MTL - History’s Number 1 Founder-~ 3. Attack!

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Lin Feng rushed in the mountains and rushed to the place where Ziguang was in the fastest speed.

It was a raised rock on a cliff. The purple-black rock had purple light shining through it, like a human breath, with a rhythm flashing.

Every time the purple light flashed, a thunderous sound was heard, and the rumbling sounded low.

Lin Feng glanced around and found no other people's ambush.

Good luck, it seems that I was the first to arrive.

Lin Feng quickly climbed onto the cliff. One hand grabbed the rock like a hook, and the other hand did not use it. It was a mana punch on the raised rock.

The rock detached from the cliff and fell under the cliff. Lin Feng went down the cliff to find the rock. Although it was separated from the cliff, the rock still flashed purple with life and thundered.

Lin Feng smashed the rock and revealed the treasure hidden inside. It was a purple spar with the size of a football on the earth, and the thunder roared from it.

The surface of the purple spar is uneven, pitted and irregular.

After a moment of exploration, Lin Feng discovered that this piece of purple spar is still the body of the treasure, but it seems that the jade is wrapped with a layer of stone.

Lin Feng slowly injected his mana into the purple spar, trying to connect with the treasure inside the spar.

Booming and banging! !

Lin Feng only felt that he had entered a world of thunder, and looked at the past, all of which were flashing thunder and lightning.

A boundless big fear, big pressure.

The violent Thunder, the ancient gods, the fierce lightning, the savior of the wild, the shaking of every soul of the person facing it, but also automatically rushed up, and then was beaten.

A kind of power of Mount Taishan, the real Taishan egg, the mountain is pressed down, and instantly broken into powder!

Lin Feng was shocked. The Taoist method of Jiuyi Tianlei Zhengfa was automatically operated. It was not resistance, not assimilation, but control.

I am the Lord of Thunder, and I am in charge of the Thunder.

It seems that it is only a moment, and it seems that after a long time, Lin Feng's mind is re-awake, and then the purple spar in his hand has been split into two halves from the middle, revealing a pale gold round pearl in the center.

The thunder and the flashing thunder have disappeared. Only the fist-sized orbs flashed with pale golden brilliance, and it looked very calm, but Lin Feng could feel the horrible thunder of the beads.

If these auras are all detonated, it is enough to blow Lin Feng’s rolling mountains into a hollow basin.

There is exactly the same thing in the redemption system, called Tianlei Yuxi, to have two thousand exchange points.

According to the system description, this thing is extremely rare. It requires thousands of thunders and hits the same rock continuously. Only one percent of the probability is born. It contains a large amount of Thunder Reiki essence. The comprehension of the Taoist law is invaluable.

Lin Feng smiled and his eyes were smashed into a seam. It was shameless to think: "Oh, this is your apprenticeship. Don't worry, the teacher will not treat you badly."

Vaguely heard the sound coming from the jungle at the foot of the mountain, Lin Feng quickly collected the Tianlei jade, looked down, and saw the two sides of the mountain, each with a group of people Ma is flying quickly here.

One of the people, the head is just a small point, looking like a porcelain doll is white and lovely, but at this time it is as flexible as the same hill beast, flying fast in the deep forest.

Before the small point has not been revealed, now Lin Feng discovered that this child less than four years old, there is actually a two-layer training.

Lin Feng habitually touches the nose and feels pressure on the mountain: "Is the old village chief a madman? Teaching such a small child to practice the Tao."

Another person is a person from Wolf Village.

Lin Feng calculated the speed of both sides. It was determined that Xiaobiao and Shicun people had arrived one step at a time. They left the remaining stone skin after the removal of Tianlei Yuyu, that is, the purple spar that split in half, and left it in the same place. Leave the scene.

Although the Tianlei jade has been taken out, the purple spar that has been split into two halves has been warmed up by the jade for so long, and it also contains a large amount of aura, which is a rare treasure.

The sky was overcast, and the thunder burst, and Lin Feng looked up at the sky and muttered to himself: "The wind and rain are coming..."

As Lin Feng expected, Xiao Bian and others waited for the stone skin first, although the real treasures in the stone skin had been taken first, but there was no empty hand and a group of people returned to the village with exultation.

The people in the wolf village were depressed, the meat was not eaten, and even the soup was not fished. They naturally did not know that the real treasure, Tianlei Yuxi, fell into the hands of Lin Feng, only when he was robbed by Shicun.

The new hatred is added to the old hate, and the wolf village suddenly blows up the pot, and red eyes catch up with the little ones.

Lin Feng was very "coinciding" at this time and met the Wolf Village. The wolf's grandfather wolf was green and looked at Lin Feng with a black face: "What are you doing here?"

Lin Feng’s face is embarrassed: “I want to go into the mountains for a long time, but who knows but lost.”

The wolf was impatient with a wave of hands, no longer pay attention to Lin Feng, with the brigade to continue to chase.

Lin Feng consciously followed the big forces, concealing the cultivation, and walking in the mountains with a deep foot, it seems to fall behind at any time.

"The two people..." Lin Feng looked like a wolf, but he had been observing it. He soon found two middle-aged people in the team. He had never seen it before in the wolf village.

The dressing of these two people is also very particular, very different from the people in the mountains.

The lips of the two people moved slightly, but there was no sound. After Lin Feng’s eyes flashed, he dropped his eyelids if nothing happened.

These two middle-aged people are actually self-cultivators, one practicing three layers, and the other four layers of training with Lin Feng.

They used their own mana to cover their voices. Ordinary people couldn't hear their conversations, but Lin Feng could hear them clearly.

"Old Chen, when the man finally appeared three years ago, the child is not around, will he be fostered in this small mountain village at that time?"

The middle-aged man, known as Lao Chen, said: "It’s just good by age, but Xiaoqi, the child is gone, it shouldn’t be so big.”

Xiaoqi said: "Let's go to Shicun now to see if it is the child of that year. Just take a trip to the roots and keep him. It is a curse to the young master."

Lao Chen thought for a moment and nodded. "We can't directly shoot, otherwise we will leave traces. The Shi family has people who sympathize with the child. Maybe they will find us trouble. Although the family can't help the little doll to die, it will not necessarily give Let's support us, but let us be scapegoats."

Xiao Qiyin smiled and looked at the wolf in the green: "I am not afraid of direct shots. Is there not a best scapegoat in front of me?"

After all, both of them laughed: "You can give the people at home a black pot, and they are considered to be their creation."

Lin Feng sighed, and the old village chief of Shicun kept his promise to try to hide the news of the little bit, but did not know that the small hidden line was almost exposed.

However, the two men came in too timely, watching the back of the two, Lin Feng's smile on the face is more brilliant.

The selection of the supporting role is also very particular. Lin Feng also worried that the opponent's strength was too low. Shicun had the old village chief and the little ones who did not order the two comprehensions. They used the wolf villages and other secular warriors to go and gave the experience to Xiaoxiao.

Of course, the strength of the opponent is too high, and it is not good. Once it is small, it is not safe to guarantee personal safety. Secondly, Lin Feng has only practiced the four-layered realm and got a rival that is also unfair. It is a joke.

Just like the two comprehens of the family, it is just right.

He is thinking about the ecstasy here, and the little fat man next to him roared: "The eyes will be brighter later, don't mess with us, or the young master will kill you!"

Lin Feng snorted and didn't speak. He is now waiting for the opening of the show.

The wolf village people quickly catch up with the small line, the two sides have a fight, the number of wolves is numerous, the mountain people are all fierce, but they can't stand the old village chief and the small ones.

Especially small, although the experience is not rich enough, the start is not hot enough, but his power is enough to crush these secular warriors, just like the little cubs of the same ancient and fierce beast, killing the wolf village people.

The two sides have not yet played against each other. Lin Feng is like a frightened rabbit. He turned and fled without a trace, causing the little fat man to roar: "The coward!"

Lin Feng sneered in his heart, of course he had to run early, otherwise let Xiaoxiao not see them mixed with the wolf villagers, what is it like?

Looking for a hidden place, Lin Feng’s eyes fixed on the two self-cultivators, and he saw that the middle-aged man who was called Lao Chen did not panic and pulled out a bone flute. Not at all pleasant, hoarse and harsh, like a ghost crying.

In the next moment, I saw a lot of fierce beasts in the mountains, the iron-like elephants of the size of the hills, the black horned tigers with the heads of the heads, and the flaming bears with red hairs...

Every beast is more than a hundred times more fierce than the ordinary beast. It needs the most brave and experienced hunters, squadrons, and traps to hunt, so it may pay the price of life and even the failure of hunting.

Now there are dozens of such beasts, and they are surrounded by the direction of the four sides, and they are surrounded by the tide.

In the face of the animal tide, the old village chief and the little one did not have a way, and they could only try to protect the villagers from retreating. Even so, several people were killed by the beasts.

The clouds are densely covered with clouds, and the wind whispers. The ground kills the sound and the blood flows into the river.

The situation suddenly turned sharply, and even Lin Feng was somewhat unprepared. He could only follow them far away. He said in his heart: "Run quickly, not here, go forward, and then push them forward."

There are always villagers in Shicun who are slain by the beasts. They are not rushed to the eye. He can only guarantee that he will not be hurt by the beasts. Even if he can save a folks, more people will be in danger immediately.

The old village chief crippled and threw a leather-like thing for the little ones. The old man also pulled out a small drum.

"The instrument? And it is two!" Lin Feng eyes slightly bright.

With the help of the two pieces of the little left by the father, the old village chief and the little ones finally took the villagers to the encirclement and fled to Shicun.

Seeing the ducks on the lips to fly, the two comprehensions at home looked at each other and finally couldn’t help but shoot.

At this time, there were only one mile away from Shicun, but it was only a few hundred meters, but it became a small scorpion that they could not cross.

The two comprehensions had just started, and the old village chief immediately found out: "Who are you?"

The middle-aged man who called Lao Chen said coldly: "There is no need to know the dead."

The old village chief angered: "Are you a stone family, or sent from home? It is so vicious, murdering a child, and now his life is not let go!"

The comprehensionist named Xiaoqi laughed happily: "My young master is a natural supreme. This little nephew can give a dedication to my family. It is his creation. I will send him to reincarnation now. I want to vote for it." tire!"

Xiaoxiao is amazed at their conversation, but this does not hinder his judgment: "Oh, you are not good people." Saying that the effort is the same as the small seven-year rotation, he has the implement in hand, to practice the second layer of battle against the small seven practice three The layer does not suffer.

However, I couldn’t stand the small seven minds and sinister poisons. While fighting against the little ones, I sneaked into the Shicun villagers from time to time. Many beasts and wolf villagers on the side also came up for siege, and everyone in Shicun was in jeopardy.

Little did not want to save people, but was entangled in Xiaoqi, anxious that his face flushed, he was about to cry.

Lin Feng hides in the side, his heart said: "It is now! 乖 Apprentice, quickly use the killer that I left for you, you stupid boy will not forget this?"

I don't know if I feel Lin Feng's reminder. The little left and right squatting finally remembered the talisman that Lin Feng had left for him. He took out the talisman and covered his face toward Xiaoqiu!

Xiaoqi was slightly surprised. Then he found that the talisman seemed to be unremarkable. He grabbed the talisman when he grabbed it. He smiled and said: "In the end, it is a little boy..." The voice did not fall, and the talisman in the hand suddenly changed.

Around him, nine light spots were lit at the same time, illuminating his wrong face.