MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 364 364 The wine lunatic blocking the road

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   Chapter 364 364 The wine lunatic blocking the road

   "As long as we can win over the Liang family, our workshop will be able to run well."

   "And with the workshop, the pigs raised in each village will no longer need to be sold. We can handle it ourselves. In this way, the profit can be even greater."

   Hearing this, the Chiwu Army was even more excited.

   once again expressed his loyalty to Lin Xiaoyue. Said it would do well!

  Lin Xiaoyue said some words of encouragement to the crowd, which made the crowd dispersed.

   Only the person in charge of the workshop was left to explain the next work arrangement to him.

   Then, the next day, the bacon sausage workshop in Zhoujiazhuang officially started.

  Lin Xiaoyue and others were at the scene, instructing the workers to operate and ensuring that the workers were qualified to operate.

   With the skilled workers, the daily production of bacon and sausages in the workshop is also growing rapidly.

  Three days later, Lin Xiaoyue and other technical guides let go and let the workshop run automatically.

   Ten days later, the first batch of sausages and bacon were officially produced.

   Lin Xiaoyue got the news, but did not notify Ruyilou to pick up the goods.

   Instead, he took out 600 catties and distributed some to each village, ready to let everyone taste it.

   At the same time, Lin Xiaoyue also made the people in Liu Zhai busy for two days in advance, made seven or eight hundred catties of braised pork, and distributed it to each village.

  Yes, because the braised pork workshop only supplies several restaurants and restaurants of Liang's in Qingshi Town, the amount requested every day is not large, so Lin Xiaoyue arranged the braised pork workshop directly in the workshop.

   Let the people in the workshop make extra braised pork in addition to preparing the spicy skewers every day.

   In this way, although the workshop is busier than before. But barely able to survive.

   The Chiwu Army ate bacon, sausages and braised pork, and they were amazed one by one.

   admired their mistress even more.

  April is here in a blink of an eye.

  The weather has warmed up, and wild flowers are everywhere in the countryside.

  The lukewarm weather makes people feel extra comfortable.

   On this day, Zhao Shanshan and Zhao Qiang, who had been away from home for a long time, finally returned.

   Go to Liu Mansion, report the progress of the chain with Lin Xiaoyue and Li Jie, and return to Liu Mansion with Lin Xiaoyue.

  On the official road, Zhao Qiang was driving the carriage, and in the carriage were Lin Xiaoyue and Zhao Shanshan.

   "Since you're back, you should rest at home for a few days."

   "The government exam is imminent. The day after tomorrow, I'm going to take my mother to send Qing'er to Nan'an County. Then I will wait for Qing'er to pass the government test and come back. By the way, I will also take my mother around Nan'an County."

   Fortunately, Nan'an County is prosperous, and both the county examination and the prefectural examination are held in Nan'an County.

   Before the Qinger County Exam, they went to send the exam.

  It's a pity that the weather was bad before, so she couldn't take her mother around.

   The weather is just right this time, so I can take her mother around to look around.

   Moreover, all the chain stores in Nan'an County have been built, so she can visit them this time.

   "The servant girl and young lady go with me." Zhao Shanshan said immediately.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and glanced at Zhao Shanshan.

   "I finally came back, what are you doing out there?"

   "I'll take my heart. Then you can stay at home and have a good rest."

   "After that, you don't have to go out for the time being."

   Zhao Shanshan immediately looked at Lin Xiaoyue.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "The opening of the chain store is going well. In the future, let your two brothers stay outside and implement the remaining chain stores."

   "It's a girl's house after all. After going out for more than a month, everyone is rough." After saying that, Lin Xiaoyue reached out and touched Zhao Shanshan's cheek.

   Zhao Shanshan's cheeks were flushed, and she avoided it subconsciously.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and retracted her hand.

   "Don't go out next time, stay in Qingshi Town and take good care of you."

   "I'll go to Liu Mansion to learn from Li Jie. In the future, when Li Jie leaves Anyang County, you will have to take over the business in Anyang County."

   Zhao Shanshan was surprised.

   "Miss—" There was a movement in his eyes.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled again and looked away from Zhao Shanshan.

   "Mr. Li is not a simple person. It is a blessing for you to learn from him. How much you can learn depends on you."

   "At that time, if you can't manage Anyang County's business well, don't blame me for changing people." Having said that, Lin Xiaoyue looked at Zhao Shanshan again.

  There are also many people in the Chiwu Army who are good at management.

   In fact, he has more experience and stronger ability than Zhao Shanshan.

   But she prefers Zhao Shanshan.

   In addition to Zhao Shanshan being from Liu Zhai, she also wanted to help her because she admired the girl's temperament.

   "Yes, miss! Shanshan must try her best!" Zhao Shanshan hurriedly saluted Lin Xiaoyue.

   She knew that the lady was partial to her.

   She was lucky enough to meet a young lady in her life.

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled and didn't look at Zhao Shanshan again.

   picked up the carriage curtain and looked towards the roadside.

  The wild, spring-like atmosphere is really beautiful.

   Suddenly, not far ahead, a staggering figure in the middle of the road caught Lin Xiaoyue's eyes.

   With a frown, Zhao Qiang stopped the carriage.

   "Where did the drunken lunatic come from? Go away!" Zhao Qiang scolded.

  Although he didn't see the person in front of him, Zhao Qiang had already guessed the person's identity.

   And Lin Xiaoyue and Zhao Shanshan on the carriage actually knew this person.

   That's right, the man in front of him who was very drunk with a jug and staggered with a cane was the Lin Yuanshan who had half his leg amputated.

   Since being sent back from Huichuntang, Lin Yuanshan has been recuperating at home until recently.

   learned that Xiao Qing and Li Huaiyu had both passed the county exam. Especially after Xiao Qing won the first place in the county test, Lin Yuanshan's mood was not uncomplicated.

   But he still adjusted his mentality, took an ox cart to Qingshi Town, and was going to ask at the academy in the town, and wanted to be a master.

   The final result is, of course, a series of wall-to-wall encounters.

   In fact, this result is not difficult to imagine.

   Qingshi Town has a lot of academies and private schools, some small Mongolian schools, and even only recruit students who are ready to open Mongolian, but they also have requirements for their masters.

  The minimum requirement is naturally to be admitted to Tongsheng.

  Lin Yuanshan thinks very highly of himself and thinks that if he ends up this year, he will definitely be a child, but in the end it is only if.

   If he has never been hit by Tongsheng, he just cannot reach the threshold.

   Moreover, he also had half of his leg amputated, making it difficult to walk.

  The academy and the private school felt that accepting him would affect their own image, so they rejected him one after another.

  Lin Yuanshan was sent out the door in disgrace, and he was hanging out on the street.

   Then, I walked to Qingyun Street unknowingly, and met my former classmate.

  Si people are as old as before, high-spirited, only themselves, down and down.

   Listening to his classmates discussing the current situation of Qingyun Academy, praising Xiao Qing, Li Huaiyu and others, and discussing schoolwork afterwards, he found that he couldn't get in a word.

   Even, no one will give him a look, he seems to be a forgotten existence in the corner.

   This feeling made him feel suffocated.

   Once upon a time, Lin Yuanshan was also a leader among his students, and many people would ask him about his schoolwork.

   But now...

After   , the classmates checked out and left.

   He was the last to leave.

   Looking at the backs of them leaving, I felt that my previous life had become a dream of a previous life.

  A dream that can no longer be touched...

   Later, he did not know how he left.

   When he woke up again, he was at the entrance of the tavern.

   Then he spent all his copper coins, bought a jug of wine, and walked out of the city.

   After leaving the city, he cried while drinking.

   I cried very depressed at first, then cried and laughed again, like a madman.

   He Lin Yuanshan has actually fallen to such a level...

   Hearing the scolding from the people behind him, Lin Yuanshan was extremely numb.

   Without turning his head, he dropped the wine jar in his hand and simply lay down on the ground.

   "Hmph, kind of crushed me to death..." Then he said something drunk.

   Zhao Qiang was almost blown up.

   This lame man is really crazy?

  Lin Xiaoyue frowned.

   "Go around." He said before Zhao Qiang spoke.

   Lin Yuanshan, who was lying on the ground, was shocked when he heard the sound.

   Immediately, the soft upper body actually sat up with support.

   After seeing that the person on the carriage was really Lin Xiaoyue, there was a flash of shame and anger in his eyes, and he quickly looked away.

   Then, the mood in his eyes changed quickly, and he looked back at Lin Xiaoyue.

   "Lin - Lin Dongjia." Then, he stuttered and shouted.

  Lin Xiaoyue frowned.

   ignored Lin Yuanshan, but looked at Zhao Qiang.

   Zhao Qiang understood and hurried to the side.

  Lin Yuanshan was in a hurry and put his hands on the ground, but he moved and followed.

   forced Zhao Qiang to rein in the reins.

   "You want to court death?!" Staring at Lin Yuanshan unhappily, Zhao Qiang's tone was very bad.

  This **** is really dying? Not afraid of being trampled to death by horse hooves?

   Lin Yuanshan ignored Zhao Qiang and looked at Lin Xiaoyue instead.

   "Lin - Dong's family, can - can you listen to me?" Lin Yuanshan said with a pleading expression.

   Yes, pleading, even with a touch of humility.

   He now understands, thirty years Hedong, thirty years Hexi.

   He was no longer the Lin Yuanshan who used to be the most favored of the Lin family and the book businessman. But a **** with a crippled leg and a ruined future.

   And his niece is no longer the stupid girl who could be bullied by anyone, but has become a figure who can stir up the situation in Qingshi Town and even Nan'an County.

   This is really, life is like a dream...

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Lin Yuanshan impatiently.

   "What do you want to say?" he said.

   It's not that she wants to stop and listen to him, but that she doesn't want to continue to confront this drunken lunatic on the road.

   If he can stop blocking them after he finishes talking nonsense, then she can listen to his nonsense.

   When Lin Yuanshan heard this, his face was filled with joy.

   Immediately, the happy look on his face quickly disappeared.

   Then, a good change.

   "Lin - Lin Dong's family, what happened in the past is - our Lin family is sorry for you." Finally, Lin Yuanshan spoke up.

   When he spoke, he buried his head low, as if he was really repenting.

   saw Lin Xiaoyue frown again.

   "But now... we can also count as retribution..."

   "The Lin family is separated, the orchid is dead, my leg... lame... woo woo..." Having said this, Lin Yuanshan sobbed.

  But the three people in the carriage did not have the slightest sympathy after hearing this.

What    is thinking about is, what the **** is this drunk madman trying to say and how long it will take to finish it.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Lin Yuanshan indifferently and didn't answer.

   Lin Yuanshan cried for a while, and found that Lin Xiaoyue ignored her, and her heart became more and more sad.

   Seeing that, Lin Xiaoyue appeared to be about to run out of patience, and she didn't care about anything, and fell to the ground all of a sudden.

   "Lin Dong's family, because we belong to the same lineage of the Lin family. Please, help me..." Then, he expressed his plea.

  Lin Xiaoyue frowned again.

   "The Lin family has nothing to do with me for a long time, you have found the wrong person." Shen said.

   "No, Lin Dong's family! Your surname is still Lin, and it is always the Lin family. We—we are sorry for you. But the third brother, the third brother did not forgive you!"

   "If the third brother is still there, I don't want you and the Lin family to make trouble like this."

   "Lin Dongjia, please. You should give third brother a face and give me a way to survive." Lin Yuanshan even kowtowed to Lin Xiaoyue.

   tapped his forehead down to the ground, the sound was not small.

  Lin Xiaoyue had a gloomy expression on her face.

   "It's too embarrassing to mention my father."

   "If it wasn't for your Lin family, my father wouldn't have died."

   The indifferent voice made Lin Yuanshan tremble.

   He could only continue to kowtow without daring to raise his head at all.

   "As for you asking me to give you a way to live?"

  Lin Xiaoyue looked at Lin Yuanshan in disgust.

   "Although I hate your Lin family, I haven't taken the initiative to attack you, right? Why do you want me to give you a way out?"

   "But, the academies and private schools in the town didn't accept me, my legs, woo... They disliked me for being lame..." Lin Yuanshan finally stopped kowtowing, raised his head, and looked at Lin Xiaoyue with cloudy eyes.

"Lin Dongjia, please. I beg you, please let me go to work in your workshop, or go to a fast food shop! I can keep accounts, and can be the accountant. I can also help you. Take care of the business!" Speaking of this, Lin Yuanshan's eyes were full of anticipation.

   As soon as these words came out, the three people in the car had different expressions.

   I really want to be beautiful...

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled contemptuously.

   "The accountant in my workshop must be my own person. In addition to having several years of experience, he must also be a servant who has signed a death deed. Only in this way can I use it with peace of mind."

   "I can't see which one you fit."

  Lin Yuanshan's complexion changed.

   "I, I am your fifth uncle... We are our own family, I will not harm you." He said quickly.

   Lin Xiaoyue laughed again when she heard it.

   "What fifth uncle? Could it be that Mr. Lin has misremembered?"

   "It won't hurt me yet. Did your Lin family persecute us less before?!" Having said this, Lin Xiaoyue raised her voice a little higher.

   Hearing that, Lin Yuanshan's body couldn't help trembling again.

   Zhao Shanshan reached out and pulled Lin Xiaoyue, which made Lin Xiaoyue quickly calm down.

  Lin Xiaoyue gave Zhao Shanshan a look, and then looked at Lin Yuanshan again.

   said calmly: "Those who are sensible, get out of the middle of the road. Otherwise, this time, it won't be as simple as breaking a leg."

The tone of    is really peaceful, but the yin coolness in it makes people shudder.

  Lin Yuanshan subconsciously wanted to move his body, but there was some anger in his heart, and Lin Xiaoyue completely ignored her, an elder, and begged her so lowly.

  As a result, he closed his eyes and lay down again.

   said nothing, as if he didn't believe that Lin Xiaoyue dared to let Zhao Qiang drive his horse and trample him to death.

   (end of this chapter)

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