MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 439 439 Concubine Shu Enters Beijing

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   Chapter 439 439 Concubine Shu Enters Beijing

  With his mother and concubine there, he would definitely not be alone.

   The imperial concubine looked at her son who was beaming with joy, and sighed in her heart.

   Immediately, he quickly suppressed his thoughts and asked, "Are there two more conditions?"

   King Anyang also put away his emotions.

   "The second condition is that my father wants me to continue to implement the Sutra of Arithmetic after I take the throne. And to increase the influence of Sutra of Arithmetic, three years later, Sutra of Arithmetic will be included in the imperial examination."

   The imperial concubine was taken aback.

   was a little surprised by this condition.

   King Anyang smiled and explained: "My father wants to take advantage of this dying moment to leave a good reputation for himself above the history."

   "He attached great importance to the Book of Arithmetic, and believed that the book was not only useful to the people of Dayan, but could even benefit all people in the world."

   Regarding the grievances between the father and the national teacher, he knew it was fine. On the mother's side, he was not prepared to say much.

   After listening, the imperial concubine nodded.

   "It's understandable." He said.

  The emperor has been on the throne for many years, and it is true that there is no merit. On the contrary, he also ceded the land and paid indemnity, which made Dayan lose his territory.

   Now that I'm dying, it's understandable that I want to earn some fame for myself.

   "Well. So, this son has already promised the father and emperor." King Anyang said with a smile.

   Concubine Anyang glanced at King Anyang, "What about the third condition?" He continued to ask.

   As a result, the smile on King Anyang's face disappeared as soon as he asked the question.

   When the imperial concubine saw this, her heart tensed.

   "Speak quickly." Then he urged.

   King Anyang carefully glanced at his mother-in-law, and then hesitantly opened his mouth.

   "The third condition, the father put forward, wants to see the concubine Shu before her death."

   Concubine's face stiffened, and her hands subconsciously pinched.

   Then he actually laughed and let go of his hand.

   "See Concubine Shu?" asked King Anyang with a smile.

   King Anyang was a little worried when he saw the appearance of the imperial concubine.

   "Hmm." But he still nodded.

   "My father said that he had found out that Concubine Shu had left the palace, and it was your help."

   Concubine froze again.

   "But the royal father didn't blame you."

   "Also, Yucai people poisoned the father--" King Anyang glanced at the imperial concubine.

   Seeing the imperial concubine's body tense up a little, the King of Anyang said: "My son thinks that the royal father may also know who is behind it."

   "There is also Mrs. Zhang, the royal father already knew that she was arranged by the son-in-law."

   The imperial concubine was already pale at this time.

   King Anyang smiled.

   "But the royal father doesn't care anymore. He just wants to see Concubine Shu now."

   Thinking of this, King Anyang actually admired his father.

  For Dayan, he forgave the national teacher who betrayed him, the mother and concubine who poisoned him, and his unfilial son.

   The imperial concubine seemed to have breathed out of her suffocation in an instant.

   "Then you promised him?" asked King Anyang.

   King Anyang shook his head.


   "There is a feud between the father and the Nangong family. If Li Xiao and Concubine Shu do not agree, my son will not be able to decide for them."

   When the imperial concubine heard this, her complexion recovered a little.

   "Indeed, you cannot do without the support of the Nangong family." He said.

  Humph, deep love?

  Who will show the deep love?

   She loved Concubine Shu so much, not only did she destroy Concubine Shu's family, she even killed her own son.

   If she were Concubine Shu, she would not choose to forgive.

  Thinking like this, the imperial concubine did not hate her, but rather hoped that Concubine Shu would go to see Emperor Yan.

   Borrowing Concubine Shu's hand to make that man suffer even more.

  Thinking of this, the imperial concubine quickly came up with a plan.

   "I'll write a letter here, and you will send it to Qingshi Town quickly to Concubine Shu. Make sure to bring Concubine Shu to Kyoto." Then he said.

   King Anyang was taken aback.

   There was a smile on the face of the imperial concubine.

   "Since the three conditions have been met, the emperor agreed to take the initiative to abdicate. Why take the risk and add more slaughter."

   said, the imperial concubine reached out and grabbed the hand of King Anyang.

   "The mother and concubine also hope that the emperor's throne will be justified."

   King Anyang was moved.

   "My son, thank the concubine!"

   The imperial concubine smiled, and then got up to write a letter.

   After a quarter of an hour, King Anyang got the letter and left the imperial concubine's bedroom.

   Back at the mansion outside the palace, he talked to Li Xiao.

  Li Xiao looked gloomy when he heard the words of King Anyang.

   "This king knows that this matter makes Brother Li embarrassed."

   "But Concubine Shu is the emperor's concubine, and there are nine younger brothers between them."

   "Now the father's body, I am afraid that there is not much time left. Let them meet, maybe they will have less regrets."

   King Anyang looked at Li Xiao.

   "This king suggested that we should ask Concubine Shu's opinion on this matter."

  Li Xiao raised his head and looked back at King Anyang.

  I wanted to say no, but when the words came to my lips, I kept my mouth shut.

   Immediately, he nodded.

   King Anyang was overjoyed.

   stepped forward and patted Li Xiao on the shoulder.

   "This king will send a letter back to Qingshi Town." After that, he went to make arrangements.

  Li Xiao frowned.

   Looking at the back of King Anyang leaving, he sighed in his heart.

  I don't know if my choice is correct.

   Sister, will you go to Beijing?

   In the next few days, Lin Xiaoyue began to frequently go to the Ministry of Rites because of the errands.

  The officials of the Ministry of Rites had some resistance to the county head at first.

   But after several contacts, I saw Lin Xiaoyue's ability to handle affairs, and she was quickly accepted.

   And Li Xiao, because King Anyang entered the palace to serve illness, he didn't have to accompany King Anyang, and he had a lot of free time.

   Finally, I can go to the National Teacher's House from time to time to accompany my daughter-in-law.

   Another eight days in the blink of an eye.

  Li Wan arrived in Kyoto.

  The Palace of the First Prince.

   As soon as Li Wan arrived at the gate of the mansion, King Anyang brought Lin Xiaoyue and Li Xiao to greet her.

   "It's been hard work all the way, go to the palace to rest." King Anyang stepped forward and bowed to Li Wan.

  Because of Li Wan's special status now, she didn't call Li Wan "Concubine Shu".

   "There is work." Concubine Shu replied and got off the carriage.

   When he looked at Li Xiao, he dodged for a moment.

   She knew that Adi didn't want her to go to Beijing.

   But she still came.

  Not only to see Emperor Yan again, but to make a conclusion.

   is also for the overall situation, as well as the Nangong family.

   Entering the mansion, Lin Xiaoyue took the initiative to accompany Li Wan to another courtyard.

   Then help Li Wan arrange and discuss matters.

   Stepping back to the old place, Li Wan was originally in a state of confusion. Seeing that my sister-in-law was busy with herself, she suddenly calmed down a lot.

   "The soup is ready, sister, let's take a bath first." Lin Xiaoyue came over with a smile.

   "After taking a bath, eat something, and then have a good night's sleep, you will soon be able to restore your spirits."

  The ancient means of transportation were underdeveloped, and it was hard to bear the long journey.

   has experienced it a few times, and she can be considered experienced.

   "Well. Thank you very much." Li Wan replied.

   "Oh, what's the hard work? It's hard work for my sister to come all the way." Lin Xiaoyue replied with a smile.

   went forward and pulled Li Wan, and led Li Wan into the room.

   "Sister, since everyone is here, don't think about anything. Don't worry about Li Xiao, just go according to your own mind." Lin Xiaoyue comforted.

   Li Wan turned her head and glanced at Lin Xiaoyue.

   I was a little moved by my sister-in-law's kindness.

   "Hmm. I know."

   sent Li Wan to take a bath, and Lin Xiaoyue left to arrange for someone to prepare meals.

   At this moment, Li Xiao finally came to Li Wan's yard.

   was standing outside the courtyard and did not enter the door.

  Lin Xiaoyue just went out to see Li Xiao, and she was a little angry when she saw the appearance of her husband.

   walked towards Li Xiao.

   "Sister, how is it?" Li Xiao asked first.

  Lin Xiaoyue looked back at Li Wan's room, then turned her head back and looked at her husband unhappy.

   "I'm a power user, and I can't bear to ride in a carriage for a long time. What do you think?"

   Hearing this, Li Xiao looked a little nervous.


   "Don't worry, I have already arranged a fragrant soup. Now my sister is taking a bath."

   "After she's finished bathing, eat something and let her rest for a while. After a good night's sleep, she can recover a lot."

  Li Xiao was relieved when he heard this.

  Lin Xiaoyue sighed in her heart, reached out and grabbed Li Xiao's hand, and led him out.

   "My sister is here, not only will she suffer physically, but she will definitely feel uncomfortable in her heart. Don't put any more pressure on her."

  Li Xiao's heart sank, but he didn't answer.

  Lin Xiaoyue stopped when she saw this.

   turned around and looked at Li Xiao unhappily.

   "Are you still blaming my sister?"

  Li Xiao was silent.


   Well, there is. After all, the Nangong family was destroyed in the hands of Emperor Yan, and Emperor Yan's hands were stained with too much blood from the Nangong family.

  My sister knew all this, but at this time, she still chose to come to Kyoto.

   He couldn't understand.

  Lin Xiaoyue shook off Li Xiao's hand angrily.

  Li Xiao panicked, and hurried to pull Lin Xiaoyue's hand, but was avoided by Lin Xiaoyue.

   "You are sister's younger brother, and you've been with her for longer than me."

   "Even I know what kind of person A-jie is, but you don't understand her." said with some annoyance.

  Li Xiao was taken aback.

  Lin Xiaoyue glanced at Li Xiao angrily again.

   "The imperial concubine wrote the letter in person, and the lord personally sent someone to pick it up. If the elder sister doesn't come, the lord will not be able to make a big deal. At that time, how should we deal with ourselves in front of the lord?"

  From the moment they took refuge with King Anyang, they were tied to King Anyang.

   Now, King Anyang relies on them a lot, so naturally he won't say anything. But when King Anyang succeeds to the throne, the situation will be different.

   At that time, King Anyang is in an absolute high position, will he settle accounts with them after the autumn?

   Therefore, whether my sister will go to Beijing or not, there is no choice at all.

   She also believed that her sister went to Beijing not to complete Emperor Yan. More, definitely for them and the Nangong family.

  Li Xiao was taken aback.

   "But the lord said—"

   "Do you believe it?" Lin Xiaoyue interrupted Li Xiao directly.

  Li Xiao was silent.

   Lin Xiaoyue raised a sarcastic smile upon seeing this.

   "You don't believe it either. But you deliberately ignored it.

   Seeing Li Xiao's face froze, Lin Xiaoyue sighed.

   "Think about it. It was Emperor Yan who did the wrong thing, not your sister."

   "You're not the only one who hates the Nangong family."

   "To put it badly, you just lost your relatives. Sister, not only lost those relatives, but also lost her husband, and suffered the most cruel betrayal. The suffering in her heart will only be worse than yours."

After    finished speaking, Lin Xiaoyue didn't look at Li Xiao anymore, and turned back to Li Wan's yard.

  Li Xiao didn't go after him, but stood there and recalled Lin Xiaoyue's words.

   Feel the dull pain in the heart.

   Palace, Shuanghua Palace.

   Hearing King Anyang's report, Emperor Yan, who was unable to lie down on the collapsed, suddenly sat up excitedly.

   "She's in Beijing? Where is she? Bring her to see me!"

  Emperor Yan said, and immediately raised his hand to touch his hair, as if arranging his appearance, for fear that he would scare Concubine Shu like this.

   King Anyang looked surprised when he saw this.

   hurried forward to support Emperor Yan.

   "Father, don't worry. Concubine Shu has been running all the way, and it's been very hard work. Now she is living in the mansion outside the Erchen Palace for the time being."

   "Oh—" Emperor Yan's face stiffened, and he replied in a lost voice.

   Immediately seemed to remember something and muttered, "Yes, Anyang County is thousands of miles away from Kyoto, and she is afraid that she will not be able to bear it."

   "Then, did she say, when will she come to see me?" Emperor Yan suddenly raised his head and looked at King Anyang.

   The expectation in his eyes made King Anyang feel a little sad.

  A generation of emperors, wanting to see someone, actually needs the consent of the other party, or even charity...

  Yes, although he really didn't want to use this word, the look in his father's eyes only reminded him of this word.

   "Father, don't worry, since Concubine Shu agreed to come to the capital, she must be willing to see you. When the son goes back, he will go to her and bring her into the palace to see you." Thinking of this, King Anyang quickly said to Emperor Yan.

  Emperor Yan smiled and waved his hand.

   "Hey, no hurry-"

   "When she was in love before, she suffered from the root of the disease. I am afraid that it will not be relieved for a while."

   "Let her rest more. When she rests, you will bring her into the palace. I will wait for her in this Shuanghua Palace."

   King Anyang was astonished when he saw his father's face with a smile and his spirit recovered instantly.

   Not only was he surprised, Mr. Zhang was also shocked.

   She knew that the emperor was deeply in love with Concubine Shu. Otherwise, Yucai and her would not be favored by the emperor.

   Even if the emperor knew she was not Concubine Shu, and was arranged by the concubine to be by his side, he still treated her very well.

   Just because he could see Concubine Shu through her.

   Now, she can really see the emperor's love for Concubine Shu.

   He was sluggish a moment ago, and he was about to die.

   A moment later, he sat up excitedly because he got the news that Concubine Shu was coming to Beijing.

   Also, despite being tortured by poison and drug addiction, the emperor still insisted.

   Just because he was waiting for Concubine Shu, and Concubine Shu hadn't come yet.

   Seeing Emperor Yan like this, King Anyang looked complicated.

   "Yes!" Immediately, he bowed to Emperor Yan.

   After thinking about it, Emperor Yan looked at King Anyang again.

   "By the way, before taking Concubine Shu into the palace, one day in advance—oh no, two hours later, send someone over to send me a message."

   King Anyang was taken aback.

   "Yes!" Then he saluted Emperor Yan again.

   Emperor Yan then lay back on the slump.

   asked about Concubine Shu on the road and in the palace of Anyang.

   After learning that Concubine Shu was well and was well taken care of in the Anyang palace, Emperor Yan was relieved.

   "Okay, after I go back, let someone take good care of Concubine Shu. I'll take a while." Emperor Yan finally said.

   "Yes. My son retire." King Anyang then left.

   Before leaving, he gave Zhang a special look and told Zhang to take good care of Emperor Yan.

   Mrs. Zhang was blessed.

   (end of this chapter)

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