MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ 2135 Then don’t hit the kids’ ideas

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(Thank you very much for the reward of 'Destiny, Dragon and Tears', ‘True. Dragon Tiger King’!)

During the time, the entire first two seconds of the conference room was as if it was frozen into ice. All the sounds disappeared without a trace, and even the atmosphere in the air was cold.

And the ice that freezes together is the heart of the representatives of many countries.

It was not until this moment that the representatives of all the countries present knew why Noah would show the power of the fairy tail (fairy_tai1) at the meeting, presenting this annihilation action planned by the fairy town to everyone.

Noah’s actions are just for one thing.

That is, let all the countries that intend to recapture the captive son steal the chickens.

"You..." Representatives from all countries looked at Noah in an incredible way.

Qi Wuzong Xuan is only feeling black in front of him, with a feeling of dizziness.

Originally, this international conference, no matter which country, although the point is different, but the ultimate goal is to let Noah spit out from the countries of the world countries to the beggars of the fairy town.

But now, Noah came with a way of his own, and also gave him a body, in turn, with a table of annihilation actions and artificial artifacts, so that all countries would send the rest of the victims in their own territory. Into the fairy town.

Can such a world agree to the world?

Of course not.

Originally, it was only to weaken the power of the fairy town. How can it now weaken its own power and strengthen the power of the fairy town?

Looking at the appearance of a country's representatives, they were shocked and angry, and Noah's expression became ironic.

"I know the mood of all of you, but there is nothing that can be done. Nowadays, human beings are threatened by the gut animals, and they have reached the point where life and death are difficult to maintain. If you want to break the deadlock, then you only have to rely on artificial artifacts. This is It is an indisputable fact that you don't want to save all mankind?"

Don't want to save all mankind?

Most of the representatives of the countries represented in the field did not really have this idea.

Because they want to save only their own country, who will be selfless to save all mankind?

However, this idea can be said by the representatives of the countries present.

Once I say it, I am afraid that I will lose the support of the people in the land in an instant, and I will be rushed to the stage.

" are a strong word!" A country representative couldn't help but shout.

"Even if artificial artifacts can really save all mankind, then we don't need to transfer the affected sons in the country to the fairy town?"

"If you say that, it's a bit wrong." Noah spread his hands.

"Artificial artifacts can greatly enhance the ability of the sons of the shackles. Every son who receives the artifacts can at least become the strongest of the top 500 ip rankings. If all the forces are concentrated, they will be able to knock down. All the gut animals."

"In this case, in this case, the fairy town should publish the artificial artifacts, so that all countries in the world can open artificial artifacts, so that is more efficient?" Another country representative trembles.

"Before, the fairy township is weak, and we all unite, then we can create more artificial artifacts, apply to the children of the beggars, and more likely to expel the gut animals!"

"Unfortunately, the side effects of artificial artifacts have just been told to you, only the fairy town has a way to rely on the preparation to eliminate this side effect, and the mother who can proliferate the preparation, only the one in the fairy town." Noah looks like a good heart Reminder.

"Even if our fairy townships provide the world's countries with good preparations, they can simply transport them to countries around the world in terms of efficiency. It is better to concentrate the children in the fairy towns and use them directly. Isn't that better?"

"...we know that this is very inefficient, but can't we put the responsibility of saving all mankind on the body of the fairy spirit?" It is another difficult statement from a country representative.

"We also want to do our part."

"I understand the hearts of all of you." Noah smiled.

"Our demon township certainly does not think that it can save all human beings by itself. Fortunately, as the center of the fairy town, the fairy tail (fairy_tai1) that I lead is a civil society organization facing the whole world. We are still In the form of entrustment, the children will be sent to the countries of the world to carry out their tasks. At that time, all countries in the world only need to pay the corresponding remuneration. This remuneration can be used to produce the recipe and artificial artifacts, so that everyone can be satisfied. It is."


Satisfied with a ghost!

Not only will you have to send all the remaining sons to the fairy town without any compensation, and if you have difficulty in the future, you need to use these children, then you have to pay to ask?

Is there something more boring than this in this world?

In this moment, all the representatives of the country, even if they are literate, are completely open in their hearts.

Only Noah, his face is still full of smiles.

"Still, do you not want to contribute to saving all mankind?" Noah mentioned it intentionally or unintentionally.

"In this case, I feel that the citizens in your country should be very dissatisfied. Is there any benefit to you?"

The truth is that it is so cruel.

The representatives of all countries thought that this time they had taken advantage of the international conference. With the excuse of illegally transferring the son of the beggar in their own country, they could definitely eat Noah.

However, things were mixed up by Noah and completely deteriorated.

If Noah publishes the existence of artificial artifacts, then all human beings in the world will fall into madness.

In order to continue to survive, no matter which country's citizens choose to support the fairy town.

Coupled with the temperament of hatred and rejection of the sons of the shackles, the people of all countries have already penetrated the hearts of the citizens of all countries. All human beings will certainly not be able to disappear from the suffering sons of their own country. How far is it to go.

In this way, if the powers of the countries of the world do not approve of this matter, then before the opposition and march of the people of the country, these powers will wait until they all step down, until they change to a group of politicians who are willing to cooperate with the fairy town. until.

"However, in this era, there should be many countries whose rulers are dictators, can carry out terrorist rule, and completely ignore the voice of the people."

Noah's front turned, and his eyes turned to Qi Wuzong's body, which was like a smile.

"This kind of disregard of the will of the people, not wanting to contribute to the human race, only for the sake of their own private rights, we must not agree. Therefore, if there is such a dictator, I think that all countries in the world should unite. Get up, enter the territory of the country, eradicate this locust, President Qi Wu, you say yes?"

Qi Wuzong’s face was awkward and pale.

The representatives of the countries present at the scene also became a little white, and there was a decadent mood in their hearts.


This time I lost completely.

From the moment when Noah announced the artificial artifacts, the countries of the world were doomed to fail, and even turned back, becoming the help of the fairy town.

Because citizens of all countries in the world will stand on the side of the fairy town.

Standing on the side of Noah.

In the past, Noah used the dark side of the hearts of the people in the Tokyo area to eliminate the entire Tiantong family and successfully achieved his own goals.

This time, Noah is no longer just using the dark side of the people of a small Tokyo area, but using the dark side of all human beings around the world.

Survival desire for the survival of oneself.

A sense of belonging for the glory of the past.

The hatred of jealousy in order to defeat the monsters.

These psychology will be used by Noah to become a stepping stone to achieve the entire fairy town and crush all the countries of the world.

Faced with this, there is no second choice for countries around the world.

"It seems that you have already made a decision."

The representatives of the countries that were watching the scenes were all gray, and Noah converges on a smile, and his face is back to calm.

I must tell everyone in the room a word. ”

"Heavenly, you can forgive, you can't live, you can't live. These are all you are looking for!" Noah's eyes swept over the faces of representatives of all countries.

"No matter what purpose you are doing, what you are doing is sacrificing the happiness of the children. The children can smile in the fairy town. Since you can't give it, don't hit the children's ideas!"

After that, Noah disregarded the reaction of the representatives of the countries present, and faintly opened to the side of the Holy Son.

"Sacred Emperor, please tell us the contents of today's meeting, and spread the video of our fairy town to break through the Devil's Forest, telling all human beings, who can save them, who is it!"

"Mu is more, after going back, be prepared to receive the recipients from all over the world!" Noah directly dropped these words.

"If any country is not willing to contribute to all mankind, you know what to do."

What else can I do?

Of course, it will be made clear to the world, let them look for their own suffering.

Mu and the Son of Heaven both pressed the heart of the excitement and nodded.

Upon seeing it, the representatives of the countries present were clear.

Things have been irreparable.

"You should have nothing to say?" Noah said quietly.

"In this case, this international conference is so scattered."

When the words fell, Noah turned around and walked out of the meeting room with the wood and the Holy Son.

Only a group of national representatives stayed in the same place and could not return to God for a long time.

(Seeking a subscription! Seeking a monthly ticket!) (To be continued.) 8


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