MTL - History’s Number 1 Founder-~ 4. The old tree has problems!

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Little did not point out the talisman that Lin Feng gave him, and went straight to Xiaoqiu.

Lin Feng, who was hiding next to him, smiled silently: "It’s safe!"

He pinched a law, and meditated in his heart: "Move!" Under the control of his mind, the mana he left in the talisman was running fast.

The nine Thunderbolt spars that were buried here earlier are also mobilized at this moment, emitting strong aura fluctuations.

"Sweet and nourish!" The sound of the harsh current in the air, the blue-violet arc keeps beating.

Not waiting for the reaction of the small seven, nine thunder crystal spar at the same time shot nine lightning!

The talisman in his hand is like a guide, which leads to nine ray of light to spur him to him, instantly breaking his aura.


With the screams, the nine electric snakes entangled in Xiaoqi.

Old Chen was shocked and stunned. He quickly slammed the old village chief and rushed forward. The palms slammed into one another, and the rushing mana rushed to Xiaoqi, trying to dispel the thunder.

For Lao Chen’s move, Lin Feng saw that if he didn’t see it, he looked up at the sky with the clouds and black clouds: “Today is a good weather.”

He shrugged his shoulders: "Do you think that my nine-day levitation is so simple?"

Lin Feng’s hands and feet changed: "引引!"

With the change of the law on the front of Lin Feng, the lightning entangled in Xiao Qi suddenly jumped up and forth, full of strange rhythm and rhythm.

The next moment, the sky's clouds suddenly drop a bucket of horrible thunder, the target is the old Chen and Xiaoqi surrounded by lightning on the ground!

This is the real fatal blow of Lin Feng’s nine-day move.

Lao Chen saw that the situation was not good. He did not dare to control his companions and quickly went to the side.

"Do not!"

Xiaoqi desperately looked at the thunder like a domineering god, and he didn't even have time to officially clarify his identity.

Xiaoxiao and the old village chief were shocked and looked at the thunder that illuminates the sky and teared the sky. They completely couldn’t think that Lin Feng’s seemingly hand-picked talisman had such power.

The villagers in the two villages of Shicun and Wolf Village were even more stunned and thought it was Raytheon.

Everything is only in the blink of an eye.

The Thunder landed, and the loud flashes, the strong flash of thorns made everyone's eyes white.

When they regained their eyesight, they rushed to see where the little seven was, and there was only a piece of coke in place!

A comprehension person has been smashed by this thunder.

After a while, all the talents returned, and the villagers of the wolf village instantly fry the pot, and they did not return to the head to escape. No one dared to stay in the same place and did not point them to the embarrassment. The beasts attracted by the old Chen Bone flute also Was scared to the soft limbs, all with a tail to escape.

The people in Shicun made a burst of cheers, and the old village chief reacted and said a lot: "Kill, the wolf village people who are present today, one does not stay!" Shicun villagers have high morale and chase them together.

Lao Chen stayed for a moment, screaming and screaming: "We are the people at home. You guys who dare to kill my family in the country, are you afraid that the whole village will be razed to the ground?"

The novice gift bag once again brought surprises. Lin Feng looked at the ground after being thundered by the thunder. He was silent for a long time. After a long time, he grew a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, although it is too much trouble to use too much, but the power is not let people Disappointed."

Lin Feng touched his nose. With this nine-day move, he made a comeback. He will play again next time. It is much easier to convince the old village chief and the little one. After all, in their eyes, they are only relying on it. A small talisman will make such a big move.

Let Lin Feng himself and Lao Chen and Xiao Qi both face each other and win. After all, the nine-day-and-trace method he is practicing is far better than the two-person practice.

But it is impossible to make such an amazing result. As a result, the disguise of his own world is dismantled.

How can it be like this, one hit and kill, easy to freehand, wave the sleeves, without taking a cloud.

For the old Chen who did not die, Lin Feng did not put it in his heart. Although this person had avoided the lightning strike center, he was seriously injured after being affected. The old village chief and the little one were not enough to clean him up.

Lin Feng is now preparing to sneak into the yard of the village chief's house quietly, sitting there waiting for the old village chief and the little ones to come back, more to show that he is as good as God, calm and graceful.

At that time, I am still afraid that the little one will not pay attention to it.

By the way, when Shanbao was born, he replaced his robes in order to walk through the wild mountain forest. Now he is dressed in a coarse cloth and looks like ordinary mountain people. Remember to change the line back first.

"The first apprentice is finally going to get it." Lin Fengmei thought, turned and walked to the village entrance, looked up, his face suddenly stiffened and disappeared.

Because he clearly saw that the village of the village, it should have no life, the old branches of the black and dry, and actually pulled out a new branch!

A few pink peach blossoms on the twig, bright and swaying.

Lin Feng vowed that when he first came to Shicun half a day ago, this old tree never opened this bright peach.

What is even more heart-rending is that although this peach blossom looks very beautiful, it reveals a fascinating atmosphere.

"As soon as I wake up, there are so many foods..."

Lin Feng’s heart was a little stunned. He seemed to hear a low and hoarse woman in his heart, and his voice was full of joy and beauty, but it made people shudder!

After a nap, Lin Feng returned to the gods and looked around. He only saw that Chen had the same face and changed his face and looked around in panic.

Others seem to be unaware of it and are still struggling to fight.

Lin Feng suddenly turned back and saw the gorgeous peach blossoms on the new branch. The petals actually fell and flew toward the battlefield inside and outside.

The fluttering, completely unstressed petals seem to be weak, but the speed of flying is as fast as lightning. Hundreds of petals are like a meteor outside the sky, swaying through the mysterious trajectory and flying into the crowd.

Lao Chen wants to dodge, but where can he run this strange peach?

His heart was worried, and the palm of his hand took a look at the seemingly weak petals, and he directly penetrated the palm of his hand and applied it to his forehead.

Lin Feng's eyes widened, and he saw the look of horror on the face of Lao Chen. Zhang Dazui wanted to shout, but he could not make any sound.

Lao Chen’s fleshy skin quickly dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and at the end turned directly into a dry corpse!

The peach blossom petals on the forehead of the corpse are more delicate and bright.

Lin Feng’s heart sinks directly to the bottom of the valley. He looks around and sees all the people or beasts on the battlefield that have been affixed to the corpses in a short period of time.

The screaming screaming of the little wolf who gave his grandson revenge, the little fat man who did not contradict Lin Feng... The people who had talked not long ago, at this time, their eyes lost their brilliance in life, and they saw Lin Feng’s body. Cold.

The next moment, the petals were separated from the prey that had been sucked into the corpse by them. In the night sky, they traced a trace of pink and flew back to the old tree.

The peach blossoms fell on the branches again, and they were dazzling and thrilling.

Lin Feng stared at the old tree, and it was not a problem. On the blackened trunk, two new branches were born!

The peach blossoms on the three new branches sway gently in the night wind, and it looks so soft and moving, the flowers are floating in the wind and screaming.

Lin Feng secretly sighed in his heart: "Nima, this tree is absolutely problematic!"

He carefully observed it, but found that the people who were sucked into dried bodies by the peach blossoms were all the villagers of the wolf village except Lao Chen. None of the beasts were spared, but the villagers in Shicun were not attacked.

The old village chief and others were staring at the scene. Suddenly, some villagers fell to the ground and bowed to the old tree in the village. They read something in the mouth: "Peach fairy is obvious! Taoxian is spiritual!"

More and more people think that the old tree in their own village is Taoxian Xianling, helping them to kill the enemy, so they bow down.

The little girl looked at the crowd with a stunned look.

The old village chief looked at the old tree in a complicated way, and he stopped talking.

Lin Feng, who has never appeared, has no expression, his heart is cold, and there seems to be a low and hoarse female voice in his ear: "Go here first, let the rest go first..."

This old tree is not a distinction between the enemy and me. Everyone is the same in her eyes. It is food!

The only difference is that she stayed at the entrance of Shicun and was not afraid of the people in Shicun to escape.

Maybe add a little rabbit that doesn't eat the biological instinct of the grass?

Lin Feng’s thoughts on his heart were so relaxed that he couldn’t easily get up. Looking at the situation that Laoshu had just shot, he underestimated the hundreds of goals, including the self-cultivators like Chen.

Even if Chen was injured, her shot was too easy. It was just one of the hundreds of petals, and she killed Chen. For her, the four-layered self-cultivator did not differ from these secular warriors. .

Lin Feng never made the worst plan. According to his speculation, the strength of this old tree demon may have surpassed the realm of the training period.

At least it is also built.

Lin Feng touched his nose, and finally found a suitable disciple candidate, but it was difficult.

Really, the characters at the protagonist level, are there so much trouble around them?

I was thinking, Lin Feng’s mind suddenly sounded a system sound.

"The system runs for one month and the sweepstakes system is officially launched!"