MTL - Hot Farmer’s Wife: Buying a Husband for the Farm-Chapter 440 440 see the last face

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   Chapter 440 440 See the last side

   King Anyang didn't know, but after the Emperor Yan woke up at night, he started to get busy.

   urged people to bathe and change clothes for themselves, tidy up their appearance, and let people clean up the top and bottom of the Shuanghua Palace.

   At this time, in the First Prince's Mansion, Lin Xiaoyue was accompanying Li Wan to dinner with a smile on her face.

   "Before leaving, I handed over the matter of the industrial park to Director Fang. The handover was in a hurry, and I don't know if his work is going well now."

  Lin Xiaoyue smiled.

   "I'm very relieved about Director Fang's ability to work."

   "Even if it doesn't go well at first, it will soon be straightened out."

   "Sister, you've come to Kyoto, so don't worry about Qingshi Town. Rest well and keep your spirits up."

  Li Wan smiled and nodded.

   "I slept all afternoon, and I feel much better. I don't know if I will be able to fall asleep later."

   "Hehe, sure it's fine."

   "You can't make up for it in a few hours after tossing around on the road for so long."

   "Sister at night and sleep as usual, and you will be in good spirits when you wake up tomorrow."

   Li Wan nodded again.

   Picked up the vegetables to eat.

   After dinner, the two chatted for a while.

  Lin Xiaoyue was about to leave when the King of Anyang came.

   Knowing that King Anyang and Li Wan have important discussions, Lin Xiaoyue said goodbye to King Anyang, and then said goodbye.

  Li Wan invited King Anyang to take a seat.

   "If the lord has something to say, just say it directly." Then he smiled and said to the lord of Anyang.

   An embarrassment flashed across King Anyang's face, and Chong Li Wan cupped his hands.

   "Concubine Shu-"

  Unexpectedly, after shouting these four words, Li Wan reached out to stop him.

   "Your Highness, please call me Mrs Li." Concubine Shu? From the moment she left the palace, there was no Concubine Shu in this world.

   Now she is Li Wan, the elder sister of Li Xiao, the son-in-law of the Liu family in Dashi Village.

   King Anyang was startled.

   "Aunt Li—" Immediately, she changed her name.

   Li Wan was taken aback. There is some funny in my heart.

   The man who called his brother brother, came to her and called her aunt.

   Well, who made her his nominal elder?

   "Yeah." So Li Wan nodded.

   King Anyang saw this and felt a little more at ease.

   "Aunt Li, on the father's side—"

   Li Wan's expression darkened instantly, and King Anyang stopped talking.

   After a long while, Li Wan spoke.

   "I can go see him. But I also have conditions."

   King Anyang looked happy.

   "Aunt Li, but it doesn't matter." He said quickly.

   Li Wan looked at King Anyang.

   "I don't care what Li Xiao and the others agreed with the prince."

   "This trip to Beijing is only for the Nangong family."

   King Anyang's heart sank.

   "The emperor wants to see me, that's ok. Then ask the prince to tell the emperor that if he can commit a crime, he will return the innocence to my Nangong family. I will see him." Li Wan said solemnly.

  Yes, this is the biggest reason for her trip to Beijing.

   Even if King Anyang succeeds the throne smoothly, the Nangong family wants Zhaoxue, but it is not so easy.

   After all, overturning the judgment of the previous emperor would damage the reputation of the new emperor.

  The big event has been decided by then. If the new prince really doesn't give the Nangong family Zhaoxue, what can they do?

   Rather than that, she might as well count on the current emperor.

  Emperor Yan felt ashamed of her and wanted to atone for her before he died, so he used his own edict to atone for it.

   In this way, she can still look at the Nangong family's face, and finally see him.

   King Anyang was surprised.

   "This—" The expression on his face was hesitant.

  The father and the emperor are dying, and before dying, they have to promote the Sutra of Arithmetic, just to leave a good reputation for themselves.

   Now let him commit his own sins, will he agree?

   However, despite such concerns, King Anyang quite supported Concubine Shu's request.

  Because, if his father, the emperor, does not commit the crime, then the Nangong family will be innocent.

   In the future, he will become emperor. If he wants to give the Nangong family Zhaoxue, he will have to overturn his father's judgment. This will have a big impact on him.

   Compared with the embarrassment at that time, it is better to let the emperor sacrifice now.

   Besides, the matter of the Nangong family was originally brewed by the father.

   If he didn't lift it by himself, even if he met Concubine Shu, the result would not be pleasant.

   Thinking of this, King Anyang gave Concubine Shu a fist again.

   "Okay, this king will enter the palace to meet the royal father."

   Concubine Shu glanced at King Anyang, then nodded.

   "Retire." King Anyang stood up and saluted.

   left immediately.

   Palace, Shuanghua Palace.

  Emperor Yan had already washed and rested, but when he heard that King Anyang had entered the palace, he quickly sat up from the bed.

   As a result, seeing that only King Anyang came, his eyes that were full of hope suddenly lost their expression.

   Leaning on the pillow, Emperor Yan looked at the king of Anyang who was standing not far away under the bed.

   "What's the matter?" asked with some tiredness.

   King Anyang hurriedly bowed and saluted.

   "After my son returned to the mansion, he went to see Concubine Shu."

   Emperor Yan's complexion instantly tightened.

   "Niangniang promised to accompany her ministers into the palace to see the emperor, but—"

   "What?!" Emperor Yan asked immediately.

   A struggle flashed across King Anyang's face.

   "Yes, Concubine Shu has made a condition." He said.

   "What conditions?" Emperor Yan squeezed the quilt covering him tightly with one hand.

   King Anyang raised his head and looked cautiously at Emperor Yan.

   "My Lady proposes—"

  Heavy heart, "Proposed to let the father and the emperor commit the crime and relieve the Nangong family of the crime."

  Emperor Yan's heart sank in an instant, his body seemed to have lost his strength, and he fell weakly on the pillow.

   Then, he gasped violently.

   "Father—" King Anyang saw this and hurriedly went to help Emperor Yan.

   Mr. Zhang, who was beside him, also stepped forward.

  But just as he was about to touch Emperor Yan, Emperor Yan reached out to stop Zhang's touch.

  Emperor Yan looked straight at Mrs. Zhang, as if seeing Concubine Shu through her.

   His eyes were filled with pain and love...

   Mrs Zhang was stunned on the spot, and could only watch King Anyang give Emperor Yan a good mood.

   After a while, Emperor Yan felt more comfortable, and was placed back on the pillow by King Anyang again.

   "Father—" King Anyang looked worried.

   "I'm fine." Emperor Yan replied with a breath.

   Immediately, he looked at King Anyang.

   "Do you think I should issue this edict?" he asked.

   King Anyang froze.

   Then, Emperor Yan smiled.

   "Then get down."

   "Just be me, be a good father and emperor once."

   King Anyang's expression changed.

   "Father Emperor—" His eyes were a little red for a moment.

  Emperor Yan smiled, "Go ahead. Bring Wanyue to see me tomorrow morning, I miss her..." He said.

   Taking a closer look, you can see tears in Emperor Yan's eyes.

   King Anyang was shocked.

   "Yes." He responded.

   Immediately, he left the Shuanghua Palace.

   On the way out of the palace, I couldn't help but keep thinking about Emperor Yan's eyes and the words he said.

   He never thought that his father would so easily agree to commit his own decree, and he was even ready for his father's rejection.

  I didn't expect that the royal father agreed, and it was so simple.

   The father, the emperor, who he regarded as a god, actually cried. Said...he missed Wanyue.

   Wanyue, Nangong Wanyue. How many people in the palace still remember Concubine Shu's boudoir name...

   The next day.

   Early in the morning, King Anyang personally led people to wait outside Li Wan's courtyard.

   The King of Anyang only asked to see Li Wan when he got up.

After    Daoming's situation, Li Wan didn't wash up again, so dressed in folk costumes and got on the sedan chair prepared by King Anyang.

   Palace, Shuanghua Palace.

   When Li Wan entered the door, she met Mrs. Zhang directly.

   Mrs. Zhang was surprised when she saw the real person Li Wan for the first time.

   She and Concubine Shu are actually quite similar, not only in appearance, but even in expressions.

   But at a glance, she knew that she could not fully imitate Concubine Shu's charm.

   Concubine Shu is noble and proud.

   Her demeanor is natural. It was not something she, a folk girl from a poor background, could learn.

   Compared to Concubine Shu, her only advantage is that she is young.

  Yes, Concubine Shu is older than her by ten years.

  Unfortunately, neither the emperor nor the prince cares about this.

   Without Concubine Shu, she is nothing...

  Li Wan was also a little surprised to see Mrs Zhang.

   Immediately, he just glanced at King Anyang and entered the palace.

  In the palace, this method is all too common.

  In the palace, because the windows are closed, it is not bright.

  Li Wan entered the hall alone.

The decorations in the    hall are the same as before, and even... it seems to be exactly the same as before she left.

   Stepping into this place again, she really felt like she was in a different world.

   "Come back?" Suddenly, a voice came from the hall.

  Li Wan's body subconsciously shook.

   When he looked back, he saw Emperor Yan in a dragon robe standing not far from him.

   At this time, although Emperor Yan had gray hair, he seemed to be in good spirits.

   But even so, at this moment, compared with before Li Wan left the palace, the changes were not small.


   Seeing Concubine Shu staring at him, an unnatural look flashed on Emperor Yan's face.

   Still haven't packed up yet? In order to make himself appear more energetic, he even took Huiguang Pill, only to have no regrets on the last side.

   Or...have you been disliked?

   Thinking of the age difference between himself and Concubine Shu, Emperor Yan felt a little stinging in his heart, and was a little afraid that he would be disliked.

   "I have seen the emperor." At this moment, Li Wan was blessed and bowed to Emperor Yan.

  Emperor Yan immediately returned to his senses, hurried forward, and personally helped Li Wan up.

   "Don't be too polite, just come back."

   "Follow me." Immediately, he dragged Li Wan towards the inner hall.

  Li Wan did not refuse.

   arrived at the inner hall.

  Li Wan only discovered that there were a lot of gadgets in the inner hall.

   And they were all the gadgets she had come into contact with in the past with Emperor Yan.

   "Remember this doll?" Emperor Yan picked up a doll and showed it to Li Wan.

   "This is what I came out of the palace in a small dress, and you gave it to me when I saw you for the first time."

   "Thanks to you, I got rid of the thief's pursuit that time."

  Li Wan looked at the puppet and reached out to take it.

   "I thought that the emperor had already lost it." He said with some memories.

   The first time I saw the emperor, when she was just getting old.

   He slipped out of the Great General's palace because of his playfulness, and was almost abducted by Paihuazi.

  It was the emperor who saved her.

   Of course, she also helped him afterwards.

   So far, she has written down the uncle.

   "How could it be lost?!"

   "Little Fairy is my savior, and I have been sending people to look for your whereabouts since then, wanting to repay my kindness." Yan Di smiled.

   recalled that fun time.

   "Unfortunately, I never thought that the little fairy would enter the palace and become my concubine."

   The daughter of the Nangong family was named a concubine in order to stabilize the court.

   In the end, he discovered that the little fairy he had been talking about was actually Nangong Wanyue.

   At that time, he was both happy and a little worried.

  Happy, I finally found a benefactor.

   Worry is because of her identity.

   The Nangong battle was so powerful that he had to guard against it.

  Li Wan glanced at Emperor Yan but said nothing.

After entering the palace, she was also surprised to see him. More emotions are surprises.

   At that time, she entered the palace for the Nangong family, thinking that this was the case in her whole life.

   Unexpectedly, she saw the hero uncle she had always missed.

   Moreover, the person who thought about it day and night became her husband.

   At that time, she also thanked God and felt very lucky.


   "Look at this—" Emperor Yan quickly picked up the next item.

   "This is when I was sick..."

   Emperor Yan took Li Wan to watch a lot of things, all of which were sweet memories that belonged to them in the past.

   At this time, Emperor Yan was still like an emperor, just a man who wanted to please his beloved.

  Li Wan looked at them one by one, and occasionally reached out to touch them, but the expression on her face was always relatively flat, without any waves.

   "This jade pendant." Suddenly, Emperor Yan stopped in front of a jade pendant.

   Then, reached out and picked up the jade pendant.

  Li Wan noticed that the word "love" was engraved on the jade pendant.

   "This was engraved by myself before Qing'er was born." Looking at the jade pendant in his hand, Emperor Yan looked ashamed.

   Like Concubine Shu, he was looking forward to the birth of Qing Er.

  The difference is that he expects a princess, while Concubine Shu doesn't care about gender.

   Then the child was born, but it was not a princess, but a prince.

   Even so, he named Qinger Murongqing. In order to express his affection for Concubine Shu.


   He didn't make a good father...

   Li Wan finally frowned.

  Since seeing Emperor Yan, she has been controlling her emotions very well, even suppressing her emotions so that she doesn't hate him.

   But now, he actually mentioned his son.

   How could he have the face to mention their son? !

   Suddenly, Emperor Yan took Li Wan's hand and put the jade pendant in Li Wan's hand.

   "I couldn't give it away before, now I give you this jade pendant, and you hand it over to Qing'er for me."

  Li Wan pulled her hand back.

   "Since it wasn't delivered before, that's fine. Besides, I don't know where Qing'er is now." He said coldly.

   Emperor Yan's complexion changed slightly.

   "Why do you deliberately provoke me?" he said.

  Li Wan finally looked at Emperor Yan again, but her expression was indifferent.

   "What does the emperor mean by this?"

   Seeing Li Wan's expression, Emperor Yan's expression softened again.

   "I know that Qing'er is also in Anyang County, as well as your younger brother Nangong Xiao." Then he said.

  Li Wan immediately looked at Emperor Yan with vigilance in her eyes.

  Emperor Yan laughed.

   "Hehe, that's true."

   Li Wan frowned.

   "Don't worry. I won't do anything. Besides, I can't do anything to them right now."

   Emperor Yan said, and stretched out his hand to pull Li Wan.

   "Wan Yue... I'm running out of time..."

  Li Wan wanted to pull her hand back, but when she heard this, she paused.

   Emperor Yan saw this, and a smile rose again on his face.

   then pulled Li Wan and went to sit down on the side of the imperial concubine.

   (end of this chapter)

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