching the instant noodle show on his mobile phone.

Guan Yudong noticed his gaze, and raised his head happily: "This episode is so funny, do you want to watch it together?"

"Hey, why do you see the strange look in my eyes, it seems to be a little bit affectionate?"

"No, it's your illusion." Tao Zhiyue said tactfully, "I think you can learn from Xiao Huang sometimes."

Guan Yudong followed his words and looked over, then his face turned pale with shock.

"!! Little Huang, why did you secretly eat so much tofu, save some for me!!"

While grabbing tofu, he asked curiously, "By the way, what do I want to learn from him? Did he come up with a new optimization path? I don't believe it!"

"...It's nothing, don't take it to heart."

In the afternoon, after being soothed by delicious food, everyone slowly entered the working state.

Fang Shiwu has already issued a clarification statement on the official blog, but the time is too short and the wind direction has not yet been reversed.

Because the last game of One Tree Games "Little Pig is very busy" has become popular and has a certain reputation, it suddenly broke out that the company is making a new game of plagiarism, which is quite a sensation. spread.

Guan Yudong scratched his heart and lungs to put on the scarf, and asked in the group from time to time.

[Is it an official or not: Can I watch it? Can I watch it @圆时文]

[Yuan Shiwen: Don't worry, wait a few hours, many people haven't seen our statement yet. ]

[It's an official, not a croak: I understand, they are still scolding, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! ]

[Xiao Huang Xiao Huang: I opened a trumpet to fight in the arena, the battle was fierce, and it was urgent to write an automatic quarrel program. ]

[Xiao Huang Xiao Huang: Anyway, they are illogical and unreasonable, and random sentence replies from the library are enough. ]

[Xiao Huang Xiao Huang: But I can't get out now, you two go get one. @It’s an official, not a quack @桃]

[Yuan Shiwen: ...It turns out that the user whose profile picture is grinning weirdly is you. ]

[Yuan Shiwen: I was just moved for a minute, we actually have loyal players with such fast hands. ]

[Yuan Shiwen: Return my touch! ]

[Tao: Okay, I’ll copy some sentence material, it’ll be ready soon. ]

[It's an official, not a croak: Ahhh, I'm sending you the collection of quarreling and swearing that I have accumulated over the years! ]

[Yuan Shiwen: Pay attention to the scale, yin and yang are more easy to use. ]

[Tao: OK, no problem. ]

[Lin Linqi, who doesn’t want to code words: This feeling of fighting side by side and arguing together, I’m actually a little moved, although it’s a bit funny. ]

[I can't finish drawing: woo woo thank you, I always like programmers! ]

[Xiao Huang Xiao Huang: (*^▽^*)]

[It's an official, not a quack: (*^▽^*)]

[Tao: (*^▽^*)]

[Yuan Shiwen: Fuck, what kind of **** is this unfolding...]

[I can't finish drawing: what's wrong! ]

Fang Shiwu sent a link.

[Yuan Shiwen: I can't explain it all at once, you can just watch it, don't worry. ]

[Yuan Shiwen: Too strong, which **** did this. ]

Tao Zhiyue stopped writing the quarrel program and opened the link.

The link is a Weibo post by a million-fan fan in the game field. In the long picture, he clearly and clearly picked up the game company that claimed to be plagiarized. The legal representative in the company registration information Using people and shareholders as clues, they found several game companies with overlapping shareholders.

After analyzing the games produced by these companies one by one, they are basically controversial works. Many of them are plagiarized in graphics and gameplay. After being discovered, they either pretend to be dead and run away, or bite back and take advantage of the heat to make the last wave of money.

Not only that, but through the information that needs to be filled in when the game is put on the platform, this big V accidentally discovered that this group of people has also made cracked versions of some popular games in order to make a lot of money.

All in all, they are just a group of garbage people who do everything they can to collect money and do not hesitate to break the law.

Tao Zhiyue looked shocked, never expecting that there are so many dirty things hidden behind it.

The number of forwarded comments on this scarf is skyrocketing.

The forwarding list was filled with official blogs of popular games.

[Forward] Happy Animal Island's official scarf V: It has been eight years since Kojima established the project. There were a lot of new games that started together at the beginning, but now most of them have disappeared, some died naturally, some had no income because of the "unlimited in-app purchase cracked version", so they had to be disbanded and shut down, and some games had no choice but to give up due to the malicious harm of their peers... Many games that should have shined have disappeared like this. Originality is not easy, every bit is hard work. Resist plagiarism, resist piracy.

[Forward] War of the Roses V: Pai Kojima's every word.

[Forward] Qilang Game V: I saw my own game in the victim list, thank you Yuanbo. Nothing to say to the garbage man, see you in court. Resist plagiarism, resist piracy.

[Forward] Game News V: The follow-up to the "plagiarism" of Melon in the One Tree game, a complete reversal. Some people use games to weave dreams, while others use games as a bottomless money-making tool. Please let the garbage people get out of this virtual world that should be better than reality.

The collective in the office area was shocked for a while.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, momentarily speechless, so they had to start typing.

[Yuan Shiwen: Yes, it seems that you are as stupid as I am. ]

[Linlin Qi who doesn't want to type: This wave is so cool, thank you, my blood pressure has dropped. ]

[It's an official, not a quack: I vaguely remember which company invested in Animal Island a few months ago...]

[It's an official, not a quack: Ah, I'm surrounded by dreamy feelings again. ]

[Xiao Huang Xiao Huang: Stop talking, I will kneel down first! Boom boom boom! ]

[I can’t finish drawing: I’m in tears today, it’s really great, thank you thank you thank you! @pottery]

Looking at the rapidly swiping conversations in the group chat interface, Tao Zhi was stunned for a moment, and then looked at the topped dialog next to him.

Huo Ran still uses that lovely bouquet portrait.

Tao Zhiyue lowered his head and typed.

The text in the input box was deleted and deleted, but the words were always incomplete, and finally he sent a very bright expression.

[Tao: (*^▽^*)]

Huo Ran replied quickly.

[Xiao Huo: Yes, what's the matter? ]

[Tao: Nothing, I just want to smile at you. ]

[Xiao Huo: Good. ]

[Xiao Huo: (*^▽^*)]

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