MTL - House Witch-Chapter 548 547. Iron-boned

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  Chapter 548 Chapter 547. Iron bones

  Longshan City is a city located on the border of the Sorcerous Republic. Although it is remote, it is not backward. On the contrary, it was one of the largest cities in the Sorcerous Republic.

  Because the surrounding ore energy reserves are excellent, this was once the industrial city of the Sorcerer Republic, and it also has the reputation of the city of wealth.

   Even in the current doomsday environment, this powerful city has not been destroyed by the beasts, and it has become a doomsday fortress city similar to the capital Pandora.

Even thanks to the strong and complete industrial foundation in the city, Longshan City has lived more comfortably than Pandora City in the past few years. There are incomparably tall city walls rising from the ground, these hundreds of meters high , the tens of meters thick city wall makes people feel full of security, and the various infrastructures in the city are very complete, which are much better than the simple temporary resettlement houses like the tombstones in the satellite city of Pandora.

   It's a pity that this is the end of the world after all, and it is impossible for you to live comfortably and nourished all the time. The prosperity of this fortress city has finally attracted the enemy.

   "Lord Meredith, do we really have any hope of winning?"

   "That's right, that's right, the mountain dragon tortoise is really big and outrageous, and the weapons of these mortals in the city really can't do any effective damage to it."

   "Yes, my lord, I think we should call for help."

   "It's too late to ask for help, why don't we take people to retreat."

On the towering city wall of Longshan City, several angel witches with red wings on their backs were using their spells to look at the huge disaster beast that was slowly but firmly moving towards this side in the distance, and then several angel witches with only four wings looked back, Then he exhorted the eight-winged angel and witch who was the leader.

  But Meredith's face was a little gloomy.

   "Shut up, have you forgotten the glory of us who bear the holy blood? Are you worthy of the red wings behind you, and the expectations of the king of God?"

   She reprimanded the subordinates and sisters around her with a dark face.


"Come on, Meredith, you're still obsessed with your playing house at this time, everyone's good sisters for many years, it's fine to play with you usually, I hope you Be normal."

   "Return the red wings, the red wings are a status symbol only in the lineage of the pope. You forgot that our red wings are just dyed."

"Okay, Xiaomei, I know you are asking for help because of the embarrassment of the Prime Minister, but this disaster beast is not something we should be ashamed of. Once Longshan City falls, the hundreds of millions of mortals in this city will not be able to escape. If it is lost, then the God King will truly punish us."

Originally, they were very respectful to Meredith before, but the angels and witches, who were one adult at a time, suddenly turned against each other. Someone even directly grabbed a hair from Miss Seraph's wing, which made this member of the Sisters of the Holy Blood Society The adult bared his teeth subconsciously in pain.

   But looking at the feathers on the little sister's hands that were red on the surface but faintly white at the base, she fell silent.

  The red wings are a status symbol within the God King Sect, because the wings of the God King are twelve red wings that burn like flames.

However, angels and witches generally use normal angels as their evolutionary templates, and what they possess are naturally the most common white wings of angels, and only the Pope who is the head of the academy or the former saint Phoenix has such a body flowing in his body. Only the true direct descendant of the blood of the **** king may be born with those red wings like raging flames.

   Fortunately, the authority of the God-King Sect has been declining these years, and they are no longer covering the sky with one hand as before. Otherwise, the behavior of the few of them dyeing their wings red will be enough for the sect's Heresy Inquisition to invite them to drink tea.

   But even so, Meredith’s approach is a bit deviant in the eyes of more traditional angel witches. Others look at them as if they saw a non-mainstream bad girl.

Of course, Meredith has never cared much about other people's opinions. She just thinks she is cool like this. Besides, she is not alone. She has always had such a group of good sisters who are willing to play around with her. Meredith has always kept this in mind.

   But it is clear that this time the sisters are not as supportive as they used to be.

After all, the Sisters of the Holy Blood Society can become one of the top ten societies in the academy, even if it is the bottom one, it still cannot be underestimated. These bad angels and witches did not rely on their clan connections. Their current rankings are all based on their sisters. They punched and kicked out.

   Therefore, they are naturally not brainless fools. Even though Meredith, the leader, is sometimes easy to get on top of, the other sisters will try to persuade her not to be impulsive.

   Now, Meredith's external defense system is obviously working again.

Well, in fact, she also knows that what the sisters said is right, the dragon tortoise that bears the mountain is far from being able to stop them with a few witches, it is a rational decision to ask for help or retreat now, but this is what the God King told me. The mission, I should complete it no matter what.

After the president's meeting that day, after being severely humiliated by the eldest lady as a chicken to make an example to others, Meredith was annoyed, but she didn't try to humiliate herself anymore, and she had more important things to do. To do it, is to find Lord God King, and then serve her.

As a fanatic of the God King, it has been Meredith's lifelong pursuit to see her own **** with her own eyes and then serve him. My lord hasn't shown up for a long time. It's not easy for even Jian Feng or even a sage to see the Lord God King, let alone a witch student like her who hasn't graduated yet.

  But this Witch's Night gave her a chance. When she learned that the background of this Witch's Night was the battle of the rise of the God-King, her ecstasy could not be described in words.

  If you want to ask what makes her more happy than a fanatic who has the opportunity to meet the **** she serves, it is undoubtedly that she has the opportunity to witness the rise of her own god.

  At that time, Meredith had already thought up the script. She would find the still weak God King, and then accompany him as a loyal guard until the end of this witch's night.

  However, the gap between reality and her ideal is too great, she is not even qualified to participate in the first act of Witch Night, and naturally she has no chance to get acquainted with Lord God King.

What made her even more mad was that her script seemed to be taken away by others, and other witches could easily do things that she couldn't do, and even some things that she couldn't even imagine that witch did. .

   "Damn young lady, how did she become the younger sister of the King of God? How dare she?"

Whenever she thinks of this, Meredith is so envious that her face is beyond recognition. The limit of her imagination is to be the guard of a god-king lord. As for further plans, she dare not even think about it, lest she Blasphemed the supreme **** in his heart.

  However, it’s still the same sentence, how dare the eldest lady, how can she be able to call herself the younger sister of the king of the gods, and she doesn’t see if she is worthy.

  What is her identity? What is the identity of the God King? She is not afraid of God's punishment for such a presumptuous move.

   What made Meredith even more painful was that after she went through all kinds of hardships and finally met the Lord God King in the humble little church in Pandora City, the Lord God King was very polite and friendly to her at first.

But when she uprightly adhered to the principle of the Sister of the Holy Blood that there is no secret, ignored the last warning given to her by the eldest lady, and directly claimed that hateful eldest lady as the younger sister of the Lord God King, everything changed .

   "Dorothy was originally my sister. This is always true, whether it is now, in the past, or in the future. Do you have any opinion on this? Or are you teaching me how to do things?"

  The God King, who was originally amiable like a shepherdess village girl that can be seen everywhere, frowned slightly, and her temperament suddenly changed from a village girl to a majestic, powerful and domineering person like the incarnation of heaven.

  Under the coercion that was like a collapse of the sky, Meredith opened her mouth wide, but couldn't say a word.

  At this moment, she realized what a true God is. In the past, she wishfully thought that as long as she had a devout faith in the God King, she would eventually be able to move the gods, but now she knows.

  The Lord doesn't care, her beliefs and even her existence are irrelevant to the God King.

   She is nothing.

   And then, and then she was sent to Longshan City on the border of the Republic by God King, and she was out of sight.

   Well, good news, her dream has come true, she did meet the Lord God King and got the chance to do things for him.

  The bad news is that the gods are not as beautiful as she imagined. Even until now, whenever she thinks of the terrifying pressure on her when the Lord God King frowned, she still trembles uncontrollably.

  However, it wasn't the trembling of fear, but the trembling of excitement.

   That feeling is really great, that's right. It was because I was a small person before. It would be wrong if someone who is as great as a **** king needs to care about other people’s beliefs. The true **** should be so random and capricious. Human nature should not be used to speculate on divinity.

   Meredith blushed a little as she thought about it.

  Well, anyway, her belief in the God King has become more devout.

And guarding Longshan City is also a task given to her by the Lord God King. She wants to complete this task no matter what. Do whatever it takes.

   Gee, **** it,

  Meredith curled her lips when she thought of the young lady who was now the Prime Minister of the Republic and could work with God King every day.

  Hmph, it's just a dream, I'm not envious or jealous at all.

   "All right, all right, if you ask for help, you can ask the head office for help, and don't underestimate me, I will ask for it myself, so I don't need you to pass it on to me."

  Looking at the good sisters in front of her who opposed her insistence on going her own way, Meredith spat unhappily.

  Hmph, don't think that I don't know what you guys are thinking, I have seen the portrait and notebook of the young lady secretly hidden in your room.

  Damn, a group of plastic sisters who forget their friends.

  Seeing these sisters who grew up together with her body beside her, but their hearts followed the young lady, Meredith felt even more aggrieved.

  But when she turned her head to look at the lights of thousands of houses in the huge city behind her, she finally sighed and took out her magic net terminal.

After all, she is still a young man. Even though she was born in a cold-blooded place like the Kingdom of Angels, she has a rebellious personality since she was a child. .

  Although it is a bit shy to say this, she actually likes this city and the people in it.

  However, when Meredith finally made up her mind to dial a certain number, the terminal in her hand remembered first.


   Startled, Meredith caught the terminal in a hurry, then looked at the caller ID,

   "Yvette? What does this traitor want me for?"

  Miss Bad Angel was a little puzzled. She had nothing to do with the vice president in the past, but after much hesitation, she still connected the phone.

  So, a small projection popped up on the small terminal, which showed a picture of thirteen trial court witches sitting around the bonfire on the opposite side.

  Uh, isn’t this the Thirteen Inquisitors who are very popular in the Mowang live broadcast during this period?

  Seeing this scene, Meredith was a little surprised, but then she suddenly reacted,

  Wait, that means Yvette is one of the thirteen judges?

   It's just that when she just thought of this, a force seemed to want to reverse her perception and make her forget this fact, but Meredith frowned.

   "Climb, don't try to tamper with my consciousness."

  The pious power of faith formed a shelter in her mind, resisting the tampering of that power.

   But this also made the judge wearing a clown mask by the campfire in the projection look up, and looked towards her in surprise.

   Upon seeing the clown mask, Meredith panicked for no reason.

  From the difference in the style of battle robes worn by this judge and the others, she recognized that this was a Grand Judge, and the Grand Judge who brought someone to copy the home of the God King Cathedral not long ago was this person.

  But the bad angel has always been strong, she won’t lose if she loses.

   "What are you looking at?"

   She poked her head and asked.

   "Look at you."

  Dorothy replied subconsciously, but she coughed twice and then changed her words.

   "Ahem. I mean we are still short of the last hunting target, and the dragon tortoise on the mountain is a good choice, so do you want help?"


   Meredith's answer was also short and powerful.

  The bad winged angel is fighting hard.

   It has dropped a little bit, and now it is only 38 degrees, but I still have a sore throat and weak body.



  (end of this chapter)

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