MTL - Holistic Fantasy-~ 2136 There are still many things to do

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(Thank you very much for the ‘jun leisurely’, ‘the secluded son’s reward!’)

"I didn't expect that things actually developed like this."

On the corridor of the embassy, ​​Lentaro learned about the process and results of the whole meeting from Muji, and said to Noah in amazement and joy.

"It turned out that in the three years you disappeared, was it prepared for the artificial artifact?"

Lentaro’s surprisingly incomprehensible words made Noah, who was just very strong and calm in the conference room, helpless.

It was just an excuse to smother the representatives of the group of countries.

The artificial artifacts were not developed by Noah, but by Asachel's experimental results.

Moreover, the people who make those artificial artifacts are not Noah, but Athena.

In fact, Noah had already asked Athena to design artificial artifacts that belonged exclusively to the children of the captivity.

Of course, at that time, Noah did not intend to expose the role of artificial artifacts, so as to achieve the purpose of letting all the world's countries surrender all the children of the beggars, but simply want to increase the strength of the fairy tail (fairy_tail).

After all, unlike the past, today's fairy tail (fairy_tail) is almost always possible to compete against the world.

In order to increase the odds, Noah played the idea of ​​artificial artifacts.

In the world of demon colleges, Athena has been studying artificial artifacts for some time, and almost all of this can be compared with Asscher.

With such artificial artifacts, it is naturally impossible for Athena to create a god-killer.

However, Noah did not think about letting Athena create an artificial artifact of the level of destroying the gods. As long as it is a collective combat capable of raising the tail of the fairy (fairy_tail), an artificial artifact that can be mass-produced is enough.

To this end, Athena even carried out a period of artificial artifact research, until Noah learned the specific information of the field from Dina, Athena had an idea, and gradually improved the son of the beggar The ability to artificial artifacts comes.

After that, Noah talked to the Holy Son in the Holy House, and immediately thought of the existence of artificial artifacts, which led to a series of ideas.

Immediately, Noah sent Luna, Xia Shi and Yan Zhu back to the fairy town, and summoned the hands to convey the annihilation action of the Devil's Forest.

As for Athena, with the help of the three of Esther, Orpheus and Lilith, hundreds of artifacts were created overnight.

In other words, Noah has only drawn up plans from beginning to end.

The people who actually perform are the girls of Aster, Athena, Orpheus, Lilith, Dina, Xia Shi and Yan Zhu.

Therefore, Noah did not ask for the work at all, but explained to Lian Tailang.

"The people who developed the artificial artifacts were not me, but Athena, and Ester, Orpheus and Lilith were equally good."

As the strongest sword elf, Astor can use a certain degree of steel attribute elf magic, and has a lot of experience in the refinement of the steel attribute elf magic. After Athena perfected the design of the artificial artifact, it was used by it. Elf magic, directly refining the outer shell.

Orpheus and Lilith are known as the dragon gods of infinite power. They all give their snakes into the artificial artifacts in the moment when the outer shell of the artificial artifact is formed, so that the artificial artifacts can gain strength and produce amazing effect.

When the artificial artifact worn on Dina and others works, the gemstone embedded in it is made up of the snakes of Orpheus and Lilith.

It is because of the assistance of the three people of Astor, Orpheus and Lilith that Athena has the means to quickly create hundreds of artifacts overnight.

Santianzi, Muji and Lian Tailang, who did not know this thing, were a little surprised.

“Can the child named Athena develop this artificial artifact?” Wood has some incredible sounds.

“Does that child, like Xia Shi, have a smart gut factor in the body?”

"Athena is really very smart, and can even be called wise." Noah did not affirm the words of Wood, just said such a sentence.

"When it comes to wisdom, I am afraid that even the four sages who are called the world's strongest minds are better than her."

"Even the four sages are better than that?" The expression of the Holy Son became incredible.

"It turned out that the child is so powerful?"

"Of course." Noah smiled slightly.

"Whether it is Esther, Athena, Orpheus or Lilith, the ability is beyond your imagination, you should not underestimate these children."

Even if it is only about power, in this world, Esther, Athena, Orpheus and Lilith are absolutely unsolvable.

Noah can even let the four girls go to those countries where they are looking for a lap, to ensure that only one day is needed, and the world will only have two independent countries: the fairy town and the Tokyo area.

However, by that time, the race of mankind was basically abolished.

If you want to restore your prosperity, you really don't know how much time you have to spend.

Moreover, instead of solving them one by one, it is better to let them put their knees on their own.

"After today, the world may not be calm for the time being." Noah murmured.

"However, in this way, the recipients of the countries of the world will all gather in the fairy town. The ultimate goal of creating the fairy tail (fairy_tail) is finally reached."

Hearing the whisper of Noah, the Holy Son and Wood cast a gentle look on Noah.

Even Lian Lianlang patted Noah's shoulder and felt the same in his heart.

The world was completely distorted after the appearance of the gut animals.

Moreover, what is first distorted is nothing but human beings.

Many people's hearts are exhausted, distorted and even deformed under the direct pressure of life and death.

Under such circumstances, the emergence of children who inherit the gut animal virus has become the victim of this distortion.

Who can think of it?

One person, in less than five years, saved all the children in the world who had suffered from human hatred and rejection.

After the recipients of the world are concentrated in the fairy town, these children will be reborn.

When the gut animals are knocked down and the humans are released from the distorted inner heart, they may be completely divided into two kinds of people.

One is to conform to the inner heart of the darkness, and in the condition that the gut animal is knocked down, the person who hates his own hatred is turned to the person who is still suffering from the blood of the gut animal.

One is to get liberated from hatred, to realize the truth, not to stick to the past, but to choose the people who will move toward the future.

Of course, driven by the world pattern, the latter will begin to flow to the fairy town, the former will be rejected by the fairy town.

Until one day, all people have acknowledged the existence of the son of the beggar, then the race of mankind will usher in an unprecedented prosperity and peace.

It is precisely because of this thought that Chamber Tone will think that Noah can change this hopeless world.

The world will be brighter because Noah is alone.

Thinking of this, the three sons of Shengtianzi, Muji and Lian Tailang looked at Noah's side face, and they all had a feeling in their hearts.

That is, following the man’s words, it will never be wrong.

Only this can be affirmed.

"Of course, at present, only the surviving sons of the world are recycled, and new victims will be born in the rest of the country."

I don't know that Noah, who is thinking about Santianzi, Muji and Lantaro, is still immersed in his own thinking and made such a statement.

"In order to make those children happy, we have to make relevant countermeasures. Otherwise, once we are hidden by those countries with bad intentions, then we can only be kept in the dark and let those children not see us. The place is silently suffering."

Noah’s words, let the three responded.

"It’s also true." Wood even packed up his mood and said so.

"In order to prevent the same thing from happening to the existing children, it seems that we also need to investigate the account files of countries around the world. Don't miss a child."

"Some countries don't even have a household registration for the dependents." Lian Tailang said so.

"These also have to find a solution."

Noah nodded and gently stroked the guild coat of arms on the back of his hand.

"There is a lot to do,"

And this is also for the children... (to be continued.)


Read The Duke's Passion