MTL - Hello, How Long Has This Been Going On?-Chapter 74

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The afternoon passed quickly.

Because of the huge shocks we received one after another today, even though it is almost the time when we usually look forward to the end of get off work, everyone still gathers together and chatters emotionally.

The direction of the wind on the scarf has been completely reversed, from a simple case of plagiarism to an appeal to purify the atmosphere and protect originality.

Although there are still some discordant voices, ignoring the obvious truth at all, casually stamping a tree game is to hype the new game on purpose, but it has not caused any waves.

The automatic quarrel program made by Tao Zhiyue also came in handy. After grabbing the keywords of malicious comments and outputting them in one go, one person can be a thousand troops.

As the producer of this game, Fang Shiwu finally breathed a sigh of relief, and sent a sincere thank you message to Huo Ran, and asked him if he was free to have a meal together in the evening to express his gratitude.

On such a special day, Fang Shiwu paid out of his own pocket generously, preparing to invite everyone to dinner to boost morale.

[I can't finish drawing: @圆时文How is it? How about afternoon tea? I really want to thank him in person! ]

[Xiao Huang Xiao Huang: I'm a little nervous, the image of afternoon tea in my heart has risen from four meters to eight meters, will I stutter when I talk to him later...]

[It's an official, not a croak: Don't worry, in the eyes of afternoon tea, you will always be the one who gets three 1's out of the ordinary, so it won't be worse even if you stutter. ]

[Linlin Qi who doesn't want to type: ahahahahaha, croak so ruthless! ]

[Xiao Huang Xiao Huang: Gan, Guan Yudong, you are too much, come to a duel! ! ]

[Yuan Shiwen: It is said that it is busy at night, next time we have a chance to have dinner together, let's have fun today. ]

[Yuan Shiwen: What do you want to eat? Speaking rationally, if it is too expensive, I will automatically ignore it. ]

In the group chat, the screen kept swiping, Tao Zhi was more distracted and stared at the crazy output of the automatic quarrel program, and Huo Ran's news jumped out at the same time.

[Xiao Huo: I'm afraid they won't feel comfortable, so I won't come today. ]

[Xiao Huo: I have nothing to do at night, I can go home on time. ]

[Xiao Huo: But Huo Sihan wanted to cook on a whim... Sigh. ]

[Xiao Huo: I would rather arrange ten more secretaries in suits to read the financial report to her. ]

[Xiao Huo: Mask of Pain.jpg]

[Xiao Huo: Have fun with everyone, eat more. ]

[Xiao Huo: By the way, remember to come back when you are full! ]

Tao Zhiyue couldn't stop laughing.

Judging from Huo Ran's reaction, the culinary skills of the two siblings should also be their own.

It has to be said that he actually looked forward to Huo Sihan's masterpiece.

Since everyone wants to eat everything, and just had sweet hot pot at noon, Fang Shiwu finally decided to eat cold pot skewers. There are various ingredients, spicy and delicious, and not greasy like hot pot.

The caramelized bean curd in the store is delicious with cold pot skewers. The refreshing and mellow bean curd is covered with sweet caramel juice. The per capita starts with two servings. Sweet food lovers even directly killed a pile. Look at it Have to applaud frequently.

When they left after eating, Tao Zhiyue specially packed a few caramel bean curds and took them home as condolences.

Because the news sent by Huo Ran really made those who heard it cry, and those who saw it laughed.

[Xiao Huo: It turns out that she didn't come on a whim, she just wanted to impress brother Zhizhi that she can cook, and she will cook it for you some other day. ]

[Xiao Huo: So I became an innocent test subject, don't let me tell you. ]

[Xiao Huo: Haha, how could I not say it, naive. ]

[Tao: What is she going to do tonight? ]

[Xiao Huo: She chose a dish that sounded and looked advanced to show off her level, but it was actually very simple to make. ]

[Tao: This idea is very familiar, is it fat beef in sour soup? ]

[Xiao Huo: ... No, it's beef scotch eggs! ]

[Tao: What is that? I will search. ]

[Xiao Huo: It’s okay, no need to search, anyway, what she made will not have any similarity to the pictures on the Internet. ]

[Xiao Huo: She finally started to heat the oil pan. ]

[Xiao Huo: I'll broadcast it to you in real time. ]

A minute later, Huo Ran sent a long voice note.

Tao Zhi opened it more curiously.

The background sound is the range hood running in the kitchen, humming, mixed with Huo Ran's familiar voice.

"Huo Sihan, how long do you have to do it? I'm hungry."

"Why are you urging me again? You're so annoying. Didn't I give you an egg? Eat another one when you're hungry."

"You still have the nerve to say that I am helping you eliminate the failed soft-boiled egg experiment."

"Where did it fail!" The female voice emphasized emphatically, "I cooked it until it was fully cooked for you!"

"Oh, I believe it. So now the ground beef is mixed, and the perfect soft-boiled egg has been wrapped into a round ugly thing, shouldn't it be fried?"

"You're ugly! Don't make a fuss, I'm not yet breaded and breaded."

"Isn't this just a matter of rolling around casually, why did you stay so long?"

Huo Ran suddenly realized: "I see, you are not afraid of frying oil, are you?"

"... Huo Ran, can you go away!" Huo Sihan chased people violently, "Do you understand the need to adjust the oil temperature! Come if you have the ability!"

"Does such a simple dish need me to do it?"

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, go away and don't interfere with my cooking."

Accompanied by a stabbing sound, it seemed that something had been thrown into the frying pan.

"Finally off the pot, you are very brave."

"Hey, that's not right." Huo Ranren smiled, "Why didn't you wrap it in bread crumbs?"

"Ahhhhhh! Blame! You!" Huo Sihan screamed, "Wait a minute, why are you holding on to your phone all the time, aren't you secretly recording videos?!"

"How is it possible, what's so good about your cooking?"

"Liar! Hand it over!"

After a burst of ping-pong-pong sounds, Huo Sihan's wailing came.

"You are actually sending a message to brother Zhizhi! Don't let go, quickly swipe up to cancel this voice!"

"Ah, I accidentally let go of it. It seems that it was sent out. Who told you to **** it."

"Help ah ah ah my image—"

The voice stopped here.

He laughed so that the bean curd trembled in the box, and the brown caramel juice flowed back and forth on the surface of the Q bomb.

[Xiao Huo withdrew a message. ]

[Xiao Huo: The phone was snatched by her just now. ]

[Tao: Maomao giggles.jpg]

[Tao: I can pretend not to have heard of it. ]

[Xiao Huo: Very good, I will go to comfort her now, brother Zhizhi doesn't know anything. ]

[Xiao Huo: The dog ticks and rolls.gif]

Accompanied by the rolling dog Gou, Tao Zhiyue walked back to the community while taking a walk.

After getting out of the elevator with the packing box in hand, he took out the key to open the door.

"I come back…"

He pushed open the door and greeted subconsciously, but found that the lights in the room were dimmed, only the dim moonlight in the room.

Dazed for a moment, Tao Zhiyue remembered that the brother and sister should be upstairs at this time.

He turned on the light, changed into his slippers and walked into the house. The furnishings in front of him were familiar, but it was too quiet.

The two of them lived together for a long time, and when they suddenly returned to their house, they felt that everything seemed deserted and lifeless.

The oversized teddy bear that had been redeemed for lottery tickets in the video game arcade collapsed on the sofa, pointing its fluffy **** at him.

The lively breath coming from the voice note is still in my ears.

Squeezing the teddy bear away, Tao Zhiyue sat on the sofa in a daze for a while, thinking over and over the experiences of the past two days.

From the day he first met on the Internet, he knew that Huo Ran was a person who was very sensitive to other people's emotions.

Sometimes I am too accommodating to other people's ideas, and even ignore my own feelings.

So such Huo Ran can perceive his hidden thoughts, which doesn't surprise Tao Zhiyue.

In this intimate relationship that has always made people feel happy and comfortable, Tao Zhiyue has not deliberately concealed himself.

When cutting the watermelon, he thought of the iced watermelon his father soaked in cold water many years ago, and he would naturally talk to him, even though he should be an orphan.

When he passed by the cake shop, he remembered that his memory of the cake was still the old-fashioned fruit filled cream, and he would say it with a smile, just hiding a little reason.

Because he was far away from his hometown after graduation, he was wandering and working alone, no one would buy him a birthday cake, and he couldn’t eat it all by himself, so he hadn’t officially celebrated his birthday for a long time, and he didn’t know anything about the constantly refurbished types of cakes.

Suddenly dreamed of his sister who was born safely in the original world and was celebrating her first birthday. The person he most wanted to share with was still Huo Ran. The sketch drawn from memory made Huo Ran meet him indirectly. My sister who is not in this world.

There are also some blurted words, which may not even be noticed by himself.

Through so many unintentionally exposed fragments, perhaps Huo Ran has already discovered the strangeness.

Until that birthday night, Huo Ran was keenly aware of his mood, and then thoughtfully gave him a space to be alone, and told him tactfully that he was willing to listen.

Perhaps subconsciously, Tao Zhiyue has always been eager to tell people everything exactly, so he leaked so many clues in his daily relationship.

No one wants to keep a huge and lonely secret forever, and live in an invisible barrier all day long.

But his only concern is how Huo Ran, who doesn't believe in fate and supernatural beings, will think about this suddenly overturned world and his established destiny written into the book.

In the company during the day, Guan Yudong gave him a good reference answer.

Tao Zhiyue sat and meditated for a long time, when a notification sounded on the phone, the seat next to him was empty, and the teddy bear and sofa pillows stayed in place quietly.

Normally, Huo Ran would see him in a daze, and would sneakily use his stomach or legs as a pillow until he woke up with numbness in his legs.

He misses the days when the two lived together.

Those days were golden with a warm temperature.

Canjin flashed through his mind like a streamer, and Tao Zhiyue made up his mind.

When Huo Sihan goes back and restores the world of the two of them, he will choose a sunny afternoon, and when Huo Ran uses him as a pillow again, he will tell him all the past.

No matter what kind of reaction Huo Ran has, he will try his best to help him out.

Just like Huo Ran did at the beginning.

Hedgehogs can be cuddled, and so can brown bears.

Because they are all real.

Tao Zhiyue straightened the teddy bear, letting it lean upright on the pillow, enjoying the big sofa all to himself.

Then he picked up the plastic bag on the coffee table, got up and went out.

Huo Ran sent a photo with a black ball on it.

[Xiao Huo: From a chef who did not want to be named. ]

[Xiao Huo: I named this dish a very apt name, guess what? ]

After Tao Zhiyue read the message, he lowered his head and entered the password on the door lock.


The lock cylinder popped open, and bright lights poured out from the crack of the door.

Hearing the rumble coming from the kitchen, Huo Sihan should still be working hard.

And Huo Ran was sitting at the dining table, with a mobile phone with the screen on in his hand. He raised his knife and fork with a serious expression, as if hesitating to cut open the black ball in front of him to find out.

Hearing the voice from the door, Huo Ran raised his head.

Tao Zhiyue looked at him with a smile, and raised the plastic bag in his hand.

"I brought you delicious caramel bean curd."

Huo Ran abandoned the little black ball in an instant, got up and came to pick him up.

"You're back, today's dinner ended early."

Seeing him coming, Tao Zhiyue said in a low voice, "I think it looks like a fried landmine."

"You guessed it! I thought so too." Huo Ran agreed deeply, "It looks exactly like the mines in the minesweeper game."

"Go and tell Sihan."

"I'm not going, you go."

"I'm not going either."

The fried landmine production expert seemed to hear the movement and poked his head out of the kitchen.

"Ah, Brother Zhizhi, why are you here..."

Her pupils trembled, and she walked decisively to the dining table, blocking the little black ball behind her.

Tao Zhiyue pretended to be nonchalant: "Good evening, I ate too much dinner, so I came to the gym to exercise, and I brought you dessert by the way."

This was a very seamless excuse. A bedroom was transformed into a mini gym for him and Huo Ran. Huo Sihan was amazed when he visited.

Huo Sihan was dubious: "Really? You can't exercise immediately after eating, or you will have a stomachache. Brother Zhizhi, do you want to go back downstairs and rest for a while..."

Tao Zhiyue deliberately teased her: "I have already rested, and I feel good now, and my dinner is completely digested."

Huo Sihan was at a loss for words for a moment, he hesitated to speak.

Huo Ran, who was watching the excitement, was full of concern: "You'd better go back and look at the pot, I seem to smell burnt again."

"!! Ahhh why is it so easy to get burnt!"

Looking at Huo Sihan's panic-stricken back, the two steady mature men were trying hard to hold back their laughter.

The next few beef Scotch eggs did not have the harassment of Huo Ran, but the finished product was only slightly optimized from fried landmines to fried lychee shells.

Huo Sihan, who felt that he was completely socially dead tonight, slipped into the room in grief and anger with the hard-boiled little black ball, trying to escape from reality.

The two of them were left in the huge living room, the floor-to-ceiling glass windows reflected the brilliant night, and the white gauze curtains were blown by the wind, fluttering gently.

Huo Ran was very satisfied after finishing the caramel tofu curd.


"It's delicious and sweet, even I ate two." Tao Zhiyue agreed, "You haven't eaten tonight, do you want to order a takeaway? Or if there is food in the kitchen, I'll make it..."

"No, I want to eat something else now."

His tone dropped, and Tao Zhi couldn't hear clearly: "What do you eat?"

"Wrong, it's not eating, it's exercising."


Huo Ran walked to the door of the remodeled bedroom, turned on the light, and illuminated the various fitness equipment inside.

"Aren't you here to exercise?"

"Come here quickly, I will teach you new moves today."

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