MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 363 363 Bacon Sausage Workshop

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   Chapter 363 363 Bacon Sausage Workshop

   Zhou shi looked at Lin Xiaoyue with admiration.

   "It's just you, the girl, so many people have been arranged." Chi Wujun was really lucky to meet the girl.

  Otherwise, even if he escaped from the border, it would be difficult to survive.

   "My sister-in-law is rude. It can only be said that it is the right time."

   Then, Lin Xiaoyue and the Zhou family discussed the matter of building a workshop on Zhuangzi.

   Focused on selecting some of the villages far from Dashi Village.

   "In addition to building a workshop, in addition, the clay pots used for packaging have to be increased accordingly."

   "I'm afraid I have to make a trip to the kiln factory." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   Zhou nodded.

   "With so many workshops starting construction together, the number of pots that will be used is difficult to estimate, and it is indeed necessary to order in advance."

   Zhou Shi suddenly looked at Lin Xiaoyue again.

   "The kiln we cooperate with is not very big, and the number of pottery pots they make every day is limited. Besides taking our order, if they take another order, they may not be able to make it."

  Lin Xiaoyue pondered a little.

"Then take this opportunity to talk to the kiln factory, take a stake in the kiln factory, and sign a long-term contract with the kiln factory to make this kiln factory our exclusive supplier. In the future, it will only fire and pack pottery pots for us. "

   "This..." Zhou Shi hesitated.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "Let's do it like this. With the scale of our workshop, the number of packing pots required is too large."

   "In this case, we actually build a small kiln by ourselves, and it is best to produce and use it ourselves."

   "It's not a trivial matter to build a kiln factory, and we don't have any technical talents in this field. It is a good choice to directly invest in an existing kiln factory."

   "Boss Jin and their kilns are generally profitable. We approached them with such a large order. If the price is right, they will agree to let us take a stake."

   After investing in shares, you can get a large amount of money directly.

After   , the kilns do not have to worry about business, they can operate all year round, and they can sit and collect money. Why not do it?

   After hearing Lin Xiaoyue's explanation, Zhou's heart suddenly became enlightened.

   "Sure, then I will go to the kiln tomorrow." Immediately said.

   Lin Xiaoyue's heart moved.

   "No hurry, we have to inquire about the approximate cost of the kiln factory first. We want to take more than 50% of the shares and gain control of the kiln factory."

   "The management mechanism and management personnel of the kiln factory do not need to be changed. Boss Jin and the others have management experience, so they can continue to manage them. When the time comes, some of our people will be installed to ensure that the kiln factory does not have any trouble."

   Zhou Shi's eyes were a little flustered.

   "Hmm." But he still responded.

   Lin Xiaoyue's eyes moved.

   "It won't be easy for you to do this alone."

   "So, sister-in-law, go to Manager Fang to explain the situation. He will arrange for someone to assist you." He said.

   Zhou Shi's complexion immediately brightened.

   "Okay!" Hurry up.

  Lin Xiaoyue discussed some other matters with Zhou Shi, and did not leave with Li Xiao until Li Xiao came to pick her up.

   On the way back, Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao were in the carriage, and Henry Zhang drove the carriage.

  Lin Xiaoyue talked to Li Xiao about building pepper workshops on some villages.

   "Let Director Fang arrange staff to prepare, you don't need to do it yourself." Li Xiao grabbed Lin Xiaoyue's hand.

   "I'm not ready to do it myself, but I can't completely let go."

   "I'm going to start tomorrow, and I'll go to Liu Mansion to report. Otherwise, Mr. Fang won't be too busy."

   In the future, Liu Mansion will be her commercial office building, and many tasks have been arranged in Liu Mansion.

  Li Xiao frowned.

   "Can't you rest for two more days?" He took Lin Xiaoyue's hand.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and looked at Li Xiao.

   "I'm not sick again, why should I rest?"

   "Since the Chinese New Year, I have been idle all the time. If I continue to idle, people can't stand it anymore."

   Lin Xiaoyue said, covering the back of Li Xiao's hand with her hand.

   "Besides, the Chiwu Army helped with the work. After half a year, I promised to settle the wages."

   "Only on my side, if the plan is brought out, they can have something to do. Otherwise, idleness will count as wages, and then they won't be able to come up with so much money."

   "Actually, there's no need to—"

  Li Xiao just wanted to speak, but was stopped by Lin Xiaoyue's look.

   "What you say is counted."

   "Besides, if this is not the case, how can we convince the soldiers that we really want them to go into hiding."

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Li Xiao, and her little hand patted the back of Li Xiao's hand again.

   "The life of the common people is not as good as when they were at the border before. They really need money everywhere."

   "After half a year, the wages will be paid. At that time, each of them will receive a dozen or so taels of silver. With the silver in their hands, they will have their hopes."

   With the hope, the plan will follow.

   As a result, the Chiwu Army no longer thought about returning to the border to fight. They can really start to retreat.

  Li Xiao was silent.

   "Yeah." It took a long while to respond.

   Hearing Li Xiao's response, Lin Xiaoyue felt relieved.

   "In addition to building a pepper workshop, I also plan to build a sausage and bacon workshop in Zhoujiazhuang." Lin Xiaoyue continued.

   "Well." Li Xiao glanced at Lin Xiaoyue and answered again.

   "Because I want this workshop to start as soon as possible, I may have to watch it myself." Lin Xiaoyue said again.

   "Okay." Li Xiao replied.

   Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   Then, Li Xiao's eyes moved.

   "This sausage and bacon workshop, leave the on-site arrangement to me." He suddenly said.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   "Before building Liu's house and the workshop next to Liu's house, I have followed and learned some things. It can be regarded as some experience."

   "Zhoujiazhuang is a big place. It's definitely not enough to build a bacon sausage workshop alone. It's better to take this opportunity to build a large workshop. Later, if you want to process other things, it's also convenient."

  Lin Xiaoyue thought about it and nodded.

   Zhoujiazhuang is not far from Dashi Village, and the peppers produced at that time can be sent to Dashi Village.

   But sweet potatoes have to be processed at that time.

  Whether it is made into sweet potato starch or sweet potato vermicelli, when the time comes, those things will have to be made somewhere.

   She really had to think again and try to make the plan in one step.

   After the couple talked, the carriage swayed back to Dashi Village.

   Next, Lin Xiaoyue began to report to Liu Mansion every day, and was officially busy.

   During the day, she was either in Liu Mansion or went to Zhoujiazhuang to check pepper seedlings and supervise the progress of Zhoujiazhuang's workshop.

   On this day, Liu Mansion.

  Lin Xiaoyue was looking at some documents sent by Director Fang in the study, when there was a knock on the door.

   "Come in." Putting down the document in her hand, Lin Xiaoyue was ready to take a break.

  The door opened quickly, it was Manager Fang.

   At this time, Director Fang was followed by a man in black.

   "I've seen Miss!" After entering the door, Director Fang saluted respectfully.

   "I've seen Miss!" The man in black also folded his fists and saluted.

  Lin Xiaoyue raised her head and glanced at the two of them.

   The moment he saw the man in black, a hint of doubt flashed on his face, and then he looked at Manager Fang inquiringly.

   "No gift. Manager Fang, this is—"

   "Oh, miss, this is Li Jie." Manager Fang said quickly.

  Lin Xiaoyue was taken aback.

   In an instant, he looked at the man, and his eyes became much gentler.

   "Please sit down and let someone serve tea." Then he said.

   Outside the door, someone immediately went down to prepare tea.

   Director Fang looked at Li Jie, who had a somewhat restrained expression, and motioned him to sit down with him.

  Lin Xiaoyue also followed across from the two of them and sat down on the chair.

   Then, looked at Li Jielai.

   "I was only famous before, and I never met. This time, I finally met. Mr. Li, he is younger than I thought." Lin Xiaoyue said with a smile.

  Li Jie froze for a moment, his whole body tense.

   "Miss, it's a shame." He didn't dare to look at Lin Xiaoyue, so he bowed his hands to Lin Xiaoyue.

   Mr. Lai?

   He was only a servant of Liu's residence before, but after contacting the Director Fang, he has now become a servant of Liu's residence.

How can    be called "Sir" by the young lady?

   "There is no false praise." Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "Mr. came from a family of officials. He was intelligent since he was a child, and had the talent to become an official. If he hadn't fallen into the family path and became a slave, how could he have entered the shoal?"

  Li Jie's expression changed, and he looked at Lin Xiaoyue in disbelief.

   This glance made his eyes shrink.

Miss   , was born like this?

   Between the eyebrows, it is slightly similar to Liu Yiniang, who died in Liu residence, but it is much more beautiful than Liu Yiniang.

   The most important thing is that this look and bearing are by no means comparable to ordinary women.

   Let people be born, comparing her to Liu Yiniang is to humiliate her feelings.

  Li Jie quickly looked away, stood up quickly, and apologized to Lin Xiaoyue.

   "The villain is rude." I was terrified.

  Yes, panic.

  His identity and origin, apart from Master Liu, not even Young Master Liu.

  Can actually find it out, and it's so clear.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and didn't mind.

   "Liu Dashao is a mediocre person."

   "Sir, it's hard to achieve anything with him."

   "It's our Liu family. If Mr. is willing to help me, the Liu family will definitely reward me." Lin Xiaoyue said.

   This person is indeed a pity.

  If there is no change in the family, he must have already entered the imperial examination and even became an official.

   Fortunately, talent is talent after all.

   Even if you sell yourself as a slave and become a slave, you will no longer be able to take the imperial examination.

   In the way of doing business, he is also gifted.

  Li Jie's heart moved.

   "Miss is serious. Now that the villain has entered the Liu Mansion, he is naturally willing to serve the Liu Mansion." Chong Lin Xiaoyue saluted.

   Director Fang spent a lot of money to get Liu Dashao to let him go. He was actually a little resentful about this.

   He has been in the Liu family for many years, and has done many things for Liu Dashao.

   As a result, he abandoned himself like this.

   For Liu Mansion, he knew that he would definitely get some attention when he came here. After all, the conditions that Mr. Fang offered to Liu Dashao were indeed generous.

   But he didn't expect that the young lady would meet him in person and treat him so politely.

   He felt a little surprised and a little surprised.

  Ta Lijie, who was born in an official family, should have been famous for a lifetime, but was reduced to being a servant in a merchant's family.

   Over the years, he has advised Liu Dashao and solved many problems for the Liu family.

   But in the eyes of the Liu family, he is still just a servant, a slave who can be sold at will.

   It's been too long, Miss today didn't mention it, he almost forgot that he came from an official, and he used to be a high-ranking person.

  Today, knowing that his deed has already returned to Liu Mansion.

Miss    treated him politely and even addressed him as "Mr." and made a solicitation. How to make him not surprised, and surprise?

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled with satisfaction, and there was a radiance in her eyes.

   "Okay, then 'get up fast', and then I'll leave it to you to take care of it." Then, he said solemnly.

  Li Jie looked happy.

   "Yes! The villain will definitely live up to his mission!" He hurriedly saluted Lin Xiaoyue.

   Ever since Young Master Liu got into trouble with Master Li and the Liu family, he has been paying attention to the Liu family.

  The Liu family is not as simple as it seems.

   There is also a fast service, and it is not just as simple as two snack bars.

  Li Jie didn't know at this time that Lin Xiaoyue held him much more than he thought.

   Next, when he learned about the Liu family's situation from Director Fang, and Lin Xiaoyue's plan to meet Kuaishou, Li Jie was so shocked that his jaw dropped.

  This time he left from the Liu family to come to the Liu family, and it was a great luck.

   His life has also undergone tremendous changes.

   And Li Jie is indeed a talent.

   did not live up to Lin Xiaoyue's expectations, and quickly got started with the fast-moving things, and quickly opened the market with the fast-moving products.

   Time passed quickly, and Zhoujiazhuang's workshop was soon completed.

   The pepper seedlings also entered the ground, and the pepper seedlings were planted in the fields in all the villages, and everyone was looking forward to it.

   On this day, Lin Xiaoyue took her mother and Ma's family to the Zhoujiazhuang workshop.

   Ask for what?

   Of course, it is training, instructing the workers in the sausage bacon workshop to make sausage bacon.

   People from Chiwu Army, many come to join in the fun and want to watch it.

   Only thirty people were allowed inside.

   Moreover, the teaching is carried out step by step, and the operators of each link can only learn the operation content of that link.

   After the lecture, Lin Xiaoyue asked Fan Ming to gather all the 30 workers of the bacon sausage workshop and give a speech.

   "Everyone, we will take you tomorrow and start making sausages and bacon. Only those who are qualified can continue to work in the sausage and bacon workshop."

  The crowd was excited.

   Now that the pepper seedlings have been planted, there is a lot less to do on Zhuangzi.

   They now have a new job, which is much better than being idle.

   "Madam, don't worry. We must do it well and get the sausages and bacon ready!" one of the Chiwu Army said loudly.

   "Yes, we must live up to your trust, Madam!" A Chiwu Army followed.

  Others soon followed suit.

   Lin Xiaoyue stretched out her hand to calm everyone down.

   "It's good that everyone has this confidence."

   "Now, our workshop has just started. It's okay to be slower, but the quality must be controlled."

   "At the Liang's Firm, the first batch of orders has been placed with us, 30,000 catties of bacon and 20,000 catties of sausages."

   As soon as these words came out, the Chiwu Army was very excited, and there were many discussions.

  30,000 catties of bacon, plus 20,000 catties of sausage? so much? !

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and signaled everyone to be quiet again.

   Waited until the scene was quiet before speaking again.

   "This is only the first batch of orders. As long as our products are of good quality, Liang's will continue to place additional orders and cooperate with us for a long time."

   (end of this chapter)

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