MTL - House Witch-Chapter 547 546. Paintings

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   Chapter 547 546. Paintings

   "Let's go, we should go to the next stop."

  After being reminded by Senior Sister Fanny, after she almost figured out what was going on with the sun **** divinity in her body, Dorothy shook her head, not paying too much attention to it.

   This is always a good thing, after all, the strength has increased a little.

  As for the price of the power of the sun god, it is nothing more than that if she wants to enhance the divinity of the sun god, she needs to work hard to "repay the loan" in the future, that is, to fulfill the ambition she said she made.

   If there is no light in the world, then she will turn into the sun to illuminate everything.

   When she actually does that, she will cease to be a demigod and become directly the sun **** of the new witch world.

   However, the nerd witch didn't care much about it either.

  Divine positions may be a great temptation to other mortals, but to her, they are just dispensable things.

  Besides, her previous vows were not for the position of the sun god, it was simply what she thought.

  Regardless of having the divinity of the sun **** as a reward, she will still work hard towards that goal.

   It wasn't for any reward, it was simply because she wanted to do it, and she did it if she wanted to.

   Taking a last look at the valley that had turned into a sea of ​​flames, Dorothy turned around and headed for the next destination.

  In her body, the divinity of the sun god, which was already very thin, was strengthened to a certain extent because the evil valley that was originally shrouded in darkness was purified and illuminated by the fire of the sun.

  The increase in divinity was also directly reflected on the house witch. There were some "cracks" on her body surface, and golden light and fire burst out from the cracks.

However, the black and red-bottomed judgment cloak of the big judge behind the house witch fluttered with the wind, and the cracks and flames gradually subsided as the fabric swayed, so that the newcomers who had just woken up from the previous shock were hurriedly catching up. The judges wondered if they were dazzled.

  But when everyone looked at the back of the striding forward, their moods changed subtly.

  In fact, most of the people didn't care about their attitudes towards this trip before, it was just because Mr. Clown had spoken, so I just listened to my boss and went with me.

  But now, their moods have suddenly undergone some changes that they don't know what to say.

Emmmmm, it's as if a ray of light suddenly appeared in front of people who are used to the darkness. Although they have never seen the light before and don't know what the light means, they somehow want to chase and follow the light. To see where the light will take them.

  In short, regarding the upcoming journey, all the new judges suddenly felt so much expectation that even they themselves could not understand.


   Just like that, half a month passed in the blink of an eye.

  Late at night, on the wasteland full of yellow sand, a small bonfire is the only light in the boundless darkness. Thirteen witches are sitting around the bonfire, doing their own things.

  Some are drawing pictures, some are wiping weapons, some are lying down and looking up at the starry sky, some are whispering to the people around them

However, in fact, almost everyone is secretly looking at the iron pot on top of the campfire. From the pot, there is a charming fragrance. Just smelling this smell, the greedy worms in the stomachs of all the witches are full of joy. has been hoisted.

   While maintaining the cooking spell on the pot, Dorothy was reading the last parchment report in her hand by the firelight.

  In the past half a month, she found those beasts one by one according to the report of the survey corps, and then made them all become fuelwood for the growing sun.

   In the process of searching for these beasts, she also witnessed the horrors of the old cities that were ravaged by the beasts.

  In her mind, she also had a new understanding of the cruelty of the doomsday, at least not the fluffy words she saw in the past reports, but a colder and crueler picture.

  The house witch turned her head to look at the witch beside her who was drawing.

   This is Skywalker, the vice president Yvette.

  The angelic witch who was almost sent to the torture department as an angel spy at the beginning has become her most loyal subordinate since she was rescued by Dorothy.

  Even during the break, the vice-chairman sat on her left before the others, which made Alice, who was sitting on her right, slightly dissatisfied.

  The little witch doesn't like this angel witch very much. One is that vampires naturally reject angels, and the other is that a fool can see that this angel witch has a wrong attitude towards her sister.

  Hmph, there are always some coquettish **** who want to **** my sister from me. Impossible, absolutely impossible. My sister should be guarded by me. An over-the-top guy like you must never approach my sister.

   As for this, the house witch was also very helpless, she flicked her finger angrily, and gave this jealous younger sister who was full of waste.

  Really, Alice, who do you think your sister is? Am I the kind of person who is easily seduced by beauty? I.

  Although Dorothy wanted to continue to say that she was not lecherous, she couldn't continue talking, and the figure data of the vice president naturally jumped out of her mind.

  Ahem, it’s not that she suddenly awakened to the superpower of visually measuring her body, although she does know this, but the body data of Miss Vice President does not require her to visually measure it, she has already measured it herself before.

  Bah, it's not a manual test, but when Yvette was suspected of being a spy, Dorothy gave her a physical examination, which was the kind of detailed examination that mentally scans the whole body.

   So even though Dorothy didn't want to know, something was stored in her Memory Palace after that inspection.

   It wasn't that she wanted to keep it, it was simply because she had a photographic memory.

  As for the figure of Miss Vice President, that's all I can say.

  Well, this angel witch may be more suitable for Fallen Heaven. Her figure is wronged by the angel, and there are few demons in **** who are more astringent than her. (See Spirit Bearer.)

  Anyway, if you mention the vice president of the student council in Witch Academia, everyone will basically have two impressions.

  One is the arrogant personality with a cold face that day, everyone seems to be owed her money.

  The other one is her inexplicably astringent figure that can wear the professional attire of the student union.

  That hip is really long, no, I mean that leg is really up.

  Ahem, why did my old habit of thinking wildly come up again? Sure enough, the absence of multiple thinking is troublesome.

  Before her thoughts gradually slipped, Dorothy stopped the fantasies in her head, and then she sighed in her heart, and when she looked at Yvette again, her eyes had become clear, and there was even some pity.

   Alas, it is too arrogant for outsiders to only think of the vice president as the lady, and look down on others, but she knows better.

  Yvette in the past might really have the arrogance of a simple angel and witch, and really looked down on other people, but now.

   Alas, Miss Vice President is already a poor homeless person. She copied her own home before, and her pair of scum mothers are still locked up in the torture department of the trial court.

  The current vice president's cold face is no longer arrogance, but bragging rights. After losing almost everything, she is now like a little milk cat, baring her teeth and intimidating anyone who approaches her, fearing that others will find her weakness.

  And she was too close to herself for the same reason. After losing everything, she had no one to rely on, so she, the benefactor who had saved her and given her kindness, became her spiritual support instead.

   This child is about to become his fanatic. If Dorothy turns on her angel halo now, the vice president must be at the top of the list of devout believers.

   Alas, poor man, please help if you can. If it can make her feel a little bit more secure, she can believe whatever she likes.

  The house witch thought so in her heart.

  She then looked at the half-painted painting on the drawing board in front of Yvette.

  The parents of the vice-chairman were able to become the leaders of the Son of the God-King sect, so their identities are naturally extraordinary.

  Even among the angels and witches, their family belongs to the absolute upper-class nobles, belonging to the second-tier nobles in the line of the pope, who is second only to the direct line of the god-king.

  Her family controls the chant lineage of the God King Church.

  As for what chant is, in layman's terms, it is a profession such as a church choir, or a shrine maiden, who is responsible for presiding over the worship of God by playing music, singing and dancing, etc. in important church ceremonies.

   It may not sound very powerful, but for religious sacrificial activities, it is a very important duty to present songs and dances to the gods. This is a position that can catch the eyes of the gods and may get the attention of the gods.

  The psalmists control the church's sacrificial function, so they are naturally high and powerful.

  Yvette is also a chant. She is good at singing hymns and praying dances to bless others.

   At the same time, she is also a good painter. After all, the religious paintings of churches sometimes require the chant to personally describe them.

  And the half-painted painting in front of Yvette now also has the taste of religious painting.

  The lower part of the screen is a hellish scene. There is a big snake entrenched in the city, and under the snake are countless bones and corpses.

  The top of the screen is also dark and closed, and the sun is not visible, so the overall style is very depressing.

  But in the center of the picture, the absolute visual focus is a witch in a black battle robe and a clown mask floating in the air, with her arms folded in front of her chest, looking at the big snake below with disdain.

  Afterwards, the dark cloud broke a big hole, it was because a huge rock gun fell from the sky, directly tore the dark cloud, and from behind the broken cloud hole, there was sunshine to the earth.

   This light shone on the witch like a searchlight on the stage, showing her absolute protagonist status.

  And on the top of the witch's head, the spear aimed at the mountain-like rock that the giant snake slowly fell showed its terrifying power.

  She is as powerful and dazzling as a savior.

   Well, anyway, how strong and handsome the protagonist is, so how to draw.

   "You paint me so that I don't even know myself, okay?"

  Dorothy looked at herself in this painting, and was also a little speechless.

  Although she did kill the national-level giant snake and disaster beast like this before, why didn't she know that she was so handsome back then?

   "My lord, this is how you looked to me at the time."

  Miss Vice President shook her head in disapproval. This is not a drawing, it is a record of seeking truth from facts.

   "The last time I cut off the bird with a single knife, but the painting where the mountains lost their heads was also a documentary, but I did my best and only cut off two mountain tops."

   Dorothy asked with a twitching corner of her mouth.

The thunderstorm birds and beasts that can only cause thunderstorms are really tricky, so she finally had to draw her sword and use Wuxiang to chop it down together with the birds and the wind, but she really only cut down two hills, so there are no mountains. Headless.

   "My lord, you also said that you have withdrawn your strength. If it is normal, it should indeed be what I drew."

  Yvette said so.

  Dorothy: "."

   Okay, the brain circuit of fanatics is really awesome, even if you are a "god" co-author, you can't say that you are not that great in front of you.

   "And last time your dragon breath blew out the tornado of the storm butterfly"

   "You planted a forest to suppress the red sand scorpion that caused the drought."

   It seemed that seeing her "god" noticed her paintings, Yvette, who was a little excited, took out several completed paintings and unfolded them one by one.

  “Of course, my favorite is this picture of the rising red sun”

   "In short, Mr. Clown, you will save the world, I have no doubts about it."

   "All right, all right."

Seeing that the fanatic lady became more and more exaggerated, she felt as if her face was flushed under the mask of the house witch who had been publicly executed, she quickly interrupted Yvette, and then showed the last one in her hand. A piece of parchment.

"I actually just wanted to ask how that Meredith is doing. Do you still have contact with her? I remember she was stationed in Longshan City. Ask her how things are going. Do we need to drive overnight? past."

  Dorothy said so.

Right now, she only has the last Calamity Beast report left in her hand, and this Calamity Beast is also the strongest Calamity Beast in the Sorcerous Republic, and it may be the second most powerful Calamity Beast after Leviathan among all Calamity Beasts. Beast - dragon tortoise on a negative mountain.

   This is a very special calamity beast, because it does not trigger various natural disasters such as drought, earthquake, and famine as soon as it appears like other calamity beasts.

  The negative mountain dragon tortoise will not cause natural disasters, because it is itself a natural disaster.

   This thing is just like its name, it is a huge dragon turtle that can carry mountains on its back.

  It is so big that it doesn't need any other natural disasters. If it takes two steps casually, it will cause an earthquake, if it takes a deep breath, it will be a storm, and if it steps down, it will be more terrifying than any meteorite.

   And this is also the target of everyone's next crusade.

Over the past half month, Dorothy has accumulated a lot of inspiration from what she has seen and heard along the way. She has a hunch that as long as this dragon turtle is defeated, she should be able to think about it with the soul gun. Out.

  So, she attaches great importance to the information of the next dragon tortoise. The only thing that makes her feel a little troublesome is that it is different from the uninhabited wilderness where other disaster beasts are.

   This dragon tortoise is near Longshan City, the surviving giant city of the Sorcerous Republic.

  There has been a stalemate between this terrifying beast and the giant city for several months, and now Dorothy needs to find someone to ask how the battle is going over there.

   "Oh, that's it, I'll ask."

  Yvette is in contact

  (end of this chapter)

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